The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 21


Chu Xiaoyi didn't dare to flip through his Weibo anymore, so he gathered up the courage to open the first issue of "Our Family", and decided to see the finished products of Director Li and others. As soon as he put up his iPad, he found that the rest of the team had secretly gathered behind him, and he couldn't help but wonder, "Why are you surrounding me?"

Assistant: "Let's take a look together, is it okay anyway?"

Chu Xiaoyi was both angry and funny: "I watch my variety show with others? Should I be ashamed?" Is this a public execution

He Xin: "Let's not talk about things that don't exist in the first place, okay? You don't have them, so why don't you want them?"

Chu Xiaoyi was so angry that he wanted to kick the agent. When the assistant saw that the feature film was about to start, he said with great interest, "Do you want to open the barrage? The effect of eating is different!"

The rest of the team has obviously seen the feature film, and is now rewatching it with relish, and can also provide an afterthought. Chu Xiaoyi was a little tangled. He estimated that there would be black comments in the barrage, which would easily affect the mood of the first viewing, but it was a bit of a waste of time for him to watch it twice, so he finally clicked on the barrage.

The cartoon's variety show jumped out, and after the lively title, the personal interview with Chu Xiaoyi was cut. In the interview, he mentioned that he has just had a sister in recent years, but he still doesn't know how to get along with her. He also hopes to find a new way to communicate with his family through the program.

The barrage is full of "anecdote", Chu Xiaoyi is no stranger to it, but after the introduction of Chu Xiaoyi's family, the style of the barrage has changed dramatically, and the dazzling pink barrage is covered with Screen.

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned: "What is this? It's so dazzling?"

On the screen, Chu Xiaoxiao's personal information and life video popped up, and the film crew briefly introduced her age, hobbies, specialties, etc., and her specialties were actually "human-shaped translator, Peppa Pig 10th-level scholar"

—Hello everyone, my name is Peppa Pig (Xiao Xiao)!

Immediately afterwards, the footage of Chu Xiaoyi sleeping with his head down on the bed was exposed. He was leaning on the bed without any image, and his ankles were still exposed outside the quilt.

—This is my brother George (Xiao Yi).

—Sleep until noon, the behavior of the younger brother, the younger brother of Chu Xiaoyi is hammered!

Chu Xiaoxiao directly climbed onto the bed, rode on Chu Xiaoyi, and began to frantically press his face with his small hands, trying to wake up his brother who had fallen into a coma.

— The sound of my stomach growling is one of nature’s most beautiful sounds, which means it’s time to eat.

—Xiao Xiao’s Secret Skill: Give me back my Piao Piao Fist!

- Shouldn't he have been lethargic and slept for three days

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the strange pink barrage, and hesitantly said: "...This is the "Peppa Pig" version of the barrage?" Why does he think the lines of the pink barrage are so familiar? Is it still bilingual

The assistant nodded frantically: "Yeah, isn't it cute? It fits your family very well. Netizens are really smart!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." Lovely you big head! How did I become brother George? Is this gradually pink pig

In the show, Chu Xiaoyi was ridiculed for three consecutive times. First, he couldn't practice English with his sister's family, then he used the wrong cutting board to cut vegetables, and then he didn't know how to turn on the range hood first. In the picture, Chu Xiaoxiao's small face is wrinkled into a ball, like an old man looking at a mobile phone emoji in the subway, her expression in the corner is extremely subtle, showing disgust, anxiety and anxiety.

Chu Xiaoyi was twisting the gas stove: "What do you mean? Is there any gas at home?"

Suddenly there were happy voices in the barrage, frantically swiping "Fine", "Why don't you ask the magical conch", "Family bioweapon manufacturing scene", "Please look back now, your sister. I'm going to be frightened by you." Wait.

After Chu Xiaoyi brought the dark fried pork slices to the table, he showed his amazing acting skills and rolled around, coaxing his sister into eating terrible dishes, and finally brought the barrage atmosphere to a climax!

This is Chu Xiaoyi!

He speaks straight in front of the public, and puts on an indifferent and straight face when he has nothing to do, but now he actually begs and acts like a spoiled brat to a three-and-a-half-year-old girl!

—Chu Xiaoyi, you have a bright future, but you can do your best at home, and attack hard outside

- The expressions of my sister looking at the vegetables and my brother are like my cat watching me shoveling shit, every day she is afraid of me stealing shit and eating it.

—Don’t say Chu Xiaoyi is a straight man, it’s just that it’s not you who warms the straight man [doge]

- Shame on straight men, straight men will not lie to you to eat failed chemical experiments.

- Xiao Xiao: I am a mature and stable adult. Xiao Yi: Who is not a baby yet

Chu Xiaoyi's performance on the show has made the public have an amazing reversal of him. This person has his own way and is rude when he is outside. He has to say a few words when he has a temper. Everyone thought that he was the arrogant young master at home, who would have thought that he would be as humble as other people with children, especially when he saw his sister jumping into a puddle, he broke down!

He was so angry that his face turned red, and he roared incompetently and furiously at the edge of the puddle, but Chu Xiaoxiao was still singing wantonly in the middle of the water, making countless audiences laugh.

- Let her sing, let her dance! You can also taste the sense of collapse when we listen to your songs!

- Xiao Xiao quoted his brother's famous words at this time: I am a singing and dancing singer, and I will not give up my music dream for other careers.

- You think Aidou is a fairy in the sky, but in fact he is a mortal who brushes raincoats, not only brushing but also complaining [doge]

- This year's George is really not good enough to dance with Peggy. Chu Xiaoyi, are you embarrassed to say that you sing and dance? You don't sing and dance now, the actor's line is really hammered!

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

Chu Xiaoyi: The quality of the audience this year is not good, just watch my sister harass me, and use her to humiliate my music dream!

Chu Xiaoyi actually saw a lot of scenes that he had never seen before. He finally knew why Xiaoxiao had to leave the camera behind. The directors actually used the camera to chat with her, and they even complained about themselves in private. Chu Xiaoxiao named the camera "Xiao Hei", and the program team even launched a "Xiao Hei perspective" straight shot, and the traffic was not low at all.

When Chu Xiaoyi was cooking in the kitchen, Chu Xiaoxiao and Xiaohei learned foreign languages, chatted, and watched cartoons together. She also forced Xiaohei to study with herself. Chu Xiaoxiao put the iPad in front of the camera and said seriously, "Xiao Hei, let's look at this sentence together."

The camera raised its head slightly, trying to shoot something else, but Chu Xiaoxiao forced the camera back. She said solemnly: "You can't get distracted in class. Although you can't speak, you can learn to read and comprehend!"

Xiao Hei: "..." Please let me go, I'm just a camera

The camera shook its head, saying it couldn't.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "You can do it, I said it just now! You answer the question by nodding your head. If you choose A, click once, if you choose B, click twice, and so on to answer..."

The camera finally breaks down, looking at the iPad with difficulty, falling into a long silence. In the lower right corner of the screen, colorful flower characters suddenly popped out, and the content was "Backstage camera: Please let me go, I haven't passed the TAT in the sixth grade of university".

— After the recording, the cameraman passed the sixth grade naked test, and others asked him what his tricks were? He patted his chest proudly: You can come to "Our Family for Generations" to be the cameraman!

- Don't delay the camera entrance exam! Tonight we are all little blacks stationed in the living room!

—Mr. Xiao Xiao, I have already learned this question. Let’s look at the next question. Can we offer an online course

Chu Xiaoxiao's Xiaohei classroom is rich in content, not only various foreign language courses, but also couch jumping physical education classes, interspersed with cartoons and inter-class complaints. This is a very interesting camera position, Chu Xiaoxiao often speaks to the camera, giving the audience the illusion of being face-to-face with her.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked distressed: "Brother also said that after taking me, he doesn't even want children? Does he think he can find a wife?"

"It was said on TV that there are now 30 million single men. He is poor and stupid, can't speak foreign languages, and can't even do housework well. How can he surpass these 30 million people? Does he think everyone else is a fool who is easy to deceive? She propped her chin sadly, as if she was worried about Chu Xiaoyi's future and thought he was too naive.

The camera also nodded in agreement, almost making Chu Xiaoyi half-dead with anger. What's even more terrifying is that countless netizens really began to help Chu Xiaoxiao worry about his brother's marriage.

—You call me sister-in-law now, I am willing to jump into a fire pit and be a fool! From now on, I will be your friend of mud pit dance!

—Xiao Xiao, I’m not greedy for your brother, the main reason is that I really like you [doge] For you, I’m willing to be deceived!

- I don't think I can black cxy any more in the future, his sister is more transparent and more black than me, I don't deserve to continue to mix [hold fist]

—The popular traffic online solicitation for marriage is the first person in the entertainment industry!

—Children, do you have any misunderstandings about poverty

- Wearing ripped jeans in the winter, not wearing socks at the airport and leaking ankles, nothing in the clothes has holes, making music and throwing millions of dollars into it, it is indeed poverty plus extravagance and waste [doge]

- If you only look at Chu Xiaoyi's own conditions, it is really only his face and income, but with family bonuses, it is completely different. The parents are Kochi, the younger sister is talented, the family is wealthy, and the capital is Jinghu. Is this a potential stock

- I used to be really annoying cxy, but after I checked the real estate in the community, I chose to forgive him. I can [OK] hope that his music dream will be shattered as soon as possible, and he will go back to inherit the family property as soon as possible

Chu Xiaoyi: I thank the whole family of netizens this year! Don't worry about my marriage and music dreams!

Chu Xiaoyi never thought that the little thing would speak ill of himself in private, but also attracted many netizens to worry about choosing a mate. He simply sent a message to Chu Xiaoxiao and asked, "Chu Xiaoxiao, who told you that I couldn't find a wife? Who told you that I was poor and stupid!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao responded quickly this time, and she also sent a voice: "Isn't it?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Your brother, I am rich and rich, don't smear me on the show!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Do you have a room?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "No."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Do you have a car?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "...No."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Do you have a college degree?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Well, no, but I..."

Before Chu Xiaoyi could finish speaking, she realized that she had sent a voice one step ahead of herself.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Oh."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." He thinks that "ha" and "fine" are similar in purpose

At home, Chu Xiaoxiao put down the iPad boringly, too lazy to listen to the reply from the cheap brother. She felt that he still didn't understand the cruelty of the real world. She used to occasionally watch some strange emotional programs with her uncle and auntie. They were all about the troubles of young couples getting married or seeking marriage and making friends, and the elders had to be thoughtful. Discuss intensely and express opinions earnestly.

It is estimated that Chu Xiaoyi's conditions will be turned off in the first round. Where does he feel confident that he is good

"The Generations of Our Family" is a family-style variety show, with a very wide audience of age groups, instantly opening up Chu Xiaoyi's nationality. Countless uncles, aunts, grandparents and grandparents also began to know Chu Xiaoyi, and they knew that his younger sister Chu Xiaoxiao's worries about her brother even radiated to the older actors of the crew.

Chu Xiaoyi went to the script reading meeting, but was solemnly held by the senior actor. The grandma-level actor said earnestly: "Xiao Yi, don't panic, in fact, your conditions are okay, you know that you are in a hurry now, some young people always say that they don't fall in love and don't get married. what… "

"I'll help you pay attention. When the young people meet, there will always be success! I'll help you think about it! Don't be afraid of Xiao Xiao!"

Chu Xiaoyi held the senior's hand in a complicated mood, and said hurriedly: "Thank you, thank you, but I'm really not in a hurry..."

"Well, I understand, I understand! Xiao Xiao said it all on the show! Don't be embarrassed!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." What did you learn from the show

Chu Xiaoyi felt the popularity of the national-level, and also felt the strength of the national-level blind date to urge marriage.