The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 22


Chu Xiaoyi did not expect that one day he would become the elder brother of the nation, and he was even asked for marriage by his sister on the show. He wished that the people of the whole country would become his seven aunts and eight aunts. The pain he lost during the Spring Festival for five years has now been retrieved at one time, and everyone is suddenly very concerned about his marriage, which makes him deeply suffocated.

Chu Xiaoyi actually received the caring news from Director Chen, and couldn't help but wonder: "Am I not a traffic idol? Now dating will cause a decline in career, don't others understand?"

Chu Xiaoyi: I think you are all scoundrels and thieves, don't want to spoil my plans!

Of course Chu Xiaoyi's fans know that he can't fall in love, so they enjoy the bad taste of his tragic ridicule, and they inevitably fan the flames and call themselves "Chu Xiaoxiao's sister-in-law". The funny thing is that passers-by take it seriously, especially the elders who don't like to surf the Internet, and they ask about Chu Xiaoyi's condition from time to time.

Did Chu Xiaoyi go on a blind date today: My dad just suddenly asked me: Has the star named Chu Xiaoyi found a match? Me: Not yet. He actually shook his head regretfully: I fell in love with your mother in three days, but he still can't do it, look at his sister in a hurry! [laughing] No, I'm going to be teased to death by my dad

I'm Xiao Hei: I read two or three Heizi's comments to my family, "Chu Xiaoyi has a low education and he goes back to the variety show", my grandma became so angry after hearing this, "What's wrong with a low education? People with a low education are not allowed to go on a blind date on a show. I have to be like you guys and not be in a hurry every day.” My grandmother is now busy helping Chu Xiaoyi to fight against gangsters offline. Whoever dares to say that he is not good will be in a hurry [doge]

Before Chu Xiaoyi went to the show, he was indeed ridiculed by Heizi on the Internet. After all, he couldn't talk about variety shows back then, but now it's a fragrant routine to slap his face in the face, and he inevitably encounters sour words. However, the sunspots have stopped hacking him now. The reason is that Chu Xiaoxiao said so much on the show that no one could find a starting point!

Chu Xiaoyi's younger sister personally certified that her brother was "poor and stupid, can't speak foreign languages and can't do housework", where else can outsiders start? This is like a stock, it has already dropped directly, how else can it go down

The sunspots continued to slander and slander Chu Xiao Yi, even making passers-by invisible. The young man's own conditions are already so bad, and he is still chasing other people's faults every day. Do you really want to force people to death

Chu Xiaoyi never thought that one day he would be whitewashed by his own badness, because of his bad image in the eyes of his sister, now everyone pity and comfort him, for fear that he will not be able to think about it (?).

Even if he faced reporters' remarks on blind date and marriage, he no longer has any deterrent force. Now everyone knows that he is naive in nature, but he just likes to attack with aloof appearance.

After the second episode of "Our Family" was broadcast, Chu Xiaoyi was even more naive, because Chu Xiaoxiao was too strong in kindergarten. In the program, the production team also thoughtfully marked the flower character in front of the kindergarten clip, "This is a precious clip that was severely censored, and all the staff worked hard for this."

The countless luxury cars at the gate of the international kindergarten, the parents and children who frequently greeted Chu Xiaoxiao, and the crowd of brothers and sisters swarming like the sea, all made the audience feel novel and interesting.

In the picture, Chu Xiaoyi leads his sister in the kindergarten. There are countless cute cartoon animals around them. Some parents and children's faces are covered so tightly that they thought they were Disney live-action animations. Chu Xiaoxiao was quite calm in the crowd and greeted his classmates freely, but Chu Xiaoyi seemed quite flustered and seemed dazed.

- Is this a kindergarten or a zoo

—Chu Xiaoxiao, the top class in kindergarten, from then on, the novel "Three-year-old Secret Service Princess" appeared in my heart [doge]

- Please Xiao Xiao brother walk independently, don't touch porcelain, our kindergarten sister [OK]

—The little animals (?) in the show are better dressed than me _(:з)∠)_

Mother Annie and others are willing to appear in the show, and naturally they will not be covered by cartoon avatars. She also has her own character label. The largest four characters are Annie's mother, and the following small characters are a simple identity introduction. Because the broadcast of "Our Family Generations" also has a schedule, so Chu Xiaoyi has announced to the brand official at this time, and smart people immediately see the clues!

- I thought it was my problem to find a job, but now I kicked my brother in anger (?)

- I just said why the official announcement of the brand came so suddenly, brother Xiao Xiao, are you embarrassed to suck blood, sister?

- Xiaosheng with traffic in the same period: Dad, Mom, I don't want to work hard, I beg you to have a second child! You look at other people CXY, you have to think about me!

—Children’s social interaction is really effective, it reminds me of my dad’s work as a group leader back then. As long as you master the parent group, you will master the lifeline of the world economy of the local county, the province, and the world.

-Refuse to tie up and focus on cubs. Please CXY don't jump over the grade and touch porcelain, and stick to the popular little flower in kindergarten. Please also pay more attention to Chu Xiaoxiao's work "Little Black Foreign Language Classroom" [cute]

If the previous clips were all joking and laughing, then Chu Xiaoxiao's speech on the podium shocked everyone and really made the audience realize what a "human translator" is. Everyone was jokingly teasing Chu Xiaoyi on the show just now that he doesn't know foreign languages.

In the picture, the cute little girl like a glutinous rice ball is dressed in a formal robe, and she speaks on the stage in a serious manner, her eyes are bright and innocent. The program team also divided the six foreign languages into six screens, and directly spread the correspondence on the screen, all of which were native-language fluent.

The audience began to laugh at Chu Xiaoyi, but it didn't take long for the smile to fade away, realizing that he was also illiterate? If they don't watch the subtitles of the program group, they have absolutely no idea what Chu Xiaoxiao is talking about

- I lost the qualification to laugh at brother Xiao Xiao, it turns out that I don't understand foreign languages like him [kneeling]

— "Three-year-old agent princess" is a real hammer, definitely a reborn agent who is proficient in more than a dozen foreign languages [OK]

-Is it taken from your back? Is it common for children to memorize manuscripts

—I’m sorry, I’m a Russian major, and I need to practice if I can recite the pronunciation of the manuscript. I feel ashamed to study after reading it. You never know how old the peers are.

—Actually, I wanted to say earlier, don’t you think that Xiao Xiao’s language organization and logical thinking ability are far superior to those of his peers, as if he belongs to the category of genius

After the broadcast of "Our Family", Chu Xiaoyi was infected with anxiety in kindergarten and communicated with his parents after returning home, which made the audience feel real, warm and empathetic, and they liked this show more and more. Of course, there are still many people who are obsessed with discussing whether Chu Xiaoxiao is a child prodigy or not, and even divided into two groups of intense discussions.

The child prodigy thinks that her learning ability is extremely strong and her intelligence is far beyond ordinary people, and she is definitely not an ordinary child; the non-children think she is just a little smart, and they start to take the example of friends and children around them, saying that it is not a big thing for today's children to know two foreign languages. .

- I ask you to see clearly, is that only two foreign languages? Is that six native language levels? You know how hard it is for adults to learn that standard!

—Okay, everyone, stop arguing, you can’t wake up some of the audience who pretend to be asleep, they probably think their own children can be so awesome, and can’t wait to help them grow [OK]

- I hope some parents will not be too harsh on their children, Xiao Xiao is indeed smart and cute, but she is also living a happy life. I beg some people not to look forward to becoming a dragon, and pay attention to whether their children are happy or not!

The ups and downs and the controversy on the Internet have no effect on Chu Xiaoxiao. She now shakes hands with Teacher Mei and reconciles. She studies and lives happily in the kindergarten every day, and is not affected by the broadcast at all. If Chu Xiaoyi doesn't go home again, she may forget her cheap brother, who made the school so happy.

Of course, some children in kindergarten watched the show with their parents and naturally learned some words.

The mixed-race little girl Annie climbed on the chair, her slightly yellow curly hair hanging down on the side of her face, and asked curiously, "Xiao Xiao, are you a child prodigy?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and replied, "No."

Annie: "But my mom said a lot of people are talking about whether you're a child prodigy?"

After mother Annie watched the show, she realized that Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to be a little special. Because Xiao Bi only communicated with the school in private and did not publicize it, many parents did not know the truth. The prodigies on the Internet are well-founded, and they also come up with various documents for reference, which makes people feel extraordinarily real.

Chu Xiaoxiao tilted his head and said seriously: "If they say I am, I am not, they say I am not. It's fine for them to be happy. Anyway, I am Chu Xiaoxiao."

Chu Xiaoxiao is an especially thoughtful child. She has never cared about the evaluation of outsiders and has her own thinking system. This is also the reason why Teacher Mei didn't teach her well at first. Chu Xiaoxiao did not respond strongly to external stimuli such as praise and punishment. If she didn't care about you, she would treat you as air.

The comments of netizens belong to the air to her, and she doesn't think "being a prodigy" is very important. Her name is Chu Xiaoxiao, not a child prodigy.

Annie blinked. She didn't understand such a long sentence, but she was distracted by Chu Xiaoxiao's words and laughed excitedly: "Yes, I'm Annie anyway!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was infected by her and cheered up: "I'm not a child prodigy, I'm Peppa Pig!"

Annie: "Then I'm Suzy the Sheep!"

The two children instantly forgot the topic just now, and began to play the role-playing game again, leaving the show behind.

Chu Xiaoxiao's range of activities is quite limited, basically concentrated in kindergartens and communities, and it is easy to not leave the hospital. Her life was not affected by the show's fire, and she still played with Yang Yin as usual. Yang Yin usually studies in the next province. She only comes here on weekends and holidays. She doesn't watch variety shows.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin often pick up express cartons and empty bottles in their spare time, and then collect them and sell them for money. Some of the money is used to buy some extracurricular books, and some of the money is donated to the community to buy food for stray cats. , sterilization, so there will be a lot of surplus.

The garbage classification in the community is very clean. The owners basically pile the express cartons on one side, and the two only need to flatten them and take them away. Yang Yin is a child from the countryside, and she works quite neatly. Chu Xiaoxiao only needs to fight by the side. She can't do much when she is young, and she feels most of the time.

The two were talking and laughing at work as usual, when suddenly a loud shout came from not far away.

"Chu Xiaoxiao, what are you doing!?"

When Chu Xiaoyi walked through the community, he found that his sister was picking up rubbish next to the trash can, and a string in his mind suddenly broke, no less than watching her jump into a mud pit on a rainy day. With an angry look on his face, he strode over and said hysterically, "Come home with me!"

Chu Xiaoyi has a slight obsession with cleanliness. In his mind, "trash can = breeding ground for bacteria", Chu Xiaoxiao is completely challenging his bottom line!

Chu Xiaoxiao also didn't expect her brother to appear suddenly, her face was dazed: "Why are you here?"

"Xiao Xiao..." Yang Yin looked at Chu Xiaoyi at a loss, she had never seen this person at all, and she couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

Chu Xiaoxiao explained: "This is my brother, don't worry about him."

The little girl nimbly avoided her brother's vain attempt to grab people's hands, and jumped in dissatisfaction: "Just go home first, I'll go back after a while!"

Chu Xiaoxiao still wanted to play with Yang Yin for a while. After all, sister Yang Yin was going to go back to school on Monday, and she would have to wait another week to meet each other, but the cheap brother lived at home when he was recording the show, so he could easily see it every day.

Seeing that she did not repent, Chu Xiaoyi said angrily, "Go home now and wash your hands with me!"

Yang Yin was still bundling cardboard boxes. She looked at the two brothers and sisters who were in a stalemate, and whispered to persuade: "Xiao Xiao, you and your brother go back first..."

Yang Yin was a precocious and sensitive girl. She saw that Chu Xiaoyi was quite angry and didn't want the two to quarrel here. Although Chu Xiaoyi's dissatisfied eyes pierced her into a little panic, she didn't care about these details at this time, she just hoped that Chu Xiaoxiao wouldn't be angry with her family.

Chu Xiaoyi's words had no effect on Chu Xiaoxiao, but Yang Yin's words did stop Xiaoxiao's temper. Chu Xiaoxiao reluctantly followed her brother away. She seemed quite unhappy along the way, and even the small steps she took were full of anger. Chu Xiaoyi didn't look at Yang Yin the whole time, as if he just wanted to take Chu Xiaoxiao away.

Yang Yin watched the two brothers and sisters leave. She still liked Chu Xiaoxiao in her heart, but she still felt a touch of sadness. She could understand Chu Xiaoyi's anger. The other party thought she was leading Chu Xiaoxiao to do dirty things. His words revealed resistance and rejection, and he didn't even want to look at her.

Yang Yin had met Xiao Xiao's parents. Their clothes were simple and low-key, and occasionally they would greet her kindly on the road, so that she forgot many details. Chu Xiaoxiao is actually completely different from her family. Xiao Xiao's family lives in Yurongtai Community, but her father is only a security guard in the community.

Chu Xiaoyi is also completely different from the older brother in Yang Yin's impression. He is handsome, tall and straight, wears clean clothes that fit neatly, and shows the dignity brought by a superior family background. He looks like a fairy, but he doesn't allow his sister to stick a little ash on his hands, otherwise he will be angry.

Yang Yin suddenly realized that it turned out that not all the brothers in the world were the same as hers, and the difference could be that big. She looked down at her rough fingers and washed white shoes. Just now, she wanted to explain that she took Xiao Xiao to wash her hands every time, but now she suddenly felt boring.

She is too far away from such a person, it is strange that she can become friends with Xiao Xiao.

At home, Chu Xiaoyi washed the hand holding the small thing twice. He was sure that only the scent of hand sanitizer was left on the small hand, and the tense nerves were only half relaxed. He also asked Chu Xiaoxiao to change all her clothes, throw all her coats into the washing machine, and roll them non-stop.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that she was going to be washed and shed. She was wearing Pikachu's home clothes, jumping on the sofa with anger, shouting: "You are too exaggerated!"

Chu Xiaoyi sneered: "Chu Xiaoxiao, just wait, I have to complain to my mother today and let them hear what you have done!"

Chu Xiaoyi originally wanted to throw her sister to take a bath, but she had no choice but to jump up and down on the sofa to escape, so she could only wash her face and wash her hands forcefully.

During dinner, Chu Xiaoyi really complained to his parents at the dinner table. He couldn't wait to draw the front lines and let them tell his sister not to go to the trash can.

When Chu Jiadong heard the little daughter's feat of picking up junk, he laughed and said, "Xiao Xiao is awesome, how many dollars did you make today?"

Chu Xiaoyi was waiting for his father's serious warning, but he heard the other party's tone at this time: "???" Did I ask you to say this

When Chu Xiaoyi heard the "again" from his father, he instantly felt that the situation was not good. Isn't this the first time

Sure enough, Chu Xiaoxiao leaned on her father's side, and she complained: "I haven't finished with Sister Yang Yin, my brother insists on dragging me home, and doesn't let me stay longer!"

Chu Jiadong said leisurely: "Hey, then you can ask after dinner. Dad is waiting for Xiao Xiao to save money to buy me a villa."

When Chu Xiaoxiao heard the words, she nodded solemnly: "I will work hard."

Chu Xiaoyi's eyebrows jumped when he heard it, and he simply said: "Dad, I'll buy you a villa now, can you say something reliable?"

Chu Xiaoyi: My sister can make a few cents for picking up junk, but my dad actually expects her to buy a villa? What an ambition this must be!