The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 25


Chu Xiaoxiao enrolled in the remedial class, but he put a lot of effort into studying what he wanted to learn for a long time alone.

Xiao Bi looked worried and said helplessly, "Is Xiao Xiao suitable for taking classes?"

Yang Yin estimates that she will choose high school courses, which are all large classes. Chu Xiaoxiao definitely couldn't follow her, and she didn't need to go to a remedial class now, she just took an interest class.

Chu Xiaoyi said leisurely: "Is there anything suitable or not? She can sign up for the interest class she likes. Now many children learn to draw and sing on weekends."

Chu Xiaoyi has also attended interest classes before, and he thinks that it is to cultivate interest and cultivate sentiment, and he did not force his sister to become an artist.

Chu Xiaoxiao studied for a long time, and said loudly: "I have chosen!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Okay, I'll sign you up for work, and you should go to work." This time, he came to talk to his parents about the filming, and it is estimated that he will go home and record next week, so that they can also control the time.

Chu Xiaoyi originally thought that Xiaoxiao would choose some interesting and cute projects, but who would have expected her choice to be so specific.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I want to learn Latin!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Although Greek is fine, let's learn Latin..."

Chu Xiaoyi raised his forehead and said, "Do you still want to learn languages? Can't you learn these at home?"

Chu Xiaoyi felt that her younger sister had a soft spot for foreign languages. Could it be that she grew up to be a linguist? Since she can learn by imitating and watching videos at home, why should she sign up for classes

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at him dissatisfied, and said in a plausible manner: "There is no cartoon in Latin, how can I learn it myself?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "???" Did you learn foreign languages from cartoons

Chu Xiaoxiao's foreign language learning mainly relies on imitating pronunciation. She learns the videos vividly, and then continues to expand vocabulary and learn grammar, which can basically be used in various contexts. When she loads enough languages, language learning is no longer difficult, and the grammar of many foreign languages has something in common.

However, Latin cannot be learned in this way, it has evolved into Italian, Spanish, French, etc. with the region. Although Latin cannot be said to be completely dead, it has indeed changed its face in communication. Few people use Latin nowadays, and it is mostly used for document translation. Chu Xiaoxiao can't find interesting videos to learn.

Although Chu Xiaoyi felt that the Latin teacher would not give her a cartoon, but since she had a request, she could only report it first. The course organization also made a special call to Chu Xiaoyi to remind the other party that there is a certain threshold for Latin, and the small number of children in the class may not be suitable for children to learn.

Because the Latin teacher of the course institution is a foreign teacher, they are worried that it will be difficult for the children to understand the teacher's broken Chinese.

Chu Xiaoyi reassured: "It doesn't matter, as long as foreign teachers don't communicate with her in Latin, she should be able to understand."

Chu Xiaoyi: Unless the foreign teacher is from an alien, it is beyond the language range that Chu Xiaoxiao has mastered, there is really no way.

After Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin each selected their courses, they happily set off with meals in the early morning of the weekend and went to the institution to study. They took two or three bus stops together to reach the building where the counseling institution is located.

Because the classes of the two parties were not on the same floor, Yang Yin first sent Chu Xiaoxiao to the door of the class, entrusted her to the teacher, and then went downstairs to find her class. Yang Yin instructed: "Xiao Xiao, I'm in classroom 5312, I'll come to you at noon, don't run around and get lost."

Chu Xiaoxiao's class is located in classroom 7005. Fortunately, there are not many people on her floor, and there should be no trouble with surveillance cameras. The fifth floor where Yang Yin is located has a lot of traffic. It is estimated that there are more high school students who make up classes on weekends, which is different from the partial Latin.

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded, she said goodbye to Sister Yang Yin, and entered the classroom with her schoolbag on her back. The Latin class has not only a small number of children, but also a small number of adults. Chu Xiaoxiao and the foreign teacher are all staring at each other, and it is almost one-on-one teaching.

The foreign teacher is a male teacher from Italy. He probably didn't expect the only student to be so young, so he scratched his head embarrassedly and explained: "Actually, the previous class was not like this, there are others..."

Although the Latin class has always been crowded, it is rare to have only one student.

Because there are only one big and one small in the classroom, and their class atmosphere is also much more relaxed, the two switched to Italian after a while. During recess, the foreign teacher was worried that the student was too young, and even took her to the tea to get some water.

The quietness on the seventh floor was completely different from the swarming noise at the entrance of the building in the early morning, like a different dimension. Chu Xiaoxiao asked curiously, "Teacher, why is there no one on this floor?"

The male foreign teacher helped her get a glass of warm water, and he explained awkwardly in Chinese: "Someone, there is a piano room over there, no sound can be heard."

The Latin class uses ordinary classrooms, but at the other end of the corridor is a specially designed piano room, and the walls are all soundproofed, so no sound can be heard in the corridor. Sure enough, in the next second, the doors of several piano rooms were pushed open, and countless noisy little radishes emerged from them, and it seemed that it was time for a break.

"Xiao Xiao!" Liang Shuangqi was originally out to fetch water, but he was quite surprised to see Chu Xiaoxiao, so he simply called out to her.

Chu Xiaoxiao was also quite surprised. The foreign teacher said kindly, "Is this your friend? Then I will wait for you in the classroom first. Can you find it?"

The foreign teacher obviously didn't have the habit of listening to other people's privacy or small talk. After he received a affirmative nod from Chu Xiaoxiao, he took the lead and walked back to the classroom.

Liang Shuangqi asked curiously, "What are you here to learn?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Latin, but I'm the only one in the class."

Liang Shuangqi suddenly realized: "It turns out that there is Latin teaching there. I always thought there was no one. I practiced the piano in 7014, you can come and play with me."

Chu Xiaoxiao also felt quite novel when he met his friends: "Do you also have a regular recess?"

"No, we'll go back to the house after we've arranged together. When you finish class, you can push the door to find me." Liang Shuangqi thought for a while, then tilted his head and said, "But the door is a little heavy, I don't know if you can push it or not. verb: move."

Liang Shuangqi had just participated in the orchestra rehearsal in the big room. After the rehearsal was over, he went back to his own piano room to practice alone. Not all of his companions played the cello, but also the violin, viola, and piano. The seventh floor is basically the base camp of the orchestra, and the Latin class is the guerrilla warfare retail investor, living in the gaps among the many piano rooms.

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded thoughtfully, and when she heard the class bell rang, she said goodbye to Liang Shuangqi and returned to the classroom. The children of the band seem to be able to rest for a long time, they are unmoved by the bell, and they are still chatting in the pantry.

Chu Xiaoxiao's first Latin class went very smoothly. She made rapid progress in language learning, and she also listened to many interesting stories from the teacher, who made Latin closely related to classical literature. Latin is not just a language, behind it is the history of the Roman Empire, the expansion and demise of the empire.

Facing the little girl's bright eyes, the foreign teacher said in distress, "I can only talk about this today. I will bring more extra-curricular materials in the afternoon, or we can take a break early?"

Foreign teachers have curriculum standards. He can't talk about it all, but also consider the progress of new students in the later period. He can only expand materials for Chu Xiaoxiao, but he can't combine several classes into one, which does not meet the requirements of the institution.

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced that it was still early, so he simply said hello to the foreign teacher, and went to classroom 7014 to find Liang Shuangqi. She walked near the piano room, looked at the countless portraits of musicians on the wall, and shivered inexplicably in the slightly dark corridor. She didn't know if she should turn around and go back, always feeling that the portraits were staring at her.

The corridor is quiet, giving people a gloomy feeling of a haunted house, and there is no lively atmosphere between classes at all. Chu Xiaoxiao stood at the door of classroom 7014. She looked at the tall and heavy soundproof door and finally understood what Liang Shuangqi meant. This door was completely different from the small wooden door in the Latin class.

Liang Shuangqi said that they often couldn't hear the knock on the door, so they asked her to push the door directly when she came.

Chu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, but she still mustered up the courage to slam the thick soundproof door, but fortunately she didn't imagine it. Just as she pushed open a crack in the door, the elegant and beautiful sound of the cello flowed through her ears, and the silent world was instantly awakened, and the door was completely new.

Liang Shuangqi was playing the piano with his back to the door. He sat on a chair and controlled the huge cello. While pulling the strings freely, he stretched his body along with the melody, and stepped on the beat with his bare feet on the floor, as if he was completely immersed in the music. A few rays of sunlight came into the house, and he played solo in his own little world.

It was the first time that Chu Xiaoxiao saw Liang Shuangqi playing the piano. The last time she was curious about the true face of the cello, but Liang Shuangqi declined her request. He would rather play wool than the cello.

Chu Xiaoxiao clapped his hands in admiration when he saw that he had finished playing a song: "It's amazing."

Although Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand music at all, she seems to be able to read the emotions in the melody, and thinks Liang Shuangqi's level is quite high.

When Liang Shuangqi heard Chu Xiaoxiao's voice, he twisted until he saw the little girl in white, he quickly put the cello away, and ran to the side to put on his shoes, sighing, "You actually pushed the door open."

Chu Xiaoxiao watched Liang Shuangqi put on her shoes, she blinked curiously: "Why did you take off your shoes?"

Liang Shuangqi: "I'm more focused on playing the piano with bare feet."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Then why are you wearing it again?"

Liang Shuangqi: "Gentlemen can't go barefoot in front of girls."

Chu Xiaoxiao seems to understand but does not understand. She doesn't quite understand the fashion requirements of boys. It is estimated that Liang Shuangqi's approach is similar to that of the cheap brother's ripped jeans. They are all inexplicable insistence

When Liang Shuangqi saw Chu Xiaoxiao coming over, he was no longer interested in playing the violin. Instead, he took out a calculator from his pocket and suggested, "Let's play the calculator!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Aren't you playing the piano?"

Hearing this, Liang Shuangqi lowered his eyes, his dark eyes were filled with clouds of dissatisfaction, and he rarely complained: "I don't like to play the qin, I play the qin every Wednesday afternoon, on weekends, and at night on weekdays. It's almost like playing the piano in a dream..."

"Which Ma Yun do you think plays the piano every day? This is completely inconsistent with my goals." Liang Shuangqi felt that playing the piano did not match his life plan, so he naturally rejected the cello.

Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully, she felt that Ma Yun seemed to have only one, but they really didn't play the piano

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded understandingly, and said regretfully, "But you play the piano very well?" She felt that people shouldn't do things they didn't like, but the music played by Liang Shuangqi was really beautiful.

Seeing her a little disappointed, Liang Shuangqi pondered for a few seconds, then hesitated: "Well, since you said that, I like playing the piano a little bit."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "If you don't like the cello, why did you start learning it?"

Liang Shuangqi: "Because my mother wants to help me go to school with the cello, she thinks that the competition of the violin is too great, so she let me learn the cello."

Well-known primary and secondary schools have their own Jinfan Orchestra, which has the right to recruit talented students, but the competition is extremely fierce and the management is quite strict. Because Liang Shuangqi is quite good in cello, he can enter the current primary school, and can enter a good middle school and university in the future.

Seeing her bewildered face, Liang Shuangqi simply took out the wool in his bag and cheered up again: "Don't talk about the unhappy things, we play the calculator today, or the wool?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened in surprise, she stared at Liang Shuangqi's pocket in disbelief, and said in surprise, "You have a lot of things in your pocket?"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that Liang Shuangqi was like a Doraemon. There were countless things in his coat pocket. He just took out a calculator, and now there is still capacity? The last time she was surprised that he carried wool with him, now it seems that he is walking around wearing something every day

Chu Xiaoxiao sent out his soul doubts: "Don't you feel heavy?"

Liang Shuangqi turned sideways, he turned his pocket towards Chu Xiaoxiao, and said generously: "Then come and have a look, I will give you whatever you find."

Chu Xiaoxiao became interested in the treasure hunt game. Seeing Liang Shuangqi put the wool and calculator back, she simply stretched out her little hand and tentatively took it out in her pocket. Liang Shuangqi stared at her patiently. He was like a motionless lottery bucket, waiting for what she chose to touch.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that he touched calculators, wool, candy, keys and other things, and felt more and more emotional that Liang Shuangqi's pocket was a hole in another dimension, and it was completely bottomless. She touched the strange piece of paper and finally pulled it out. It was a pink paper heart, folded with hundred-yuan bills.

Liang Shuangqi: "I really can't help you, please take good care of my heart."

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't expect to find the money, she hurriedly declined: "I can't take your money..." However, she felt that Liang Shuangqi was really interested, and even took RMB origami in private.

Liang Shuangqi insisted: "It's not money, it's my heart."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..." Could this be Ma Yun's followers

Liang Shuangqi is really a strange and funny little brother, which makes Chu Xiaoxiao a little confused, feeling that he is different from the little friends he met before. He looks calm and serious, with the suave qualities of a musician, but sometimes he seems to be very serious and a little familiar.

When Yang Yin came to pick up Chu Xiaoxiao at noon, Liang Shuangqi successfully squeezed into the dinner for two, forming a three-person dinner party. However, the girls all brought lunch boxes, and only Liang Shuangqi was eating takeaway, which made him a little unbalanced. Fortunately, the three exchanged part of the food.

Liang Shuangqi called his father specifically: "You don't even make me a box lunch, I don't want you as a father."

Liang Chen: "???" What kind of pervert is this

Liang Shuangqi also asked his father not to pick him up, and insisted on taking the bus home with Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin, thus forming a magical scene of a large group and two small ones.

Yang Yin has always been sensible, she kept her eyes on the two little guys around her, and instructed: "You follow me closely."

There were not many people on the bus, and the three children were quite conspicuous. The aunt next to him smiled and chatted up: "You guys are really interesting."

Chu Xiaoxiao huddled at Yang Yin's feet, but was not recognized. Yang Yin was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it. Liang Shuangqi said calmly, "This is my sister, this is my sister."

Aunt: "Then you are amazing? Escort your sister and sister home?"

Liang Shuangqi said solemnly, "Well, chivalry."

In the community, when Chu Xiaoyi went out to pick up Chu Xiaoxiao, he looked at the white and clean little boy who suddenly appeared. He was also puzzled and asked, "What's going on?"

Chu Xiaoyi: The training institution still buys two and gets one free. Two out and three back

Yang Yin didn't know which building Liang Shuangqi lived in, so she could only send the two little ones to Chu Xiaoxiao's door, and then see how to distribute them.

Chu Xiaoyi was standing outside the courtyard to greet him. Liang Shuangqi didn't know each other, and naturally he didn't know his identity. The little boy introduced with kindness: "This is my sister, this is my sister."

Chu Xiaoyi: "?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't smile, and said word by word: "This, yes, me, sister, sister."

Chu Xiaoyi: What happened to the little boy now? Sudden conspiracy to usurp the throne