The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 29


After the recording of the "Reception and Visit" series of "Our Family", Chu Xiaoxiao finally ushered in a rare rest time, and no longer had to deal with his cheap brother and the show team. Chu Xiaoyi needs to go out for business for a period of time, it is impossible to stay at home every day, Chu Xiaoxiao can have his own life plan, and he does not need to accommodate his brother.

Although the relationship between Chu Xiaoxiao and her brother is getting better, she still feels that her brother is troublesome and needs to stare at him every day, which is really worrying. Now that Chu Xiaoyi is working away from home, Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't have to take his parents anymore, and immediately becomes happy.

On weekends, Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin routinely go to tutoring institutions to study Latin. Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin waved goodbye at the door of the classroom, but when she entered the room, she found that there were new students in the class, and there were actually three of her.

The strange little boy sat in the first row with his back very straight. He glanced lightly at Chu Xiaoxiao who entered the room, his expression was a little surprised, and he didn't say much. There was also an old grandfather sitting in the third row. He was looking at the exercise book with his reading glasses, and he was writing hard on paper.

Chu Xiaoxiao had never experienced such a class, but she felt that at least it was better than before, and it was not one-to-one teaching. Her original position was occupied by the boy, and she could only move one block to the right as the next best thing, and was no longer the center of the first row.

The foreign teacher appeared on the spot. Looking at the two children in the front row, he was a little dazed for a while, and couldn't help but mutter: "...Is this a children's class?"

There are not many Latin teachers in the tutoring organization. Foreign teachers have been in this industry for a long time. Most of his students are adults who have to minor in Latin because of their majors. Even if Chu Xiaoxiao is rare, now there is another one

Since the two new students joined in the middle, the foreign teachers naturally asked about their learning progress. The little boy's name is Chen Guangsu. He signed up for the Latin class a long time ago, but he only came here twice in the last issue. He will officially make up the class from today, and his learning goal is "to master Latin." The grandfather is an idle retired old man. He learned a little Latin when he was young. His children helped him sign up for the course. The learning goal is to "prevent Alzheimer's."

The foreign teacher nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I know everyone's learning goals, and I know how to help everyone learn better."

The little boy Chen Guangsu glanced at his peer Chu Xiaoxiao next to him, and said directly, "Why don't you ask her about her goals?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, but did not expect that the new classmate would mention him.

The foreign teacher explained: "Xiao Xiao has been here twice, I know her level."

Only then did Chen Guangsu withdraw his gaze, and he nodded reservedly, with a "I understand, let's step back" temperament.

The foreign teacher has officially started teaching. Today, he is teaching in Chinese, and he has to interact with students from time to time. Teachers are deadliest when they force interaction in class, because there are only three people in the class and the problem always falls on you.

Latin is a slightly boring language. If you don't understand Italian, it will be a little difficult to get started, and there are many points of opposition to Chinese. Its learning process is not so much learning a language as it is doing math problems, and analyzing sentences is like analyzing a program.

The questions asked by the foreign teachers are quite streamlined, basically repeating the process of "Grandpa-Chen Guangsu-Chu Xiaoxiao-Problem Solving". Anyway, the answer will always be solved by Chu Xiaoxiao, and occasionally by Grandpa and Chen Guangsu.

Chen Guangsu was very confident at first, but now he is more and more surprised, he turned his head and asked, "Why do you do it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao showed a dazed look and replied, "Because I know how?" She really didn't understand the logic of the other party, so why would it be necessary to ask

After a while, Chu Xiaoxiao answered the question again, Chen Guangsu scratched his ears and said, "Are you the teacher's nurse!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's dictionary hasn't loaded the explanation of "Tor'er", so he doesn't understand what he's talking about at all. Her vocabulary comes from cartoons and TV shows, apparently "child care" is not covered.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Learning Latin but learning strange Chinese vocabulary.

Chen Guangsu was actually a pretty smart little boy. He was about the same age as Chu Xiaoxiao. Although the learning process was bumpy, he was far ahead of many adults. However, people just can't compare casually, Chu Xiaoxiao sat next to him, making Chen Guangsu pale.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that this person was very strange. The more questions she answered, the better Chen Guangsu's impression of herself was, but the tone of her speech became more aggressive, and she showed a sense of urgent anxiety. She has seen people who "don't like themselves but put on a smiley face", but this is the first time she has seen someone who "likes themselves but has a tight face".

Although Chu Xiaoxiao could see Chen Guangsu's emotional color, she still felt that the other party was a little rude, and she didn't want to compete with him, but Chen Guangsu frowned and fought with high fighting spirit, as if he had to be stronger than her.

During class time, Chu Xiaoxiao didn't want to be questioned by Chen Guangsu in the class, so he simply got rid of him and went to play with Liang Shuangqi. She pushed open the door of the piano room and found that Liang Shuangqi was not playing the piano, but was shaking his arms strangely. He also propped up his body, simply did radio gymnastics, and said hello leisurely: "Hello, Xiao Xiao."

Chu Xiaoxiao asked curiously, "Brother Qiqi, what are you doing?"

Liang Shuangqi: "I am balancing the strength of my arms. Otherwise, if I only play the piano on one side, my left and right arms will not be the same length."

Chu Xiaoxiao widened his eyes in surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

Liang Shuangqi nodded solemnly: "Yes, look at Luffy in "One Piece", maybe my arms will grow very long in the future, and I can touch the first floor when I stand on the second floor."

Chu Xiaoxiao imagined the picture in her mind, and she suddenly showed a hint of suspicion: "...Are you lying to me?"

Chu Xiaoxiao just can't play the piano, but she is not a fool.

Liang Shuangqi blinked innocently, he showed his hands, and said pitifully, "No, you see my hands are different now, maybe my arms will be different in the future?"

Chu Xiaoxiao leaned over to observe and found that his fingers were different. Liang Shuangqi's left hand looked different from other people's due to the cocooning of the strings. Chu Xiaoxiao looked at his palm, then at his own, hesitantly asked, "How big are your hands?"

Liang Shuangqi: "Because I want to play the cello."

Chu Xiaoxiao stretched out her small hand, she placed it in his palm for comparison, and then carefully touched the cocoon, wondering, "Doesn't it hurt?"

Liang Shuangqi confessed: "I don't feel it."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked distressed and said regretfully, "Then can't I learn an instrument? My hands are so small?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was not conscious at first, but now she found that her hands were so small, and she instantly showed a look of disappointment, a feeling of losing her skill points. Liang Shuangqi's hands are bigger than hers, so he can play the cello; Chu Xiaoyi's hands are also bigger than hers, so he can play the guitar. Without a big hand, Chu Xiaoxiao would not be able to play musical instruments.

Liang Shuangqi: "Why do you want to learn an instrument?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "That way I can hear good music."

Chu Xiaoxiao recently observed the other children in the orchestra, each of them can play and sing, and each has their own musical instrument.

Liang Shuangqi thought for a moment and seriously discouraged: "Forget it, let me play the piano for you. Learning the piano is very hard work, maybe you will be beaten."

Liang Shuangqi felt that Chu Xiaoxiao's body was too fragile, and she probably couldn't withstand two beatings at all, so it was better not to take the music road.

Chu Xiaoxiao's face was dazed: "Why should you be beaten?"

Liang Shuangqi was also taken aback: "?"

Liang Shuangqi: "How can you not get beaten when you learn the piano?" Anyway, he has never heard of it in the orchestra.

Children are already in a lively and active stage, and they are easily attracted by other things. However, learning the piano has to be practiced every day and constantly. Without external pressure, they will soon give up halfway. Liang Shuangqi is a child with strong self-control, but there are times when he is lazy and skating, not to mention other children.

Chu Xiaoxiao's musical dream was instantly shattered by the beating, she showed a complicated expression, and she expressed her doubts in her soul: "Have you all been beaten?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: Am I the only child in the world who has never been beaten

Liang Shuangqi nodded: "Yes, but I only let my mother beat me. After all, she was very painful when she gave birth to me, so if you beat me, beat me. I never let my father beat me. He used to be a soldier. I was afraid that he would beat me up. kill."

Chu Xiaoxiao's impression of Liang Chen became more subtle, he obviously looked like such a bright and sunny uncle.

The two were chatting, when suddenly a group of little boys pushed the door into the house. They were stunned when they saw the strange Chu Xiaoxiao, and the child who took the lead said in surprise: "Wow, Liang Shuangqi, have you been spending time with girls recently?"

Liang Shuangqi is now having dinner with Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin at noon, and is not going around in the band's children's nest.

"Are you bored?" Liang Shuangqi was not angry, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Don't keep playing with me."

Chu Xiaoxiao hid behind Liang Shuangqi. She tilted her head and peeked at the boys who came in. They all looked seven or eight years old, some were older, and everyone was taller than her.

The lead boy saw Chu Xiaoxiao, who was fair and well-behaved, and looked at her curiously: "Who is this?"

Liang Shuangqi said lightly, "My sister."

Liang Shuangqi: Although I haven't successfully started my job yet, my real brother isn't here anyway, so I'll be my brother for a day.

The lead boy was stunned for a moment. With a novel look, he raised his head and said, "Really? Is it also from our school? Then I can cover you?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's dictionary also lacked the meaning of "cover", so she didn't quite understand the smug tone of the other party, nor why she was "covered".

Liang Shuangqi interrupted the other party calmly: "She hasn't gone to elementary school yet."

"No wonder, I don't think she is old enough to learn the piano." The lead boy took out the cell phone in his pocket, and he shook it towards Liang Shuangqi, "Want to eat chicken together?"

Liang Shuangqi refused succinctly: "I can't play."

The boys huddled in the corners and played games, twittering and laughing. They are afraid of being discovered by the orchestra teacher, and they are basically jumping around in the form of guerrilla warfare to avoid being caught playing video games. Liang Shuangqi's piano room is one of the escape points for the group, and they will change places soon.

"Is this your friend?" Chu Xiaoxiao hadn't been in contact with too many children older than her, and asked humbly, "What is covering me?"

"No, it's just a member of the orchestra." Liang Shuangqi immediately distanced himself from the boys, he snorted softly, and mocked, "I don't play the piano very well, but I'm arrogant."

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked, she actually felt that brother Qiqi was sometimes arrogant, but he used the so-called gentleman's attitude and chivalrous spirit to wrap it up, and did not directly write rebellion on his face. Of course, he doesn't seem to like other people talking big and showing superior attitude.

But Liang Shuangqi, as her friend, as long as he doesn't treat her like this, Chu Xiaoxiao naturally won't break it.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand the orchestra environment yet, but she always played well with everyone in kindergarten, so she simply asked, "Don't you have to play with them?"

"No, our band has a high elimination rate, and they won't necessarily stay." Liang Shuangqi didn't seem to care about the boys at all, but suggested enthusiastically, "Do you want a drink? I'll pour you a glass?"

Liang Shuangqi left the piano room to collect water, while Chu Xiaoxiao walked around the room and observed the cello that was taller than her, and was finally attracted by the boys' game sound effects. The boys did not reject her approach, but showed her the game screen generously and explained it from time to time, looking in high spirits.

Chu Xiaoxiao had never seen video games before, she watched them excitedly shoot people, she didn't understand the fun, but the boys were all excited.

Chu Xiaoxiao stood beside her and watched quietly, suddenly she felt that her eyes were darkened and someone blindfolded her.

Liang Shuangqi covered her eyes from behind, and said solemnly: "Always staring at the screen, your eyes will go blind."

"Liang Shuangqi, your eyes are blind!" The lead boy immediately accused the other party with anger when he heard such disappointing remarks.

No matter how much public resentment she caused, Liang Shuangqi covered Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes and took her away to keep her away from the hot game boys. He withdrew his hands, showing a sad look, and lowered his eyes hesitantly: "Do you actually like video games?"

Liang Shuangqi didn't expect Chu Xiaoxiao to be attracted by the boys playing games after he left for a while, and it seemed that he was very interested in this.

Chu Xiaoxiao explained: "I just haven't seen it." She only uses her iPad to watch cartoons and learning videos, and she has never played chicken-eating video games.

Liang Shuangqi said thoughtfully: "I really can't do anything about you, otherwise you can come and play at my house. My father plays very well, and I play with him at home."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked strange: "Don't you know?" Liang Shuangqi rejected the boys just now, but she still remembers it clearly.

Liang Shuangqi: "I don't want to play with them, they play too badly."

Chu Xiaoxiao became more and more puzzled when she heard the words. She felt that boys were really bizarre creatures who were always doing things she didn't understand, such as Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi. When she played with Annie and Yang Yin, she never thought about these inexplicable questions. They all interacted harmoniously and happily.

It's not that Liang Shuangqi has a bad relationship with the boys. Their tone of voice is quite familiar, but their attitude is different from the tone of conversation between girls.

Chu Xiaoxiao rested for a while in Liang Shuangqi's piano room, then went back to class to continue his Latin class until lunch. She saw the boy's bewildering behavior again, and was stopped by Chen Guangsu, who was in the same class, and asked her the secret of learning.

Chen Guangsu suffered heavy losses many times in Latin class. He frowned and stopped Chu Xiaoxiao, and said in a muffled voice, "Why do you learn so fast?"

Chu Xiaoxiao looked sincere: "But I have taken two more classes than you."

Chen Guangsu gritted his teeth and said, "No, I have listened to the content of the first two classes, and our progress is the same!"

Just because Chen Guangsu left in the middle of the last course does not mean that he has no foundation, and that he has no backward knowledge points.

Chu Xiaoxiao fell into thinking when she heard the words. She couldn't understand her own specialness, so she simply asked, "Then why are you learning so slowly?"

Because Annie and the others never asked such questions, they only shouted "Xiao Xiao is great", "Xiao Xiao is amazing" and so on, so Chu Xiaoxiao never seriously thought about the reason. She also doesn't ask Annie "Why do you dance so well", she only says "Annie is great" with admiration, so there is no such annoyance at all.

Chen Guangsu's learning ability far exceeds that of his peers. He is quite conceited about his own wisdom. Who would have thought that one day he will be hit hard, not only will his grades be completely crushed, but he will also be asked "Why do you learn so slowly"!

Chu Xiaoxiao really didn't understand. She couldn't explain why she learned fast. She could only ask the other person why they learned slow.

However, Chen Guangsu suffered a knowing blow. For the first time, he felt a great humiliation. The circles of his eyes instantly turned red, and he let out a cry of incompetence!

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the crying classmate: "???"

Chu Xiaoxiao: Are boys really inexplicable creatures? Why do you roll around and cry incompetently