The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 3


Chu Xiaoyi decided to go home on the afternoon of the first day of the new year, and this news instantly filled the house with a happy air.

The family was busy preparing ingredients in the house, while Chu Xiaoxiao slipped out of the house alone, trying to find sister Yang Yin. Chu Xiaoxiao has always been a ghost, she quietly avoided the sight of her parents, but was noticed by her careful little aunt.

The little aunt is usually quiet and low-key, and she speaks in a soft voice. She saw the little girl open the door of the small courtyard, and quickly put down the vegetable bowl in her hand, and said, "Xiao Xiao, where do you want to go, I will accompany you out?"

"No, I'm in the community, I'll be back soon!" Chu Xiaoxiao was wrapped in a thick and warm padded jacket. She didn't want to be caught up by her auntie, and ran out in a hurry.

The little aunt stood up and instructed loudly, "Put on your hat!"

Chu Xiaoxiao had to put on the cotton-padded jacket and hat, like a fully-armed puppet, and hopped to the gate of the community.

The Yurongtai community has strict management and surveillance all over the place. Even takeaways and express delivery cannot enter, and the safety factor is quite high. Therefore, the family had no objection to Chu Xiaoxiao's behavior of running out, knowing that she went to play with Yang Yin in the community guard room again.

There is a short bungalow in the remote part of the community, where the security guards of the community dormitory. Yang Yin is 15 or 16 years old this year. She is currently in high school. She only lives in Yurongtai during the holidays and is responsible for helping her father clean and cook. Her father was the doorman of the community, and a large group of people in the family lived in the countryside next door, relying on her father's income to make a living.

When Chu Xiaoxiao arrived at the dormitory bungalow, Yang Yin was frying garlic sprouts in a small pot, and the aroma of oil fumes drifted out through the slitted window. Yang Yin opened the door for Chu Xiaoxiao, turned off the fire and served the dishes, and asked, "Has Xiao Xiao eaten? Do you want to eat some?"

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said honestly, "I ate it at home."

Yang Yin nodded when she heard the words, she quickly put the food into the lunch box, and said, "You sit and wait for me, I'll be back after the meal is delivered."

Yang Yin put on an old pilling coat and a hot lunch box, and prepared to go to the gate of the community to deliver meals to her father on duty. Before leaving, she closed the dormitory door and reminded Chu Xiaoxiao not to run around, and then left in a hurry.

The space in the security dormitory is not large. The iron bunks, mottled wooden tables, and wooden chairs filled with seasonings take up a lot of space. In addition, the water basins and kettles piled up in the corners are completely full. Chu Xiaoxiao was not surprised by this, she took out a small chair from under the wooden table and sat on it obediently waiting for Yang Yin to return.

The wooden table was covered with Yang Yin's study materials, Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at the math problems casually, and browsed down one by one.

After a few minutes, Yang Yin returned with the meal. She simply used the pot as a bowl, ate the rest of the meal, and went outside to wash the kitchen utensils.

Seeing that Yang Yin finally put the pot away, Chu Xiaoxiao knew that the other party's work was over. She pointed to the numbers on the exercise book and reminded aloud, "Sister Yang Yin, this question is wrong."

"Really? Let me see?" Yang Yin hurried over while drying her frozen red hands with a towel. She checked it carefully for a long time, and then showed a relaxed smile and said with emotion, "It's really a mistake. , Xiao Xiao is really amazing."

Yang Yin immediately took a pen to correct the answer. She was very serious about her homework and worked hard on the questions in her spare time. Chu Xiaoxiao also studied English with Yang Yin before, and they read the English version of "The Little Prince" together. Later, Chu Xiaoxiao's level gradually surpassed that of Yang Yin, and Yang Yin didn't feel annoyed, but asked Chu Xiaoxiao to take her to practice oral English.

Yang Yin is a special existence among Chu Xiaoxiao's friends. They are very different in age and family background, but they have a very good relationship inexplicably. Now Chu Xiaoxiao still doesn't understand the worldly rules of making friends. She has a unique way of identifying people, which is to judge based on the emotional color of the other party. When she first saw Yang Yin, she saw a red heart. It was the first time she saw a red heart outside her family. Naturally, she had a good impression of Yang Yin.

Although sister Yang Yin's language talent is not too high, she can pick persimmons with bamboo poles, weave beautiful bracelets with colorful ropes, and roast sweet little potatoes. In the eyes of Chu Xiaoxiao, she is omnipotent. Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't discuss with the elated family members, so he could only find sister Yang Yin, whom he trusted, to express his troubles.

"Do you have a biological brother? And you're coming back soon?" Yang Yin was stunned when she heard the news, her face showing a hint of distress, "That's really a bit tricky..."

"But Dad said he would like me, the problem doesn't seem to be too serious." Chu Xiaoxiao was a little worried, and was not comforted by Chu Jiadong's words. She had heard a lot of the dark history of Yang Yin's brother before, and she was very wary of the creature named brother.

Yang Yin rarely showed a sneer: "Of course, you won't be robbing him of the property, and you can still earn dowry for the family when you get married. Why does he hate you?"

Yang Yin instantly projected her own experience onto Chu Xiaoxiao, and when she thought of the trouble the other party was about to face, she felt a little restless in her heart.

Although Chu Xiaoxiao's intelligence development is higher than that of her peers, she still can't understand some words, so she asked ignorantly: "What is a bride price?"

Yang Yin explained it for a long time, but Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly realized, and then retorted: "Mom and Dad will not sell me!"

Yang Yin was silent for a moment, and said, "That's because your family is in good condition now, so you won't be in a hurry to get you married to earn a betrothal gift, just like I can still study now. If one day our family is very short of money, I guess I will too. I have to go back to the village to get married, and I can no longer study or go to school.”

"You think your parents are treating you well now, it's just that the difficult time has not yet come. I've seen it a lot." Yang Yin's face showed a precocious look that didn't match her age, and she revealed the facts calmly. There are many people around her who didn't even go to high school. Before getting married, they farmed at home and used dowry gifts to subsidize their brothers.

Chu Xiaoxiao thought of the lively and cheerful atmosphere of the family, and somehow felt that Yang Yin's words made sense. Chu Xiaoyi does seem to have a lot of weight at home, and he has already shown his status before he arrives. She lowered her head slightly uneasily and hesitated: "Is there any way?"

Yang Yin thought about it for a while, then said helplessly: "Not for now, just bear with it. You are so smart now, and you must have done well in the college entrance examination. When that time comes, choose a university far away from home, and the farther you escape, the better."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Sister Yang Yin is going to run away too?"

Yang Yin nodded: "Yes, I will definitely not give up studying, and then I will be admitted to a university in the south."

Chu Xiaoxiao did not stay in the security dormitory for too long. After asking for help to no avail, he said goodbye to Yang Yin. She was a little dejected when she got home. First, she was worried about the cheap brother's affairs, and she was anxious; second, she thought that Yang Yin would leave sooner or later, and she was inexplicably sad.

Chu Xiaoxiao was holding his iPad, but he completely lost his usual enthusiasm for learning, and he had no intention of opening foreign language videos.

On the other side, Chu Xiaoyi was sitting in the nanny's car. He looked at the door of the familiar community and sat motionless. Seeing that he didn't move, the agent He Xin said, "Let's get off the bus? Are we already there?"

There was no one else in the car, Chu Xiaoyi suddenly chuckled and said with emotion: "I left this door with my luggage, and then my dad chased and scolded me, and told me not to come back if I had the ability."

Looking at the complicated and nostalgic look on Chu Xiaoyi's face, He Xin didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only keep silent.

"Don't come back if you can! I have the right to be without your son!"

This is what eighteen-year-old Chu Xiaoyi heard at the entrance of Yurongtai. At that time, he had no intention of paying attention to the father who was chasing after him, and followed the agent at the time to get into the car, just to chase his dream of being a singer. Chu Xiaoyi still remembered his father's violent face after being left behind. His face was flushed with anger, and he stared at himself in the car, looking like he was going to eat people.

Chu Xiaoyi abandoned his studies and his family, and went to the company to practice alone. At that time, he held a sigh of relief and couldn't wait to prove himself to his father. He wanted to stand out and shine, knocking down the stubborn and arrogant Chu Jiadong, but he fell tragically first.

Chu Xiaoyi's company closed down not long after, with a meager compensation, he lived in a huge city without a fixed place, and he had no platform to realize his dream. Mother Xiao Bi came forward to persuade him to make peace and asked Chu Xiaoyi to go back to continue his studies and look for good opportunities in the future, but was rejected by him.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't want to face Chu Jiadong in disgrace, and he didn't want to beg from the other side again. From the moment he left home, a fire burned in his heart, preventing him from bowing his head to his father. Chu Xiaoyi frantically looked for a job, contacted new brokerage companies everywhere, and wandered around friends' houses or cheap residences, with a kind of rebellious obsession.

In the meantime, Chu Jiadong put down his father Yan's air for the first time, humbly begged Chu Xiaoyi to go back, and even choked with red eyes for a while. That was the first time that Chu Xiaoyi saw his father take it softly, but he didn't have any sense of victory at all, instead he was hammered to the ground. He is like a whimsical child who has proved nothing but his incompetence.

Chu Xiaoyi rejected his father. He always felt that when he chose to go home at that moment, he would no longer have the courage to go out. He didn't know when he had the illusion, as long as he spent the money his father gave him, he would be bowing his head, unable to stand upright, and had no right to ask for anything.

"What the hell are you betting against with me? Am I still going to hurt you?"

"I just want to prove you wrong."

Chu Xiaoyi still remembered his father's injured eyes at that time, and the other party seemed to be deeply hit. Chu Jiadong went to find his son several times in the future, but Chu Xiaoyi avoided them, did not want to go back, and did not accept financial support. Chu Xiaoyi consciously avoided the news at home, and didn't even want to see his mother's face. Fortunately, he found a good company soon, and his career was slowly on the right track.

Today, Chu Xiaoyi already has a high popularity, but he still doesn't feel that he has defeated his father. Chu Jiadong gradually restrained the thorns all over his body, and became cautious and restrained in front of Chu Xiaoyi. He was not convinced by his son's achievements, but rather like a helpless compromise. This is the most powerless thing for Chu Xiaoyi. He no longer even has the chance to win, and his father directly abandoned his son and surrendered.

However, Chu Jiadong's worries in those days gradually came true, still entangling Chu Xiaoyi like a shadow. Chu Xiaoyi's high school education was tragically ridiculed, his unremarkable singing and dancing skills were attacked by black fans, and the music market was deserted, so he had to change careers to acting. He made some achievements in film and television, won an award with a low gold content, and was ridiculed by black fans for "actor", as if he did everything wrong.

Chu Xiaoyi worked desperately outside, and didn't even dare to contact his parents too much, for several years in a flash. He was afraid of the dissatisfaction and helplessness in the eyes of his family, and even more afraid that the other party would show distress and pity, which would make him feel like a complete failure.

He wanted to walk into Yurongtai's house in a dignified manner one day, but now he came here in a confused way, full of confusion.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the gate of the community in a daze, and said blankly, "Why did they have a second child? Even if they gave up and retrained, it should have been five years ago, right?"

Chu Xiaoyi left home when he was eighteen years old. He felt that even if his parents wanted to play trumpet again, they should work hard at that time. Why did they only move in the past two years

He Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you still thinking about this? Don't you know if you go home and ask?"

He Xin is not an only child. He has a lot of brothers and sisters in his hometown, and he doesn't take the Chu family's affairs too seriously at all.

Chu Xiaoyi lowered his eyes and said, "They didn't discuss it with me, and they didn't respect my opinion at all. Do I still need to go back?"

Seeing that his artist was stubbornly standing still, He Xin said loudly, "Don't be hypocritical with me! Isn't she just a girl under three years old, maybe people haven't remembered anything yet!"

Chu Xiaoyi showed dissatisfaction: "Aren't you angry if you put this on you?"

He Xin: "Am I so angry? I not only have a younger sister but also a younger brother, so why don't you get angry right away?"

As a non-only elder brother, He Xin naturally does not understand the distress of an only child. He is still more than a year older than Chu Xiaoyi. Back then, when parents gave birth to younger brothers and sisters, how could they discuss it? He Xin had to change diapers for his younger brother and sister at that time. If he wanted to be angry like Chu Xiaoyi, he might have died of anger long ago.

Chu Xiaoyi was secretly annoyed and felt that he couldn't talk to He Xin together. His classmates were all only children when he was studying, and none of them had biological siblings. Of course, it was difficult to accept mentally. The more Chu Xiaoyi thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and he began to blame the state policy again. Why did he suddenly allow the second child

Chu Xiaoyi: As the only child of my ex, the first one to object!

Chu Xiaoyi finally stood at the door of the house. Although his father had been kind to him for a long time, he still didn't have the courage to knock on the door. Seeing that Chu Xiaoyi was motionless, He Xin helplessly reached out and knocked on the door for him.

The familiar door opened, and the happy faces of the whole family appeared one after another, followed by overjoyed greetings.

"Xiao Yi is back!"

"Come inside, is it cold outside? It's hard work!"

"Oh oh oh, this is your agent, come in and sit, come in and sit..."

"Happy New Year everyone, I won't bother you much, just send Xiao Yi back."

"Aren't you going to rest at home for a while? Are you leaving now?"

Inside the house, Chu Xiaoxiao turned up the volume of the iPad displeased, trying to block the lively sounds in the living room, so as to suppress his inner restlessness. However, her quiet days didn't last long when Xiao Bi knocked on the door.

Xiao Bi knocked on the door, she came in from outside the house and called, "Xiao Xiao, your brother is back, come out soon!"

"Oh—" Chu Xiaoxiao replied weakly, but her mother obviously didn't notice her little emotions.

Chu Xiaoxiao reluctantly put down the iPad, she walked slowly to the door, opened the door a small crack, and secretly observed the situation in the living room.

Chu Xiaoyi seemed to have a feeling, he glanced at random and saw a petite figure behind the door, it was a little girl in a light yellow home uniform, most of her body was hidden in the room. Her eyes were like a kitten in the dark night, casting a tentative and vigilant look.

Chu Jiadong noticed the eldest son's distraction, and immediately followed the other side's line of sight to see the sneaky little daughter. He waved his hand hurriedly: "Xiao Xiao, your brother is back!"

Chu Xiaoyi watched the little girl snail up to her father's side, but instead of looking up at herself, she lowered her head. He still couldn't accept his cheap sister emotionally, but after a few years of social beatings, he was still calm and said with a smile, "Hello, Xiao Xiao, I'm your brother."

Chu Xiaoyi showed a standard professional smirk. Now that his acting skills are getting better and he has photographed countless magazine posters, he will not be knocked down by such small scenes. No matter what his inner thoughts are, at least he won't tear his face on the face.

The little girl who looked like white glutinous rice raised her head, her face was tender, her eyes were bright, and her pupil color was slightly lighter than that of an adult. She quietly watched Chu Xiaoyi for a long time, but did not answer immediately. After a while, she lowered her eyes and said, "Hello."

Chu Jiadong didn't expect his youngest daughter to be so indifferent. He quickly rubbed the other's face, smiled to liven up the atmosphere, and said, "Are you shy, Xiao Xiao? You don't dare to speak when you see your brother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao did not struggle in his father's arms, but silently let him rub. She didn't know what to say to Chu Xiaoyi, and she couldn't even digest the emotions she just received.

Chu Xiaoyi's heart is gray-blue, like a sea covered with mist, rolling in forbearance and restlessness. His smile was as bright as the sun, but his heart was full of heavy emotions, and he didn't like her at all. This was the first time that Chu Xiaoxiao felt strong resistance to others, even stronger than the kindergarten teacher, which made her feel uneasy.

This is her biological brother, but he hates himself and pretends to like her.

The young Chu Xiaoxiao still doesn't understand many truths. She still relies on the intuition of a small animal to survive, and uses her special ability to judge each other. Her attitude towards others is like a mirror, and she intuitively projects the other person's emotions on her face. Who likes her, who she likes; who hates her, who she hates.

After the initial greeting, the family pushed Chu Xiaoyi's luggage into the room and prepared dinner in full swing. Both Chu Xiaoyi and Chu Xiaoxiao's rooms were busy, so they could only live in the same room awkwardly and stay silent in the living room.

Chu Xiaoyi swiped his phone without any soul, while Chu Xiaoxiao huddled in the corner to watch "Peppa Pig", neither of them looked at the other.

In fact, Chu Xiaoyi didn't really want to talk to the cheap sister, but as an adult, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he had nothing to say: "Are you watching this to learn English?"

Chu Xiaoyi had just chatted a few words with his mother, and after hearing about Chu Xiaoxiao's language talent, he found a topic at will.

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at him in surprise. She still didn't understand the strange concept of greeting adults, and she didn't understand why they still hated each other, so she could only answer vaguely: "Yeah."

Chu Xiaoyi listened to the cheap sister's humming like a mosquito, and said, "Then I think this one can learn English well?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was silent for a moment, then said bravely, "Not necessarily."

Chu Xiaoyi: "Why? You've learned it all?"

Chu Xiaoxiao lowered his head and continued watching the cartoon, and replied, "Everyone learns something different from it."

Chu Xiaoyi: "What's the difference?"

Facing the repeated questioning of the cheap brother, Chu Xiaoxiao finally raised her head, flipped the picture of the pink pig to him, and said lightly: "Some people can learn English, and some people can only learn how to bark."

On the iPad screen, the pink pig made a humming sound in a timely manner, inexplicably revealing a bit of sarcasm.

Chu Xiaoyi: "???"