The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 31


Liang Shuangqi is really a child with many ideas. He wants to be Jack Ma, brother Xiao Xiao, and the iPad of Xiao Xiao's family.

Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it seriously, she still declined Liang Shuangqi's proposal, because she said, "Forget it, I think the iPad will be sad."

Chu Xiaoxiao is a nostalgic child. She has spent so many years with the iPad, and she really shouldn't abandon it.

Liang Shuangqi nodded: "Okay, then I'll change to brother Xiao Xiao."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Yes."

Liang Shuangqi won the true biography of Mr. Lu Xun. If people want to open a window in the house, they should advocate the removal of the roof, so some people are willing to open the window. Liang Shuangqi first said that he wanted to be an iPad, but Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it for fear that the iPad would be sad.

Liang Shuangqi led Chu Xiaoxiao home. He had greeted Liang Chen in advance on the way, saying that the children might have dinner at home. Chu Xiaoxiao watched the door open, and Uncle Liang, who was smiling, stuck his head out, and he said enthusiastically, "Welcome!"

Chu Xiaoxiao politely said: "Hello uncle, my name is Chu Xiaoxiao."

Liang Shuangqi took the lead in entering the house, looked around again, and asked, "Where's my mother?"

"Your mother has dinner tonight and has already gone out." Liang Chen was afraid of his son's embarrassment, so he reminded solemnly, "Don't think that you don't need to practice the piano today, your evening hours will still be the same."

Liang Shuangqi secretly said: "Sure enough, you are idle when you are unemployed..."

Liang Chen said righteously: "Liang Shuangqi, I will correct you one last time, I am changing jobs, not unemployment."

When the big black cat Liang Sit saw someone entering the house, it jumped off the cat climbing frame nimbly, and even pulled the slippers out of the shoe rack and pushed them in front of Chu Xiaoxiao. Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the smart black cat with novelty. She always felt that the cats in brother Qiqi's house were very clever, and their qualities far surpassed wild cats.

Liang Chen was not satisfied. He picked up the slippers pulled by the black cat, put them back in the shoe cabinet, and taught, "Liszt, your mission failed, she should wear small slippers."

What the black cat pulled off were disposable white slippers, which were considered adults and not suitable for children.

"Xiao Xiao, wear my slippers." Liang Shuangqi took out his spare slippers, and he corrected it again seriously, "Dad, they all say it's called Liang Sit."

Liang Chen was giving gesture commands to the black cat, as if trying to re-direct it. However, the black cat squatted on the ground leisurely, it stared at Chu Xiaoxiao intently, its tail swayed easily, and didn't take adult men seriously at all.

Liang Chen regretted: "No, it's still not sensitive enough to passwords and gestures."

Chu Xiaoxiao spoke for the black cat, and whispered: "Uncle is so strict with Liang Ste..." She thought it was smart enough to pull slippers, so why force the specifications of slippers

Liang Shuangqi fought for his cat, and he frowned: "It's not a military dog, so don't think about training it. Even if you are unemployed, you can't always persecute it."

Liang Chen: "...I am changing jobs, not unemployed."

Liang Chen ignored the children's condemnation and continued to try to give instructions to the black cat, but it didn't seem to work well. Liang Ster's attention was completely attracted by Chu Xiaoxiao, he didn't have the consciousness to perform the task at all, and regarded Liang Chen as a ball of air. It saw Chu Xiaoxiao sitting on the sofa, and immediately jumped up quickly, leaning beside her skillfully.

Chu Xiaoxiao touched its soft fur, and understood the reason for the abnormality of the black cat. No wonder it can be taken out for a walk. Did Uncle Liang train it as a military dog

Liang Shuangqi made a precise comment on his father's behavior: "You never know how busy a soldier is when he leaves the army."

Liang Chen brought drinks and fruits to the children, and said excitedly, "Xiao Xiao, what do you want to eat at night? Uncle will cook it for you!"

Chu Xiaoxiao said honestly, "Anything is fine."

Liang Chen: "Is there anything you want to eat?"

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know what brother Qiqi had, so it was difficult for her to ask for it. She could only choose dishes with a low degree of difficulty and tentatively said, "Green vegetables?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: Stir-fried green vegetables should be the easiest food, even the cheap brother will not fail.

Since Chu Xiaoyi cooked for Chu Xiaoxiao, she suddenly realized that not all adults can cook, breaking her old cognition in the past. Of course, Chu Xiaoyi may not be a complete adult, so his cooking skills are extremely unstable, and it feels like a lottery.

Chu Xiaoxiao now has extremely low requirements for food, and she can gradually begin to accept fried celery, as long as she doesn't let her eat charred black meat.

Liang Chen scratched his head and thought for a while, then said cheerfully, "No problem! More vegetables in the evening!"

Liang Shuangqi was not interested in dinner recipes. He found the iPad at home and suggested, "Dad, will you take us to play games? Xiao Xiao, she hasn't played chicken yet?"

Liang Chen: "Yes, but you can't be addicted, you can only play two games."

Liang Shuangqi: "Yes yes yes, moderate gaming is good for the brain, addicted to gaming hurts the body..."

Liang Shuangqi asked Chu Xiaoxiao to play with his own IPAD and account, and then used another IPAD to log in to his father's account, and asked Liang Chen to use his mobile phone to change the account. When Liang Chen found out that his son had taken his account, he said worriedly, "Liang Shuangqi, you wouldn't use my account number to drop it into a box, would you?"

Liang Shuangqi: "Does it matter?"

Liang Chen: "You will let a veteran leave a humiliating mark in his military career."

Liang Shuangqi: "You are unemployed."

Liang Chen: "... Change careers."

Chu Xiaoxiao was still dazed by the game screen. She looked at the characters on the iPad and asked curiously, "Brother Qiqi, why are you a woman?"

Liang Shuangqi actually used a female account, and Chu Xiaoxiao also dressed the characters in a serious manner, and chose pink and tender colors to wear on the body, making the villain look fancy.

Liang Shuangqi: "Because they say that girls' bombing area is small."

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded thoughtfully, and Liang Chen said loudly: "Our military exercise will start soon, please be prepared. Xiao Xiao, your clothes do not meet the requirements of the army, you should change them immediately..."

One of the reasons why Liang Shuangqi is not addicted to chicken-eating games is that he plays with his father at home like a military exercise. Liang Chen has countless inexplicable requirements, and he has to use the rules of the army to restrain people. Liang Shuangqi couldn't change into colorful little clothes, and he had to unify his clothes with his father's account. Playing games was like fighting a war.

Now, when Chu Xiaoxiao came to the house, Liang Shuangqi immediately ignored her father's words and gave her advice: "I think the pink rabbit dress looks good..."

"Oh..." Chu Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard the words, she put on a pink bunny outfit and became more eye-catching than before.

Liang Chen hated that iron could not be made of steel and said, "There is no organization and no discipline! How can soldiers in the army fight like you!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao wondered: "Uncle, is the game the same as reality? In reality, you don't need an iPad to fight?"

Liang Chen said earnestly: "Don't care about the form of the military exercise, the key is to understand the spirit of the military exercise!"

Liang Shuangqi: "My dad used to be a technical soldier, so he should treat him almost the same. Anyway, he is always staring at the screen."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "?"

How did Liang Shuangqi understand the differences between the arms of the army, which directly caused the technical soldiers to suffer from the reputation. He had never seen his father in the army, so naturally he was talking nonsense here.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that the strangeness of brother Qiqi might come from Uncle Liang, and sometimes she didn't quite understand what Uncle Liang said with a straight face, which made her confused.

The three of them successfully started the game, Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi both started the follow mode and planned to parachute with Liang Chen. Liang Chen smiled and said, "We are father and son plus Xiao Xiaobing!"

Liang Shuangqi: "...just be happy."

Liang Chen: "The destination is Y City, you will report on the spot."

The first time Chu Xiaoxiao experienced the chicken-eating game, she was still completely out of shape, and she watched herself suddenly go up from the field, then fell from the sky, and swooped forward.

The Y city on the ground became clearer and clearer. Liang Shuangqi had already left the following step and landed on the roof directly opposite the road, but Chu Xiaoxiao kept following Uncle Liang to the ground.

Liang Chen: "No. 2 and No. 3 report."

No. 3 Chu Xiaoxiao: "Point."

Liang Chen: "?"

Chu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Liang Shuangqi and said eagerly, "Can we parachute again?"

Chu Xiaoxiao has a very good impression of skydiving, especially in the pink-purple sky as the sun sets in the west and the bizarre beauty can be seen, which is really shocking. There was a teletubbie-like earnestness on her face, and she could not wait to shout "one more time again" and jump up excitedly.

Liang Shuangqi could not refuse her request. He hesitated: "You can skydive in one more round."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Then open again."

Liang Chen panicked: "Wait, we just landed..."

As a chicken-eating king, Liang Chen has always had excellent military literacy, but Liang Shuangqi and Chu Xiaoxiao were the worst soldiers he had ever brought, and they did not obey the command and dispatch at all. Chu Xiaoxiao picked up rubbish one by one, and she was attracted by the sunset outside the window not long after, and she stared at the beautiful sky, feeling the quietness of the years.

Liang Shuangqi was running around in the house, but he was playing decently, but he also provoked from time to time. He aimed the gun at the bed in the game: "Dad, the quilt on the bed is not folded into tofu, come and rescue it."

Liang Chen: "..." What kind of disorganized military spirit is this

Liang Chen is not a king with bronze, he is a king with two scrap irons. When he saw No. 2 drive the car away, he finally felt a little bit of collapse: "No. 2, why did you drive out of the circle?"

Liang Shuangqi did not listen to his father's words at all, but motioned to Chu Xiaoxiao with great interest: "Xiao Xiao, let's drive to see the sea!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Okay, okay, where is the sea?"

Liang Chen: "... It's outside the circle over there, don't continue to drive!"

The two children left Liang Chen and ran, driving their car to the sea, enjoying the vast and magnificent scenery. They were still drinking coke leisurely by the sea, completely ignoring the reminder of the shrinking circle, like tourists on vacation. Liang Shuangqi took a serious screenshot, and also asked Chu Xiaoxiao how the angle was, if the tourist photo was considered a success

Chu Xiaoxiao has been immersed in the quiet and beautiful game screen, she is wandering on the side of the road, and is about to be intoxicated by the sea breeze.

Liang Shuangqi looked at his father with a complicated expression and said seriously: "Dad, it's a peaceful age, don't use knives and guns all day!"

Liang Chen: "..."

Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi were finally poisoned and fell to the ground during the sightseeing, turning into two small boxes. Liang Chen had to advance into the circle single-handedly, and he even won the championship by himself.

The two children applauded excitedly and looked quite happy. Of course, Liang Chen seriously doubted that they were happily jumping again. After all, the three of them could start the second round only if they quit the game.

After the two games were over, Liang Chen refused to accompany the children to play games and hid in the kitchen to cook. Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi licked cats for a while to kill the rest of the time.

Chu Xiaoxiao stretched out his small hand and shook it towards the black cat, Liang Sit rolled smoothly, and then fell on the ground steadily.

Liang Shuangqi said in shock, "It can understand your gestures, and it only occasionally responds to me."

Chu Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and waved again, and the big black cat turned over again in cooperation, and it was indeed well-trained like a military dog.

The two children studied for a while, and they found that Liangst actually had a feeling for passwords and gestures, but he did not cooperate patiently every time. The degree of cooperation of the black cat was inversely proportional to the age of the orderer.

Chu Xiaoxiao was the youngest, and she basically responded to her gestures; Liang Shuangqi was a little older, and his gestures were sometimes ineffective; Liang Chen was an adult, his gestures and passwords were completely useless, and the black cat ignored them. In a sense, Liangst is a mature cat. It only has the patience to play with children, and only stretches out claws and breathes fragrance to adults.

Chu Xiaoxiao played happily at Liang Shuangqi's house for a long time, and then waited for dinner time. Liang Chen specially referred to Chu Xiaoxiao's opinions and made dishes related to green vegetables, namely, braised pork ribs with potatoes and beans, three fresh dishes, and stewed noodles with sauerkraut and pork, served with fragrant white rice.

Liang Chen: "Look, there are green vegetables in every plate!"

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the potatoes and beans and fell into deep thought. She was confused about the definition of "green vegetables" for a while. She also didn't understand whether sauerkraut and green vegetables were the same, or if Uncle Liang understood vegetables? Of course, Uncle Liang's cooking skills looked good, and every dish was full of flavors and flavors, which made her feel at ease.

Fortunately, Liang Shuangqi was still smart. He took out a strawberry fruit cup from the refrigerator to relieve the pressure on Chu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiao Xiao, you can eat it with this, he used to cook dishes in the army."

With the blessing of the strawberry fruit cup, Chu Xiaoxiao spent a nutritionally balanced meal before saying goodbye to Uncle Liang. Liang Shuangqi took the big black cat Liang Ster and sent her to the gate of the small courtyard, and then returned home to complete today's piano practice task.

Chu Xiaoxiao spent a fulfilling and happy time at the children's house, and it was only when he got home that he heard the news conveyed by his parents. Xiao Bi said calmly, "Xiao Xiao, my brother called you, but you were not at home just now."

Chu Xiaoxiao tilted his head and recalled the cheap brother, and suddenly became worried: "... Is he unemployed?"

Liang Shuangqi said that if an adult suddenly becomes idle, it is inextricably linked with unemployment, such as Liang Chen.

"Nonsense, my brother called you because he cared about you." Xiao Bi suggested, "You send him a video, we have already talked to him."

Chu Xiaoyi now has more and more contact with his family. He will call to greet him from time to time, changing the bad habit of having no news in the past. Of course, the younger the child, the more ignorant it becomes. Chu Xiaoxiao still doesn't understand the value of family contact, so she feels that her brother has too many questions. He always asks "what are you eating today" and "what are you learning today", which makes her feel Embarrassingly helpless.

Chu Xiaoxiao also found the kindergarten's recipes and timetables not long ago, and sent them directly to Chu Xiaoyi, hoping to solve the other party's long-standing doubts and stop asking them.

Chu Xiaoxiao called back the video to Chu Xiaoyi, and it didn't take long for the other person's face to appear on the screen. Behind him, there were countless staff members who were in a hurry and seemed to be busy.

Chu Xiaoyi seems to be shooting the cover of a magazine. He even made a special look today and said seriously: "Chu Xiaoxiao, when I was not at home, you were so embarrassed that you ran out for a day?"

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to roll her eyes at him, but she noticed something unusual again, and she leaned closer to the screen to look at it, frowning and said, "Brother, your eyes are so dirty?"

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned when he heard the words, and he touched the corner of his eyes subconsciously, mistakenly thinking that he had touched dust.

Chu Xiaoxiao showed a look of disgust: "The baba in your eyes has been wiped away..."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that the word "shit" was extremely indecent, and she followed the dictionary of kindergarten children and used another word instead.

Chu Xiaoyi usually doesn't wear makeup at home, but he suddenly reacted and gritted his teeth angrily: "That, call, eye, shadow."