The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 36


When Chu Xiaoyi first received the task, he was extremely frightened. He never felt that he had the ability to change the world, let alone contribute to the country and the people

On the first day of the plan's implementation, Chu Xiaoyi received the kindergarten report sent by Chu Xiaoxiao, so he could only bite the bullet and write a summary. He was like a clerk in a company who was desperately holding back his daily work schedule, racking his brains to describe today's workload.

Like a goldfish with amnesia, Chu Xiaoyi said blankly, "He Xin, what am I doing today?"

He Xin: "Brand event? Video conference with the director at night?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Oh, oh, I remember..."

He Xin hesitated: "That's what happened today."

Chu Xiaoyi used to remember what he did every day. His work was all about continuous rotation. He often took a plane and would spend a week in a daze. It would be a year if he traveled everywhere. This is also one of the reasons why he couldn't remember contact with his family at the beginning. His time period was quite chaotic, and there was no separation of things at all, and his days were swallowed by invisible monsters.

Ever since Chu Xiaoyi started working, he often hasn't felt the taste of time, and he is one year older without knowing it.

Chu Xiaoyi carefully sent the first day's daily newspaper, and he didn't know how his sister would comment. Anyway, he felt that there was really no important work today, and these two things couldn't be written in hype.

Chu Xiaoxiao's reply was quite peaceful, she didn't like Chu Xiaoyi imagined that he was mad at his daily newspaper.

Fauna: Did you work hard today

YI: Yes? [sweat]

Fauna: Then you are contributing to the country and the people [Great]

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the reply on the phone and was confused, he was instantly flattered and dared not believe: "Is it so easy!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao just learned the saying of "contributing to the country and the people" from her grandfather. In her opinion, her brother completed the work seriously, did it better, and did it better in the future, even if it was a way to contribute. She does not have the concept of donating to charity, nor does she have the Mandarin to promote positive energy to the outside world, and her thinking is relatively simple.

She used to think that her brother was a coward and was incompetent, but self-improvement was not an immediate effect. She had to make him work hard before gradually accepting the progressive transformation.

Chu Xiaoyi plans to donate to Hope Primary School every day, to be a public welfare ambassador when he has nothing to do, and to prepare for the hardships of going up and down the mountain. Who would have thought that hard work can also be praised? Chu Xiaoxiao didn't even verify whether he was serious, so he easily believed his words, which was so naive.

YI: Are you not afraid that I will lie to you

Fauna: Why would you lie to me about this? It's your job, not mine, and sooner or later a lie will reveal itself.

Chu Xiaoxiao was very puzzled by Brother Hanhan's reply. What's the benefit of him lying about his serious work? Does he really care about his work? Isn't he the clearest in his heart? This is the same as learning. Learning is learning. If you don't, you won't. What is the operation of lying to yourself

Chu Xiaoyi was suddenly dumbfounded, he felt that his sister was still a child, and she was too sincere in some aspects, not the same as himself. If he wants to tell a lie and work hard, he can be praised, just like copying homework in school, or using some tricks to pass the test, he can save a lot of effort and get the affirmation of others.

However, Chu Xiaoyi can't say this now, he can guess Chu Xiaoxiao's reply, she must think it's boring. She is not a child who cares too much about praise, nor does she deceive herself, and even learning foreign languages is out of interest. When she was not studying, she frankly stated "watching cartoons", and when she was studying, she wrote about what she learned, and the daily report was full of truth.

Chu Xiaoyi doesn't understand foreign language learning, and Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand star work.

After the first exchange of daily newspapers, Chu Xiaoyi relaxed inexplicably. Chu Xiaoxiao is not his boss or outside public opinion either. Their mutual supervision is ultimately an interaction between brothers and sisters, and has no utilitarian purpose. It's really boring for him to lie to her. His perfunctory work has no effect on his sister, but only on himself.

Chu Xiaoyi leaned on the chair and couldn't help thinking deeply, is he serious about participating in a brand event today

In the evening, Chu Xiaoyi also held a remote video conference with the director to discuss issues related to the script. After chatting with Chu Xiaoyi, the director said with emotion: "You scared me today, are you full of energy? Have you had a good rest recently?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "...No, no, I just want to contribute to the country and the people."


Since Chu Xiaoyi developed the habit of writing daily newspapers, he found that his time was gradually sorted out, and sending daily newspapers became a time node in his day. No matter what he has to do every day, he has to take five minutes to write a daily newspaper and send it before Chu Xiaoxiao goes to sleep.

He Xin was shocked by his behavior for a week, and suggested: "Otherwise, you can copy it according to my handwriting?"

He Xin will plan the next work schedule for the artist, and remember it densely every day, and it needs to be adjusted temporarily in case of emergencies. All the information was collected and screened by him, and then the most effective content was presented to Chu Xiaoyi.

Chu Xiaoyi: "No no no, your notes can only be used for reference, the key is that I have to write my thoughts..."

Chu Xiaoxiao now sends a daily newspaper to Chu Xiaoyi every day, so that he can gradually understand his sister's thinking world and truly feel her extraordinary place. A supernormal child is not simply high in intelligence, but possesses excellent intellectual qualities, such as concentration, self-control, and thirst for knowledge. These qualities create her intellectual development.

Chu Xiaoxiao's life is quite monotonous, basically revolving around home and kindergarten, but she will give her thoughts and comments on everything. If she is not in good physical condition today, she will refuse kindergarten sports because she is afraid of affecting her condition tomorrow; if she is in excellent learning condition today, she will increase the amount of learning tasks and give self-motivation and awards after completion; If she didn't eat celery today, she would say that she was afraid that celery would affect her appetite, but she added other vegetables and fruits, and the nutrition was still balanced.

Even if Chu Xiaoxiao chooses a cartoon to watch, she has her own reasons and basis, and she has to weigh the length of the cartoon, sleep time at night, the type of subject matter, etc., and can be called a rigorous little scientist.

Chu Xiaoyi's life is several times richer than his sister's, and he can't even write the daily newspapers so colorfully, he is simply ashamed of himself, and his five bodies are on the ground!

At first, Chu Xiaoyi felt that it was extremely difficult to write a daily newspaper, but now he is imitating his sister's style, and he is gradually becoming more and more handy. He looked back at the daily newspapers of the previous two weeks, and found that most of the work he couldn't do seriously was boring, repetitive, and uncreative. Some activities even affected the state of the next day, making him feel bad for several days in a row.

Chu Xiaoyi used to be a goldfish's brain memory. He didn't even remember the events of the previous two days, let alone sum up his life. He just felt inexplicably going through a week, then January, and then a year, with few reflective moves. He feels that he is very busy every day, but when he looks back at the daily newspaper, he feels that he is not so busy

Chu Xiaoxiao sleeps longer than Chu Xiaoyi every day. In fact, the rhythm of their lives when they are awake is similar.

What scares Chu Xiaoyi the most is that Chu Xiaoxiao actually doesn't have much time to learn foreign languages every day, but her accumulation of two weeks is quite effective. He used to wonder how she would have time to learn. Logically, kindergarten has consumed most of her energy. My sister still sleeps for a long time, and the rest of the day is very limited.

She will listen to foreign language practice for half an hour in the morning (on the way to kindergarten), study for 1-2 hours after school (depending on the situation), and watch two episodes of cartoons to relax before going to bed (the content of animations is not necessarily related to foreign languages), At other times, there are fragments of time, which usually look inconspicuous, but add up to quite terrifying.

Chu Xiaoyi: It's just as terrifying as Xiao! This is a humanoid learning machine!

With the help of his younger sister, Chu Xiaoyi suddenly found out in his conscience that he rarely bought a book to read. On the plane, He Xin looked at Chu Xiaoyi who was flipping through the book and couldn't help feeling absurd: "...I thought you hated reading and showing off the most?"

Chu Xiaoyi used to sneer at the behavior of celebrities selling literate characters, because he knew that some people would ask the team to write some convoluted and deep sentences and post them on Weibo, so he has never been ashamed to use knowledge to decorate his marketing operations. However, he is now reading while flying, which is uncharacteristically.

Chu Xiaoyi said indifferently: "Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle. It just so happens that the daily newspaper also has content to write."

He Xin: "..." I have to think that Chu Xiaoxiao is the owner of the studio, so that you can be so serious about the daily newspaper

Chu Xiaoxiao recently had a new understanding of the cheap brother. She used to think that his ability and income did not match, but now she finds that his life is messy and in some ways pitiful. He doesn't seem to know which activities work or doesn't work, he does it all in one go, and never gives self-motivation or feedback.

Chu Xiaoxiao praised him for having a good day today, but he felt that it was no big deal, as if there was no difference between today and yesterday. He is unhappy when he does the right thing, and he does not reflect on the wrong thing, so he has to live by the way, and everything will be fine if he gets over it.

This is unimaginable for Chu Xiaoxiao, her time is too short, only three and a half years old, every day is different, not to mention every year. She is studying in kindergarten this year, she may be jumping at home last year, and she may still be crawling the year before, how can it be the same

If Chu Xiaoxiao learns a new language, she will reward herself for eating snacks, or relax and watch animations for a day to reward her efforts. However, Chu Xiaoyi wouldn't do it, he didn't even know what he had done? Why reward yourself

Chu Xiaoxiao: My brother is even slower than the black cat Liang Site, at least it will respond to things.

At first, Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to use the daily newspaper to supervise his brother's progress, but now he finds that he is like a correction teacher in his life, and he has to tick or cross for him every day. Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao actually rarely has the chance to tick off. Mainly, Chu Xiaoyi feels that her daily newspaper is full of tick marks. Most of the time, she is responsible for ticking back the correct content.

The content that Chu Xiaoxiao sends most often now is "You had a great day today and made contributions to the country and the people", and then Chu Xiaoyi would reply with a refusal reply of "Is there?" Even if he thinks that today is not bad, he has to pretend to say no, and continue to improve a little bit the next day.

Chu Xiaoxiao was puzzled by his contradictory actions. She could only be patient and continue to approve the homework, and insisted on shouting to him every day: Yes! There is! Had a great day today!

Chu Xiaoxiao now admires the position of teacher even more. She feels that it is really hard to lead a stubborn underachiever, and it is more tiring than studying on her own.