The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 44


Yang Yin showed a hesitant look, and said, "Did you not make it clear in your composition that it was a dream?"

Liang Shuangqi: "I can't write because I'm dreaming. Our teacher hates dreaming. I told her last time that there were ten essays left in the dream, and she told me not to mention dreaming in the future."

Yang Yin: "...This may not be a real problem, just a problem of unfinished homework."

Liang Shuangqi let out a long sigh, and he held his chin helplessly: "Oh, she obviously won't criticize it carefully, can't we let each other go?"

Of course, the Chinese teacher can't read every composition carefully. She is more at ease with the good students, and she will let it go if she flips it at will. Only Liang Shuangqi and other young students who do not have enough composition will be focused on. The teacher felt that since the quantity was not enough, the quality should always be guaranteed, but Liang Shuangqi would not have written about landing on the moon.

Chu Xiaoxiao remarked: "I think the details are not real enough. Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. Brother Qiqi can't play the cello for aliens."

"Look at the Voyager 1 probe, it is carrying the 'Sound of the Earth' golden turntable with 90 minutes of music in it..." Chu Xiaoxiao used the iPad to search for the information of the space probe, proving that humans and aliens are in There are other ways to share music in space.

Liang Shuangqi picked up the pen, and he suddenly realized: "That's the case, then I'll revise the details."

Yang Yin hurriedly stopped: "Wait, let's do something else, so you have something else to write about."

Yang Yin felt that the primary school teacher probably wanted the students to observe life, rather than let them write science fiction stories. Since Liang Shuangqi didn't have any writing materials, it would be good for them to create some materials.

Yang Yin asked, "Is there anything you want to do?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I want to grow oranges."

As a young master in life, Yang Yin showed a thoughtful expression and murmured, "Let me think about it..."

Compared with urban children of the same age, Yang Yin is more capable. She has skill points in cooking, sewing, planting, picking, fishing, and sheep herding. After all, she is always working in the countryside. Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to plant orange trees, but unfortunately there were no saplings at home, so the three of them had to settle for the next best thing and complete the planting of other crops.

Yang Yin cut the sprouted potatoes into pieces, and arranged the soil in the small courtyard of Chu Xiaoxiao's house, and took two children to plant them. This row of soil has been desolate since winter, and finally comes in handy in summer.

Yang Yin hesitated: "I don't know if it will grow, mainly because the Xiao Xiao family has never planted anything."

Yang Yin used to grow crops in the fields in her hometown, and she was not sure whether the soil in the small courtyard would be successful.

Chu Xiaoxiao was planting for the first time. She blinked curiously: "When will I be able to eat potatoes? Will it be possible next week?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was already planning to bring the potatoes to the dinner table. She could let her father stir-fry the shredded potatoes with vinegar, and then ask Sister Yang Yin to bake the potatoes for her.

Yang Yinyu said helplessly: "It may take three or four months."

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't expect it to take so long, she made a regretful voice and looked at the potato field with a loss.

Liang Shuangqi showed the look of planning and praised: "Great, then I can write two essays, one for growing potatoes, and one for harvesting potatoes."

Liang Shuangqi is now an emotionless composition machine. He doesn't care much about eating potatoes, but only about composition materials.

Yang Yin's execution is very strong. She fulfilled Chu Xiaoxiao's planting wish and asked Liang Shuangqi, "Is there anything you want to do?"

Liang Shuangqi: "I want to open a shop." He has wanted to do business for a long time.

Chu Xiaoxiao wondered, "What kind of store are you going to open?"

Liang Shuangqi had just felt the scorching sun in the small courtyard, he hurriedly fled into the tea room to blow the air conditioner, and simply said: "Open a cold drink shop."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "We don't have cold drinks."

Yang Yin: "I can make popsicles out of fruit."

Yang Yin made fresh fruit into juice and puree, mixed it with honey, poured it into a frozen ice cube mold, and put toothpicks next to it to complete a simple popsicle. The three sent the ice cube molds into the refrigerator, and also prepared the remaining juice into drinks, so that the cold drink shop had raw materials.

Yang Yin washed the other molds and said, "It will take several hours to freeze."

Liang Shuangqi: "It doesn't matter, we can sell drinks first. Sister Yang Yin is a beverage master, and I am the store manager who collects the money. Xiao Xiao walks through this line even if he enters a cold drink shop, we are truly operating..."

Liang Shuangqi began to divide the area in the tea room and asked Chu Xiaoxiao to be a customer of the cold drink shop. The arrangement was quite clear. Standing behind the line he said, Chu Xiaoxiao confirmed, "Are we really going to do business?"

Liang Shuangqi: "Yes, the teacher said that the composition must be truthful."

Yang Yin just played the house as the children. She didn't complain too much. She stood behind the mock counter and prepared drinks. Chu Xiaoxiao stepped into the cold drink shop in a proper manner and sat at the counter waiting to order.

Liang Shuangqi immediately showed a business smile. He really looked like a small shop manager and politely asked, "What does this customer need?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I want a cup of bubble milk tea, no pearls, no tea."

Yang Yin looked at the juice in her hand and began to wonder where there was milk: "?"

As a fan of Jack Ma, Liang Shuangqi immediately sold other drinks and said enthusiastically: "I'm sorry, we don't have bubble tea in our store, but we have a freshly prepared juice - Hawaiian special drink!"

Chu Xiaoxiao said understandingly: "Well, I want this."

Liang Shuangqi: "Do you need anything else? A total of 100 yuan."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I need money."

Liang Shuangqi: "..."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that Liang Shuangqi had lost all his secrets. The store manager, clerk and customers all had them, but the customers had no money and could not buy drinks at all. Liang Shuangqi's store opening plan seems to be shaky, who made the economic environment not so good, and the customers' wallets are empty.

Liang Shuangqi said helplessly: "I really can't do anything about you, this cup will be used as an opening reward, and I will invite you."

Yang Yin poured juice into the cup, put in some fresh fruit, and handed it to Liang Shuangqi. As a waiter, Liang Shuangqi walked up to Chu Xiaoxiao with the juice seriously, and put the cup in front of her: "Your Hawaiian special drink."

When Chu Xiaoxiao saw Liang Shuangqi bringing the juice, she grabbed his wrist before he took back his hand, and said solemnly, "Actually, I am from the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Do you have a business license?"

Liang Shuangqi: "?"

Liang Shuangqi: "Isn't Xiao Xiao a guest?" Why don't you play cards according to the routine

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I came to investigate secretly. I suspect that you are operating without a license. Please show me your business license."

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks that Brother Qiqi asks for truth, and they must really return to reality and follow the process. She occasionally stays with Chu Jiadong, and when she has nothing to do, she glances at social news, which either investigates and punishes unlicensed business operations or cracks down on illegal marketing, which is quite close to reality.

Liang Shuangqi was confused: "I, I don't have a business license..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I'm sorry, then I will confiscate your income from opening the store and impose a fine at the same time."

Liang Shuangqi, as a commoner who is not easy to open a store, tried to ease the relationship and said softly, "I haven't made any money yet."

Chu Xiaoxiao said rigorously: "Then only fines will be imposed."

Liang Shuangqi's business dream has been devastated by social reality. He has not yet generated any income, but instead he will be fined first. Chu Xiaoxiao had no money to buy drinks, and of course Liang Shuangqi had no money to pay the fine. In the end, he was handcuffed and taken away by Chu Xiaoxiao because he refused to pay the fine.

Chu Xiaoxiao used rubber bands as handcuffs, and she put a set on Liang Shuangqi's wrists and arrested him.

Liang Shuangqi was not angry. He accepted the arrest cooperatively, and then asked in doubt, "Wait, can the Industry and Commerce Bureau arrest someone? Give me a chance?"

Liang Shuangqi felt that his cold drink shop was closing down too quickly, so he entertained a guest, but he was imprisoned for no reason, trying to struggle to death.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "How can I give you a chance?"

Liang Shuangqi: "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I'm sorry, I'm a policeman."

Yang Yin listened to the lines of the old movie. As a wage earner outside the situation, she weakly said: "... Then can he still pay me wages?"

The three of them tossed around in the tea room and created a lot of writing material for Liang Shuangqi. In just one day, he farmed, opened a shop, went bankrupt, went to jail, reformed in prison, and got out of prison to find a job. Life can be described as ups and downs, full of ups and downs.

Everyone completed the homework almost, and then it was time for each to go back to his own home. Before leaving, Yang Yin also checked the potato field. Liang Shuangqi also left with the workbook. He waved goodbye to Chu Xiaoxiao and said leisurely, "Sir, see you tomorrow!"

Chu Xiaoxiao waved at him and said solemnly, "Be a good person and start over."

At home, Chu Xiaoyi went home to pack his luggage to join the team. He arrived one step ahead of his parents, looked at the freshly squeezed juice on the table for a moment, and said blankly, "Where did this come from? Did your parents squeeze it in the morning?"

When Chu Xiaoyi came back from the outside, his mouth was dry, the juice was still cold when he touched it, and he immediately wanted to pour a glass to quench his thirst.

Chu Xiaoxiao immediately stopped his behavior and said seriously: "This is what Sister Yang Yin squeezed. It's a drink from our cold drink shop. You can't drink it for nothing."

Chu Xiaoyi roughly understood that it was a trick among children, and suggested, "Then I'll buy you a cup."

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, then she immediately changed her attitude and put on a service state: "Okay, what does this guest want?"

Chu Xiaoyi pointed at the fresh juice: "I want this."

Chu Xiaoxiao took out the glass, she carefully poured a glass for him, and handed it to him: "This is your special drink of the season, a total of 100 yuan."

Chu Xiaoyi took out a pink banknote from his wallet and happily gave it to the little thing that opened the cold drink shop.

Chu Xiaoxiao took a hundred-yuan bill, and she watched it for a long time pretending to be, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, this is a fake bill."

Chu Xiaoyi: "Impossible, He Xin just took it." He didn't have time to take the money, so he had a life assistant or a broker to take the money and prepare cash for himself.

Chu Xiaoxiao took out a small note with "100 yuan" written in blue watercolor pen. She blinked and said, "This is our 100 yuan bill."

She put on all kinds of watercolor pen certificates and listed them one by one in front of her brother: "This is my business license, this is my health certificate..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." Isn't this just playing home? Do you need to be so realistic

Chu Xiaoyi just wanted to drink an iced drink. Who would have thought that Chu Xiaoxiao would be so troublesome and still be able to play real and fake banknotes. Of course, he wasn't a fool either. He took a blank note and a blue watercolor pen directly from the side, made a banknote on the spot, and handed it to Chu Xiaoxiao.

Chu Xiaoyi: "Is it okay this time? Give me the drink now."

Chu Xiaoxiao frowned in dissatisfaction: "You can't just print money, that will lead to inflation!"

Chu Xiaoyi: " should change your English reading, don't read economical articles."

Chu Jiadong can read English financial articles when he has nothing to do. Because he is always in charge of Chu Xiaoxiao's English practice time, he often includes private goods and shows her some economic articles. This kind of article is technically difficult, but the sentence pattern is simpler than many novels or prose.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the refreshing drink but couldn't drink it. He felt a big headache for a while: "Then where did you ask me to get the money? I don't have the kind of banknotes you have."

Chu Xiaoxiao pondered for a few seconds and said, "You can make money with your labor. You help me color the copy and I'll pay you."

The kindergarten arranges the parent-child homework of the handwritten newspaper, and also requires the child and the family to complete it together to cultivate a harmonious atmosphere in the family. This is a common operation in the kindergarten where Chu Xiaoxiao works. In the past, there were baking, taking photos, etc., which made Annie's mother light up a lot of skills.

Chu Xiaoyi heard a little about this, Chu Jiadong was in charge of the previous chores, and occasionally let Xiao Bi play. He could only sit at the table, pick up the watercolor pen to color, and asked angrily, "Is this all right?"

When Chu Xiaoxiao saw that the cheap brother started to work, she drew a bill with a watercolor pen and put it in Chu Xiaoyi's hand: "This is your salary."

"You bought another drink, so I accept 100 yuan." Chu Xiaoxiao took back the newly drawn banknotes and handed over the iced juice, "This is your special drink of the season."

Chu Xiaoyi finally drank the iced drink he dreamed of. With the help of the cool and fresh juice, he felt at ease, and simply continued to paint with a pen. He hummed a song and drank a drink, and his brain was free to paint, but suddenly he felt that something was wrong and questioned: "Wait, why did you just print money at will, but I can't?"

Chu Xiaoyi noticed something was wrong, and Chu Xiaoxiao also drew a banknote at will!

Chu Xiaoyi was halfway through copying the newspaper, and he realized at this moment: "No, you are playing with the economy, are you a chaebol!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao can print money, open a shop, and let him work part-time. She is not a chaebol!

Chu Xiaoyi is not as fooled as Liang Shuangqi, so he will not be easily trapped by Chu Xiaoxiao. Liang Shuangqi is still a child now. He can't even distinguish the work of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the police. Naturally, he is completely led by Chu Xiaoxiao. She says what she says.

Of course, Liang Shuangqi may also feel that it is meaningless to be serious. He is very cooperative with Chu Xiaoxiao's approach.

Chu Xiaoyi is in his twenties now, but he is in a period of age chaos. He occasionally feels that he is a baby, so naturally he will not let Chu Xiaoxiao!

Chu Xiaoxiao was quite surprised: "Ah, you can actually find out..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: The cheap brother has always been naive, but he is so smart about money

Chu Xiaoyi smiled instead of being angry: "What do you mean by being able to find out, do you think I'm an idiot?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "That's not true."

Chu Xiaoyi: "It's good that you know."

Chu Xiaoxiao said rigorously, "I'm not stupid, I'm stupid."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." You really didn't get the roof over for three days

Chu Xiaoyi just wanted to arrest the cunning sister, but when she saw her jumping on the sofa nimbly, he immediately chased after him: "Get down! I'm going to do justice for my parents today!"

Chu Xiaoxiao won't be caught honestly, she jumped up on the sofa and said in a plausible manner, "Can't you afford it?"

The day-to-day life of the brothers and sisters was over, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi also returned home one after another, and heard the news that Chu Xiaoyi was going to join the filming group.

Chu Xiaoyi caught fire after the variety show was broadcast, but he felt extremely frightened. He always felt that the state on the cloud was too dangerous, so he immediately decided to film and hide from the limelight. He was filming a modern drama, so he didn't have to go to Hengdian and other places, the crew was in the suburbs of the imperial capital.

Chu Jiadong smiled and said, "That's good, it's close!"

Xiao Bi went to take the school's summer vacation practice activity today. She just came back from experiencing the high temperature and asked, "Are you indoors or outdoors? Now you should be careful not to get heatstroke."

Chu Xiaoyi heard his parents whispering and asking for warmth, he hesitated for a moment, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "...If you are free, would you like to come and have a look?"

In the early years, Chu Jiadong wanted to visit the crew very much, but was sternly rejected by his eldest son. Chu Xiaoyi was in a good mood at that time, and he didn't want to show his weakness in front of his father, so he naturally didn't want to let him come to the work site. Chu Xiaoyi is now consciously adjusting his mentality. He feels that some knots can be opened, so he awkwardly proposes.

He took the initiative to say that he was still a little weak, and just wanted to add "it's okay if you don't have time", but heard Chu Xiaoxiao's definitive answer.

As a younger sister, Chu Xiaoxiao said decisively, "No, it's so hot." When she goes out, she will be dried in the sun, just like the dried fish and dried meat at Xiao Jie's house.

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

Chu Xiaoyi's original awkwardness was gone, and he was suddenly aroused to be competitive, pinched her face, and smiled angrily: "Then you really have to come, just as your kindergarten requires children to care about their family's work, I think You should also care about me..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was pinched by him and couldn't speak vaguely: "%$&#@%*..."