The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 48


Chu Xiaoyi thinks that the children of today are really powerful. He ran away from home in the past, that is to say, he went out for a walk in the community, but Liu Yunhan was able to run so far by himself in a car. Sure enough, the child stars who entered the work earlier were bold

Running away from home may be the experience of many children in their childhood. They have different reasons for leaving home. Some are to attract the attention of their families and want to get more love; parents. Children are limited in what they can do, and this is one of their few means of resistance.

When Chu Xiaoyi learned the news, he didn't dare to stay in the crew too much. It happened that there was no show for him for a long time today, so he hurried back. He Xin and others also sent him the collected information on Liu Yunhan, and said that they would find someone to inquire about the child star's home situation and see why she ran away from home.

In the Yurong Terrace, Liang Shuangqi had already left and went back to play the qin, leaving only Liu Yunhan who did not want to go home. Xiao Bi couldn't force the little child actress to contact her parents, she could only comfort her for a while, and let Chu Xiaoxiao accompany her first, waiting for the news of her eldest son.

Chu Xiaoxiao asked curiously, "Sister Yunhan, are you planning to never go home again?"

Liu Yunhan tucked her knees into a ball on the chair, she shook her head and muttered: "That's not good, my mother will be worried."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "But your mother is also worried now?"

Liu Yunhan said frustratedly: "But I really can't hold on anymore. It only takes one day, or let me leave home for a day..."

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and suggested, "Then let your father persuade your mother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao remembered Liang Shuangqi's evacuation past. He was almost beaten by his mother after he got into trouble, but Uncle Liang came to stop him, and then he could go home logically. Although Liu Yunhan's behavior of running away from home was too risky, wouldn't it reduce Liu's mother's anger by letting her father make peace

Liu Yunhan pursed her lips, her eyes dimmed and said, "Dad already has a new home, so I can't leave my mother even more."

Liu Yunhan's parents are divorced, her father has remarried a long time ago, and she still has a child with her current wife, so it is impossible to take care of Liu Yunhan wholeheartedly. Liu's mother had a very unpleasant quarrel with the other party when she divorced. She was divided into a large amount of property, and she has no worries about food and clothing since then, but she also had a grudge in her heart and asked her daughter to change her surname to her own.

If Liu Yunhan was asked to choose, she would of course choose her mother. After all, it was her father who did something wrong and her mother was an innocent victim. However, she is now gradually becoming unable to support her mother's love, and often feels out of breath and thinks she is shaky.

After the father left, everyone confided to Liu Yunhan about Liu's mother's pity. Liu's mother did her best to give out double the love, and wanted to help her daughter reach a higher level in her acting career, but Liu Yunhan's heart became more and more more frightened.

"If I can't do it so well, and even stop acting one day, my mother will be very disappointed." Liu Yunhan whispered, "It was clear that I wanted to learn acting at first, but now I go back on it, which will only make her sad... "

Liu Yunhan felt that she was a terrible child with this idea in her arms. She offered to be a little actress, but now she suddenly changed her mind, putting her mother who had been helping her in a dilemma. It's very difficult for a child star to want to, and even she was paid very low when she played "Yamila Xianxian", but it was only recently that the pay became higher, and the more she received, the more good shows she received.

When Liu Yunhan first started performing, her family had to put money into it to realize her dream of being an actress. Thinking about this, she felt more and more that she was ignorant, but she was always mentally tired, which could not be eliminated no matter how long she took a rest.

After Chu Xiaoxiao listened to her companion, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then hesitantly said, "But I don't think Sister Yunhan needs to feel so guilty, because you haven't hurt your mother yet."

Liu Yunhan: "But I have the idea of not wanting to act..."

Chu Xiaoxiao said seriously: "That's just your idea, and you haven't put it into action, right? You've never been perfunctory about your work, and you didn't even run out of work until today, which means you haven't disappointed your mother yet. "

Liu Yunhan whispered: "I will disappoint her sooner or later..."

Chu Xiaoxiao asked solemnly, "Why do you always have to play the role of your father?"

Liu Yunhan was taken aback: "Ah?"

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked and said, "You obviously didn't do anything wrong, but you always feel that you are a bad person and your mother is a poor person."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that Liu Yunhan was very strange. She didn't quite understand the entanglement of Liu Yunhan's parents, but she felt that the little friend did nothing wrong. Even if Liu's mother is a poor person who was hurt, Liu Yunhan is not the perpetrator, but she always takes all the faults.

Liu Yunhan feels that her mother is very pitiful, that she is guilty of disappointing her mother, and that she is unforgivable for trying to give up her acting career and abandon her hard-working mother. She hints herself with this idea every day, but of course she always feels very tired and completely unable to lift herself up.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I think your mother is already an adult, she is not as vulnerable as you said."

Liu Yunhan was speechless for a moment. She couldn't change her old ideas immediately. Who made everyone around her feel sorry for her mother, and repeatedly told her to care about and honor her mother, and not to let the other party suffer any more. She subconsciously took over the burden of an adult, but her small shoulders were still unable to carry it, so she was naturally out of breath.

At this time, Chu Xiaoyi also arrived at the Yurong Terrace. He just stepped into the house and panted, "Liu Yunhan, your mother fell down the stairs today with a bit of a fracture, and she is still in the hospital."

Liu Yunhan suddenly ran away from home today and left without saying goodbye, which made Liu's mother panic. She looked around for her daughter, asked her classmates and friends, but slipped her feet during the search, fell down the stairs, and was taken to the hospital.

Liu Yunhan was reluctant to go home, but she immediately stood up in a panic and said at a loss: "Which hospital is my mother in, I'm going to find her now..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "You take my car and report to your mother that she is safe."

When Liu Yunhan heard the news that her mother was in the hospital, she couldn't care that she was still running away from home, and immediately called to contact her mother, showing a worried look. She was originally a sensible child and was always reluctant to hurt adults, so her inner emotions became more and more heavy.

Taking advantage of Liu Yunhan's call, Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help rubbing his sister's little head, and was speechless at her super recruiting ability: "Are you a villain trafficker? Did she come here?"

Of course, Chu Xiaoyi knows that Chu Xiaoxiao did not make a mistake, but he is not sure whether Liu Yunhan's parents are reasonable.

Chu Xiaoxiao jumped in anger, reached out and patted his hand away, annoyed: "Don't pollute my head!"

Chu Xiaoyi deliberately went against her and joked: "I will pollute, I will pollute, and you can run away from home if you have the ability..."

Chu Xiaoxiao said loudly: "I won't run away from home! I'm going to kick you out of the house!"

Chu Xiaoyi: " you really have great ambitions?"

Chu Xiaoxiao is not stupid. She will never give up the base camp. If her family dares to suppress her, she will beat the opposition out of the house, so that she will not live on the streets pitifully. She felt that Liu Yunhan's actions hurt one thousand and one hundred and eight hundred, and she would never run out by herself, so she had no food, no drink, no place to live.

Chu Xiaoxiao said very well: "If you look at history, you should know that people who run away from home will not end well."

Chu Xiaoyi laughed and said, "What history? Are there any historical allusions to running away from home?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Look at our family history. You were the last one who ran away from home, and now you're just getting along... Hey, let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it!"

Chu Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh, she waved her hand helplessly, looking regretful like a grandfather who saw bad news. Chu Xiaoyi has been away from home for several years, and now it often takes a long time to come back. His results are very obvious, and future generations should learn from history.

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

Chu Xiaoyi immediately stretched out his claws towards his sister, gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Xiaoxiao, you didn't end well! Your brother and I are doing well!"

After Liu Yunhan called her mother, she returned home in Chu Xiaoyi's car, accompanied by her brother and sister. She lowered her head uneasily the whole time, as if worried about her mother's condition, and remained silent in the car. Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say, so he could only hold hands with Liu Yunhan, but he felt that the other's palm was cold.

Chu Xiaoyi comforted: "Your mother is not seriously injured. Now that she has gone home, let's drive directly to your house."

Liu Yunhan nodded, like a wilted seedling.

Liu Yunhan's house is really far away from Yurongtai. It is in the same urban area as where grandma Chu Zhen and others lived. Even though there are very few new buildings in the old city, it is an inch of land and an inch of gold, and the price is not the same as that of Yurongtai. Comparable. When Liu Yunhan arrived in the community, she was familiar with the way, but her house was still crowded with many relatives.

Liu Yunhan disappeared mysteriously, and Liu's mother naturally wanted to start everyone to find it. Now that the seven aunts and eight aunts saw the child's return, they suddenly shouted: "Liu Yunhan, where are you going? Your mother is going crazy. !"

"How come you don't say a word when you go out, your mother is already working hard to take you alone, how can you be so ignorant!?"

"Your mother is pitiful enough, don't make her sad all the time, she's running around looking for you in a hurry, and even fell down the stairs..."

The volume of some people was loud, and some of them were low volume, and the noise became a mess in an instant, making people's ears hurt. The elders rebuked Liu Yunhan loudly and persuaded Liu Yunhan well, mainly saying that Liu Yunhan's behavior was too dangerous, which made Liu's mother very sad.

Liu Yunhan turned pale in the face of the condemnation, she had no way to answer for a while, and she was in a dilemma at the door of the house.

Chu Xiaoyi was wearing a black mask. He had never seen such a chaotic scene. He carried the dazed Chu Xiaoxiao upstairs, unable to suppress his violent temper in an instant, and said bluntly: "Alright, alright, uncle and auntie, this is all. What's the matter? She didn't break her mother's bones on purpose, and it's because the stairs have hidden safety hazards, or the soles of the shoes are not strong enough to slip, what does it have to do with children!"

Chu Xiaoyi can't stand the pressure of other people's emotions on him the most. If he was talked about every day like Liu Yunhan, he might have left home for eight hundred times!

Chu Xiaoyi: "Closing the door is a family affair. Her mother will educate her well, so don't worry about it!"

Chu Xiaoyi walked forward with Chu Xiaoxiao in his arms, and forcibly opened a way for Liu Yunhan in the crowd, and let the little girl go back to his house. He called again to ask He Xin to go upstairs and asked the agent to persuade the left and right neighbors at the door to leave. He didn't want to see a large group of people gathering when he went out.

Chu Xiao Yicai doesn't care whether He Xin and the team are difficult or not. Anyway, the eldest young master has always been self-willed. He immediately cleared the surrounding relatives away, instantly letting Liu Yunhan breathe a sigh of relief, and she immediately ran into the house to visit her mother with a fractured bone.

"Mom, I'm back..." Liu Yunhan was trembling all the way, but now that her mother was safe and sound, she finally felt relieved.

Liu's mother was resting in bed, and her legs were obviously treated. She looked at Liu Yunhan, whose eyes were red, her anger subsided instantly, and she said in a trembling voice, "You're back, you're scaring me to death! I thought you were being Abduct away!"

The mother and daughter were reunited at the bedside, and both were about to cry, apparently unable to leave each other. Chu Xiaoxiao now understands Liu Yunhan's thoughts a little bit. Although the other party chose to run away from home, he subconsciously did not intend to leave his mother, he was just venting in this way.

After a while, Liu's mother sorted out her emotions and gradually regained her composure. She warned, "I can't accompany you to the following crew. I'll ask your aunt to take you there. Remember to report the progress with video every night..."

Liu Yunhan showed a look of astonishment on her face. She didn't expect that her mother was injured and did not forget her schedule, and she could find someone to do it for her. She looked at her mother's injured leg, thought about what she had done, and finally lowered her head in a forbearance, and said hoarsely, "...Okay."

Liu Yunhan was persuaded by Chu Xiaoxiao in Yurongtai, but at this moment, she was instantly defeated by guilt and felt that she was sorry for her mother.

How could Chu Xiaoxiao not know what her partner was thinking, she said frankly: "Auntie, Sister Yunhan doesn't want to act recently."