The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 50


After Chu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he wanted to run away in a hurry, but he was helpless but was caught by the cheap brother's fate's little hoodie, and was pulled back to the sofa to sit down, just like the poor Jerry in "Tom and Jerry". She is now four years old, and now she can only bite the bullet and listen to Chu Xiaoyi's nonsense, facing the difficulties she has never encountered in the past four years.

Chu Xiaoyi reported the current situation to his sister, indicating that he did not have no investigation: "I have gone to the English language agency for consultation, and they all said that it seems to be a little difficult, and the time is tight and the task is heavy."

Chu Xiaoxiao secretly said: "How dare you ask..." She felt that her brother was shameless enough, she could say it, and she wanted to do it quickly in two or three weeks.

Chu Xiaoyi plausibly said: "Actually, I still have some basics, and I am not a complete layman."

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to roll his eyes at him, and whispered, "The learning goals and plans you put forward are very unprofessional."

Chu Xiaoxiao believes that people who have learned a little language will not say such outrageous words. Even if she is proficient in many foreign languages, she can only reach the native language level of foreign children of the same age. She looks great, but she is very expressive and can use foreign languages with ease.

Four or five-year-old foreign children use English as their native language, and their vocabulary is about 5,000, while adults are required to master about 4,600 words in the CET-4 test. The two seem to have similar vocabulary reserves, but the actual oral expressions are very different, and they are not the same thing at all.

Chu Xiaoxiao did not dare to speak his foreign language to sound like American or British, and the cultural level of foreigners also differs from person to person. She can only consider basic spoken language enough for now, and there are some expansion packs to be loaded, such as business English, biological English, etc.

When Chu Xiaoyi came up, he wanted to communicate like a foreigner, and he actually claimed that he was not an amateur, which suddenly made Chu Xiaoxiao big.

Seeing that his sister wanted to escape repeatedly, Chu Xiaoyi pressed her back in dissatisfaction: "That's why I need your help, aren't we brothers and sisters? We are members of the same family!"

Chu Xiaoxiao is no longer smart, she is a little broken at this time, shaking her head desperately: "I really can't help with this..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "Then my requirements are lowered a little bit. It's good to be able to communicate with people in life, and you don't need to be like a foreigner!"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his words were more reliable, and he hesitated: "...Then how much foundation do you have?"

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't reject teaching Chu Xiaoyi foreign languages, but he wanted to study at Harvard when he came up. She was really desperate as a teacher. Now that his learning goals have become realistic, they have wiggle room.

Chu Xiaoyi started a song with great interest. While playing the music, he showed the lyrics to his sister: "I wrote English lyrics myself before."

Chu Xiaoxiao probed over curiously. Looking at the plain and straightforward English lyrics, she couldn't help falling into a long silence. To be honest, she wasn't as good as Annie's composition. Chu Xiaoxiao's kindergarten is bilingual, and Annie's mother tongue is not English. She is fortunate enough to read the articles of her friends, and Annie may be better.

The English lyrics created by Chu Xiaoyi are all repetitive short words and short sentences, and they are extremely straightforward for rhyming, and the sentence patterns are quite simple, such as "Hey girl, this is my love" and so on.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..." I'm sorry, I can't accept your love after reading your lyrics, I really can't afford it.

Chu Xiaoyi actually asked excitedly, "How is it? How is it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao pondered for a few seconds, and said euphemistically, "The song is good." The word is not easy to say.

Chu Xiaoyi was proud: "I wrote this song!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Brother, have you ever thought that your music is not popular and it has something to do with the lyrics?"

Chu Xiaoxiao shouldn't believe Chu Xiaoyi's stupid words with English foundation. She now feels that "being able to communicate with people in life" is also very difficult, and vocabulary may be a major difficulty. She seriously suggested: "Actually, if you start to learn sign language now, and use body language to communicate, it can be considered as being able to communicate with people in life..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." Are you treating me as a mute

When Chu Xiaoyi saw his sister beat him repeatedly, he couldn't help but mad at her and said angrily: "Can't you provide me with some information first? You don't even teach me the first step, how can you be sure that I will do it? Can't you?"

In order to avoid his poisonous hand, Chu Xiaoxiao could only jump on the sofa suddenly, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll teach you!"

Chu Xiaoyi immediately sat upright and looked expectantly: "Then what do you teach first?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Let me sing a sentence, you sing a sentence with me, we will finish slowly..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "Learn to sing English songs?"

Chu Xiaoxiao ignored him, she had already started teaching, shaking her head and singing: "Sleep, sleep, my dear baby..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Why teach me "Lullaby"? I can sing this song."

Chu Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "Then you have finished the first step, just lie down on the bed now."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." After a long time, teach me to dream!

The two brothers and sisters were struggling to learn English. Chu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to accept the rebel Chu Xiaoyi. However, the two solemnly signed the disclaimer agreement. Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't guarantee that Chu Xiaoyi would get a quick success in two or three weeks. He could only try his best to improve his speaking level, and the rest depended on his own good fortune.

Chu Xiaoxiao lowered his head and said dejectedly: "Please don't say that I teach you English. I'm afraid that I won't be able to be a teacher in the future..."

Chu Xiaoxiao actually respects the role of a teacher. She is afraid of overturning her teaching career, so she can't hide her unease.

Chu Xiaoyi: "How can it be so exaggerated! My high school English teacher is still fine!"

Chu Xiaoyi is about to go to Hollywood to audition. This opportunity came too suddenly. Although he can bring an interpreter, he can't be dumb. If he has some daily communication skills, he also has room to play when he sees producers, directors, etc., and the possibility of winning the role will increase.

Opportunities always come unexpectedly. If Chu Xiaoyi knew about this earlier, he would definitely set aside more time to learn English, but there is not so much "early knowledge" in life. After graduation, Chu Xiaoyi didn't use English for a long time, and his speaking ability was extremely degraded, so he could only accept his sister's entrance examination.

After reading his vocabulary level, Chu Xiaoxiao said seriously: "I probably know which class you should be assigned to. Let's go see your classmates tomorrow."

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned: "I still have classmates?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Of course, you have to make progress together. It just so happened that I should check her too."

On Sunday, the siblings greeted their parents and drove to the old town to visit their grandmother and others. The little aunt opened the door for Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoyi, and at the same time asked with a smile, "Are you going to meet for class this week?"

Chu Xiaoxiao held the iPad and the study materials, she nodded: "Yes, because there are new classmates."

Chu Xiaoyi was surprised, a conjecture appeared in his heart, and he dared not believe: "Uncle, you..."

Chu Xiaoxiao affirmed his brother's speculation, and said, "My little aunt has been studying in the class for more than a year, and she is a member of my weekend class."

Chu Xiaoxiao mobilized all the people to learn foreign languages, frantically forcing her family to listen to her lectures, and even became addicted to teaching for a while. She didn't go to kindergarten at that time, and every day she was tossing adults to listen to her speaking foreign languages, and her uncle and others were deeply poisoned.

My uncle now says that he has a headache when he hears English, which is probably the sequelae left by Chu Xiaoxiao's persecution, and he no longer dares to play the game of being a teacher with her. The little aunt insisted on it for a long time. After Chu Xiaoxiao went to the kindergarten and the Latin class, they still took one class per week via remote video.

The little aunt smiled embarrassedly: "But I learn very slowly, and I always forget as I learn. It's easy to get confused when I get older."

Chu Xiaoyi was quite shocked, to know that the little aunt should only read the third grade of elementary school, and she is definitely an old man with a low level of education. He had visited his grandmother and uncle, so he sat down with his uncle and listened to the class, not to mention how complicated his mood was.

Chu Xiaoyi: The young and strong do not study English hard, and the eldest is classmates with the elders.

The uncle brought fruit to the three of them, and then quietly withdrew. He was watching TV with his grandmother in the living room, apparently taking no notice of teaching. He wouldn't stay for lectures, and would rather go to choose a dish than learn a foreign language.

Chu Xiaoxiao had already started teaching, but Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help but ask: "Little auntie, why do you want to learn English? Are you forced by her?"

Chu Xiaoyi: If you are kidnapped, please blink.

Just as my uncle was about to answer, Chu Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "Be quiet and quiet, don't talk to each other in get out of class, and talk after class if you have something to say."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that Brother Cheap was really a naughty underachiever. When he came to the classroom, he would interfere with other people's teaching, which was the most difficult type for teachers to control.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that his sister was a decent little teacher, so he could only shut up and suppress his curiosity. Chu Xiaoxiao led the two of them to read the vocabulary first. Even though the little aunt spoke softly, she read the words in a loud voice, which made Chu Xiaoyi like a mosquito buzzing in a low voice.

Chu Xiaoyi was also startled by the volume of his little auntie, he looked at each other in disbelief, and his little heart almost jumped out.

Seeing his startled look, Chu Xiaoxiao pointed to the vocabulary again: "Read it yourself."

The little aunt was quiet this time, she looked at Chu Xiaoyi kindly, but only let him be on her back. Chu Xiaoyi was quite embarrassed to speak English in front of his elders, he repeated it hummingly, only to show the posture of lip-synching at the party.

"What?" Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't hear clearly, she could only turn her ears and walk down from the simple podium, approached Chu Xiaoyi for several steps, and finally said helplessly, "If you don't want to speak, you speak, if you speak, you don't. Say."

Chu Xiaoxiao: I teach you to learn spoken language, just wear a hearing aid, it's really hard.

Chu Xiaoyi thought it was one-on-one teaching, but he didn't expect that there was still a little aunt as a classmate, and he felt pressure suddenly, he stumbled and said: "I, I don't think I'm ready, my aunt has been studying for more than a year anyway. , we should not be able to attend classes in the same class, and I only learn spoken English…”

Chu Xiaoxiao: "This is a speaking class, and my auntie is also the first speaking class."

The speed at which my uncle and grandmother memorize words is very slow, and there is no basis in the original, so naturally it takes some accumulation to output. Chu Xiaoxiao felt that there was nothing wrong with his class. The degenerate Chu Xiaoyi and the progressive auntie did have the same level of spoken language, and they could improve quickly by practicing against each other.

Chu Xiaoyi put the plan for two or three weeks behind him, and said, "I'm not ready for speaking class, I think you will teach my auntie today..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I think you are ready. The preparation for the oral class is actually very simple. You already have the conditions to learn the oral language."

When Chu Xiaoyi heard his sister affirm him for the first time, he couldn't help but wonder: "Really? What are the conditions for learning spoken language?"

Chu Xiaoyi asked her to teach for a long time yesterday, but now she actually said that she was prepared

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded and said seriously: "That's the cheeky spirit, and dare to talk nonsense to anyone."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

Speaking is to have the courage to communicate to improve, no matter if you say it right or wrong, you have to open your mouth and talk nonsense anyway. Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his brother was quite talented in this regard, and it was not a matter of a day or two for him to talk nonsense and be cheeky.