The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 57


Facing the stationery in front of Chu Xiaoyi, he couldn't help rubbing his temples and trying to calm down, not knowing what he was doing just now. When he was in high school, he didn't take English reading so seriously. The articles in the English test paper were printed in print, but Chu Xiaoxiao's Christmas letter was in infant style.

Although Chu Xiaoxiao finished writing the Christmas letter neatly, she still filled the corners with garish children's paintings. Her abstract painting style immediately added a lot of difficulty to the translation of the article. Chu Xiaoyi was devastated by the poisonous children's paintings, he watched the whole process, but after reading it, his fists became hard.

The most troublesome thing is that Chu Xiaoyi has to put the Christmas letter back into the socks, but Chu Xiaoxiao is rooted in the living room. She is sitting on the sofa watching foreign language videos, and she has no intention of leaving.

Chu Xiaoyi strolled around twice with the Christmas letter in his hand, but couldn't find a chance to put it back for a long time, and felt helpless for a while. He retreated strategically, and happened to meet Chu Jiadong on the way back to the house. He simply asked: "Dad, have you read Xiao Xiao's Christmas letter? What does she want this year?"

When Chu Xiaoxiao came home with Christmas stockings, she also introduced it to her family seriously, saying that after she wrote a letter to Santa Claus, she would hang the stockings in the living room. She is a privacy-conscious child, and she said this to keep others from peeking, and not to tamper with her Christmas stockings.

If Chu Xiaoxiao hadn't informed it in advance, Chu Xiaoyi wouldn't have known that there was a Christmas letter in it, and he wouldn't have committed the crime against the wind. He felt that his sister still didn't understand people's psychology.

Chu Jiadong pondered for a few seconds and said, "I didn't read her Christmas letter."

Chu Xiaoyi said in surprise, "Aren't you curious?"

Chu Jiadong smiled and scratched his head: "I saw it once last year, and she didn't want to say anything. I guess it's the same this year."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." It turned out that my information was not equal, and my reaction was half a beat slower than others

Chu Xiaoxiao started Christmas after attending kindergarten. Chu Jiadong couldn't help reading the letter last year, and Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help reading the letter this year. However, Chu Xiaoxiao's writing skills have obviously improved a lot. She feels that direct rejection like last year is easy to make Santa sad. This year, she wrote a paper full of plans to coax him and affirm the other party's work. .

Chu Jiadong also didn't know what the little daughter wanted, so there was no way to give Chu Xiaoyi useful advice. Chu Xiaoxiao is still young now, and she has a half-understood and ignorant of many things. Even the surrounding of "Harry Potter" was brought home by her cheap brother, and she only knew that there was such a thing in the world.

Chu Xiaoyi has already consumed a lot of materials in math class, and now he is too exhausted to give gifts again, and he has a headache thinking about it.

In the living room, Chu Xiaoxiao found that the cheap brother was always dangling in front of her eyes, she couldn't help muttering: "Why are you staring at me all the time?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully and was sure that he didn't have to take math or English class today, so he was naturally puzzled by Chu Xiaoyi's behavior. She huddled in the corner of the sofa and looked at her brother vigilantly, always feeling that he was doing something wrong.

Chu Xiaoyi actually wanted to return the Christmas letter, but she didn't want to leave. He simply said casually, "How have you been recently?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was even more suspicious when she heard the words. She hugged the iPad cautiously and replied, "Very good, what are you asking about this?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "I just want to know if you are happy, what do you want?"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that if something went wrong, there must be a demon. She didn't dare to talk nonsense, and said solemnly: "As long as you can be obedient, I will feel very happy."

Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't want anything, as long as the cheap brother doesn't make trouble, she feels that life is good now.

"..." Chu Xiaoyi heard the familiar remarks, and once dreamed of his childhood Father's Day, Chu Jiadong seemed to have said similar things, is this that if a father has a daughter

Chu Xiaoyi saw her pretending to be a little adult, he was so angry that he couldn't help rubbing her, and said angrily: "You are not your parents, what are you talking about? It's really against you, I'm my brother, I still I didn't say you were disobedient!"

Chu Xiaoxiao stood up immediately, she stepped on the sofa with her short legs, hurriedly dodged his attack, and confidently akimbo said: "I am the spokesperson for Mom and Dad!"

Chu Xiaoyi fought with his sister, but he didn't put the letter back in the end, so he could only make plans at night. After dinner, Xiao Bi looked at the Christmas stockings that fell on the ground, and reminded aloud, "Xiao Xiao, your Christmas stockings have fallen."

Xiao Bi was the only person in the family who wasn't interested in Christmas stockings. Since the youngest daughter said she wouldn't let them see it, she really didn't open it, unlike the other two who were so curious.

There was no place to hang Christmas socks by the window, Chu Xiaoxiao forced them there, and the socks could easily be knocked off. Hearing this, she obediently jumped off the sofa, stepped on her slippers to pick up her Christmas stockings, and instantly alerted Chu Xiaoyi who was sitting on the side!

Chu Xiaoyi squatted by his sister's side for a long time, he didn't wait for her to leave the living room, at this time he panicked: "Wait!"

As soon as Chu Xiaoyi finished speaking, Chu Xiaoxiao had already picked up the Christmas stocking. She obviously noticed something unusual and touched her little head in confusion. She opened the sock blankly, noticed that the letter inside was missing, and blinked hesitantly: "It's strange..."

Xiao Bi: "What's wrong?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was holding the sock, she could not wait to see a hole in it, and said in surprise, "My letter is gone?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't dare to come out immediately, he almost wanted to turn into a background board on the spot, but he felt that the stationery in his pocket was like a death notice, which made people feel uneasy. He noticed his frantic heartbeat, and forcefully lowered his head and brushed his phone to cover up the abnormality on his face.

Chu Xiaoyi: Only by being infinitely close to death can we understand the true meaning of life!

Chu Xiaoxiao only cared about the Christmas stockings. She didn't hear her brother's words, and didn't notice anything unusual about him. She was just thinking about her letter. She found that the Christmas letter had disappeared mysteriously. Instead of panicking and crying, she put the socks aside and no longer meant to hang them.

Xiao Bi really didn't expect the letter in the Christmas stocking to go missing. She guessed that her husband or eldest son took it away, but the younger daughter found it, and smiled embarrassingly for a while: "Xiao Xiao, won't you hang it back?"

Chu Xiaoxiao shook her head. She didn't have a low expression on her face. Instead, she became elated: "Santa has already read my letter, so I don't need to hang socks anymore!"

Christmas stockings are used to receive gifts. Chu Xiaoxiao wrote in the letter that there are no gifts. Since Santa Claus knows what she thinks, she doesn't need to hang Christmas stockings anymore.

Chu Xiaoxiao found a reasonable reason for the disappearance of the letter. She happily circled around in place, but suddenly felt a little bit of doubt, stopped her little bear to dance, and said strangely: "Why didn't my letter disappear last year? Did it not successfully send it? go out?"

Chu Xiaoyi nodded desperately, and said in agreement, "Yes, yes, it's easy to lose letters when you send them..."

Father Chu Jiadong put it back after reading it last year, but Chu Xiaoyi overturned the car in embarrassment. It is estimated that he was too unlucky.

Chu Xiaoxiao showed an understanding look. She didn't mind losing the letter last year. After all, her wording in the letter last year was not polite enough. This time, the letter was much more formal and euphemistic. Thinking about it now, she said last year that she didn't want Christmas gifts, but she still got them, probably because Santa Claus didn't receive the letter.

Chu Xiaoxiao figured out this festival, she happily hummed a nursery rhyme and ran back to the house, feeling lucky that the communication was successful this year.

How could Xiao Bi not understand the situation? After waiting for her little daughter to leave, she said helplessly, "Then you can hide her letter."

Chu Xiaoyi was extremely embarrassed, he was really clever but was mistaken by cleverness, and now there is no way to return the letter. He hid in his own room for fear of being discovered, and took it out to work for fear of losing it, so he really didn't know where to put it.

A few days later, Chu Xiaoxiao also shared the current situation with Liang Shuangqi and Yang Yin who came to do their homework. The three gathered in the tea room to do their homework and discuss things about the Christmas letter. Yang Yin is already at the age of not believing in Santa Claus, and she has an expression of hesitating to speak, and it is not easy to break the fantasy of the children.

Liang Shuangqi should have tried his best to review the quiz, but when he heard this, he immediately lost his mind and helped analyze: "Xiao Xiao must be easy to lose when sending letters. They say that it is very slow to send postcards and other things. Santa Claus sends you gifts by express, so Fast and safe delivery."

Liang Shuangqi is the most experienced in online shopping among the three. He expressed his opinion from the perspective of logistics, thinking that it is normal that Chu Xiaoxiao's letter was not sent last year.

Chu Xiaoxiao asked humbly: "Then how can I send it quickly and safely?" She was afraid that next year's letter would not be sent, so she naturally had to plan ahead and think of a way in advance.

Liang Shuangqi touched his chin: "I don't know, or you can ask Santa next year how he receives letters and presents gifts every year. He wants to send so many children gifts, so he should choose a very good express company, let him introduce Give you."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Didn't he deliver it from house to house?"

Liang Shuangqi: "Isn't it impossible to deliver? Is it like our community, there is a Santa Claus in each area?"

Yang Yin heard that the two were about to equate Santa Claus with the courier, and she weakly changed the topic: "...Let's continue to study."

Yang Yinsheng is afraid that Chu Xiaoxiaozhen will ask the courier company in the Christmas letter next year. She feels that the other party's family can't answer it. Who knows how Santa's logistics is going

The weather in the imperial capital has turned cold, but the tea room is quite warm, a small study room for three people. After they finished drinking the water in the tea room, Yang Yin took the initiative to pick up the kettle and wanted to go into the house to get water, but Liang Shuangqi took the kettle and said, "I'll go, it's cold outside."

There is a short distance between the tea room and the house. Before entering the house, people will be exposed to the cold air outside. Chu Xiaoxiao said worriedly: "Brother Qiqi, do you know where to get the water?"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that Yang Yin's sister was a little master in life, but she really didn't understand Qiqi's ability to live. She still can't hold the pot full of water, so she easily falls down tremblingly, so she can only let Yang Yin do it for her.

Liang Shuangqi had already put on a small coat, he picked up the kettle, and said in a plausible manner, "I can ask your family, and it's only a few steps away."

Yang Yin originally wanted to suggest that she go, but after listening to the other party, she dispelled her concerns, thinking that Liang Shuangqi should be fine with the pot of water.

Liang Shuangqi brought the kettle into the room. He politely asked Xiao Bi to fill up the water for himself, and was about to return to the tea room when he suddenly heard a voice from Chu Xiaoyi's computer. In the living room, Chu Xiaoyi was sitting on the sofa making music. He was immersed in editing the soundtrack, and he didn't notice Liang Shuangqi passing by.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't know what Christmas present to prepare, so he finally decided to write a song for his sister, and chose the one she sang on the show as the main melody.

The day after Chu Xiaoyi attended the kindergarten opening ceremony, Chu Xiaoxiao once sang an English song related to Hogwarts in the car. From the "Harry Potter" original, the melody is completely her humming.

Chu Xiaoyi: No wonder I thought it was ugly at the time. It wasn't because she was out of tune that she didn't.

A song doesn't just have a melody, just like the layman never understands the difference between composition and arrangement. Chu Xiaoyi is good at composing and arranging music. He may not be a good singer, but it cannot be said that he is not a good musician.

However, nowadays, the public can't even figure out the singer, let alone the deeper music production, so naturally they only make fun of Chu Xiaoyi's voice. Everyone only wants to focus on the things they find fun, and selectively ignore the things they don’t understand. Except for fans and insiders, few people noticed Chu Xiaoyi's talent. Even if there are musicians praised and praised, outsiders only regard it as Chu Xiaoyi's marketing. This is the current situation in the circle.

Liang Shuangqi was holding the kettle steadily, but when he heard this melody inadvertently, his scalp felt numb, like being struck by lightning. He forced himself to take a few steps calmly, and finally couldn't help but turn his head, and said kindly, "Brother, this melody is really unpleasant."

Liang Shuangqi didn't know if brother Xiao Xiao was deliberately retaliating against him. The other party knew that he was extremely sensitive to voices, so he released it publicly for him to hear. He didn't want to talk about the first string of the guitar last time, but the other party wanted to play the guitar against him and Xiao Xiao.

How could Chu Xiaoyi not know the melody problem, he just played the pure music that he had just finished, and he simply released the vocal version of Chu Xiaoxiao on the show, gloating over the misfortune: "This is what Chu Xiaoxiao sang in the first place, I'll have it in a while. Tell her you said she doesn't sing well."

When Liang Shuangqi heard the vocal version of Chu Xiaoxiao, he did not expect that he would step on the trap, and stood stiffly in place for a while: "..."

Liang Shuangqi has an absolute sense of sound, and he can always distinguish Chu Xiaoxiao's voice, but Chu Xiaoyi re-edited it with a computer, so he rolled over and didn't recognize it. After all, it was pure music, and there was no human voice, so how could he guess it was the melody that Xiao Xiao hummed!

Liang Shuangqi was awkwardly silent for a few seconds, but fortunately, he reacted very quickly, and immediately respected himself, and said sternly: "Brother, I think your arrangement ruined the melody, Xiao Xiao's original version is very good, completely different from just now. "

Chu Xiaoyi didn't expect the little boy to change his face in a second. He couldn't help but complain about Liang Shuangqi's shamelessness, and said, "Are you still a qualified cellist? You completely ignore your own musical accomplishments, and you're talking nonsense and nonsense!"

Chu Xiaoyi: In order to forcibly maintain my sister's friendship, you are talking irresponsibly!

Of course Liang Shuangqi also knew that he was too fake, and if he wanted to blame it, he would blame Xiao Xiao's brother's serial sleeves.

Chu Xiaoyi: "?" Is this a sudden job change announcement

Liang Shuangqi: What qualified cellist? No, I am a carpenter from today!