The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 58


Liang Shuangqi really had no choice. Who asked Chu Xiaoyi to run to Chu Xiaoxiao to complain, he could only go back desperately to make up for it, and began to say nothing. The friendship between children is very simple. If anyone directly says that the other party is not good, they may lose the friend the next day.

Chu Xiaoyi was quite speechless, he simply played the vocal version of the melody again, and said with great interest: "Okay, since you think it sounds good, then you can listen to it twice more."

Liang Shuangqi shuddered when he heard the melody, but he still forced his patience, tried to overcome the influence of his musical talent, and tried to ignore the illogical melody. He held the kettle tightly, his face was tense, but his mouth was still full of praise, and he just gave a high five: "It sounds good, wonderful, wonderful..."

Chu Xiaoyi originally planned to treat the little boy on purpose. He knew how shattered someone who knew music would be when they heard this melody, but he didn't expect the other party to do this, and he felt a little distressed for a while: "... It doesn't have to be like this, obviously it didn't sound good just now?"

Chu Xiaoyi: Why do I seem to see fans closing their eyes and blowing blindly, and idols who have no strength have to bite the bullet and blow rainbow farts

Liang Shuangqi was afraid of falling into the trap again, so he quickly denied it: "No no no, I don't know how to do it, it's because I don't understand Xiao Xiao's music."

Chu Xiaoyi felt that there was something wrong with the little boy's thinking, so he simply said earnestly: "I know that you have a good relationship with Xiao Xiao, and my sister is also very good, but there is no perfect person in the world, and it is normal for her to have flaws..."

Liang Shuangqi was still thinking about the matter of the complaint, and now he always felt that Chu Xiaoyi was trying to deceive himself and said decisively: "Xiao Xiao is perfect!"

Liang Shuangqi: You don't want to take my word for it! I won't let you succeed!

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

Chu Xiaoyi inexplicably popped out the "everytime someone says 'nothing is perfect'" emoji, and now he feels that Liang Shuangqi's attitude is inexplicably appropriate, vividly showing the connotation of this emoji.

In the tea room, Chu Xiaoxiao immersed herself in studying for a while, then she looked up at the time and asked strangely, "Why hasn't Brother Qiqi come back yet?"

Liang Shuangqi offered to fetch water, but no one was seen so far, much slower than Yang Yin's usual fetch. Yang Yin always felt that the little boy was running out to let the wind out. She found that Liang Shuangqi did not focus on Chu Xiaoxiao when he was studying.

Liang Shuangqi actually didn't like to study, but his two friends were all good schools, so he could only helplessly accompany his self-study. Liang Chen also lamented that his son's personality had changed. In the past, his homework was delayed until the evening, but now he can finish it during the day.

Yang Yin thought that Liang Shuangqi might feel bored sitting in the tea room for a day, so she spoke to comfort: "Wait a minute, he may rest in the room for a while."

In the living room, Liang Shuangqi and Chu Xiaoyi suddenly started chatting. He simply sat next to each other with the kettle in his arms, looked at Brother Xiao Xiao's computer curiously, and asked, "What is this page?"

When Chu Xiaoyi mentioned his area of expertise, he immediately talked endlessly: "This is the software for composing and arranging music, this part is the audio track, you can arrange it through some functions... Would you like to listen to my previous songs? "

Liang Shuangqi had a hesitant look on his face, and his vision was a little erratic, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among the people around him.

Chu Xiaoyi immediately opened a song, reorganized the dignified and said: "The melody just now was not created by me, and my real level is not like that!"

Before Liang Shuangqi could cover his ears, he heard the new song released by Chu Xiaoyi. He looked at the complex soundtrack moving on the computer screen, but he was not deaf on the spot, and said unexpectedly, "It sounds pretty good!?"

Liang Shuangqi's eyes widened in disbelief. For a time, he thought he was living in his dream. Not only would he be able to land on the moon and play the cello, even Brother Xiao Xiao would compose music well. The last time he was attacked by a guitar, he really didn't hold out much hope, but Chu Xiaoyi's tunes are honestly pretty good.

Although Liang Shuangqi is a child who learns musical instruments, he has never been in contact with the arrangement software. The probe praised: "This software has many functions, I have never seen it before."

Liang Shuangqi had touched wool and calculators before, and had not learned professional arrangement software, so he couldn't help showing a novel look.

Chu Xiaoyi was praised by fans in the past, but he was not too happy. Now he is praised by his peers, and suddenly muttered: "I thought you knew everything, after all, you acted so arrogant last time, like you can do everything in music. Same."

Liang Shuangqi publicly played the gym at home that day, trying to compete with "Brother Xiao Xiao", Chu Xiaoyi still remembers it fresh, and naturally brings up old things again.

Liang Shuangqi was not annoyed at being scolded. He blinked and confessed honestly: "I really don't know this. The orchestra teacher is a classical student. He despises pop, so he has never taught us."

Chu Xiaoyi just got back to the scene, but he never thought that Liang Shuangqi would strike another critical attack and sacrifice the chain of contempt in the music field. There is always a strange chain of contempt in the music industry, classical despise rock, rock despise pop, pop despise rap, and rap is despised by everyone.

Liang Shuangqi is a cello student. Although he is not disgusted with pop, some of his teachers are disdainful of music other than classical. It may be like programmers arguing over programming languages, everyone thinks their programming language is the best in the world, and they can pinch it if they have nothing to do.

The world is so wonderful, laymen don't even understand the strange phenomenon in the circle, the more knowledgeable people are, the more ruthless they are in the circle, no matter which circle is the same.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't want to fall into the vicious circle of "classic and pop look down on each other", he immediately lost his enthusiasm for talking about music, waved his hands impatiently to chase away customers, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, okay, you can go back quickly, holding a pot of water is also very nice. Strangeā€¦ "

Chu Xiaoyi held the computer and continued to arrange the music, but Liang Shuangqi sat next to him and refused to leave. He listened quietly for a long time, and suddenly interjected: "Brother, please change the chords."

Chu Xiaoyi: "Oh? How do you change it?"

Chu Xiaoyi thought that Liang Shuangqi could have subtle ideas, but he would have expected the little boy to change the complex chords into simple ones, similar to changing a college essay into a primary school student's composition. He was both angry and funny: "You really don't understand or pretend you don't. Did you do it on purpose?"

Chu Xiaoyi: If I didn't know how to do it, I'm afraid I wasn't deceived by you!

Liang Shuangqi persuaded with good words: "Just listen to me and change it..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "The chords you said are much easier than what I wrote, and there is no technical content at all."

Liang Shuangqi frowned helplessly, he pursed his lips lightly, and whispered secretly, "But Xiao Xiao can't understand either..."

Liang Shuangqi understood Chu Xiaoyi's mood very well. He admitted that the other party's original chords were quite good, but Chu Xiaoxiao was obviously not a connoisseur of music. When the public listens to some complex chords, they simply cannot understand their superiority. They will only feel that it is inexplicable and unpleasant, and they have not yet reached the corresponding musical aesthetics.

Liang Shuangqi felt that Brother Xiao Xiao was too stupid. The other party was giving Chu Xiaoxiao a Christmas gift. No matter what the musicians insisted, she thought that listening well was the most important thing! You can usually show your musical talent, but when you give gifts, you must give what others like!

Under the entanglement of the music carpenter Liang Shuangqi, the straight man Chu Xiaoyi could only be forced to change the simplified version, his eyebrows jumped, and he said in disbelief, "Do you really think this thing sounds good? This is simply a waste of music."

Chu Xiaoyi: You obviously have an absolute sense of sound, but you can tolerate such low-level music

"Anyway, this melody is not good in the first place..." Liang Shuangqi suddenly remembered the creator of the melody, he immediately reacted, and changed his tune in a second, "Anyway, this melody is already exquisite, we don't need to use complicated chords, it is perfect!"

Chu Xiaoyi complained: "You have an unlimited future when you grow up. You have great potential to be Party B. You can really make Party A poor and happy."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at Liang Shuangqi, who was desperate to survive. He actually began to reflect on his words and deeds. There was no elementary school student who could bend, stretch, and bear the burden of humiliation. Liang Shuangqi will definitely be someone who will do great things in the future. His personality is completely different from that of Chu Xiaoyi, and he will suffer a lot less in the future.

Chu Xiaoyi kept both versions, and Liang Shuangqi also quietly slipped back to the tea room. The two musicians finally sold their professionalism and bowed their heads to the public saliva song, making difficult concessions.

On Christmas day, when Chu Xiaoxiao woke up, he was surprised to find that he still received more than one gift from Santa Claus. While unpacking the exquisite gift box, she muttered with confusion on her face: "Is Santa Claus so polite? I said no, he still has to give it his best."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that Santa Claus was similar to the elders in the family. She waved her hand to politely refuse the New Year's money during the Spring Festival, and they would still forcefully put them into her arms.

Chu Xiaoxiao got a total of three gift boxes. The first two were Apple Pencil and a hardcover Latin dictionary. The last one was extremely huge, and he had no idea what it was. She tore it apart laboriously for a long time, and found that it was a wooden music box. When she opened the lid, she could see the little witch wielding her wand, and at the same time, she heard a beautiful melody.

The wooden music box is exquisitely made, and the interior is like a small magical world, surrounded by small lights. The little witch will wave her wand with the music and make the lights next to it change, making it look smart and cute.

Chu Xiaoxiao researched it interestingly. She found that the music box is still a multi-function speaker, and it can be connected to an iPad to play songs, but her favorite is the original song, but she doesn't know the name of this song

The more Chu Xiaoxiao listened, the more fascinated she became. She played it over and over again, and she always felt that this song was sung in her heart, as if she had written it, and she immediately fell in love with the music box. She had long forgotten the minor tune she was humming, but she never expected that her brother would make it into a tune, completely indulging in the music world.

The music box is definitely Chu Xiaoxiao's new favorite. She even took advantage of her parents' absence from work, took it out to show off to her family, and showed them excitedly: "You listen to the song Santa wrote to me, this song is for Mine! Lyrics have my name!"

Chu Xiaoxiao found his WeChat English name in the lyrics, and heard an interlude that sounded like "Xiao Xiao". He was immediately convinced that the song belonged to him, and couldn't wait to share it with his family.

The parents showed a relieved smile. They patiently accompanied the younger daughter to listen to the song, but they knew in their hearts that the song was written by the eldest son. They were not disappointed that their gifts were not selected, and they cooperated with Chu Xiaoxiao to tout Santa Claus.

Chu Xiaoyi was surrounded by his family blowing rainbow farts, and the corners of his mouth were lifted up. Seeing that his sister was so happy, he couldn't help but took out another version and said, "Chu Xiaoxiao, this is nothing. , listen to this version again."

Chu Xiaoyi's gift was affirmed by his sister, and he was instantly overjoyed, but he still felt that he had not fully displayed his talents, and he did not give up and wanted to show off and play the original full version of the music. He saved a simplified version in the music box. The main little witch is cartoon style, which is suitable for simpler music, so Liang Shuangqi's opinion is adopted.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know that the two songs were both written by Chu Xiaoyi, just as the cheap brother deliberately smashed the field, trying to undermine the prestige of Santa Claus. After listening to the music played by her brother, she looked hesitant: "Well..."

Chu Xiaoyi followed suit: "Do you think the two versions of the melody are quite similar? Is this version better?"

Both Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi felt that the full version was better, but Liang Shuangqi insisted on using the simplified version, even after thousands of warnings, but Chu Xiaoyi was not convinced. He firmly believes that truly excellent music must be understood by others!

Facing his expectant eyes, Chu Xiaoxiao said bluntly: "It's not very nice, please don't tamper with the song Santa sent me. It's a little rude and Santa will be angry."

Santa Chu Xiaoyi: "!!?" Why is my trumpet angry with me!

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't care about the face of the cheap brother, she happily shared the music, then started to use the iPad with a new pen, and searched seriously. While checking the information, she asked, "Mom, does Santa speak English?"

"Should it be? It depends on which country he is from." Xiao Bi wondered, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

Chu Xiaoxiao looked up Santa's country on the webpage and explained slowly: "Because I don't think he understands English very well, the songs he wrote are very nice, but the lyrics are quite immature... Ah, he turned out to be Finnish, I should have written in Finnish or Swedish!"

Chu Xiaoxiao frowned regretfully, and felt a burst of warmth in her heart. She felt that Santa Claus was too caring, no wonder his English lyrics were not well written, it turned out to be to match her. She writes letters to Santa Claus in English, and he writes songs to her in English. She should be more attentive and check the information in advance!

Chu Xiaoxiao immediately added the new language to her schedule. She felt that she was really a careless child, not as thoughtful as Santa Claus.

Chu Xiaoyi was just hit by the "full version is not good". Unexpectedly, his sister turned around and stabbed again, saying that his English lyrics were not well written. For a time, he had mixed feelings and was indescribable!

Chu Xiaoyi was shot twice at home. He spent Christmas with a complicated mood. He didn't expect that there would be harm waiting for him online. "The Generations of Our Family" has not been officially broadcast yet. Netizens don't know about Chu Xiaoyi's songwriting for his sister. They suddenly saw him sharing a new song on Weibo and thought he was releasing a new song out of nowhere.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't take this song too seriously. It was originally a Christmas gift to coax children. He posted it on Weibo as a souvenir, and he didn't mean to announce the new album. However, this simple product of a nursery rhyme or a slobber song unexpectedly exploded, and was sung wildly by countless people overnight!

This Christmas song spread virally on major music platforms, and its popularity far exceeded the imagination of Chu Xiaoyi's team. It exploded that He Xin regretted not setting up paid playback. Because Chu Xiaoyi didn't take it as a serious work at all, and he didn't even plan to put it on an album, so there was no preparation at all in the early stage, and he just dropped it on the Internet.

Chu Xiaoyi was originally skeptical of Liang Shuangqi's remarks, but now he is stunned by the fiery sight. It turns out that most people really don't understand music!

He was about to collapse, which is similar to the works of art painted by a painter that no one cares about. Just swiping two strokes on paper is regarded as a classic. Even if he makes a lot of money, he is not in a good mood.

He Xin did not feel the subtle emotions of Chu Xiaoyi, he was still immersed in the joy of the song explosion, and rushed to report: "Now that a lot of music resources have been found, you finally have more stages..."

In the past, Chu Xiaoyi always got film and television resources, and the music resources he had access to were still limited, mainly because the outside world had problems with his identity, and various resources always regarded him as an actor. Now, Chu Xiaoyi's Christmas song is becoming popular, sweeping away his former image positioning, naturally broadening a lot of channels.

If this matter was in the past, Chu Xiaoyi would definitely be overjoyed, but now he is paralyzed on the sofa and muttered: "I am still too young, neither the judgment of primary school students nor the aesthetic public of kindergarten students, Can I continue to write songs..."

Liang Shuangqi, who studies classical music, knows that saliva songs can explode, and Chu Xiaoxiao, who does not understand music, knows what the public likes to listen to. He is like a fool who does not understand pop music.

Chu Xiaoyi: My audience is all about music aesthetics like a younger sister. Can I continue to pursue my music dream