The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 59


Chu Xiaoyi has always believed that he understands popular music very well, and its accurate concept should be commodity music, music created for the main purpose of profit. It's just that laymen always think that pop music is music that is widely circulated. In fact, this is a very unscientific classification method. It is easy to classify well-known songs such as "March of the Volunteers", and it is easy to exclude some popular music that is not popular. outer.

Literally, "popular" refers to easy to understand and understand, "popular" refers to widespread, then only "commodity music" is the most scientific, reasonable and accurate concept, this is the "Popular Music" discussed in the music style , the expression of popular music comes from the translation of this word.

However, this is where Chu Xiaoyi's confusion lies. Logically, his music can be profitable, but the pop music he knows is at the level of Jay Chou and other musicians. How can it slip to such a point

Chu Xiaoyi's song has never been a hit before, he just thinks that his level is not enough, but this Christmas song unexpectedly exploded, but it made him fall into self-doubt. He stared at the simplified version in a daze, puzzled: "Is this song really good?"

Chu Xiaoyi was sure that the melody was definitely not good. Even if Liang Shuangqi closed his eyes and played Chu Xiaoxiao, the other party still had a real evaluation in his heart. There is no difference in the melody of the two versions, that is, the chords, orchestration, etc. cause discrepancies, and he needs to replay on these things.

Chu Xiaoyi fiddled with the computer seriously. Now he is inexplicably successful, and of course he wants to know the reason for his success.

Seeing his attention, He Xin confessed: "Actually, I think the version you gave Xiao Xiao was quite brainwashed, and it made people feel very comfortable, but the other version of yours sounds a bit weird, you can't say it badly, it's just me Never heard of it before…”

Chu Xiaoyi complained: "Because you think the version of brainwashing is a chord from the bad street, and if anyone can write it, of course you will feel familiar and comfortable, and your ears will always be immersed in this kind of sound."

He Xin was surprised and said, "Really? But when I listened to that version, I thought the song was brand new, and I didn't think it was a bad street. Is it plagiarism to use a bad street chord?"

Chu Xiaoyi rubbed his temples with a headache. He misses Liang Shuangqi inexplicably now. At least the other party is not a layman. He collapsed slightly and said, "Well, no... But I really can't explain this problem to you laymen."

Chu Xiaoyi is like a designer now. The Party A he is facing doesn't know anything and wants to talk nonsense. Opening his mouth is "colorful black", which frustrates his spirit.

He Xin was bumped into a wall at Chu Xiaoyi, so he could only touch his nose helplessly, not knowing what to say. After a while, Chu Xiaoyi suddenly sat up straight, a light flashed in his mind, and suddenly he asked: "You just said you think the song is brand new?"

He Xin: "Yes."

Chu Xiaoyi simply wrote a paragraph now, still using unnutritious techniques. He played it to He Xin: "Then do you think this is brand new?"

He Xin nodded: "Yes, and I think this is better than the Christmas song..."

The Christmas song used a melody that Chu Xiaoxiao hummed casually, but this paragraph was handwritten by Chu Xiaoyi, and the expert is always better than the unprofessional.

Chu Xiaoyi successfully verified his conjecture. He suddenly learned how to write explosive songs, that is, to cater to the audience's routine aesthetics, which was easy for him!

Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi are music students. They have listened to countless excellent music works. Naturally, they don't see bad routines. They only think that the composers are not careful enough. However, Chu Xiaoxiao, He Xin and other laymen have heard limited repertoires, and they still can't understand the deeper things, and can't tell the difference at all.

Chu Xiaoyi suddenly realized the business opportunity. Originally, it took him a long time to write a good composition, but once the routine is made, it can be mass-produced. As long as a few changes and innovations are added, He Xin and others will not be able to tell the difference, and save a lot of energy in an instant.

Chu Xiaoyi completed three songs in one afternoon, and each song was praised by He Xin, and the other party thought that each song was different!

He Xin said happily: "I think these songs will be used for the next album. I have a hunch that some of them will definitely explode!"

Chu Xiaoyi had just started his blood, he felt that the dream of a singer was close at hand, and he wrote three songs in a row, as if he saw the golden stage avenue. Now, his excitement is gradually cooling down, and he is lost again when he looks at the songs on the screen. Finally, he reaches out to delete the three newly released songs and muttered: "Forget it, I don't think it's good..."

Seeing that the other party deleted it, He Xin hurriedly wanted to stop it, and said in surprise: "What's not so good? We all think it sounds good!"

Chu Xiaoyi felt the familiar powerlessness surge into his chest again, he pondered for a few seconds, then lowered his head and said dejectedly: "Of course you don't understand that it's not bad, but if I understand it and do it, it makes people feel very despicable."

Of course Chu Xiaoyi wanted to set foot on a bigger music stage, but he always felt that being so fooled was like a thief taking shortcuts, which made his conscience uneasy. His new song is promoted by fans. As long as he pleases the aesthetics of the routine, he will definitely achieve good results, just like that Christmas song, but is this correct

He Xin patiently persuaded: "Even if you don't write these kinds of songs, other people will write them. How can there be anything despicable? You also said that you want to make money from your music!"

Chu Xiaoyi sneered and said, "Other musicians can't afford to eat. I earn money from acting and bring my own fans, but I take the lead in making bad money drive out good money. Is there still a face to be confused when it spreads? I can still Raise your head in front of other musicians?"

Chu Xiaoyi believes that it is a bit shameless for him to bring his own traffic and deliberately ruin the music market. Some musicians may be making concessions for survival, and it can be understood by others. If he has no pressure to survive and sets a bad example, it belongs to the lack of morality.

He Xin looked strange: "But you originally said that pop music is commodity music, and it is to make money!"

He Xin really didn't understand music creation, so he was naturally puzzled by Chu Xiaoyi's obsession. He didn't think that making money was a despicable thing. Besides, Chu Xiaoyi didn't have any blemishes such as plagiarism. Is the other party still afraid of gossip from insiders for the songs written by his ability? Even if they muttered in private, it was envy, jealousy and hatred!

Chu Xiaoyi let out a long sigh, and he said helplessly, "That's because I was too naive before. I might not be able to make this kind of money, and I can't get past this level in my heart... Even if it's music that makes money, you should always focus on the bottom line."

"You like songs like that. In the end, it's our fault. We didn't create more excellent songs for you to hear, and your bottom line is constantly lowered. You can only accept the existing songs on the market..." Chu Xiaoyi In a low voice, "I am only in my twenties this year. I believe that sooner or later I will be able to write excellent and popular songs. This kind of music environment will change one day."

Chu Xiaoyi learned one thing from Chu Xiaoxiao, that is, don't deceive yourself, he can deceive anyone, but he can never deceive himself. He is now relying on opportunistic tricks to make money for explosive songs. In the end, he is just lowering his level of composition, which has no practical significance, let alone a long-term solution.

If the public is in a music environment surrounded by excellent songs, they can listen to enough songs, and they will naturally be able to distinguish the pros and cons of songs and have a higher aesthetic ability. However, in order to make money, the creators follow the trend and write nutritious songs frantically, which is to destroy the good market and smash their jobs to smithereens.

In the short term, some creators earn extremely high profits and seem to have achieved worldly achievements; in the long run, all creators suffer, and the circle is completely screwed up.

If the domestic music circle is ruined, the public will not be affected. Some listeners can still enjoy music in the European and American circles, Japan and South Korea. Only domestic musicians cannot eat. Their approach is to force some listeners away in disguise, and make those who have the ability to appreciate lose confidence in domestic music.

Chu Xiaoyi will embark on the road of music because he listened to countless excellent domestic pop music in his childhood. At that time, it was simply a hundred flowers blooming and dazzling, but now it has withered regrettably. He can't compare himself with others just because others are bad. What kind of chasing dreams is that

He Xin originally wanted to persuade him again, but after listening to Chu Xiaoyi's sincere tone, he realized that the other party had made up his mind, so he had no choice but to say: "Well, anyway, you don't do similar things once or twice, I just really feel a little bit. pity… "

Chu Xiaoyi was originally an unconventional traffic star. He Xin has always been painful and happy working with him, and it is not the first time that the other party has missed the so-called fire opportunity. If Chu Xiaoyi was really a regular star, he wouldn't be able to say so many silly things.

When Chu Xiaoyi saw the manager let go, he immediately relaxed and ridiculed leisurely: "Look at what you said, it's like I usually let you make less money!"

He Xin weakly said: "Then can I still find business cooperation for this Christmas song?"

Chu Xiao Yi said righteously: "This is a gift I gave to my sister. It was not created for profit, and of course it can't be related to money!"

Chu Xiaoyi can tolerate the existence of Christmas songs because their backgrounds are different, but if he wants to make money with this song, things will change in an instant. He felt that it was okay to write this kind of music to coax his sister. If he really wanted to pursue his musical dream, he still had to follow the old path in a down-to-earth way, one step at a time.

Chu Xiaoyi untied the knot in his heart and suddenly felt enlightened. Anyway, he still had time, and music creation was not something that could be accomplished overnight.

However, Chu Xiaoyi also felt a headache about one thing, that is, Chu Xiaoxiao was desperately playing the Christmas song at home. She could not wait to listen to it a dozen times a day, which made Chu Xiaoyi almost collapse. He was complacent at first, but it was really unbearable to accompany her to listen to his songs every day!

Chu Xiaoyi was not only happy with his sister's affirmation of his song, but also helpless because of her fanatical love for this song, he finally couldn't help saying: "Chu Xiaoxiao, can you listen to other songs, there are many songs that are better than It's a good song."

Chu Xiaoxiao lay lazily on the sofa, she stretched out her small hand to play with the music box, and said decisively: "There is no song better than this one."

Chu Xiaoyi has never been afraid of making black speeches. At this time, facing his sister's high praise, he panicked in his heart and waved his hands again and again: "...No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there are really many songs that are better than this one."

Chu Xiaoyi: Even if he is shameless at ordinary times, he would not dare to say that his arrangement is the best in the world!

Chu Xiaoyi simply played a work by the King of Pop on his mobile phone, and he said earnestly: "Come and listen to this song, I'm sure it's better than the song you played..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "It doesn't sound good."

Chu Xiaoyi was at a loss for words for a while, he felt that this song may be old, and he picked another divine song that has recently become popular overseas, and patiently said: "Then let's change another song, there is definitely a better song in the world... "

Chu Xiaoxiao is still stubborn: "It doesn't sound good."

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned, he was silent for a moment, and finally broke down and hugged his head: "Why do you like this song? It's really not the best!"

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked, she held her chin and said solemnly: "The songs you played are also very nice, but they were not written for me. This song was written for me by Santa Claus, of course I think it is the world the best song ever."

"Other people may think the song you play is better, but for me, Santa's gift is different, I can feel a special heart in it, which is not found in other songs."

Of course Chu Xiaoxiao knew that his brother was playing a song by a well-known singer, but what does that have to do with her? Even if the song written by Santa Claus is not good, she will be very happy to receive it. This is a song written for her, and this heart is irreplaceable.

Seeing her serious expression, Chu Xiaoyi froze in place as if struck by lightning, and suddenly realized that his sister might not understand music, but in her opinion, her heart is far more important than the song itself!

Of course she knew there were many songs better than this Christmas song, but she selfishly ranked it number one!

Chu Xiaoyi was about to cry for his sister's warm heart. Originally, he was troubled by her lack of musical aesthetics, but when he learned the truth, he had mixed feelings, and he couldn't help picking up the little thing.

He was moved and whimpered, and the heart attacked by the netizens was healed in a second. Holding her, he turned around in a circle, and said solemnly: "I will write songs for you in the future..."

Chu Xiaoyi: It's not that my sister doesn't understand music, she just understands the heart behind music better!

"?" Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand what he was talking about at all, so he was picked up by him and forced to ride on the human flesh roller coaster. She had no idea why Chu Xiaoyi was so happy. This song was written by Santa Claus, what does it have to do with him

She didn't understand the sudden madness of the cheap brother, and felt dizzy when he was lifted up, so she grabbed his hair angrily and screamed: "I'm going to vomit! Put me down!"

Chu Xiaoxiao's resistance had no effect, so he was rubbed wildly by his murderous and enthusiastic brother, like a kitten being forcibly licked by a human. She still couldn't adapt to such an extreme way of expressing friendliness, which made her feel like a glutinous rice dumpling that was about to be swallowed in one bite, being miserably Rua to Rua.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Why can't I be a giant four or five meters tall? Then I can also press him on the sofa Rua.

Chu Xiaoyi regained his confidence in his sister. He happily ran back to the house and decided to create with joy. He felt that the inspiration in his mind was endless. His full version of Christmas songs was not her favorite, but his full version in the future will definitely impress her, he believes in it!

When Chu Xiaoxiao saw that Chu Xiaoyi finally left happily, she began to search furtively in the corner, and entered "how does a person grow taller quickly" into the search box, intending to implement the plan secretly.

She has planted a small seed of revenge in her heart. The cheap brother is now several times as tall as her, so he can rub her recklessly with his advantage. When she grows to be as tall as several of him, he will be able to give him a taste of Rua. The taste of ashes!