The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 61


Yang Yin's expression was subtle, and she couldn't help laughing. She felt that Liang Shuangqi was really not a traditional child in the village, but a child with a high IQ. She said, "Your mother will be angry."

Liang Shuangqi sighed: "I know, she might beat me."

Liang Shuangqi had contradicted his mother before, but she said that he would raise his weapon to threaten, but he might not really fight, but he would definitely make a fuss. At this time, Liang Chen would rush out to stop it, and at the same time Liang Shuangqi's debate was forced to be suspended, and the matter returned to its original state.

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, she felt that brother Qiqi was not refusing to study. After all, he was a little kid who was occasionally a little sloppy, and he would feel ashamed when the orchestra fell, so he practiced the piano desperately. He should also want to learn well, but unfortunately time is really not enough, so naturally he can only specialize in one.

Chu Xiaoxiao suggested: "Why don't you talk to your mother? You can try to play the piano less and use the extra time to study?"

Liang Shuangqi waved his hand and said firmly: "She won't accept it. If I play the piano less, she says that I can't do it. Even if I play the piano and study well, she can still say that I'm not good at sports, otherwise I don't. Doing housework and not cleaning... Anyway, she can always find a topic, there is no end to this kind of thing!"

If Liang Shuangqi's cello skills decline, he will risk being expelled from the orchestra. He must know that if he doesn't practice the instrument for a day, he will become rusty, which is faster than learning a landslide.

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded thoughtfully: "As expected of brother Qiqi's mother, she can speak as well as you."

Yang Yin reluctantly corrected: "He should be as articulate as his mother..."

Liang Shuangqi: "So I don't want to communicate with her now. I have a lot of things recently, and I don't have time to be beaten."

Both Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin felt that the little boy was very powerful. He could actually take "beating" as an agenda, and he could make a reasonable plan and judge when he was free to be beaten and when he was not free to be beaten. admire. If they were beaten, their self-esteem would be severely damaged, but Liang Shuangqi seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that being beaten was a serious matter, but Liang Shuangqi felt that it was commonplace, and he could accept it occasionally. He said that people who practice piano in the orchestra will be beaten, otherwise it will be difficult to persevere on their own, but he does not accept his mother beating him every time. If she is an unknown teacher, he will run away decisively.

Liang Shuangqi is a clever little ghost who doesn't want to suffer. He was indeed bruised by his mother because of the small test, and he was angry with her for a long time. Of course he knew that it was embarrassing to do poorly in the exam, and he couldn't raise his head in front of Chu Xiaoxiao and Yang Yin, but how could it be as easy as his mother said, as if it was all his fault for not working hard!

Chu Xiaoxiao suggested: "Then let's look at Brother Qiqi's test paper after class. Sister Yang Yin can read Chinese, I can read English, and let's read math together!"

Yang Yin has no objection: "Yes, let's stay in Xiao Xiao's tea room."

After the extra-curricular class, the three returned to Yurong Terrace. Yang Yin said that she wanted to get some snacks before coming back. She needed some time. Chu Xiaoxiao accompanied Liang Shuangqi to get the test paper, and at the same time visited the big black cat Liang Ste. It was not the first time that Chu Xiaoxiao came back to Liang Shuangqi's house, but the person who opened the door today was not Liang Chen, but a woman with beautiful makeup and outstanding appearance.

Liang Shuangqi was also stunned, and blurted out, "Mom, why are you at home?"

Liang Shuangqi's mother's name is He Yan. She is a fashionably dressed beauty, like a blooming red rose, completely different from Xiao Bi's temperament. She was well-kept, so she couldn't tell that she was married and had children. She raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Just hope I'm not at home..."

He Yan didn't notice Chu Xiaoxiao at first, and before she could finish her words, she found her son's little head sticking out behind her, and the little girl looked at herself curiously.

Liang Shuangqi opened the door in front of him, and he blocked Chu Xiaoxiao so tightly that she had to look around in confusion, like a bird sitting on a branch watching the excitement.

He Yan was quite rude to her son. When she saw the unfamiliar child, she burst into a warm smile for a second, and her attitude changed dramatically: "Qiqi, is this your friend?"

Liang Shuangqi hadn't heard his mother call him "Qiqi" for a long time. He felt a little nauseous for a while, and said in a low voice, "This is Xiao Xiao."

Chu Xiaoxiao politely said: "Hello auntie, my name is Chu Xiaoxiao."

He Yan: "You are Xiao Xiao? I heard that you have been here for a long time. Welcome to our house!"

In the room, Liang Chen also heard the movement. He came out of the room and asked, "Is Xiao Xiao here?"

"Yes, do you have anything you want to eat? Ask your uncle to get it for you." He Yan had heard of Chu Xiaoxiao from her husband, and she also vaguely knew what shows her son had been on with her. The show team also made a special trip to contact her. I have communicated, but she doesn't pay much attention to variety shows.

Chu Xiaoxiao obediently shook his head and declined, Liang Shuangqi explained aloud: "We just grab something, and we will go out in a while."

He Yan looked hesitant. She seemed to have a problem with her son running around, but because Chu Xiaoxiao rarely came to the house, she didn't show Liang Shuangqi's face in front of outsiders.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that He Yan was more reasonable than she thought. She felt the friendliness of the other party and took the initiative to explain the situation: "Brother Qiqi is coming back to get homework, and we want to study with sister Yang Yin."

He Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and she said generously: "That's good, let's go!"

He Yan was just afraid that her son would wander aimlessly outside. If he did something meaningful, she naturally had no reason to refuse. Liang Shuangqi went back to the house to pack up his homework and exam papers, while Chu Xiaoxiao was arranged to wait on the sofa, and Liang Ste, the black cat, came to entertain her, lying beside her and rubbing it.

He Yan's attitude towards Chu Xiaoxiao was very kind, and she brought a lot of snacks and juice to the little girl. After she repeatedly confirmed that Chu Xiaoxiao didn't need anything, she sat on the sofa and continued the work at hand.

He Yan is unpacking the courier. She has just received the latest skin care products. She has arranged all kinds of colorful bottles and jars on the coffee table, and there are a bunch of samples next to her. He Yan could recognize the genuine suit, but she didn't know what the skin care product samples were given, so she started to look up words on her mobile phone and classified the samples.

"It's strange, why can't I find out..." He Yan looked at the skin care products of the same color with a blank face. She wanted to identify their respective uses, but she couldn't find the correct answer for a long time.

Chu Xiaoxiao heard He Yan's broken thoughts, she turned her head and glanced at the sample, and whispered, "This is shower gel."

He Yan showed an incredible look and said in surprise: "Really? You are so amazing, I didn't even find out!"

Chu Xiaoxiao helped He Yan to check the electronic dictionary on the phone. She reached out to modify the language above and said, "This is not English, so I can't find it."

He Yan looked at the young-looking Chu Xiaoxiao, she was just an adult entertaining children, but now her eyes were bright and her face was full of excitement, as if she was grabbing a life-saving straw: "Then you can help me see something else. ? I've always wondered what the hell..."

He Yan immediately rushed back to her dressing table. She took out a new sample of a big brand and handed it to Chu Xiaoxiao to look at it: "Is this a lotion? Or something else?"

He Yan always receives samples sent by others. Once she piles up too many things, she forgets the source, and can no longer distinguish their functions.

Chu Xiaoxiao was holding a strange bottle. She found that brother Qiqi's mother was amazing. She could always take out bottles and jars written in different national languages, and each thing had different uses. She helped He Yeon translate the label on the bottle, which said to be used before bed, and some precautions.

Chu Xiaoxiao was originally just a "cute and well-behaved child" in He Yan's eyes, but now she has become a "cute and well-behaved child of others", and she began to be pulled by He Yan to ask questions and praise her frequently.

He Yan and Liang Shuangqi were indeed mother and son, she never stopped blowing Chu Xiaoxiao's rainbow fart, and couldn't stop sighing: "Xiao Xiao is so good, he actually knows so many languages, when did you learn it? Are you tired of studying?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed, she hugged the big black cat Liang Ste, but pushed back: "It's not very powerful..."

He Yan skillfully stepped on one and held one: "Of course it's very powerful, Liang Shuangqi can't even learn English, let alone other foreign languages, so he still wants to be Jack Ma every day, why doesn't he learn English from Jack Ma!"

He Yan obviously also complained about her son, why can't he learn English with Jack Ma first, then learn how to make money, and then he wants to build Alibaba out of thin air

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks that Liang Shuangqi and He Yan's logic is like a teacher from the same family. They are really mother and son. One thinks that the other party does not make as much money as Jack Ma, and the other thinks that the other party is not as good as Ma Yun's English, but what did Ma Yun do wrong

Chu Xiaoxiao said with relief: "But brother Qiqi's cello is playing very well..."

He Yan shook her head: "You don't know what his quiz is like, I'm really big after reading it!"

At this time, Liang Shuangqi had already packed up and came out. He suggested, "Xiao Xiao, let's go."

Chu Xiaoxiao stood up, and the black cat Liang Sit beside him also stood up to show him off, but He Yan suddenly instructed: "Liang Shuangqi, you have to learn English from Xiao Xiao more, look at how good their English is! She is better than you. So young!"

Chu Xiaoxiao is only four and a half years old now, but her knowledge reserve far exceeds that of Liang Shuangqi. He Yan immediately used her to motivate her son, thinking that what he said last time was just an excuse. Chu Xiaoxiao is not as busy as Liang Shuangqi, little girls can squeeze so much time to study, why can't Liang Shuangqi

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't expect her unintentional move to become a sword that stabbed at her friend. She was at a loss for a while, and looked around in a panic, not knowing what to do. She is actually a rare exception among children, but everyone here doesn't know this, and they don't know that she is not representative.

Liang Shuangqi was not annoyed, he put his arms around his chest and said indifferently: "You should also learn more from Xiao Xiao's parents. Her father graduated from P University, and her mother also has a master's degree from a famous school. You can see how good their education is!"

He Yan: "… "

He Yan: " mean I'm dragging down your IQ?"

Liang Shuangqi: "The dragon gives birth to the dragon and the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix. The son of the mouse can make a hole. I don't know who of you is dragging me down. You can discuss with my dad who's IQ is."

Chu Xiaoxiao watched the immortals fight, and a new confusion was born in her heart, and she felt that there was a loophole in brother Qiqi's argument. She and Chu Xiaoyi share the same father and mother, but their learning abilities are obviously different, which does not seem to be necessarily related to their parents' intelligence. Of course, she must have helped the little friend to stand on the platform, and wisely did not expose the matter.

"Have it started again?" Liang Chen looked at the mother and son fighting, he reluctantly took Chu Xiaoxiao back to the sofa, and persuaded, "Xiao Xiao, wait a moment, they have a game every day, we'll be there later. I have to be a referee."

Chu Xiaoxiao said curiously: "But we have two people? Even numbers can't be the referee."

If Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Chen voted on each side, they would never be able to decide the winner and it would always be a draw.

Liang Chen pointed to the black cat, and said as he should: "Isn't it still there?"

The black cat Liang Sit put his paw on Chu Xiaoxiao's lap, and the two of them sat on the sofa and watched the fire across the bank. Chu Xiaoxiao was a little nervous at first, but now that Liang Chen is used to it, she has calmed down.

He Yan was suffocating in her chest, she couldn't help rubbing her temples and said, "My God, I was angry with myself when I was born with you. Who is your personality..."

Liang Chen secretly muttered: "Who else can I go with..."

He Yan looked back sensitively and threatened loudly, "What!?"

Liang Chen hurriedly said, "Follow me! Follow me!"

Chu Xiaoxiao deeply admired Liang Chen. His uncle was worthy of being a former soldier, and he still remembered his survival skills.

He Yan: "I occasionally say that you are for your own good, you can continue to improve and make persistent efforts..."

Liang Shuangqi eloquently said: "I occasionally get angry with you for your own good. It can revitalize the blood, nourish the face, and maintain youth forever. It is more effective than these bottles and jars that pickle people into their tastes."

He Yan: "… "

He Yan has never lost on her lips when she goes out. She never thought that she would give birth to a nemesis. Liang Shuangqi did not inherit her other things, but learned 100% of her strange logic. There is quite a lot of back waves that will kill the front waves on the beach. stance. She immediately went to the left and right to find the small wooden stick, which was the tool she used to urge her son to practice the piano.

When Liang Shuangqi saw that she was looking for a weapon, he immediately stepped back quickly and said seriously, "I don't have time to coax you at home today, and Sister Yang Yin is still waiting!"

Liang Chen discouraged: "Xiao Xiao is still there, Xiao Xiao is still there..."

He Yan glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao, who had a confused face. She thought about it again and again and put down the stick. She felt that standing up in front of her son's friends really hurt his self-esteem. It doesn't matter if Liang Shuangqi is usually said a few words, he occasionally knows that he has a problem, but the child's nature is more difficult to change, and he can't control himself.

Because of this, He Yan sometimes beat him twice in a lesson, but Liang Shuangqi didn't take it to heart. However, Liang Shuangqi is a shameful little boy. His parents can beat him at home, but he will never allow his ugly appearance to be exposed, especially in front of important friends.

He Yan dropped the small wooden stick, she took a deep breath, and said earnestly: "Okay, then you let Xiao Xiao come to judge, what did I say wrong? You said that you are tired from practicing the piano and have no time to study, but you are training in the orchestra. Is there any rest during the period, and every night before I get home to practice the piano, I also have free time…”

When Chu Xiaoxiao was suddenly named, she immediately sat up straight and sounded earnestly, like a serious little judge. A family court was suddenly born here. He Yan was the plaintiff, Liang Shuangqi was the defendant, Chu Xiaoxiao was the judge, Liang Chen was the clerk and witness, and the black cat Liang Ster was the bailiff.

Liang Shuangqi didn't dare to believe: "I want to study during these hours, and I haven't rested all day."

He Yan: "But you have time to work hard. It doesn't mean you don't have time to study. There are loopholes in your words."

He Yan immediately looked at the judge, hoping that the other party would make a ruling. Chu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, then she nodded: "It seems that there is some time..."

Liang Shuangqi countered: "This is unreasonable. People should have necessary rest. I am already the hardest working person in the family. You and my dad can watch TV, play mobile phones, play games, and watch videos every day after get off work. My entertainment Time is much less than you, why don't you work hard?"

He Yan was turned against the army, she stared wide-eyed: "We are adults, we have worked hard, you have to be responsible for your future..."

Liang Shuangqi: "Don't you have to be responsible for your own future when you grow up? Didn't you always tell me not to be proud and keep working hard, then you should keep working hard too!"

Judge Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, then she nodded: "It seems to make some sense..."

He Yan said with a headache: "Why do you keep comparing with us?"

Liang Shuangqi: "I'm not comparing with you, I'm asking the family to be fair!"

Chu Xiaoxiao said: "Then auntie can study with brother Qiqi. It's fair for you to work together. No one has the right to say that the other party is lazy."

He Yan: "Huh?"

Chu Xiaoxiao made a plan and said: "You supervise each other. If anyone doesn't study, they can report the other party."

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that both mother and son were fighting back in a confrontational manner. As long as they compared each other, it would never end. It is better to learn together. He Yan can't accuse Liang Shuangqi of cheating and cheating, and Liang Shuangqi can't accuse He Yan of ignoring fairness.

Liang Shuangqi hesitated: "It's not impossible..."

Liang Chen came forward as a peacemaker and persuaded: "That's good, I will supervise you in the future, I will be absolutely fair and just."

He Yan heard the words, she immediately brought out the fairness theory skillfully, dragged her husband into the water, and said dissatisfiedly: "Wait, you should also follow the study, do you just rely on me to raise your son? You are not allowed to play games at night, otherwise the family will not be fair. …”

Liang Chen, who was lying on the gun inexplicably: "!!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao made a final decision, Liang Shuangqi and He Yan reached a settlement, and the plan was implemented from that night. Both mother and son firmly believed that the other party was no match for themselves, and Liang Chen was the pond fish who was affected. He had to take out professional books to read, and his enthusiasm for learning at home was unprecedentedly high.

The arrival of Chu Xiaoxiao planted the seeds of knowledge in Liang Shuangqi's family, and the three members of the family suddenly studied in a fit of anger.

After the first week, Liang Shuangqi and He Yan were calm, and the two sides refused to give in to each other; after the second week, Liang Shuangqi did not move, and He Yan was slightly anxious; after the third week, Liang Shuangqi felt tired and He Yan ran out of ammunition and food.

After Liang Shuangqi's final exam was over, He Yan sighed and rose up. She took out her mobile phone and finally started to surf the Internet in revenge.

He Yan: Now I just want to surf the Internet to breathe, I'm almost suffocated, let me be a waste person with no future!

Liang Shuangqi finally boiled his mother down. He felt a great victory in his heart for a while, and experienced the joy of learning for the first time!