The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 63


Chu Xiaoyi felt that his sister's relationship with him was poisonous, and he could step on any trap she set. He probably didn't pay attention when he placed the dumplings. There were both normal dumplings and ugly Peppa dumplings on the bamboo strips.

He has always been a thrill-seeker. Although the first mustard dumpling shot straight into his nostrils, he still poked open the other dumplings with curiosity and continued to taste it. He knew that Chu Xiaoxiao would not spoil the dumplings. Since her family never advocated wasting food, it should be impossible for her to put inedible ingredients in the dumplings.

Chu Xiaoyi was like opening a blind box, eating dumplings with a mysterious and curious mentality. He found that the mustard dumplings belonged to his bad luck. Some other dumplings tasted normal, and some tasted subtle, such as fresh fruit dumplings. Cooked fruit can not be called unpalatable, but it feels weird and the taste is unreasonable.

After Chu Xiaoyi finished eating his sister's surprise dumplings, he ate a few normal dumplings in a row. In the end, he didn't drink the chocolate soup. He washed the dishes and went to sleep. He was very tired just after the performance, and it was almost dawn if he didn't sleep, so he forgot the dumpling episode.

The next day, Chu Xiaoxiao, who woke up from sleep, got up. She slipped out of the room and found that only her aunt and grandmother woke up. My aunt went to bed early yesterday, while my grandmother is getting older. She has to sleep every few hours, which is not the same as ordinary people's routine.

In the kitchen, my aunt was going to make breakfast for the waking person first, so she asked Chu Xiaoxiao, "Xiao Xiao, how many dumplings do you want to eat?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes swept across the bamboo strips. The elders opened the kitchen windows yesterday to let cold air flow into the house to achieve the effect of refrigeration. She seriously looked for her Peppa dumplings, but was dizzy by the normal dumplings with white flowers. She rubbed her eyes subconsciously, and said in confusion, "I'm gone..."

Peppa's dumplings disappeared, and Chu Xiaoxiao was as anxious as a little ant on a hot pan, circling anxiously in the kitchen. She checked the bamboo strips where the dumplings were placed one by one, but found nothing. She couldn't help but be shocked: "My dumplings are gone!"

The little aunt was taken aback: "Your dumplings?"

Chu Xiaoxiao panicked: "The Peppa dumplings I made yesterday are gone."

The little aunt looked puzzled and reminded: "Xiao Xiao, you ate them yesterday, did you remember it wrong?"

Little auntie didn't know that Chu Xiaoxiao had remade Peppa dumplings, and only thought that the little girl was talking about the first test product. After all, when Chu Xiaoxiao was producing an international feast, the family was watching TV in the living room, and no one noticed her little gestures.

When Chu Xiaoxiao heard the words, she stood on the spot in astonishment, rubbing her little head in disbelief, and there was a trace of uncertainty. She tried her best to recall the scene last night, but her memory was a little blurry when she woke up. In addition, she had slept late during the New Year, and her head was even more confused.

The little aunt's tone was so determined that Chu Xiaoxiao was a little hesitant. Could it be that he was making dumplings in his dream? Her international feast of dumplings is just an empty mirror

As the saying goes, the new year has a new look, but Chu Xiaoxiao felt that her new year was not very good. Her always excellent memory was deviated, and she began to suspect that she was infected by her cheap brother and became stupid.

The dumplings disappeared cleanly and without any trace, but Chu Xiaoxiao did not believe in evil. She dug out the materials from last night and was even more convinced that the dumplings had existed, otherwise there would be no shortage of mustard. At that time, she squeezed out a lot of shaking hands, and the mustard in the refrigerator was an eyewitness!

Chu Xiaoxiao found key evidence and said loudly, "Someone stole my dumplings!"

The little aunt thought that no one in the family would eat the children's masterpieces. She couldn't help laughing and crying: "Why did you steal your dumplings? There are obviously so many dumplings here?"

A normal adult should be able to cook the beautiful dumplings next to it, and it is unlikely to start with the strange dumplings.

When Chu Xiaoxiao talked about her idea of the birth of dumplings, she was eloquent and eloquent, and said solemnly: "Because my dumplings are different, each one has the characteristics of different countries, this is a plate of international dumplings, It represents the community of shared future for mankind... No, the community of shared destiny for Page is very precious!"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that her international dumplings were unparalleled in the world, and there must be countless Xiaoxiao who thought about them and tried to steal them. She said seriously: "If there is a strange thief Kidd in reality, he will definitely come to steal my dumplings!"

Little auntie didn't know who the thief Kidd was, but she thought about the harmony and stability of the family, tried hard to dispel Chu Xiaoxiao's random thoughts, and comforted: "Xiao Xiao, your dumplings might be running on long legs, we still didn't run. Dumplings."

Chu Xiaoxiao was actually coaxed by her little aunt's words. She could only eat ordinary dumplings in despair, and muttered sadly at the dinner table: "But they are dumplings made by me, why did you leave me?"

Little aunt: "You have to eat them, of course they have to run."

Although Chu Xiaoxiao was disappointed in her heart, she thought what the little aunt said was reasonable, and if someone wanted to eat her, she would run away desperately. She finished her breakfast, but she still thought about the missing Peppa dumplings, which made her restless for a while.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Where did they go? Are they cold and tired outside, why don't they want to wait for me in the kitchen

Chu Xiaoxiao was really curious about the whereabouts of Peppa's dumplings. She swore that she no longer wanted to eat them, she just wanted to know where they went. She finally used two oranges to bribe the camera guard next door, and asked the other party to call up the video footage of the kitchen, wanting to see how the long-legged Peppa Dumpling escaped.

A moment later, Chu Xiaoyi, who was sleeping with his head down in the bedroom, was hit by a critical attack. He was wearing a messy chicken coop and was beaten by his sister's small fists on the morning of the first day of the new year.

After Chu Xiaoxiao watched the video, she found the real phantom thief, and immediately jumped into her brother's house to impose justice, and jumped on his bed, wishing to beat him like dough. She angrily tried to wake her brother up, like an angry cub, and said angrily, "How can you do this—that's my Peppa dumplings!"

Chu Xiaoyi, who was half asleep, said: "?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's small strength is light, and she beat Chu Xiaoyi like a tickling, and it has no effect at all. Chu Xiaoyi was so sleepy that he didn't know what his sister was making a noise, so he simply knocked her down, pulled up the quilt to cover her, and muttered vaguely: "Okay, sleep a little longer, sleep a little longer..."

Chu Xiaoyi only thought that Chu Xiaoxiao was here to urge him to get up, and wrapped her directly like dumplings, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed, without any intention of getting up. Chu Xiaoxiao struggled desperately in the warm bed, but he couldn't shake his stupid brother at all, he could only be pressed and sullen!

Chu Xiaoxiao: How can there be such a shameless person in the world? Not only did he eat my dumplings, but he also tried to wrap me into dumplings!

Chu Xiaoxiao could only show her little face from the quilt. She moved out desperately, but she felt that her arms were like a mountain of five fingers, and she was the poor Sun Wukong. She was very angry at the behavior of Hanhan's brother, and the more angry she became, the more sleepy she became, her eyelids became darker, and she fell asleep inexplicably.

After Chu Xiaoyi woke up, his confused behavior succeeded in intensifying the situation, and he was severely accused by his sister. Chu Xiaoxiao thought that he not only stole his dumplings, but also became angry after being exposed, trying to wrap her into dumplings and eat her, in order to achieve the evil purpose of killing her.

Chu Xiaoyi made dumplings and complained: "It's almost done, what do you have to eat? You have no nutritional value!"

Chu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, and she said solemnly: "Who knows? Maybe you are too lazy to learn English, so you want to take some crooked ways and finally hurt me."

Chu Xiaoyi pondered for a few seconds. With a thoughtful look on his face, he deliberately frightened her and said, "You can learn English well by eating it? Is it possible to learn other foreign languages?"

Chu Xiaoxiao made a slip of the tongue for a while, and she bumped into her brother's ill-intentioned chicken thief's gaze, her face froze, and she cried out for help: "Dad—"

Chu Jiadong reassured: "It's fine, it's fine, my father can speak English, and my brother eats his father if he wants to eat..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "She knows a lot of foreign languages, so it's more cost-effective to eat her."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "!!?" What kind of villain is this

Chu Xiaoyi can show his prestige in his mouth. At the beginning of the new year, he was forced to make Peppa dumplings to atone for his sins. Naturally, he wanted to tease his sister two or three times to relieve his resentment. Because Chu Xiaoyi ate Chu Xiaoxiao's masterpiece last night, he could only recreate her international feast today. The two parties agreed that as long as Chu Xiaoyi returned the dumplings, the matter would be forgotten.

Chu Xiaoyi: I am obviously the victim, how can I turn around to atone for my sin

Chu Xiaoxiao carefully supervises her brother's making peppa dumplings. She is like a picky party A and puts forward many opinions: "My peppa dumplings don't look like this, and the nose and eyes you put on it are wrong..."

Chu Xiaoyi felt that the page that his sister had pinched was too ugly. He wanted to improve it and refined it, but she was not happy and could only exchange the raw materials. He patiently pasted the five senses, and just as he was about to put another one on the bamboo strips, she had a new idea.

Chu Xiaoxiao touched his chin hesitantly, and muttered: "I think the peppa you squeezed is not good enough, and there is still room for improvement..."

Chu Xiaoyi heard his temples jump, and he knew that he had neglected to eat the dumplings, so he could only curl his lips and said, "...Xing Xing Xing, what do you think should be improved, little ancestor?"

Chu Xiaoxiao gestured with a small hand and said righteously: "The peppa dumplings you made are not international enough. This is a plate of dumplings with far-reaching significance. Each peppa has a different background."

As Party B, Chu Xiaoyi is now extremely big headed and speechless in his heart: "Tell me about the internationalization of dumplings?"

Chu Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows and said, "This is an unspoken feeling. You say you want to make international music, why don't you even understand international dumplings? Isn't it the same?"

"..." Chu Xiaoyi bowed down to her eloquence, but did not expect that the two could be forcibly related.

Chu Xiaoyi: If my parents weren't sitting next to me, I would be so angry that I would beat the child.

No one expected that Chu Xiaoyi would make a big splash on the New Year's Eve and Spring Festival evening, blowing up Weibo, but on the first day of the new year, he humbly squeezed peppa dumplings, and he would suffer many difficulties from the party A, Chu Xiaoxiao. He ignored his sister's chattering opinions, and bravely put Peppa's dumplings into the steamer, intending to use steaming instead of cooking to maintain the prototype of the dumplings.

The hot dumplings were freshly baked, and they were much better than Chu Xiaoxiao's last night. Obviously, Chu Xiaoyi's hands-on ability was stronger than his sister's. He was full of complaints during the production process, but he was quite satisfied with the finished product. He happily took pictures as a souvenir, praising his virtuous self: "I can be a pastry chef!"

Chu Xiaoyi: I can actually fulfill such demanding requirements, obviously I have a very high talent in cooking.

Chu Xiaoxiao thought she was a three-star Michelin chef, she squinted at him when she heard the words, and said dissatisfiedly: "I am the chef, you are just a helper."

Chu Xiaoxiao: The cooking concept was clearly proposed by me, and the cheap brother just did as I said.

Although Chu Xiaoxiao was picky, she was obviously also attracted to Paige's steamed dumplings, thinking that it looked delicious, and the initial anger dissipated. She stared at the steamed dumplings eagerly, and when the dumplings were out of the pot slightly warmed, she finally couldn't help picking up a dumpling with a spoon and dipping it in vinegar, and eating it like a small hamster in the bowl.

When Chu Xiaoyi saw her eyes glow from eating, he even boasted: "This is better than yours, right? I'm not lying, the dumplings you squeezed yesterday tasted weird..."

Chu Xiaoxiao just calmed down and heard him slander her dumplings again, she said angrily: "Your dumplings are not as good as mine!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Nonsense, where are your dumplings strong?" He still had a fresh memory of the devil's taste.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "My dumplings have long legs and will run, but you can't run after steaming!" Her dumplings have feet, and my brother's dumplings have feet, but his dumplings can't run.

Chu Xiaoyi: "?" What are you really doing, the first place in Xiao Mouba

Seeing that she was going to criticize himself again, Chu Xiaoyi picked up a dumpling dipped in vinegar, fed it into her mouth, and said brazenly, "Don't you think the dumplings will run away?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's favorability to his brother really fluctuated, like a crazy and fluctuating stock market curve, never knowing what would happen in the next second. She had never seen such a complicated person. His emotional color seemed to be very friendly to her, but there were always sleazy manipulations that upset her, which could make her jump with anger in an instant.

Chu Xiaoxiao's complex experience of human nature basically originates from Chu Xiaoyi. He is really a confusing and magical player, far exceeding ordinary normal humans.

The two brothers and sisters finally reached a reconciliation in the Peppa dumpling incident. Chu Xiaoyi hummed a tune and went back to the house to write a song. Suddenly inspiration broke out and wanted to write a "Dumpling". Chu Xiaoxiao slipped back to his room and restarted the top secret file in the drawer. .

She took out the information of the cheap brother, and began to write today's obfuscating human observation diary, studying a mysterious species called "Chu Xiaoyi" with an academic attitude.

Chu Xiaoxiao feels like a magical zoologist. There is a movie called "Where are Fantastic Beasts", and she feels that Fantastic Beasts are in her home.