The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 66


After Yang Yin left, Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to grow up a lot overnight. She used to study out of interest, but now her learning has a new meaning, which is to make her grow up faster and reunite with Yang Yin better. . Sister Yang Yin said that as long as they work hard together, they will be able to meet again sooner or later, giving Chu Xiaoxiao new motivation.

Chu Xiaoxiao no longer rejects primary schools. She now checks the orange trees in the yard every day, and occasionally sends letters to Yang Yin's school. Of course, their correspondence is very slow, but she has not disconnected from it.

Chu Xiaoxiao now feels that parting is not scary, what is scary is forgetting. If she forgets Yang Yin who disappeared soon, as her brother said, it will be a very sad thing. Fortunately, the orange tree has sprouted new shoots in the small courtyard, and its existence urged Chu Xiaoxiao to continue walking.

Chu Xiaoxiao learned from Yang Yin the importance of learning and the significance of being admitted to a good school to herself. Xiao Bi noticed the change of her youngest daughter, she also took out the exam questions of the super class, saying that it was a good elementary school question, and encouraged: "Xiao Xiao, if Sister Yang Yin wants to pass the university entrance exam well, you can do it too. primary school."

Chu Xiaoxiao did not reject the test questions this time. She appropriately reduced some foreign language time, and decided to work hard like Yang Yin, and be admitted to a good primary school, a good middle school, and a good university, so that they will have no regrets when they meet again in the future.

Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao was also a little confused when she was doing the exam questions for the extraordinary class. She looked at the familiar math questions and couldn't figure it out. Isn't this a question that Brother Cheyen couldn't do before

Chu Xiaoxiao: It turns out that the cheap brother can't even solve elementary school problems

Chu Xiaoxiao did not forget Yang Yin, but she forgot many details of life. For example, Yang Yin and Liang Shuangqi also said that they would not do these questions, but Chu Xiaoyi's stupid image was so deeply rooted in her heart that she had preconceived ideas. Impressed, I gave Chu Xiaoyi a pot when he came up.

Yang Yin's departure also brought new revelation to Chu Xiaoxiao. Only when you have tasted parting can you know how valuable it is to stay together. Now that she receives the video of the cheap brother, she will not show impatience, she is much more patient than usual. After all, she and Sister Yang Yin didn't even have a chance to make a video. Even though Chu Xiaoyi was overseas, it was a lucky thing that they could still greet each other.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao wanted to be a well-mannered child, but Chu Xiaoyi didn't give her this chance. He just said, "Chu Xiaoxiao, why are you so hungry at home that your face is yellow and skinny? It looks like you should eat less celery. Mom and Dad will make up for you!"

Chu Xiaoxiao Mingming is a strawberry-flavored glutinous rice ball with clear powder, but she was described by Chu Xiaoyi as a miserable refugee child. She didn't know where her brother learned the adjective.

Chu Xiaoxiao's original good mood disappeared. Facing the provocation of the cheap brother, she immediately counterattacked dissatisfiedly: "You have gained a lot of weight outside, and the screen can't hold your face."

Chu Xiaoyi ridiculed his sister badly. He never thought that she would stab her in the sore spot. He immediately pulled the phone away and said stubbornly, "Nonsense, that's me being close to the camera."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "No, when you moved to this distance before, your face was smaller than it is now, because foreigners always eat high-calorie food, either fried or cheese, so you gain weight."

Chu Xiaoxiao and Annie are friends. She knows too much about the diet of foreign children, which is completely different from her oriental stomach.

Chu Xiaoyi touched his face subconsciously, he was inexplicably guilty: "..." Are you monitoring my diet

Chu Xiaoyi: The head can be cut off and the blood can flow, and the beauty can't be easily lost. Maybe I need to do more irons recently.

Chu Xiaoxiao saw that he was finally intimidated, so she took on the appearance of a little adult, and asked warmly, "How is your work recently?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "...Can you not speak like our father?"

Chu Xiaoyi felt that his sister and father always practiced oral language, and even the tone was infected by Chu Jiadong. When they came up, they were "How are you working?" "How are your colleagues?" "How are you eating and sleeping?" medicine.

Sure enough, Chu Xiaoxiao's next sentence was: "Do you get along well with your colleagues?"

"It's normal..." Chu Xiaoyi said vaguely, his eyes drifted, and he couldn't help but say, "How did you make friends with people when you just arrived in kindergarten?"

Chu Xiaoxiao understood, she immediately showed a look of pity, and worried: "So you haven't made friends."

Chu Xiaoyi hurriedly said: "No! I'm filming with colleagues, who are not friends in the first place. Just answer me, don't add strange settings to me!"

Chu Xiaoyi's filming in the crew went well, but he was still unfamiliar with the people around him. On the one hand, it was a problem of language communication, and on the other hand, it was a problem of cultural customs. The styles of the domestic team and the overseas team were different. His working environment has changed drastically, and occasionally he is not used to the thinking of foreigners, which is naturally a bit awkward.

Of course, he doesn't really need to communicate with the overseas team. He just thinks that his sister is studying in an international kindergarten. She may be able to understand the thoughts of foreigners more easily, so he asks casually.

Although Chu Xiaoxiao usually annoys her brother very much, if he encounters difficulties, she is still willing to help. She suggested: "I don't know how to make friends. Everyone is naturally familiar with each other. First, say hello with a smile every day, then look for common topics, and finally praise each other a lot. It's basically enough?"

Chu Xiaoyi's eyebrows jumped: "But if you say hello with a smile, but others don't bother to pay attention to you, isn't it shameful?"

Chu Xiaoxiao said in surprise: "What's so shameful about this?"

Chu Xiaoyi's expression was subtle: "...there is always a feeling of a hot face sticking to a cold butt."

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't describe this feeling. He always felt that he took the initiative to take a step, and there was a humble feeling of asking someone to do things, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Chu Xiaoxiao said: "If you say hello to others but ignore them, that's because the other party is rude to others. It's embarrassing that he's not you, and his parents didn't teach them well!"

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand his brother's concerns at all. The elders and teachers all said that they should be polite. They would not be ashamed if they took the initiative to say hello. It would be more shameful to put on airs and ignore others.

Chu Xiaoyi was instantly persuaded by his sister's insight, he waved away the hesitation in his heart, and said, "Is there anything else?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thought about it seriously, and added: "Annie sometimes brings snacks from home. She distributes the food to others, and others will like to play with her."

Chu Xiaoyi nodded understandingly, this is the common food and drink in the crew, he has mastered this skill, and it is not of great reference value to him.

After Chu Xiaoyi finished the video with his sister, he decided to test Chu Xiaoxiao's rules of making friends. He happened to look up and bumped into a certain blonde and blue-eyed actor, and smiled stiffly and politely at him. Chu Xiaoyi just wanted to say hello first, but his business smile might signal a conversation, and the actor actually came over and took the initiative to chat.

Chu Xiaoyi: Is it so effective? But I'm not ready for a common topic yet

In fact, Chu Xiaoyi was very popular for three minutes. He might forget Chu Xiaoxiao's friend advice in two days, and he just applied it now, and he didn't expect that he would be chased and put on the shelves. Fortunately, he no longer resists communicating in English, and he can answer each and every one of them.

The actor's name is Destin. He and Chu Xiaoyi have had several opposite scenes. He asked curiously, "Did you just make a video with your sister?"

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the little blond girl on Destin's phone and suddenly realized that the other party also has a biological sister, no wonder they came over to chat, everyone is a brother.

Chu Xiaoyi: This is really a common topic delivered to the door.

Destin's mention of his sister is like opening a chat box. He frantically praises how cute, smart, and well-behaved his sister is. He is simply the warmest little angel in the world. He missed her the most during filming. I don't know if she's doing well recently. She was very good in school, and she got all A's.

Chu Xiaoyi inexplicably completed the first two steps of making friends, and the third step should be carried out logically, echoing Destin's words and praising the other's sister a lot. However, Chu Xiaoyi stared at the freckled blond girl in the photo, and listened to the other party's exaggerated remarks, and felt that his sister was much stronger than the other party's sister!

Chu Xiaoyi: Is it worth bragging about getting all A grades in school? My sister is proficient in many languages, I am so proud of you!

Chu Xiaoyi said firmly in English: "No, my sister is smarter and cute."

Dustin: "?"

Destin didn't understand the oriental humor for a while, and mistakenly thought that Chu Xiaoyi was joking. He was not sure: "Are you joking?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "No."

Chu Xiaoxiao would not have expected that she asked his cheap brother to praise each other more for making friends, but he began to be serious about the content of the praise, and directly fought with Destin on the scene of which sister is stronger, and who is joking.

"You are joking, right?"

"You are joking, Dustin."

Chu Xiaoyi and Destin were like two primary school chickens, shouting "you are joking" to each other on the set, and they also brought out the countless skills and honors of their respective sisters, striving for the title of "the best girl in the world"!

This sudden war was finally stopped by the director and producer, and the two crazy brothers were arranged to calm down their emotions.

After Destin calmed down, he understood Chu Xiaoyi's actions: "After all, he is also a brother, I can understand that he loves his sister deeply, so he tries his best to protect his sister, and it is easier to get excited when he talks..."

After listening to the producer's remarks, Chu Xiaoyi said objectively in Chinese: "Let's not mention whether I love my sister or not, I just discuss with him who is better, even if I usually find my sister annoying at home, but we Also look at her intelligence and beauty rationally!"

Chu Xiaoyi: Even if Chu Xiaoxiao is a little thing who loves to be a monster, she is really top-notch in terms of IQ and appearance, she is SSR!

Chu Xiaoyi and Destin didn't know each other, and they became good friends by accident. They even agreed to go around together during filming in China, and let Chu Xiaoyi be the tour guide. Of course, the two of them still can't talk about the topic of their sister. As long as they talk about it, it's an endless "you are joking".

On the other hand, Chu Xiaoxiao ushered in the charity auction of the new semester. She handed in a piece of her own handwork as an item for this charity auction. The kindergarten has charity activities every semester. The school will auction students' donations on the official website, and then donate the income to poor schools that help one-on-one.

Of course, if the item donated by the child is the first in the auction on the official website, he can also have a charity certificate and a brooch, and the photo will be hung on the kindergarten publicity board, which is a small honor.

Annie handed in the bracelet she liked. She tipped off Chu Xiaoxiao and reported: "I heard that someone in the next class handed in expensive things, which surprised the teachers."

Chu Xiaoxiao showed curiosity: "But Teacher Mei and the others said they don't recommend handing over valuables?"

International kindergartens have always been short of wealthy children. The school is reluctant to promote comparisons, but it cannot stop parents from trying to make money for their children and rack their brains. The kindergarten proposed to donate things related to the child for auction, and some parents bought some valuable accessories that the child wore once, in an attempt to win the first place.

Annie said innocently: "Maybe their value is different from the teacher's value."

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked, she quickly put the matter behind her, and didn't take it too seriously. She also handed in the auction items according to school rules last year, but the final transaction price was not high, but she had a lot of honors in the kindergarten, and she was not obsessed with the certificate of first place in charity.

The auction on the official website of the kindergarten is open as scheduled. In order to suppress unfair bidding, the school also specially stipulates the amount of each price increase to prevent some parents from bidding for the first place. This makes the more people participating in the bidding, the faster the price of auction items rises, and the better to control the fairness of charity auctions.

After the official website was opened, Chu Xiaoxiao also used her iPad to take a look at her handwork. She felt that the situation was similar to last year. She asked her father to bid for help and close the page. The items with the fastest rising prices in the auction are still pens, brooches and other items. Some parents obviously lost money and made a profit. They did not plan to sell the cost price, but they wanted to be the first in charity.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao forgot one key thing, the manual work was not done by her alone, and there was also someone's contribution.

On Weibo, someone picked up Chu Xiaoyi's past airport photos, and posted photos of children's handicrafts on the official website of the kindergarten, and asked in Chaohua to verify the details in the photos.

Cxyyyyy: Sisters, who has the high-definition picture of the airport? Is this what he holds in his hand

At the beginning, Chu Xiaoyi had to work for Chu Xiaoxiao to weave knots in order to repay the debts for English and math classes. He put the colorful rope in his pocket and made up a weave when he had nothing to do. It happened to be quite boring at the airport. Sometimes he was not good at reading or reading newspapers while standing and waiting, so he did some mindless manual work.

Chu Xiaoxiao's handmade works are called self-designed, in fact, they are instructing the cheap brother to weave handmade knots, and she then twists the handmade knots around the wooden post, which becomes abstract art.

In order to protect children's privacy, the official website of the kindergarten will not release the class and full name, but only symbolically mark "xiao" and click on it to view it. However, the star chasing girls are detective-like existences, they find out the truth instantly, and they are sure that this is the work of brother Xiao Xiao!

Fans took a closer look and found that brother Xiao Xiao's work was only worth 35 yuan, and they laughed out loud!

Yi Ran Zi Le: Some people can sell tens of millions of electronic albums, and the knots they make are only worth 35 yuan? [doge]

Chang'an: Chu Sanwu, you really embarrassed Xiao Xiao, the auction price on the official website is countdown [doge]@chuxiaoyi

I am Xiao Hei: Be polite to us in the future, without us we are nothing, this time I will look at Xiao Xiao's face to win you, do you understand [doge]@chuxiaoyi

Magical Conch: Don't turn, don't turn! Quickly delete the super words, and now the price is up! I originally wanted to grab 35 yuan of star peripherals!

The auction price of Chu Xiaoxiao's works rose at a rocket-like speed, instantly surpassing the pens, brooches and other items in the front row, and entered an intense white-hot stage. Fans have never seen such cheap peripherals. You must know that if a powerful fan wants to get a signed album, they have to sell hundreds of sets. What kind of money is 35 yuan

How long does it take Chu Xiaoyi to sign? This is a knot he knitted by himself, and the time invested is completely different!

For a while, Chaohua fans came out in droves. They swiped "Chu Sanwu" mockingly and frantically bid for the auction items. Everyone wanted to get stuck and photographed the handicrafts.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know the fanaticism of her sisters. She used to use Xiao Xiao coins to make her brother work. She also had his handwritten newspapers and origami works in her hand. Naturally, she did not understand the value of knots in the hearts of fans.

The next day, Chu Xiaoxiao planned to wait for Teacher Mei to return the handicrafts to herself. She speculated that it was either her father took pictures in the end, or Annie's mother took pictures. She also asked her father to help bid for Annie's bracelet yesterday. She only thought that the auction on the official website was a passing game, and the auction item could not go two miles away.

Ms. Mei did not bring homework with the knots. Instead, she handed the small certificate and brooch to Chu Xiaoxiao, and congratulated: "Xiao Xiao, congratulations, you are the little charity angel in this grade, here is your certificate and brooch. ."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "!!?"

After Teacher Mei left, Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know the truth and said in disbelief, "Annie, has your mother become so rich!?"

Annie's mother is indeed a generous person, but she can win the highest price, which is also a powerful financial resource. The last work of Chu Xiaoxiao was taken away by Annie's mother, but she remembered that the other party didn't get the first place

Annie's face was stunned. She suddenly heard the news of the family's sudden wealth, and she stumbled in fright for a while: "...I-I go home and ask?"