The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 67


Chu Xiaoxiao and Annie's family members have never liked to show off. The two children did not have a deep understanding of their family's property, so they were naturally quite shocked by the award. Chu Xiaoxiao photographed Annie's bracelet, but Annie didn't photograph Chu Xiaoxiao's handwork, which made things even more confusing.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't know who her homework went to. She took the charity certificate and brooch home in a confused way, and inexplicably completed the whole kindergarten achievement. She didn't know that this award was given by her online sister-in-law.

Chu Xiaoyi has been filming overseas for a long time, but he didn't expect to carry the new nickname "Chu Sanwu" when he returned to China. He didn't even understand where this stalk came from, and he didn't even know the starting price of his knot was 35 yuan. He was in a hurry in the airport, and occasionally he would be called dumbfounded by the fans next to him.

"Why don't you weave knots today? Why don't you help Xiao Xiao with her kindergarten homework!?" The fans didn't grab the knots last time. They were furious for a while and asked Chu Xiaoyi to expand production.

Chu Xiaoyi: "?" How did you know that I was working for her

Chu Xiaoyi said stubbornly: "Whoever helped her do her homework, she will do her own homework!" He is a traffic star anyway, how could there be a scandal about ghostwriting for kindergarteners!

"We clearly saw you doing handicrafts at the airport last time..."

"You are wrong, you are wrong, staring at the screen of your mobile phone every day, can your eyesight be good?" Chu Xiaoyi fled in a hurry, not daring to continue entanglement with them. He doesn't even know where the fans came from. He is obviously a tough boy. How can he be exposed to the truth of private weaving

Chu Xiaoyi: My high-cold personality is guarded by myself!

Chu Xiaoyi's trip to Hollywood has come to an end temporarily, and the film project will still come to China to shoot, but the proportion is not so much, and his life is also a lot more relaxed. After he returned home, "The Generations of Our Family" could be recorded normally again. Director Li, who was about to run out of material, ushered in the dawn.

However, Chu Xiaoyi's family faced a huge challenge, and Chu Xiaoxiao finally had to take the extraordinary class exam. The whole family arranged in an orderly manner, they were all affected by the tense atmosphere of the exam, only Chu Xiaoxiao knew nothing, the children just regarded it as an ordinary exam, which was no different from the kindergarten exam.

Xiao Bi took out all kinds of application materials and said in an orderly manner: "I asked Han Ya, it's fine to take the necessary documents on weekends, but there may be traffic jams there..."

Chu Jiadong: "Shall we drive there?"

Xiao Bi: "It's not easy to park there, or park at our mother and uncle's side."

Grandma and others live in the old city, but it is very close to the primary school where the exam takes place. The city where Chu Xiaoxiao’s family usually lives is quite prosperous, but the education and medical resources are still not as good as the old city. Even though there are few new buildings in the old city, it can be regarded as an inch of land.

Chu Xiaoyi felt the familiar atmosphere of family meetings, and suddenly recalled his childhood. Xiao Bi, Chu Jiadong, and grandma also discussed his elementary school life intensely, discussing his basic necessities after school, but he was still young at that time, and he was always heartless and did not understand the worries of adults.

Chu Xiaoyi's feng shui turns now, and he finds his sister's anxiety about going to school. He didn't feel much when he was a junior or a junior, but when he changed his position as a parent, he felt very nervous.

Xiao Bi and Chu Jiadong originally intended that they would send Chu Xiaoxiao the test, and Chu Xiaoyi could rest at Yurong Terrace or grandma's house, but the eldest son couldn't accept the state of waiting at home alone. After the family discussed it, it was decided that Chu Jiadong would drive him off, and then he went to his grandmother's house to park the car, while Xiao Bi and Chu Xiaoyi waited for the notice at the school gate.

On weekends, Chu Xiaoxiao prepared stationery for the exam. She brought her small schoolbag and went out with her family early for the exam. When she found Chu Xiaoyi who got up early unexpectedly, she couldn't help but look surprised: "You got up so early today?"

At home, Chu Xiaoyi only got up at three poles in the morning. This person often stayed up late to toss with soundtracks, and his schedule was completely different from that of normal people. He couldn't say that he didn't fall asleep at all yesterday, and said vaguely: "Well, go to bed early and get up early to be healthy."

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded, she still didn't know that Brother Cheap got up early, and she noticed his nervousness, and said strangely: "Why do you keep shaking your legs?"

Chu Xiaoyi was a little anxious in his heart. After he got into the car, he unconsciously beat the rhythm with his heels, and seemed to be shaking his legs. Seeing that his sister's face was ignorant, and he couldn't explain his worries, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't ask! Can't I want to cut my legs?"

Chu Xiaoyi: Really the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch, it makes it seem like I am going to the exam room.

Chu Xiaoxiao was thoughtful and persuaded: "Why don't you lose face first? Everyone only sees your face on TV, you should shake your face."

Chu Xiaoyi: "..."

Chu Xiaoxiao made a serious suggestion, but her brother rubbed her face. Chu Xiaoyi didn't shake his face, instead he hand-killed his sister's face, and rubbed the heartless little child wildly.

The family drove to the entrance of the primary school, and were stunned by the scene at the entrance of the school. The entrance of the school was full of traffic and crowds, and the spacious road was about to explode!

"So many people!?" Chu Xiaoyi was completely shocked. He wore a black mask and hugged his sister tightly when he got out of the car, with her small schoolbag on his arm.

Chu Xiaoxiao had also never seen such a crowded place. It was even scarier than the morning in kindergarten. She could only let her elder brother pick him up, holding his shoulders blankly, and looking around hesitantly, like a kitten who left the house for the first time. . If Chu Xiaoxiao stood on the ground, she didn't know where she was, and the flow of people could instantly drown her.

Chu Jiadong couldn't park at the school gate at all. He hurriedly put down his family and drove away quickly, otherwise the intersection would be blocked. The car of the show team was even blocked on the road, and the cameramen had to get out of the car and rush over with the machine.

It was a wise move for Chu Xiaoyi and Xiao Bi to come over at the same time. Chu Xiaoyi looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, and Xiao Bi went to go through the formalities, and neither side was delayed. There are parents and children all nearby, and children's cries are heard from time to time, and the scene is chaotic.

Xiao Bi and others saw Han Ya at the school gate. Han Ya seemed to be inextricably linked with the super class. Chu Xiaoyi took the initiative to mention something about the program team, and the inquisitor was inconvenient for filming.

Han Ya said generously: "Let's shoot, people come to shoot every year, but they can't go in. After a while, the door will be full of reporters."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the sea of people dazed, he wondered: "How come there are so many people?"

"Because there are 3,000 people who signed up alone." Han Ya smiled lightly, and she instructed, "Xiao Xiao, follow everyone in, parents cannot enter the campus, you can find yourself if you go to the teacher with good things. examination room."

The school gate has slowly opened, and countless little radishes said goodbye to their parents and entered the school with their admission tickets and stationery. Some of them were reluctant to be separated from their families, and they cried so hard at the door that other children were terrified.

Chu Xiaoyi put Chu Xiaoxiao down, handed her the small schoolbag, and looked at her worriedly as she carried the schoolbag. Chu Xiaoxiao brought her things, she waved goodbye to the people around her, and followed them to the examination room, with a calm expression: "See you later!"

Chu Xiaoyi watched Chu Xiaoxiao's little figure disappear into the pile of radishes. She was like a drop of water in the vast ocean, and disappeared into the mighty team in a blink of an eye, leaving him full of disappointment.

Even though Chu Xiaoyi occasionally annoys his sister at home, he still feels that his sister is different and unique, but she is now merging into the surging stream of people, and it seems that she will be swallowed up at any time, which immediately makes him worried. He couldn't help but wonder: "Are there so many extraordinary children in the world?"

He had always thought that genius was a minority, but the sight of the school gate shocked him.

Han Ya smiled helplessly and said, "Of course not. Only 30 students are recruited for the extraordinary class every year, but there are three or four thousand applicants. How can there be so many extraordinary children?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Did you not judge your own children before signing up? There are too many people here?"

Xiao Bi clearly understood the parent's mentality and explained, "Xiao Yi, it is not easy to go to this elementary school, and the super class is also a way out."

There are only two ways for children who want to study in a well-known public primary school in the imperial capital: one is the school district’s housing to relieve their worries, and the housing prices in the surrounding communities will rise from one hundred thousand to one hundred thousand. For example, the enrollment of Jinfan Orchestra and the enrollment of super-normal classes in the whole city, etc., can recruit children from other urban areas.

Chu Xiaoyi saw the horror of rich parents in the international kindergarten, and now he sees the horror of another type of crazy parents. He thought about the exam questions of the super class, and he hesitated: "But can children do those questions?"

Han Ya calmly said: "Some are artificial prodigies. They sign up for a training class before the exam. They want to get in by taking the exam, but they will basically be screened out. Even if the child can get into the exam by luck, he will not be able to keep up with the super class in the later stage. It will be eliminated and transferred to the ordinary class, which is not too bad."

Chu Xiaoyi listened to the understatement of the other party and dared not say anything: "...will you still be eliminated?"

Han Ya nodded: "After all, extraordinary children are growing and developing, and they may become ordinary children, so it is no longer suitable to stay in the extraordinary class."

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated: "Is this a little... cruel?"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't imagine that one day, the smart Chu Xiaoxiao was screened and eliminated, and he could only live in the ordinary class. This is estimated to be more painful than never entering an extraordinary class, and it can leave a deep mark of failure on the child.

Han Ya laughed and said, "Some people thought it was cruel in the past, and they had to report to stop the extra-normal class, otherwise, where do you think the reporter came from?"

"They think that the super class is encouraged by the young, or it is the story of Shang Zhongyong, and they think that the child prodigy will not grow smoothly. In fact, this is unscientific. Because of their lack of understanding and vision, they feel that there are no extraordinary children in the world. What you can't do yourself, nobody else can do."

"How can I describe it? It's like an ordinary farmer holding an iron hoe. They think the king will use a gold hoe to farm the land, but in fact the king doesn't have to work at all. The levels of the two sides are too different, and they just imagine the other side's situation out of thin air. ."

Han Ya said slowly: "I think it is cruel to force a mortal to become a genius, or to force a genius to fit into a mortal."

"Therefore, the super class can always exist. It serves a small number of people, not to harm many children, but to protect a small number of children. Some people can't live in a public environment, and you always have to leave room for them to survive. , can't let them be in the mainstream forever?"

Chu Xiaoyi can accept Han Ya's argument, but it is only the other party's professional analysis. His emotions are more emotional, and he thinks that Chu Xiaoxiao is not a minority. The future is full of uncertainty. If she changes from a minority to a majority one day, can she accept the gap

In the exam room, Chu Xiaoxiao faced such a serious exam for the first time, which was completely different from the exam in kindergarten. Everyone enters the classroom in order, and the teachers carefully check to make sure there is no chance of cheating.

There are two subjects in the test, Chinese and mathematics. There is no English that Chu Xiaoxiao is good at. She got the test paper that was handed out, and not long after she wrote it, she found that the number of questions was large and difficult, which was a new level compared to the usual practice questions.

How difficult is the new topic? It's hard to find a child in the exam room crying while looking at the question!

All the children were surprised when they heard the cry. They looked around to find the source, and even Chu Xiaoxiao was taken aback. The teacher could only take away the crying child in a hurry. He comforted the child who couldn't answer the question aloud in the corridor, and then arranged for the other party to leave the examination room early.

Chu Xiaoxiao is still a child who can sit still. She held the pen for a while and scribbled wildly. She only felt that her brain was running fast, and she had no time to stop. She still got stuck on several questions in a row, and she had to think carefully about changing it, but now she can only go down in a broken can, and paint what she can do first!

She has never been so embarrassed before, the first time she was in a hurry when she was doing the questions, she was completely oblivious to her head!

After the exam, there was a scene of mourning and mourning at the entrance of the school. A large number of children threw themselves into the arms of their parents. They were hit hard during the exam and told the pain that they could not do it at all and could not finish it.

Han Ya had already left to do her own work, Chu Xiaoyi and Xiao Bi looked around worriedly at the door, and finally saw Chu Xiaoxiao who was lost and like a ghost.

Chu Xiaoxiao had been running out of electricity for a long time, and when she saw her family, she fell into the arms of her brother and mother like falling leaves in the wind, and she could no longer hold on to her strength. Her brain is blank now, and her stomach is unbearably hungry, and all the energy in her body is overdrawn, like a deflated little ball.

It was the first time that Chu Xiaoyi saw his sister so miserable, and he instantly collapsed. He hugged Chu Xiaoxiao and said loudly: "If it's a big deal, don't go to this school! Isn't it good for her to be an ordinary person!?"

"I'm just an ordinary person, and I'm doing pretty well now!" Chu Xiaoyi used to have the idea of raising SSR, but now he looks at this scene and disappears in an instant. If my sister wants to become a powerful SSR, she will have to fight with countless powerful SSRs, how hard it is!

Chu Xiaoyi's concept immediately switched from competitive games to casual games. He felt that Chu Xiaoxiao didn't need to fight so hard. Could it be that she really wants to be a great man who changes the times

Xiao Bi knew that her eldest son would be confused when she was concerned, so she comforted her: "Xiao Yi, don't worry, this is just an exam, even the results haven't come out yet..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was so tired that he didn't say anything, and Chu Xiaoyi already had a tone of voice that wanted to make a clean break with the super-normal class. He looked like his younger sister was being persecuted by this organization, and he could not wait to arrange for Chu Xiaoxiao to be a salted fish for the rest of his life.

At home in the old city, Chu Xiaoxiao frantically ate the food on the table under the distressed eyes of the adults, and ate a lot of fruit when resting after meals. She was indeed starving, exhausted from the back of her head at a high level, chewing like a hamster, eating non-stop without stopping in her mouth.

The uncle worried: "Can Xiao Xiao digest it? Do you want to take a break before eating?"

Chu Xiaoyi also had a subtle expression: "Are you taking a culture class or a sports exam in the exam room? Shouldn't you be taken to the playground to run laps when you enter the school?"

Chu Xiaoyi and others didn't know the situation in the school. The adults could only wait at the school gate and knew nothing about what happened to the children.

Chu Xiaoyi: Why is my sister like a child who returned from a famine? Afraid of not being taken away to do heavy physical work

Chu Xiaoxiao swallowed what was in her mouth, she waved her small fist in high spirits, and said full of ambition: "I can eat a playground now!"