The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 71


Chu Xiaoxiao would still feel quite upset when his brother cheaply ridiculed himself with a beating face, but she couldn't bear to see him at this moment in despair. The relationship between her and her brother is so complicated.

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his fingers in a panic, wanting to cheer him on, and whispered: "Don't do this, you act very well, and you can sing on TV, everyone is happy You are proud!"

Chu Xiaoyi said in a low voice, "This is useless to our mother..."

Seeing that her brother was about to demote herself again, Chu Xiaoxiao covered her brother's mouth with one hand and hugged his head tightly with the other, and said decisively: "No! Mom is also very happy!"

Chu Xiaoyi was still a little depressed at first, but now she is holding her head suddenly, and only feels suffocation instead of autism: "… "

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that her brother was like a stranded big fish. He seemed to be dying on the shore, but she couldn't move him back into the water, so she could only pour water on him desperately to survive.

Chu Xiaoxiao used to only praise his brother in the daily newspaper, but now the rainbow farts are like a surging river, wantonly overflowing: "You still look so good-looking, mother will be happy when she sees you..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: Please forgive me for my exaggerated statement. It is more important to save my brother now.

Chu Xiaoyi removed her little hand covering his mouth, his face showed uncertainty, and he said in a loud voice, "...Really?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was racking her brains, she said dryly: "Yes, you still go abroad to film, insist on studying and studying, and come home often, and mother is very happy!"

Chu Xiaoyi's body relaxed a little, and he said lazily, "That's really nice, how about a few more compliments?"

When Chu Xiaoxiao heard this, she mistakenly thought that Brother Bai had regained his vitality, and began to talk and talk again, and she was about to turn his face and punch him, but when she looked up, she found that he was still in a low mood, just trying to make fun of him. Her little fists were half out, but they were weakly retracted, with a look of confusion and disappointment on her little face.

Chu Xiaoyi was ready to be beaten, but he didn't expect his sister to withdraw his hand again, and was a little surprised for a while: "What's wrong?"

For the first time, Chu Xiaoxiao realized that her brother was worthy of being an actor. She had just been deceived by his acting skills, and she really thought he had cheered up. She has a little plug-in who can perceive emotions, and she doesn't understand the reason why he forcibly activates the atmosphere. She simply hugs his head and strokes his hair to comfort him, and babbles: "It's not scary..."

She didn't know how to make people happy right away, so she could only groom the cheap brother carefully, just like grooming a cat. Maybe it could help him ease a little, right

Chu Xiaoyi noticed her cautiousness, and felt helpless and sour for a while. He didn't want to pass on his bad emotions to his sister. He just planned to pretend to be okay, and wanted to let her flip through this article with two hits, but he didn't expect her to be so sensitive to other people's emotions.

Chu Xiaoxiao is like a small animal. If you deliberately provoke her, she will ignore you and look cold at you, but if she finds that you are sad and depressed, she will rub around worryingly beside you. , I am afraid that you will be closed for a long time.

Chu Xiaoyi felt that it was not good for him to always ask his sister for emotional value. She was still an ignorant child, and there was no reason to coax him every day. However, she was a little too smart. He thought he was good enough to act, but he still couldn't fool her.

Chu Xiaoxiao pressed her head down for a long time, and then she suggested in a low voice, "If you are really uncomfortable, why don't you cry out and try?"

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand Chu Xiaoyi's depression, she only knew that his chest was full of sour emotions. Maybe if he released that feeling, he would feel relaxed and regain his strength.

Chu Xiaoyi said stubbornly, "Men don't cry."

"Boys are also human, and human beings will cry." Chu Xiaoxiao retorted with wide-eyed eyes, she thought about her brother's attitude of wanting face, and said with relief, "It's like sand falling into a shell, the shell hurts so much that tears come out, but open it up. Then the pearls will show up…”

"You are hiding in the shell, and no one is watching what you do. It's still good to open the shell!" Chu Xiaoxiao shook the quilt to signal, she felt that the quilt was his shell and blocked the outside sight.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her brother's emotional color and made suggestions. Although the tears in reality were transparent, she always felt that the tears were blue. Maybe Chu Xiaoyi burst into tears and the emotional color would improve. Relying on her poor art common sense, she wanted to smear on the palette of emotional colors, in an attempt to make her brother a warmer color.

Chu Xiaoyi asked back, "Aren't you human?"

Chu Xiaoxiao paused for a few seconds, she remembered her own existence, and hesitantly said: "If you need, I can leave here..."

"Are you going to cry? Then I'm leaving? I'm really going out?" Chu Xiaoxiao turned back and drilled out step by step, she frequently looked back at her brother in the bed, wondering if he should stay here, but listen His tone revealed the meaning of seeing off.

Chu Xiaoxiao hesitantly curled up in the corner of the quilt, and finally left the quilt to his brother alone. She spun around the bed anxiously, and listened to the movement inside, but she didn't hear any crying. Because the quilt blocked Chu Xiaoyi so tightly, she couldn't even see the color of his emotions, let alone when he would recover.

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't actually cry, he just didn't want his sister to be lost with him, and she didn't do anything wrong. This is a problem left over from before she was born, and it should be solved by him alone. She can't really blame her.

Chu Xiaoyi returned to normal after getting out of the bed, but Chu Xiaoxiao was completely confused. She suddenly did not dare to mention the matter of the memorial book again, for fear of causing the cheap brother to wither and autistic, and force him to hide in a dark corner.

However, the mother Xiao Bi's birthday present still had to be prepared. The publisher, Chu Xiaoxiao, immediately made a bold decision. She came to help the cheap brother complete the production of the first volume!

Chu Xiaoyi's schedule is very busy. He can come back for a day to hold meetings and do handicrafts, which is all by driving He Xin crazy. He said today that he can't make a memorial book, and then there will be ghosts when he is free in the next few days. It is estimated that he can't count on it.

Chu Xiaoxiao made a decisive decision and decided to write a book for her brother. Since he could not write happy memories, she would write the happy memories of her brother and mother. Of course, as a rigorous writer, she also made a special trip to the "Brother and Mother's Library of Happy Memories" to check the literature, intending to start writing after careful collection.

Chu Xiaoxiao asked his father to pick him up and returned to his home in the old city under the banner of visiting grandma and others. She also asked curiously on the way: "Did your parents and brother live here before?"

"Yeah, your brother went to school nearby when he was a child." Chu Jiadong thought for a while, thinking that he had no young daughter in that memory, and added, "Xiao Xiao can come here often after elementary school, anyway, my uncle and the others. are there."

Chu Xiaoxiao jumped into the house in the old city, and immediately wanted to find the happy memories of his brother and mother, but he found nothing for a long time. The house in the old city is not very large. Chu Xiaoyi’s former room is now inhabited by his uncle. The walls are still pasted with his timetable and star stickers. There are also super old calendars hanging next to them. sense of age.

Chu Jiadong was talking with his grandmother and little aunt in the living room. He didn't notice his daughter's little movements, and just thought she was playing at home.

The little uncle walked into the room, he looked at Chu Xiaoxiao who was looking around, and asked in doubt, "What do you want Xiao Xiao?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Where is my brother's past?" She doesn't know anything about her brother's past, and of course she wants to find some historical materials for research (?).

Uncle: "It should be in the storage room. What are you looking for? Do you want to ask Xiao Yi?"

Uncle opened the storage room and let Chu Xiaoxiao search for materials, but she only found yellowed workbooks, old guitars, old clothes, and a bunch of messy bits and pieces. Her archaeological trip was not very smooth. As expected, her blind search was a mess, and she couldn't extract happy memories.

"Don't make trouble with your uncle, Xiao Xiao, we'll have dinner later." Chu Jiadong heard the old and the young in the storage room chattering for a long time. He called out his daughter's treasure hunt and walked to the kitchen. Help auntie.

Chu Xiaoxiao found nothing, she couldn't help sighing, looking at the blank memorial book in front of her, lying on the table without any soul. She looked around tiredly, and suddenly found the grandmother on the sofa, the other party was ignorant and wandering, not knowing what she was thinking.

Grandma can't hear a sound now, and often can't speak. She will fall asleep soon, and she has been in a state of half asleep and half awake, like an unconscious baby in a swaddle. Her eyes are already a little cloudy, but her eyes are confused and innocent, and she always lives quietly in her own world.

"Grandma! Grandma!" Chu Xiaoxiao didn't want to give up, she waved her hand desperately again, trying to attract the old lady's attention, "I want to be a memorial album for my brother and mother, do you have any materials for grandma?"

The old lady was attracted by Chu Xiaoxiao's small hand, she slowly looked at the little girl, looking at each other dull and absent-minded.

Chu Xiaoxiao simply picked up the memorial book on the table, she showed expectant eyes, and said patiently: "Grandma, look at this! I want to do this!"

The old lady stared blankly at the memorial book, and stared at the book with tender handwriting for a long time.

Chu Xiaoxiao held her breath and only hoped that her grandma would respond. However, after a long wait, she only saw her grandma grin, and the other party was immersed in her daze again.

Chu Xiaoxiao was suddenly disappointed, and she communicated with her grandmother in the same way. Grandma grinned occasionally, but also like an unconscious little baby who didn't know what other people were talking about.

"Xiao Xiao, wash your hands and eat." Chu Jiadong got out of the kitchen, he went to the sofa to help grandma, and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll take my mom to dinner too."

Grandma Chu Zhen now needs someone to help her when she walks. She can't walk a few steps by herself, and she needs a wheelchair for long distance movements. Chu Jiadong supported his mother as usual. She seemed to be a little tired halfway through the walk, and suddenly reached out and leaned against the passing drawer, gasping for breath.

Chu Jiadong smiled and said, "Tired? Then let's take a break."

Chu Jiadong patiently waited for his mother to rest for a while. He wanted to help her move to the dining table, but found that the other party was holding on to the drawer door handle and stood there in a daze. He just pretended to be a mother and began to lose his mind again, carefully trying to break her hand, and persuaded: "Mom, it's time to eat, let's go to the table..."

Chu Jiadong finally coaxed her grandmother away, but Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the drawer but her heart moved. She suddenly had a wonderful premonition and slipped to the drawer to check. She tugged at the drawer with all her strength, but the old wooden drawer didn't move, it seemed to be stuck tightly, and she was panting from exhaustion.

Fortunately, my aunt came to the rescue in time. She was obviously very strong, and she pulled the drawer open at once, revealing the cowhide envelopes and sundries inside!

"Wow, what a huge amount of dust, Xiao Xiao, go wash your hands!" My aunt looked at the dust flying in the sky, she immediately frowned and waved her hand, trying to drive away these evil elves.

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't wait to open the cowhide envelope, and she found a thick stack of photos inside, and the dates on the outside of the cowhide envelope were different. Looking at the familiar faces in the photo, she recognized her mother Xiao Bi accurately, and it would take a while for the others to identify.

On the way home, Chu Xiaoxiao returned happily. She thought that her research diary of confusing humans had made great progress, and she actually picked up the past of the cheap brother!

While driving seriously, Chu Jiadong smiled and sighed with emotion: "I really found a lot of things today, Xiao Xiao, don't lose the little black films, those are all film rolls."

Chu Xiaoxiao held the long little black piece, and she dangled it curiously: "What is this for?"

Chu Jiadong: "You can use it to take photos, but now it's all electronically stored, so it's basically useless."

These are Chu Xiaoyi's childhood photography methods. Chu Xiaoxiao has never seen film since she was born. She is a generation who has been exposed to iPads at a young age and has no concept of previous electronic products.

The cowhide envelopes in the drawer were all filled with photos. The date outside seemed to be the release time of the photo studio. Many of the photos were older than Chu Xiaoxiao. The adults have forgotten the past, but now they look up old photos and often feel emotional. The past has become beautiful and flawless under the filter of the years. Chu Jiadong and others provide Chu Xiaoxiao with rich materials.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the baby photo of the cheap brother, with a look of disgust on her face, and complained: "He was wrinkled when he was a child, and he didn't look good at all."

Chu Jiadong said weakly: "Xiao Xiao, you are not good-looking when you were born..." He has stored baby photos of his youngest daughter, but she has never seen it.

Chu Xiaoxiao became much more relaxed next, as long as she picked up a photo and asked "what is this", the three adults would rack their brains to think about it. They desperately recalled the details according to the date and answered her confusion. As a human cub, she is like opening the door to a new world, feeling that her brother and her are living on two planets.

She didn't understand what MP3 was, and the big brother's mobile phone, not to mention the four big things that the old man suddenly mentioned. She listened to the adult's explanation in a foggy manner, like a passerby who strayed into the rice circle, and didn't understand their nonsense at all. Fortunately, her induction ability is not bad. If she doesn't understand, delete all of them first, leaving only the part of her brother and mother.

Chu Xiaoxiao finally completed the first volume of the commemorative album. She was afraid that her mother would find out that she was publishing a book for her brother, and she also deliberately imitated the tone of the cheap brother's speech, just to achieve the effect of mixing the fake with the real.

On Xiao Bi's birthday, Chu Jiadong decided to have a good meal at home, and deliberately left his gift for the end, letting the eldest son and the youngest daughter express their feelings first. Xiao Bi looked at the sight of a family of four reuniting, the gentle smile on her face never disappeared, and she looked satisfied.

Chu Xiaoyi came back in a hurry. He finally didn't miss his mother's birthday. He walked to Xiao Bi with his sister and started the gift-giving session.

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at her brother. She coughed twice and said solemnly, "My brother and I will make a souvenir book for my mother."

With a smile on Xiao Bi's face, she said softly, "Okay, thank you!"

The next second, Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoyi took out the commemorative book at the same time, the only difference was that she had two books in her hand, and he only had one book in his hand.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other in daze and shock, Chu Xiaoxiao said in a trembling voice: "You, you clearly said..."

Chu Xiaoyi was also confused: "Why do you have two volumes?"

Chu Xiaoxiao was completely stunned by the cheating operation of the cheap brother. He clearly stated that he could not make a commemorative book. She was afraid that he would not be able to save face by opening the skylight, so she made up a book for him by herself, and he made it again after a long time!

Chu Xiaoxiao can't wait to penetrate Chu Xiaoyi with a laser-like sight. She is like encountering unreliable team members during group work. She never knows what the other party will do. He has no concept of communication progress at all. She was afraid of making her brother sad by asking about the memorial book, so she didn't dare to take the initiative to speak.

Chu Xiaoyi was also a little embarrassed, he really couldn't think of happy memories, but he thought about it carefully, maybe the pain is worth remembering. He has always avoided trauma, always feeling that life is better now, and the pain of the past need not be mentioned again, but he does not want the pustules that are not punctured will never heal.

When he recalled the past, it would be very sore and painful, but if he didn't see it thoroughly, then the gray memory would be meaningless, and it would only leave a gray effect. His memorial book was not about happiness, but more about reflection and self-blame. He re-looked at his fifteen or sixteen-year-old with the eyes of twenty-five years old, and suddenly realized many things that he didn't understand back then.

When he was fifteen or sixteen years old, he felt that the whole world was sorry for him, and he could only see the many bad things his parents treated him, but he would not be like this again when he was twenty-five.

He noticed that the outside world was not easy, and he found that everyone was an ordinary person, even his parents. He has been thinking about this all the time. He didn't finish the memorial book until this morning, and he forgot to inform his sister.

When Xiao Bi saw her children staring at each other in astonishment, she looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Chu Xiaoxiao responded very quickly, she immediately picked up the watercolor pen on the table, changed the "Volume 1" in her hand to "Volume 2", and said sternly: "I'm sorry, there was a problem with the cover design, and it has been resolved now. ."

Chu Xiaoyi hesitated: "...What is this booklet?"

Chu Xiaoyi: Could it be that Xueba changes his mind when he does his homework, and suddenly adds content

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't want to show her stuff in front of her mother. She winked desperately at her brother and said in a panic, "This is your happy memory, don't you remember it?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't understand the eye signals of the little things at all, but he questioned in surprise: "Where do I have happy memories?"

Seeing that he was stubborn, Chu Xiaoxiao jumped on the spot in collapse, feeling that she and her brother had no tacit understanding, like an angry little pinball.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at her like a little rabbit kicking her legs frantically, and he became more and more suspicious: "What exactly is the middle book you made?"

Chu Xiaoxiao listened to him directly blew himself up, exposing that the middle book was made by her, and finally collapsed on the sofa in a dejected and powerless manner, unable to bring his brother cheap. She was paralyzed without a soul, and she fell into self-defeating, like a withered flower.

Xiao Bi couldn't help laughing at the performance of her little daughter, and said gently, "Then let's take a look at the middle book first."

Chu Xiaoxiao was inadvertently watching the middle book, and she was still autistic in the corner. Chu Xiaoyi and Xiao Bi looked at it curiously, while Chu Jiadong watched from a distance, and they admired the contents of the commemorative book.

Chu Xiaoyi's gaze followed the pages. He looked at the familiar old photos in the middle book and exclaimed, "Where did all this come from?"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't remember his childhood at all. He looked at the little boy in the photo, both familiar and unfamiliar, and he couldn't figure out who it was for a long time. Looking at his baby photo, he made the same evaluation as his sister, frowned and said, "Why is this wrinkled, it doesn't look good at all."

Chu Jiadong said weakly again: "Xiao Yi, you just didn't look good when you were born..."

Xiao Bi's lips curled into a smile, and she said gently, "You two were pretty good-looking when you were born, and some children look like little monkeys when they were first born."

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the commemorative album in a daze. The first volume he made was related to his own sorrow, reflection and repentance. The middle volume made by his sister was really his happy memory, but he was about to forget it. These memories are usually like sinking at the bottom of the water. Only when a heavy stone is thrown will they rise to the surface, otherwise there will be no trace.

Of course, there are still a lot of misunderstandings and smears of Chu Xiaoxiao in the memorial book. Chu Xiaoyi hugged his sister who was growing mushrooms in the corner. Explain to me, what does this mean?"

This is a photo of Chu Xiaoyi at the entrance of the primary school, with the text "I am going to primary school today, and my handsomeness shocked the school". This line of Chinese is still crooked, and Chu Xiaoxiao can write well in English, but when she encounters Chinese characters with many strokes, her control has declined.

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked, and pretended to be stupid: "This is your own words, how can I explain it?"

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't help pinching her little face, and said both angrily and funny: "When did I say such a stupid thing!?"

Chu Xiaoyi: You actually took the lead in spreading rumors, am I that stupid

Chu Xiaoxiao muttered: "You usually talk like this..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: What I imitated is obviously the essence, but you still dare not admit it

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that his ghostwriting was foolproof. He used to say to her every day, "Your brother is so handsome, you don't understand", "Your brother has so many fans, you don't understand". She thinks that the cheap brother is narcissistic and complacent, and does not feel that her writing is suspected of corrupting the character.

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi were amused by their brothers and sisters, and Xiao Bi suddenly sighed: "Actually, Xiao Xiao is not wrong, you came back from elementary school on the first day and suddenly said to me during dinner, 'Mom, I think I am The most beautiful person in the school', made your grandma amused."

Chu Jiadong echoed: "Yes, I have heard of this too."

Chu Xiaoyi's face was full of shock, he still had such a brazen years, he couldn't believe it for a while: "!!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao received the testimony of her parents and supported her. She immediately jumped up from her brother's arms and stood on the sofa with her head held high, her chin raised in a serious manner, and said solemnly: "Please don't doubt my research ability, I am very Rigorous, there are references to the literature!"

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." What kind of literature can you research me to consult!

The dinner was completely spent in a joyful atmosphere. Chu Xiaoyi never expected that he had so many dark childhood histories, all of which were exposed by the old photos that his sister dug up. Xiao Bi and Chu Jiadong were even familiar.

Every time Chu Xiaoxiao heard a silly thing about her brother, she would glance at him proudly, and use her eyes to imply that her academic research ability is super strong, and there is absolutely no fraud.

Chu Xiaoyi once wanted to find a crack to get in, but when he listened to the innocent version of anecdotes, he was almost angry and sighed why he was so stupid. However, Xiao Bi seemed to be in a good mood, she was very happy the whole time, and she rarely got up and told a lot of past events.

After the lively birthday dinner, Chu Jiadong went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Chu Xiaoxiao also slipped back to the room to rest, leaving only Xiao Bi and Chu Xiaoyi in the living room. Chu Xiaoyi secretly looked at his mother who was flipping through the commemorative album. He felt that his first album was not so happy, and it was probably much sadder.

However, Xiao Bi was very calm when reading. She flipped through the three commemorative albums with a smile on her lips and carefully put them aside, looking stable. She has never had the stage of being overjoyed and furious, and has always been a gentle and quiet person.

Chu Xiaoyi pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly said, "Mom, can I do something for you?"

Xiao Bi was stunned when she heard the words. She hesitated for a moment, then chuckled, "Well... Actually, you don't need to help me."

Chu Xiaoyi lowered his eyes slightly, he moved his eyes to the side with a guilty conscience, and finally couldn't help but ask: "...Why did you want to give birth to me at that time?"

This is Chu Xiaoyi's doubts for a long time. If he knows the reason why his mother gave birth to him, he can know what the other party wants and what Xiao Bi needs.

When Xiao Bi faced the question from her eldest son, she thought about it for a moment and replied, "Because your dad and I thought it was a very miraculous thing at the time."

Chu Xiaoyi said blankly, "Magic?"

Xiao Bi smiled and said, "Yes, we will disappear from this world sooner or later, but you and Xiao Xiao will live on with our traces. You may be similar to us, or you may not be like us at all, Isn't that amazing?"

"So you don't have to do anything for me, your existence will help us a lot." Xiao Bi looked up in a trance, she said thoughtfully, "You may not understand this feeling now, only when you have your own We can only truly experience it as a child who is a child. We seem to be the same, but we seem to be completely different, which can only be described by magic.”

Chu Xiaoyi really did not understand what his mother said at all. He lowered his head and said dejectedly: "But I used to make you angry a lot."

Xiao Bi shook her head, and she said gently: "Xiao Yi, although you and Xiao Xiao are not replicas of me and your father, many times the characteristics of our bodies are derived from us, and I sometimes recall a lot of the past. things, and reflect on how I got along with you at that time…”

"Xiao Xiao is good at expressing and extroverting his personality. In fact, some of them originated from your father. I often think about whether your personality follows me, so I am a little more sensitive. If my personality is better, is it because of you now? It will also become easier and better at communicating with people.”

Xiao Bi lowered her head slightly, she has been thinking about the root cause of the conflict in the past, and reflecting on whether she made a mistake in the growth of her eldest son. She is always introverted, which may subtly infect her son and have some kind of catalytic effect on him.

When Chu Xiaoyi heard his mother belittle himself, he immediately had a sour nose and whispered, "Mom, you are good enough."

Xiao Bi was already a perfect model mother, Chu Xiaoyi couldn't make more demands on her, so naturally she didn't want to see her low.

Xiao Bi sighed lightly when she heard the words, she showed a relieved smile, and reassured: "Then you are good enough, and you should believe this too."

"Xiao Yi, if you think I'm good enough, then you must be good enough. Since we are mother and son, you should believe this even more." There was a soft light in her eyes, looking at her gently and firmly. The eldest son made Chu Xiaoyi a little stunned.

They have the same but different shadows on their bodies, like a miraculously changing mirror, with parents and children on both sides of the mirror.