The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 72


After Chu Xiaoyi finished chatting with his mother, he suddenly felt that his heavy emotions became lighter, and his chest was sore and swollen, but it seemed like he was injected with new strength. He also chatted with his mother about many things, everything seemed so beautiful, and they all gradually came out of the haze of the past and communicated face-to-face calmly.

After Xiao Bi returned to the house, the feeling of Chu Xiaoyi stepping on the cloud still did not fade away. He sat on the sofa in a daze, and suddenly his head became hot again, and he rushed into his sister's room and rubbed her frantically!

"You're crazy!?" Chu Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed watching cartoons, but she suddenly came to a disaster, and she was a little bit broken when she encountered a mad meal from her brother.

This is the sadness of furry and cubs, who do their own thing honestly and are often sucked, rubbed, and rubbed. Adult humans are really annoying creatures. They need mad Rua to heal when they are lost and sad, and mad Rua to calm down when they are happy and excited. There is always a reason to start with furry and cubs.

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't wait to share it with his sister, he muttered: "Our mother is so nice..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was confused: "...then should you hug your mother?" Why are you hugging me

When Chu Xiaoyi is depressed and depressed in the quilt, Chu Xiaoxiao will turn around worriedly, but if he recovers his energy and is full of strength, she will be a little resistant to being played by him, making her feel like a plush toy . Of course, her little strength was not enough to face her brother, and the two of them scuffled on the bed again.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Ah-why haven't I grown taller? I'm obviously already drinking milk!

Chu Xiaoyi didn't take her little fist in his eyes at all, he could push her down with one hand, and the fight in his sister's eyes was just slapstick in his eyes. If reality is a game, Chu Xiaoxiao is a magician with high intelligence, and Chu Xiaoyi is a swordsman with high strength, and magicians do not have the upper hand in melee attacks.

After Chu Xiaoyi and his sister had finished playing happily, he turned his head and found the photos scattered on the small desk. Chu Xiaoxiao obviously still had a lot of material left when he made the commemorative book, so he wanted to probe over to check it.

Chu Xiaoxiao noticed the direction of his sight and immediately became vigilant. She was afraid that the cheap brother saw the research report, so she immediately put out her small hand to block it, and said dissatisfiedly: "You are not allowed to see my privacy."

Chu Xiaoxiao unearthed a treasure trove at her home in the old city, which can add new materials to her research materials on confusing human beings, but due to the excessive workload, she has not finished sorting out the files.

Chu Xiaoyi was quite speechless: "You piled my photos all over the table, and then told me it was your privacy?"

Chu Xiaoxiao poignantly said: "This is the information I found, and of course it belongs to me now!" She wants to defend her research results and does not allow Brother Cheap to snatch the literature.

Seeing Chu Xiaoxiao's serious face, Chu Xiaoyi originally wanted to be honest with her, but then thought that her sister would hold her photo tightly and not let go, and even made a special trip to make a memorial book for him. For a while, she felt that she was quite sweet.

He felt good about himself and said proudly and generously: "Xing Xing Xing, I will give it to you, let's see how handsome your brother was in elementary school, I promise to be better than your future classmates..."

Chu Xiaoyi: As long as my sister's aesthetic ability is high enough, you don't have to worry about her germinating puppy love.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "?" What are you talking about

Chu Xiaoxiao was stunned by the cheap brother. Although she could see emotional colors, she did not have the ability to read minds. She really didn't know what was going on in his head, which often made her unable to keep up with the rhythm.

After the latest episodes of "Our Family" were broadcast, the debate on Chu Xiaoxiao on the Internet finally settled, and the prodigy sent netizens to win a big victory. As soon as the terrifying elementary school superclass exam appeared, no one could say it again. She is an ordinary child.

Li Dao and others have suffered hardships at the international kindergarten. They also specifically asked the teachers of the extraordinary class to confirm whether the school could accept the content of the program and whether it would affect the existence of the extraordinary class. After all, the super class is often misunderstood by the outside world, and some netizens may have extreme remarks about it.

Surprisingly, the supernormal class in the elementary school was quite calm about the existence of the program, and the school did not make any comments, showing a state of poise. This kind of feeling is like "even though they are talking nonsense on the Internet, if we can listen to one sentence, we will lose."

Director Li: As expected of an institution with a long history, it has the aura of not being afraid to report.

The fact that Chu Xiaoxiao is a child prodigy has no effect on her, but it finally wiped out Chu Xiaoyi's image. He can't get a reasonable explanation than his sister, he is an ordinary person, of course, the IQ of ordinary people.

Chu Xiaoyi's remarks at the gate of the elementary school indignantly protecting her sister also left a deep impression on countless netizens and deeply stabbed everyone's heart.

"If it's a big deal, don't go to this school! Isn't it good for her to be an ordinary person!?" Chu Xiaoyi hugged his sister excitedly and worriedly, and said angrily, "I am just an ordinary person, and I am living well now! "

- Common (big) Tong (Ming) people (stars)

— I just laughed out a rooster, and suddenly my smile faded, I was stabbed, I really want to turn black [smile]

— Ordinary Chu Xiaoyi, who did not do well in the exam, Chu Xiaoxiao

- You are not IQ is not high, you are not very good in Chinese, you don't even understand the common meaning!

Chu Xiaoyi got rid of his stupid image a little, and his ordinary remarks caused public anger, which was no less effective than Chu Xiaoxiao telling him that he did not pass the exam. Chu Xiaoyi is indignant at his sister's academic bullying, and netizens are indignant at his star common theory. The history is surprisingly similar.

During the trip to the zoo, Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi confronted each other tit-for-tat, and even the comment area exploded, and everyone watched the fun for a while.

"Brother doesn't know what it means to like, why do you think I don't understand?"

"Fahai, you don't understand love, the Leifeng Pagoda will fall down, we are together, we will never be separated, Fahai, you really don't understand love..."

"Stop, stop, stop for me! If you two talk in the car again, I'll open the window and throw you out!"

Facing the friendly interaction between his sister and the little boy, Chu Xiaoyi slapped the mandarin ducks in anger and anger, which also made the audience find it extremely interesting and funny.

- MVP of the audience: BGM "Fahai, You Don't Know Love"

- Excuse me, where did you open the window and leave them? I immediately rush over to pick up [doge]

- Fa Haichu Xiao Yi: The FFF regiment is late but it is here!

- Brother did the right thing! We can nibble on CP, but you are not allowed to fall in love early, my sister is such a double standard!

- Angry CP.

-cool down! Xiao Xiao is in front!

- This is the first time I resonated with cxy, children are not allowed to provoke single dogs, woo wang wang!

- I cried with empathy. When I was in kindergarten, I was taught to play with little boys. When I grew up, my parents asked me why I didn't have a boyfriend. You asked me who I asked [tears]

Of course, there must be a face-slap in the show. In order to break up Chu Xiaoxiao and Liang Shuangqi, Chu Xiaoyi firmly held the little boy's hand and completely forgot his past speeches.

"...Brother, I don't want to hold hands with men."

"Everyone is a man, what's the point of being embarrassed?"

The bullet screen area was instantly filled with "???", and many netizens were as confused as the live camera. Is this still what Chu Xiaoyi, a straight steel man, said

—Chu Xiaoyi: When I grew up, I became the person I hated the most.

- Anyway, a poisonous man! Sure enough, straight men know how to respond to straight men!

- Qiqi: Brother, are you embarrassed to do such an embarrassing thing

-cxy, do you remember what you said to someone next door? Slap in the face now

- I don't appreciate someone's direct report mentioned earlier. Wouldn't it be fragrant to take a good look at one king and two or two? Brother Xiao Xiao, the eighteen-line paste coffee is only suitable for touching porcelain Xiao Xiao, and everyone else should stop touching porcelain, okay

- Take a good look at the show, I'm a cute Xiao Xiao fan, you have to dare to mention the opponent next door, and you will become a sister-in-law fan in one second, understand

Chu Xiaoyi's fans usually accompany Chu Xiaoxiao to ridicule brother, saying that he is useless, but when it comes to things, they can clearly understand the most annoying thing is tying up CP. Because Chu Xiaoyi himself was very disgusted by this, and he was trampled on by blood-sucking back then, so the fans went back and forth, and wouldn't touch his inverse scales.

Chu Xiaoyi once took heart and lungs on the show to treat others as brothers, but later he was seriously injured, and his precautions became stronger, and he did not recover for many years. He is colder to strangers, and much more naive to those he knows, but he has learned a lesson in this matter.

In short, his character was formed not only by his family, but also by the external impact of his first entry into society. Just like a domesticated animal who has just entered the wild, it is inevitable that he will be hurt if he remains innocent. Because of this, he gradually realized the warmth at home, and he was mainly tortured and tempered outside.

Of course, Chu Xiaoyi doesn't care about these things anymore, his relationship with his parents is gradually improving, and he has a younger sister for him to talk to and relieve his boredom. For a while, he feels that the future is bright and bright. As an adult, he occasionally has to face his parents a little, but he can be shameless when he faces cubs.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that her brother was a bit clingy, but she could only carry on this sweet burden and endure her brother's husky behavior. Since her exams, she has had plenty of time to enjoy the last days of kindergarten. She was also a little confused about her brother's giving up mathematics. He had insisted on it for a long time, but now he is no longer willing to take mathematics class.

After Chu Xiaoxiao wrote a letter to sister Yang Yin, she continued to improve her brother's report, but suddenly received a video from the client.

Chu Xiaoyi said leisurely: "Chu Xiaoxiao, do you want to come out for dinner at night? I have a foreign friend who is a foreigner with blonde hair and blue eyes."

Chu Xiaoyi didn't know how to describe Destin. He could only capture the other person's image features, and he wouldn't interest his sister if he improved his acting skills.

Chu Xiaoxiao secretly complained: "It's not that I haven't seen foreigners, Annie is also a mixed race..."

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't quite understand the reason why her brother emphasized "blond hair and blue eyes". She had seen quite a few foreign children in kindergarten, and Annie's hair color and pupil color were slightly different from her own.

Chu Xiaoyi just wanted to bring his sister out, so that Destin could see how strong his sister was, and their naive dazzling behavior was not over yet. Last night, Destin sent Chu Xiaoyi his sister's photos and results. Chu Xiaoyi planned to let the other party meet the real person Chu Xiaoxiao and defeat the other party in one fell swoop!

Chu Xiaoyi followed suit: "It is said that he has a very powerful younger sister..."

Chu Xiaoxiao said perfunctorily: "Oh..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "Don't you want to see him?"

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at the cheap brother and said calmly, "I don't want to. If it's his sister, I can meet him."

Chu Xiaoxiao: I don't have a sister, so naturally I have no reason to meet him. If I go to see his sister, they can at least complain about my brother together.

Seeing that his sister refused so bluntly, Chu Xiaoyi could only hang up the video with regret. However, he called again after a while, and said with joy, "His sister has also come to China, isn't it a coincidence, isn't it!?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "?"

As a little witch, Chu Xiaoxiao has to doubt that her magic has become stronger again, otherwise it will be like consecration.