The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 82


Chu Xiaoyi has been so busy recently that his head is about to burst. He not only has to rehearse, but also pay attention to the process. After all, it is the first concert, so naturally he can't help doing it himself. There are always countless chores at the concert, and he almost forgot to send the tickets. Fortunately, his sister has a better memory than him and reminds him at the right time.

After He Xin returned, the team began to discuss publicity and how to build momentum on the topic of Chu Xiaoyi's concert. Because the tickets for the concert sold out quickly, Chu Xiaoyi and others planned to perform additional performances, and they were bound to contact more business cooperation. The father of the gold master depends on the promotion.

A concert is Chu Xiaoyi's dream, a feast that fans have been waiting for for a long time, and an important criterion for measuring his brand value, not to mention the countless commercial monetization methods today. There are countless commercialization procedures in the large-scale evening parties of TV stations, which are handled by dedicated publicity and business teams.

He Xin said excitedly: "The tickets sold so well this time, we also do a hot search that sold out in seconds? I think this time the result is very good!"

Chu Xiaoyi rubbed his temples and complained: "It's not that Jay Chou sold out in a second, so we don't have to brag about it, right?"

Chu Xiaoyi felt that the trending search of "Chu Xiaoyi's concert sold out in x seconds" was a bit silly, and he was not so good that it sold out in one second, and some super singers also surpassed his achievements, so he didn't need to mention it.

Publicity staff: "How about extracting the concept directly from the concert? For example, 'accompany you for a thousand years', after all, it is the first concert, and there is still a sense of ceremony."

Chu Xiaoyi's face is full of confusion: "What? What did you just say?" Why can't I even understand Chinese

The propaganda staff wrote "Accompany you for a thousand years", and Chu Xiaoyi always felt a little strange when he saw that he was sore for a second. He searched the web page more seriously, and found that the other party wrote "Yi Wan Si Nian" as "Yi Wan Si Nian", and began to play the card of sentimental literature and art.

Chu Xiaoyi said lightly: "Hundreds of millions of years, which means hundreds of millions of years, to describe a long-term era. In the old days, it was mostly used to wish the country's longevity. You dare to say that the national fortune is long. What does this mean? Thinking is very dangerous."

Propagandist: "That's not all old-fashioned, you see how it's used now..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "I'm not a mummy, I can still have 10,000 years. Mummies are not even 10,000 years old. Ten thousand years ago, it was an ape man."

Propagandist: "..." How can you be more picky than Heizi? Are you afraid that you are not a skin fan

The businessman said: "Then it's better to use the concept of fan support. The publicity last time was very good. I think it's easy to get out of the circle for fans to support the concert..."

Many celebrities' concert support will rush to the hot search, which is also a hot topic and can resonate with fans.

Chu Xiaoyi: "You guys are looking forward to my fans again! You are all mature teams, don't be like loose fans, waiting to be rhythmized by big fans!"

Businessman: "..." When will we be brought to the rhythm

He Xin looked at Chu Xiaoyi who spoke frequently, and he asked patiently, "Then what do you think?"

Chu Xiaoyi said confidently: "No, but I can give you suggestions and help you process your ideas."

He Xin: "...Take him out for rehearsal, I think he is more suitable for performance." Or go to the construction site to raise the bar.

Chu Xiaoyi can't think of a good marketing concept in his head, but he can kill other people's sparks of inspiration abruptly, which is really good.

He Xin felt that the team discussed it privately first, and then showed the finished proposal to Chu Xiaoyi. This method was quicker and more effective, otherwise the other party would be sitting in the room and no one would come up with anything, which would disrupt his interest. Chu Xiaoyi originally wanted to sit in the room, but was temporarily expelled from the team and had to wait for the proposal to be sorted out at night.

Chu Xiaoyi was clinging to the door, he tried to save: "I think I have an important position in the team..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, we will give you at least five options at night!" He Xin categorically refused the invitation to form a team, and emphasized, "But if you stay here all the time, we may not have one until the evening. !"

He Xin suddenly felt the same way as Chu Xiaoxiao when they were making a memorial album. It was too tiring to do group work with Chu Xiaoyi, so it would be better to let the other party paddle directly.

On the day of the concert, Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei met as scheduled, and they also brought their respective parents. Of course, Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi didn't want to miss the eldest son's concert. They were just afraid that the younger daughter would be afraid of such an environment, so they initially planned to send only one person. Since Chu Xiaoxiao offered to watch it, it was natural for the whole family to go to battle, while grandma and others watched the live broadcast at home.

Chu Xiaoyi's first concert reached a commercial cooperation with the platform. The platform paid sky-high prices and launched a live broadcast format, hoping to increase the data. Of course, even if you can watch the live broadcast online, the scene is full of people, which shocked the two children.

Liu Wenpei looked at the crowd of people, she looked left and right curiously, and asked in confusion, "Which one is the research case?"

Liu Wenpei: I haven't seen so many people since I was a child.

When Liu Wenpei's mother faced Chu Xiaoxiao's parents, she didn't want to make her daughter's statement seem rude and stopped her, "Wenwen, don't talk about the case study, we haven't entered the venue yet."

Adults don't care about the children's jokes, but Chu Xiaoxiao wondered: "Why doesn't uncle come with us?"

Both Liu Wenpei's parents came to the concert, but Liu Wenpei and his mother followed Chu Xiaoxiao, while Liu Wenpei's father left alone and did not plan to go to the special stand. Chu Xiaoyi has reserved a seat for his family, a little distance from the other seats.

Liu Wenpei's mother explained embarrassedly: "Well... he wants to be with his friends and can't go with us."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "?" Liu Wenpei's father wants to watch my brother's concert with his friends

Liu Wenpei's father had asked about the source of the concert tickets at the time, but there was no friend around him who knew about it, so the matter was over and let the children solve it. However, after Chu Xiaoxiao got the tickets, the people around Liu Wenpei's father also got the tickets, and they fell into an awkward situation for a while, and finally decided to accompany their friends.

Liu Wenpei's father: Tickets can't be wasted, they are specially made, so let's watch together!

Liu Wenpei and his mother followed Chu Xiaoxiao to the VIP seat of the super strong family, and Liu Wenpei's father followed his friends to the ordinary seat without delay. Of course, Liu Wenpei's father was at a loss in the concert. He looked at the countless little girls in the seats, embarrassed and cramped for a while.

Liu Wenpei's father looked around at a loss. He found that the little girls were holding cheer sticks and banners in their hands. "

Research friend A also sweated on his forehead, and said in confusion: "I don't know, this is my first time..."

Friend B: "Didn't your girl buy the ticket for you? Why don't you know anything!"

Friend C: "Right, why didn't your daughter accompany you to watch it? Didn't she buy all the tickets?"

Friend A: "She bought a front row ticket and said she wanted to watch it with her friends, not in the back row with us, it was boring..."

Liu Wenpei's father resonated quite a bit, and said in a bitter tone, "My daughter is also going to accompany her friends."

The middle-aged F4 had never seen a concert. They lost their souls in the lively atmosphere, and soon understood what it means to be "uninteresting" in the back row. The stage lights are gorgeous, the stars and dancers appear in the fast-paced drums, and the audience suddenly burst into high screams, followed by overwhelming cheers, and there are broken sounds in between!

"Chu Xiaoyi—"

"Chu Xiaoyi—so handsome—"

"Ah I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead - woo woo woo woo-"

Liu Wenpei's father was like a shivering ostrich. He was surrounded by countless crazy little girls, and he was so frightened that he was speechless: "..."

Liu Wenpei's father: I'm just about to die, it's all boring, the front row is even more interesting!

On the other side, Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei were held up by their family members to watch. They were amazed at the star-like stage in the sky, their eyes shining brightly at the people on the stage. Chu Xiaoyi came on stage with stage makeup. Under the starlight, he was really handsome and handsome, and he presented a handsome singing and dancing under the fast switching lights!

The family seats are quite close to the front row of audience seats. Those are the most capable fans. They accompany Chu Xiaoyi's singing and dancing to shout for support.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her unfamiliar brother on the stage, her heart was plunged into a fierce struggle, on the one hand, his stupid appearance at home lingered in her mind, and on the other hand, she was confused by him on the stage, her little eyebrows were tight. The ground wrinkled, looking at each other tangled in his heart, feeling extremely contradictory.

Because Chu Xiaoyi's appearance in the concert was a hundred times stronger than that of the Spring Festival Gala, Chu Xiaoxiao was really confused.

Chu Xiaoxiao: Is this my brother? Is this my brother? Is this my brother

Liu Wenpei also looked serious, but she was not questioning Chu Xiaoyi's strength, but her own equipment, annoyed: "Our research equipment is much worse than theirs!"

Chu Xiaoxiao was still immersed in singing and dancing, but now she came back to her senses and asked in confusion, "What research equipment?"

Liu Wenpei pointed out the enthusiastic fans in the front row, and said righteously: "They all came well prepared, but we seem to be very hasty, so it is difficult to make good research results!"

Liu Wenpei saw Chu Xiaoyi on the stage with her own eyes. She finally got what she wanted to see "Classmate Y", and she felt great satisfaction in her heart, but it didn't take long for her to panic.

She found that her competitors were better at doing research than herself. They not only carried high-list reversing cameras, but also all kinds of materials and materials, and even cheered loudly along with his lyrics, but she didn't know anything!

Liu Wenpei: I'm really the worst researcher. If it were in the missile field, other people's atomic bombs would go to the sky, but I didn't even draw any blueprints!

Chu Xiaoxiao listened to the sincere words of support from the sisters in the front row. She thought about saying such straightforward words to her brother, and her scalp felt numb for a while, but she politely pushed back: "We don't need it..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: If I was asked to express my love for my cheap brother in public, then I would rather choose social death.

Liu Wenpei showed a look of disapproval, and she said with seriousness: "You can't be afraid of losing face or failure when doing research!"

Liu Wenpei knew that it was too late for her to set foot in this field, but she was willing to learn from other researchers humbly. Now that they have fallen behind, she has to make great strides to catch up. She feels that each lecture has its own atmosphere, and only by truly participating in it can she experience the charm and fun of it.

Chu Xiaoxiao complained: "I always feel that what we are doing with them is not the same thing..."

Although there are cheering sticks placed on the family seats, the cheering banners, cheering words and other things are from the hands of fans, and Chu Jiadong and others have no way to get them. Chu Xiaoxiao and Liu Wenpei simply jumped out of their parents' arms. They ran to the end of the railing and shouted to the fans across the security uncle.

Liu Wenpei was a little bad at dealing with people, so Chu Xiaoxiao took the lead and shouted, "Sister! Sister! We also want banners!"

The fans in the front row were screaming for support, but when they turned their heads when they heard the sound, they saw two little carrot heads looking across the railing. They immediately turned their mobile phones to the children, no longer photographing brother Xiao Xiao on the stage, but chose to shoot Chu Xiaoxiao directly, and resolutely followed the first sister of traffic!

Fans: There are too many sites that can take pictures of Chu Xiaoyi, and it is rare to see the sites that can take pictures of Chu Xiaoxiao!

Chu Xiaoxiao was originally unattractive in the dark. She was only discovered by fans when she was exposed at this time. She stared blankly at the many cameras, and mistakenly thought that the other party did not understand the content of the shouting. She tried to raise the volume, trying to overwhelm the songs on stage, and said loudly: "Banner! Banner!!"

The fans also responded loudly: "Sister-in-law will give it to you!!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "!!?"

For the first time, Chu Xiaoxiao learned the fighting power of her brother's fans. After thinking about it carefully, she didn't lose anything. It's normal to ask someone to do things softly. She immediately bowed her head to the evil forces and said anxiously, "Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law!"

Liu Wenpei was afraid that the sisters on the opposite side would not be able to hear, so she accompanied Chu Xiaoxiao and shouted, and followed the selling brother to seek glory: "sister-in-law-sister-in-law-"

Liu Wenpei: This is all to promote research progress. This is the social etiquette of researchers.

The two little girls were like left-behind children behind the railing. They looked at the fans in the front row eagerly, just to get a support club material, which immediately made the sisters burst into laughter. Fans began to put their heads down to collect materials. They stuffed a bunch of banners, towels and other items into small paper bags, and listened to the children screaming, but they even brazenly responded.



"?" Chu Xiaoyi stood on the stage holding the microphone. He always felt that there seemed to be a dissonance in the cheering voice, but he couldn't hear it clearly with his ears on.

Because the distance between the two sides was too far, the uncle security finally came over with the fans' aid and handed it to the children. As an eyewitness, he watched the deception scene of the black-hearted sisters, and said earnestly: "Children, bigamy is a crime, don't do anything."

Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened when she heard the "violation of the law". She didn't expect the problem to be so serious, and she didn't dare to reach for the aid for a while. Liu Wen took it for her boldly, and rarely said anything to comfort her: "This is all for research."

Fans seem to have heard the words of the security uncle. They comforted loudly through the railing: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Xiao!! Bigamy is also your brother going to jail, you must be fine!!!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "???" Why do I seem to be even more afraid!