The Actor and His Three and Half Years Old Sister

Chapter 85


Chu Xiaoxiao pouted and put her hands around her chest, she was sulking at her brother's childish behavior in the corner. Chu Xiaoyi took advantage of his free time to chat with his parents. He can't go home to rest now, and he will not be able to relax completely until all the extra concerts are finished.

Chu Jiadong and Xiao Bi were chatting with their eldest son, but Chu Xiaoxiao's little ears perked up to eavesdrop, she couldn't help but mutter, "So you're not going home today?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "Yeah, you brother, how can I be so free!"

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that he was a little embarrassed, and at the same time felt a little lost, and said in a muffled voice: "Oh..."

He Xin has already arranged for the vehicle, and he will send Chu Xiaoyi's relatives back in a while, but Chu Xiaoyi himself has to stay with the team.

Chu Xiaoyi seemed to be aware of his sister's little emotion, and he enthusiastically proposed: "Just when I go home next time, your mid-term exam is almost over, shouldn't you take the first place to welcome me?"

Chu Xiaoyi didn't really want to force her to take the first place in the exam, but he knew that this would easily irritate the children, he was just enjoying the minefield dance.

Sure enough, Chu Xiaoxiao was feeling sad about parting just now, when she saw him mentioning this again, she was so angry that she wanted to beat him, and said angrily: "You didn't make the first place among the stars, why do you keep asking me to take the first place! ?"

Chu Xiaoyi's eyes drifted, he plausibly said: "Celebrities don't have rankings like you, and there is no quantitative data..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "You are just making excuses!"

As a peace ambassador, Xiao Bi came forward to persuade her: "Alright, alright, you are the first, even if you don't take the test..."

The two brothers and sisters can pinch each other as long as they meet, and their angles are different every time. From appearance to grades, there are various reasons. Chu Xiaoyi was able to make fun of his sister because the stars didn't have a ranking. Anyway, they were artists and they didn't have a standard transcript, and there were some unreliable wild lists on the Internet.

Before leaving, Chu Xiaoyi continued to provoke outside the car, and he shouted to his sister, "Remember to be first in the test! Promise to be first!"

Chu Xiaoxiao only got out of the car to pinch him. She clenched her fists subconsciously and hurriedly retorted: "No, no, no promise..."

Chu Jiadong pressed his little daughter back into the seat and comforted: "Okay, my brother is joking with you, we're going home."

The car door was slowly closed, and Chu Xiaoxiao saw through the car window that he was still making faces at himself. She was like a small cannonball being lit, and her soft emotions were burned out with rage. If he still has the guts to go home, she must press him with a violent hammer!

In the dark of night, Chu Xiaoyi watched the car carrying his family leave. He saw the excitement and relaxation of his relatives fade away. Only then did he feel exhausted after the concert.

Although Chu Xiaoyi will do physical training in preparation for the concert, the continuous singing and dancing still makes him quite tired, but the joy of not seeing his relatives for a long time is overwhelmed by the joy, which makes him look bright. He moved his arms, then turned around and went back to work, trying to finish the latest itinerary as soon as possible.

After the concert, Chu Xiaoxiao went back to school to continue the class. She forgot about Liu Wenpei's research, but she did not expect to receive the other party's academic results and actually get a paper every few days.

Liu Wenpei handed the paper version to Chu Xiaoxiao, she pushed on the black-rimmed glasses, and explained, "I will send you the electronic version at night. This is my latest achievement in this field."

Liu Wenpei was awakened by her enthusiasm for research at the concert. Because she could not forget the excitement at the scene, she even went to see several other people's concerts in a row. In the end, she found that "Classmate Y" was more interesting. Since Chu Xiaoxiao had already done the stupidity of "Classmate Y", she decided to do research in a different direction.

Liu Wen, thinking about her own research guide, shared the paper with Chu Xiaoxiao, hoping to inspire him. She said calmly: "Because I have just come into contact with this field, I spent some effort in the early stage of research. Fortunately, the final result is not bad, and it should be helpful to your research in the field of 'Y students'."

"Thank you..." Chu Xiaoxiao held the thick paper papers at a loss. After she waited for Liu Wenpei to return to her seat, she began to look through it curiously, wondering what the other party had researched.

Liu Wenpei's research results are detailed and well documented. In short, he uses a scientific method to chase stars, and summarizes the career opportunities and challenges faced by Y students in simple language. If Chu Xiaoxiao studies the inner characteristics of classmate Y, Liu Wenpei studies the external environment of classmate Y, and the direction is different.

The paper depicts the ups and downs of Chu Xiaoyi in the entertainment industry, the timeline from his debut show to the first concert, and even lists competitors and new-generation idols in the same period. Play the major network data wild list.

At the end of the paper, the author also made a curve trend forecast, believing that Chu Xiaoyi will be in an explosive period in the next one or two years, and at the same time reach a data inflection point. If he makes positioning adjustments in time, he may be able to truly break away from the status of a traffic idol; if he does not hurry up to transform, he will inevitably face a decline in popularity and data loss.

To be honest, Chu Xiaoxiao can't understand some technical terms. She has not yet enlightened in the field of star chasing. But she recognized Chen Fenghan by looking at the photos in the report, and she still remembered the fact that she gave the other party a life for Avada, and Chen Fenghan belonged to the competitors of the same period.

With the endless emergence of various talent shows, the 26-year-old Chu Xiaoyi will also face challenges from the younger generations. The age of 28 will be an important turning point in his career. After that, many traffic gradually withdraw from the public view. How to change their identity and maintain their own commercial value is a difficult problem they have to face.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her brother's competitors, and she suddenly woke up in her heart: You still have the face to let me take the first test, obviously you are more critical now!

That night, Chu Xiaoxiao sent Liu Wenpei's thesis report to his brother, in order to overthrow the other party's nonsense that "stars are not ranked", this is not a ready-made data flow report!

Chu Xiaoyi was dumbfounded when he saw the electronic report, and he spoke to his sister in disbelief: "Chu Xiaoxiao, you are too cruel, right? You have the leisure to write to me just for the first place in the test. Report!?"

Chu Xiaoyi: What's even scarier is that you actually wrote it right, which made me more anxious the more I read.

Chu Xiaoxiao said solemnly, "This is the report that Liu Wenpei shared with me. You also said that you didn't have a ranking. She gave me the data."

Chu Xiaoxiao has a dissatisfied tone of parents, and it sounds similar to "You said that there is no homework in school, and the teacher sent the homework to the parent group".

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." I never thought you could create a ranking now!

Chu Xiaoyi deliberately used "first place" to create anxiety for his sister, and wanted to tease her in a wicked way. He never thought that her sister would create anxiety even more. She backhandedly gave herself a super double, and worked out her own career planning report with her friends.

Chu Xiaoxiao said seriously: "If you don't hurry up and work hard, if this is the college entrance examination, you should study closed like Sister Yang Yin."

Chu Xiaoyi was actually laughed at by her: "Are you two my career fans!?"

Chu Xiaoyi was deeply terrified by the SSRs. He noticed the research ability of his sister and her classmates, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration. Saying that your boyfriend was admitted to a famous school and asked to admit his girlfriend, and you asked to take me with you when you were admitted to the university, then I would be able to successfully transform..."

Chu Xiaoyi feels that after his career is mature, he can experience the diverse campus life, and he does not have to be in the circle every day, which is also a means of transformation. Of course, he has a lot of headaches about applying for schools, and he can't be busy for a while, and now even if he enrolls, he is afraid that he will fail like Destin.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "???" I sent a report to motivate you to make progress, but you suddenly started daydreaming

Chu Xiaoxiao hung up the voice call angrily, she rejected the brazen delusions of the cheap brother, she really couldn't bear the burden of this life.

Liu Wenpei's report was later used twice by He Xin. He believed that the part that touted Chu Xiaoyi showed the calm and objectiveness of the data flow, which was very suitable for the studio to issue a press release.

Liu Wenpei had no opinion after learning about it. She recently focused on biological research, and pursued star chasing research in her spare time. She also generously stated that Chu Xiaoxiao could use her own information at any time.

After Liu Wenpei stepped down as monitor, her study life was much more enjoyable. On the one hand, she found new interests outside of research, and on the other hand, she did not have to deal with Chen Guangsu. Although she is a little withdrawn in the class, she is not annoying, and sometimes she does not speak, and everyone is tolerant.

Xu Xiao once commented on this: "The big guy is the big guy, and it's normal for the big guy to have a little personality."

Liu Wenpei's reputation in the class is ordinary, mainly because she doesn't care about other people's business, anyway, she just devotes herself to research without hindering others. Chen Guangsu's reputation has a downward trend. His slightly arrogant personality is a bit annoying, and gradually makes people in the class invisible.

Chu Xiaoxiao always played with Xu Xiao and other girls. She couldn't feel the undercurrent on the boys' side, but the contradiction seemed to be slowly emerging on the water.

During class time, there was a boy who couldn't get used to Chen Guangsu's tone, and he replied bluntly: "But what are you arrogant about? You can't compare to Liu Wenpei in grades, and you can't compare to Chu Xiaoxiao in elections. Pick it softly!"

Although the other children in the class did not score in the top three, they were not temperamental. At the beginning, they might admire the top students. After getting familiar with them, they gradually had their own playmates, and the top three also took off their initial halo. A class is like a small society, grades are an important indicator, but not the only indicator, and making friends is more complicated.

Chen Guangsu did not expect that he would be slapped in public, and his face flushed with anger. Facing the inquiring gaze of others, he simply jumped out of the class door, but he didn't say anything to fight back.

"Wait..." Chu Xiaoxiao was going to find Teacher Lu together with him, but he didn't expect the sudden conflict to disrupt everything. Chen Guangsu was obviously not in the mood to go to the office again, his figure disappeared in the noisy corridor, and Chu Xiaoxiao didn't catch up at all.

Seeing this, Xu Xiao suggested, "Otherwise, I'll accompany you to the office?"

Teacher Lu wanted to find the principal and deputy monitor for a meeting, but Chen Guangsu had forgotten about it.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "No need, I guess I can go to one." In fact, Teacher Lu only needed one monitor to come over several times. She always called Chen Guangsu to avoid unnecessary trouble, but he should not care about it today. .

In the office, Chu Xiaoxiao made a rare misstep and didn't expect to move the exercise book today. Seeing Chu Xiaoxiao coming alone, Teacher Lu looked at her small body again and hesitated: "Is Chen Guangsu not here? I also told you to ask Liu Wenpei to come too."

Chu Xiaoxiao saw Gao Gao's exercise book, and immediately turned around and said, "I'm going back to the class to call someone..."

Teacher Lu: "Wait, I just have something I want to ask you, let's have a chat first!"

Chu Xiaoxiao walked back blankly, not knowing what the head teacher wanted to say. Teacher Lu pondered for a few seconds. She considered her words carefully, and said carefully: "Xiao Xiao, how do you feel as a monitor with Guangsu now? Are you getting along well?"

Teacher Lu had a headache for the fight between Liu Wenpei and Chen Guangsu. Although Liu Wenpei finally avoided his edge and withdrew from the class leader, Chu Xiaoxiao would also encounter the same trouble, so he should pay attention.

Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't like to speak ill of people in private, her eyes drifted, and she whispered, "It's okay..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: Anyway, I'm in a good mood every day. I don't know if he's in a good mood.

Hearing this, Teacher Lu breathed a sigh of relief and blurted out subconsciously, "That's good, I'm afraid he hates school again."

Chu Xiaoxiao blinked and asked curiously, "Why does he hate school?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thinks that going to school is quite interesting. In addition to wearing unsightly uniforms, she is very happy with her classmates at school every day. In addition, there are always extracurricular activities in the extra-normal class, and she can also go to the surrounding museums, the former residences of celebrities, etc. Travel, life can be described as colorful.

Teacher Lu hesitated. She didn't know if she should reveal it to Chu Xiaoxiao, but thinking that the small monitor has a good personality, and maybe he could keep an eye on the situation in the class, she reluctantly said, "Chen Guangsu's previous experience in school was not very pleasant. …”

Teacher Lu's words were rather vague, and Chu Xiaoxiao could only barely understand. In short, Chen Guangsu had been bullied, and he was on hunger strike and did not want to go to kindergarten again. Seeing him being so tough, the family could only agree in the end.

Teacher Lu also asked her to be more tolerant of Chen Guangsu, the deputy class. If Chu Xiaoxiao feels wronged when doing class work, she must report to the class teacher in time, and the teacher will find a way to adjust it.

Chu Xiaoxiao nodded and said happily, "Mr. Lu, I have no grievances." If she had any grievances, she would resolve them on the spot, and would never let her emotions stay overnight.

Chu Xiaoxiaosi and Chen Guangsu's arrogant faces, she could hardly imagine that the other party had been bullied, what kind of picture would that be

After Mr. Lu chatted with Chu Xiaoxiao, she asked her to go back to the class and ask someone to carry the exercise book. Fortunately, Chu Xiaoxiao found a tool person when he went out. Liang Shuangqi came out of the senior office opposite. He was also wearing a red and white school uniform today and followed his companions, with a trace of speechless resentment on his face.

The teachers' offices are separated. Teacher Lu is located in the lower grade office, and the fourth to sixth grade teachers are sitting in the opposite room.

"Brother Qiqi?" Chu Xiaoxiao saw her acquaintance, her eyes lit up, and she immediately called out to her companion.

Liang Shuangqi was also quite surprised to see Chu Xiaoxiao. Before he could open his mouth, the people around him had already rushed up. They looked around Xiao Budian curiously, and laughed: "Liang Shuangqi, who is this?"

Chu Xiaoxiao is accustomed to this kind of gaze. When she was in Latin class, she always faced the gaze of the band members, and she had roughly encountered the same routine.

Liang Shuangqi showed impatience, he chased away his classmates like flies, and said coldly, "My sister!"

After the fifth graders left laughing, Chu Xiaoxiao calmly said, "You lied again."

Chu Xiaoxiao: Why do you want to be my brother so persistently

Liang Shuangqi said righteously: "I just haven't succeeded in taking up the post. This is not a lie, and it can also avoid trouble."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "What's the trouble?"

Liang Shuangqi was in a normal mood today, and he rarely complained: "If I didn't say it like this, they would have a lot of bullshit, and they would talk all day long."

Liang Shuangqi is now in the fifth grade, and his class is gradually entering puberty, and he also begins to have a hazy consciousness of men and women, which makes him feel the stupidity of the people around him more and more. He used to say the word "like", but now he doesn't use it anymore. He always feels that this word has been smeared by ignorant classmates, with a shameful and alternative color, and it has become no longer pure.

In the lower grades, there was no problem with the communication between male and female classmates, but in the upper grades, there was the possibility of being gossiped, so Liang Shuangqi had already walked around the girls in the class, for fear of being teased and made fun of by the annoying boys. Elementary school students have just realized the difference between men and women. In their opinion, "like" and "boyfriend" are already exciting topics that can make people blush.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand what he meant, she looked puzzled: "Why do they say it?"

Liang Shuangqi didn't want to explain to her the dirty thoughts of the people in the class (in fact, it is not dirty in the eyes of adults), so he slowly avoided the topic and said slowly: "Because there are always boring people in the world who say boring things to pass the boring ones. time."

Since Liang Shuangqi appeared at the right time, someone helped Chu Xiaoxiao move the exercise book. Mr. Lu didn't say much when he saw Liang Shuangqi. After all, the first grade and the fifth grade were too far apart, but he accidentally learned that the two children lived in the same community.

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that the exercise book looked very tall, but Liang Shuangqi was able to carry it with ease. He is like a bamboo pole that jumped up, and it didn't take long for him to reach a new height, making Chu Xiaoxiao, the little bamboo shoots beside him, anxious. She didn't understand why everyone was growing, but she didn't grow up for a long time.

In the corridor, the two of them walked to the third class of the supernormal holding the exercise book. Chu Xiaoxiao thought of the scene just now, and asked casually, "Brother Qiqi, why did you come to the office?"

Liang Shuangqi's eyes suddenly fainted, and he said displeasedly: "The teacher asked the boys in the back row of our class to talk, and I happened to be sitting in the back, so I could only follow."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Why talk?"

Liang Shuangqi became angry when he thought of the mentally retarded behavior of the boys in the class. He simply shared the confusing behavior with Chu Xiaoxiao, and sneered: "My tablemate ripped off the headband of the girl in the front row, and directly spread her braids, causing her to be in the middle of nowhere. The toilet cried for a long time, and the head teacher asked us to prove who did it."

Liang Shuangqi didn't say the second half of the sentence to Chu Xiaoxiao, but the male tablemate actually said that he liked each other in private, so he pulled the braids of the girls in the front row.

When Liang Shuangqi first heard this, his expression was exactly: [black question mark face.jpg]

Liang Shuangqi: I often feel out of place in the class because I don't have enough sand sculptures!

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't understand Liang Shuangqi's distaste for her classmates in the past, but she fell into the same daze at this time, and said in surprise: "...Why did he do this?" How much hatred is this

Liang Shuangqi was implicated inexplicably, and now his resentment is quite heavy, he said lightly: "How do I know? If someone in your class removes your headband, you can tell me directly, and I will shave his hair bald."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."