The Adventure World of Rune Warrior

Chapter 19: Back to this world


After being inhaled by the system, Liao Fan only felt dizzy, similar to the feeling of passing through before. After several cycles, a golden light appeared. In this world, after the space is no longer distorted, Liao Fan found that he had returned to the time he had just passed through. The corridor of the school.

"Haha! Wang Jian, the old man, actually thought that I was using Taoist escape techniques. How did he know that I had already left the world of "Qin Shimingyue", and he was so exhausted that he couldn't find me!"

Liao Fan laughed.

Ruan Ling also covered her mouth and smiled, because in the present world, she didn't need to be restricted by the system, so she flew out of Liao Fan's mind, "You! You are so courageous. Fortunately, the time in the adventure world is over. , Is forcibly sent back by the system, if you don’t catch up, you won’t be over!"

"Don't worry, even if I didn't catch up, Wang Jian and Meng Tian wouldn't kill me." Liao Fan waved his hands and continued, "Swallowing heaven and eating earth was deliberately exposed by me. They must have become interested in my practice. Otherwise, Meng Tian won't just order me to be captured, so no matter how I count, I won't be in danger of life!"

Ruan Ling shook his head and smiled, "Although I have been in the adventure world for 30 days, it doesn't seem to be long in this world. It should be because the flow of time is different. You change your clothes and wear ancient costumes. It is not easy to be seen."

Liao Fan subconsciously took a look, and sure enough, he was still wearing the black costume that he had performed in Feixue Pavilion, and hurriedly connected to the portable space. Since obtaining this authority and ability, he has put the clothes of the world here earlier.

Ruan Ling turned around, and Liao Fan began to take off his ancient costume and hurriedly put on his own clothes.

"Student Ruan Ling! Student Liao Fan! You'd better be informed by your classmates, ask for leave..."


Suddenly, Liao Fan shuddered when he heard someone talking, and hurriedly closed the sliding door. Ruan Ling was also taken aback. He turned around and saw that it was their rune teacher.

"you… "

Teacher Rune murmured a little embarrassingly, thinking to himself, how did I see Liao Fan taking off his pants to Ruan Ling just now? Could it be that they... impossible! Just ask for a leave to do this? And it's still in the school corridor, impossible! I should be wrong.

Ruan Ling is worthy of being a strong man, and soon calmed down, "Teacher, what's the matter?"

"Ah... Nothing. I just want to say, I can't do the job of asking for leave. You have to ask the head teacher."

"I see, teacher, we are going to the office."

Teacher Rune nodded and looked under Liao Fan subconsciously. Seeing that the sliding door was intact, he confirmed that he might have read it wrong, turned around and walked to the classroom, and cried out. It seems that he has been under too much pressure recently.

At this time, a few bold classmates ran out of the class and looked at the door and muttered a few times. It is estimated that they will discuss the gossip between Liao Fan and Ruan Ling again.

Liao Fan breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I pulled it in time, otherwise I really don't know what to say!"

Ruan Ling gave Liao Fan a white look, and the two smiled at each other.

Afterwards, the two asked Ban Ren for a morning leave and went to the Mad Sabre Martial Arts Hall to test the data of Liao Fan’s current strength. The strength was 3,300 kilograms, and the speed did not rely on the results of the electric light magic operation. It is two seconds per 100 meters, and the defense and nerve response speeds are slightly stronger than those of the ordinary high-end.

At noon, Liao Fan and Ruan Ling returned to the school cafeteria. Along the way, the gossip between them was still the hottest topic discussed by the whole school.

"Have you heard? Liao Fan and the schoolgirl were in the middle of class this morning. They suddenly said that there was something important and took a morning leave. Some people said that the schoolgirl felt that she was pregnant and asked Liao Fan to accompany her to the hospital for an examination. !"

In the canteen area, a boy was queuing for a meal, suddenly turned his head and whispered to his friend.

"Really? You mean the schoolgirl and Liao Fan have already..."

The other frowned, expressing some disbelief, "Isn't it possible? Let's not talk about whether the school flower can be attracted to Liao Fan, even if they are the ones, the time for this to happen is a bit too fast!"

"You don't know, Liao Fan and Ruan Ling have been secretly together for a long time, they..."

"Hey! Don't say anything, Liao Fan is here with the schoolgirl!"

At this time, Ruan Ling and Liao Fan directly bypassed the team and walked to a window where no one was going to eat. This window was set up by the school for top students in various disciplines, so as not to let them wait in line to eat. While delaying study time, Ruan Ling swiped a card, had two sumptuous lunches, and led Liao Fan to an empty table.

On the way back, Liao Fan turned his head and glanced at the two boys who had just said he was gossip. They both took two steps back with a guilty conscience.

"When did his eyes become so terrible!"

"Huh! What are you afraid of, the guy who eats soft rice!"

Although he said so, his heart was still dwarfed. Liao Fan's glance just impressed him too deeply. It was exactly the same as the eyes of a strong man playing on the rune light curtain!

"What? You want to kill those two boys?"

Ruan Ling smiled sweetly when Liao Fan was a little unhappy.

Liao Fan shook his head and sat down, "Do you really think of me as a murderous madman? It's just that some people are uncomfortable and warn them not to make other people's rumors!"

As soon as the words fell, a woman came to Liao Fan's side, "Xiao Fan, don't you eat with us today?"

Liao Fan looked up. It was Chen Yan and Liang Jiaxing, who pointed to Ruan Ling and smiled, "I have already agreed with Ruan Ling to eat together, next time!"

After listening, Chen Yan's pretty face turned dark immediately, "Next time! Next time! Which time did you say next time, but which time did you eat with us?"

When the people around heard the shouts, they looked sideways. Liang Jiaxing saw that the situation was not right, and hurriedly looked away. Liao Fan thought for a while. It seemed that Chen Yan and Liang Jiaxing had been left out during this period, so he had to scratch his head awkwardly.

At this moment, Yu Jie came over and smiled at Chen Yan: "Yanyan, I gave you 198 food, let's eat together!"

"I don't eat! Besides, I don't know you well, don't call me Yanyan!"

Chen Yan was already angry. Yu Jie came at this time and of course touched her brow.

Yu Jie’s face was red and white, and some of them couldn’t get off the stage. He was angry for a lifetime, but he was forced down by him. He thought, when I get you, I must play so that you kneel and beg me, "Look, I I've cooked food for you, so I can't waste it, right?"


Liao Fan raised his head and snorted coldly, "Did you not hear her say not to eat?"

Yu Jie was taken aback, and when he found out that Liao Fan was talking, he thought to himself, your kid would dare to hum with me like that. If he is tired of his life, he said with a sharp expression, "Who are you talking about?"

"Can't you tell?"

Liao Fan was furious and his eyes were staring. He had suffered for so long, not just to protect the people around him, but Yu Jie was his first goal. When he saw him at this time, he thought of his parents being The blood in his chest couldn't stop boiling when he drove off the job.

When Yu Jie saw the compelling gaze, his gaze shrank, but he was quickly occupied by anger. Just when he was about to take a shot, Ruan Ling smiled, "It’s just a meal, why bother making such an unpleasant disturbance, everyone. Sit down and eat together!"

When the words fell, Yu Jie glanced at Ruan Ling, struggled a few times in his heart, and let go of his fist. He was not sure to win Ruan Ling, so he changed to a wicked smile, "No, eat it, Liao Fan, I hope you can Remember what you said today!"

After speaking, Yu Jie pointed to Liao Fan and turned to leave.

Liao Fan shook his head and smiled, suppressing his anger. He was no longer the former Liao Fan who only knew tolerance. If it weren't for Ruan Ling, he would definitely punch him into an undeformed Saburo!

When Yu Jie left, Liang Jiaxing sat beside Liao Fan with the dinner plate, and patted his shoulder comfortingly, "It's okay, don't be afraid of him, he will trouble you, I will carry it for you!"

Liao Fan smiled moved, and signaled that he was okay. He knew that Liang Jiaxing hadn't reached the standard of the early stage of the ordinary level and couldn't beat Yu Jie.

Chen Yan also looked at Liao Fan worriedly, but when he saw that he had nothing to do, she did not speak any more, but in her heart she was ready to protect Liao Fan at any time. After all, in her impression, Liao Fan was still that He couldn't hit two hundred kilograms in one punch, the younger brother under her care.

In the afternoon, Liao Fan honestly listened to a few classes and discussed with Ruan Ling about the training plan for this month. His current information is:

Adventurer: Liao Fan

Title: Junior Adventurer (Get five Adventurer Medals to upgrade to Intermediate Adventurer)

Adventurer Medal: 1

Permission: portable space (one cubic meter)

The shortest time before entering the adventure world next time: 30 days

"Xiaofan, the focus of your current cultivation should be placed on the condensed shading. After all, your physical potential is almost squeezed. If you want to be promoted to the early stage of the county and city level, you still have to work hard on the rune technique. "

During class, Ruan Ling and Liao Fan came to the corridor, leaning on the windowsill, and explaining to him.

Liao Fan nodded thoughtfully. Although with his current strength, he can completely disregard the entire school, but compared to the entire Huaxia, he is still far behind. If he wants to help Ruan Ling kill that enemy, he must become Stronger.

However, with the adventure system, he doesn’t have to worry about this anymore. Entering the world of adventure, he can rely on his knowledge of old animations and old movies to find those adventures and compete for those strange treasures, even if he is unlucky and can’t touch it The above is also considered to be an extra 30 days of cultivation time, and the real world has only passed for a moment, no matter how you look at it, his advantage is greater than others.

After the second class, Liao Fan talked to Ruan Ling and went to the toilet.

The toilets in the third floor are shared by men and women. They are all closed single rooms. Just as Liao Fan relieved his hand, his door suddenly banged and knocked three times. Liao Fan frowned. There was no one when he came. , Why had to pick this one, wondering in his heart, he shouted "Who?"