The Adventure World of Rune Warrior

Chapter 29: Alchemist [reform]



At this moment, Liao Fan's mood was not to mention how happy he was. A little exercised his muscles and bones, he was able to obtain 80,000 yuan without any effort, which was faster than the robbery!

"If you hadn't had the electric light magic technique, which could get rid of the hunting of wolves, the task this time would not be so simple, so you can't be proud!"

Seeing that Liao Fan was a little too excited, Ruan Ling reminded him softly.

Liao Fan nodded, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and started to walk towards the protection zone.

In fact, it's no wonder that Liao Fan is so excited. His family is not rich. Both his parents are corporate employees. To him, RMB 80,000 is a huge sum of money. It is the first time that he has made so much money.

Back at the Hunter Association, Liao Fan walked straight to the mission area and started submitting missions. He got 80,000 yuan, and then asked Ruan Ling to help him choose a few missions and began to make money continuously.

A few days later, Liao Fan earned more than 700,000 yuan. Following Ruan Ling’s words, he bought an E-class alloy sword and a set of E-class alloy armor. The rest was transferred to the family’s deposit. middle.

The shape of the E-grade alloy war sword is somewhat similar to the wide-bladed giant sword in the game, but it is much shorter than that, which is more than five feet long. It is made of E-grade alloy and is much harder than ordinary metal alloys. Portraying shallow runes can increase the damage resistance and sharpness of the sword.

The alloy battle armor is similar to an ordinary windbreaker. It is woven from the fur of the demon and alloy silk. It feels soft but hard to the touch, which not only guarantees the defense but does not restrict the user's physical activities.

The set that Liao Fan wanted was all black, and after putting it on, matched with his black and white mask, it looked like a mysterious master.

On this day, Liao Fan still came to the mission area and submitted a mission to hunt and kill the Qingyun Python. After Liao Fan succeeded, the staff in charge of mission management suddenly left him.

"I'm sorry, sir, a boss specifically confessed that you go to the reception room to meet him. The identity of the other party has been confirmed by the Hunter Association. I hope that Mr. can commit himself to a visit."

Liao Fan was not surprised, and nodded in agreement.

In fact, he was liked by the mission administrator because he completed the mission quickly and the total mission items were perfectly preserved. He seemed to be well-known in the mission area, but because Liao Fan never left a name, he was privately known for his clothes. For-Black Warrior!

"Sir, it's here."

The manager knocked on the door and reached out to recommend Liao Fan, "Mr. Li, he is the person you are looking for. Talk slowly, and I won't disturb the two of you." After speaking, he left the room.

Liao Fan didn't expect that it was a big beauty who was looking for him. The woman was young on the surface, had wheat-colored skin, and had a round and sexy figure. She was wearing a gray office outfit with golden eyes.

But a pair of deep phoenix eyes warned people that she had already faded the youthfulness of a girl. He estimated that the true age of this woman should be almost thirty years old, and her delicate face carries the temptation of a mature woman, absolutely. A big killer for boys.

Next to the woman stood a man in a suit, who should be a bodyguard. Seeing Liao Fan came in, she stood up and walked with a smile. Her thighs are quite charming, "Hello, my name is Li Qian, a special made by Shengtian. Member, I believe you are the black warrior who has recently gained fame, right?"

Liao Fan nodded. Shengtian is a relatively large-scale rune alloy equipment manufacturer in China. It has subsidiaries in various counties and cities under the Northeast Special Zone. As for the special agents, they are the people sent by the head office to inspect them. Great power.

"Mr. Li called me, what's the so-called?" Before saying this, he had already become a hoarse voice, sounding like a man in his 30s and 40s. He has learned the sound waves of Buddhism, so it is not difficult to make this point.

Li Qian smiled, "That's it. We left a task of hunting the Silver Howling Wolf in the Hunters Association. Mr. completed it very well. After all, the Silver Howling Wolf is a gregarious monster. It is extremely difficult to hunt down. This is enough. Explain the strength of Mr.

Therefore, I would like to sign a long-term mission with you on behalf of the Beiguo branch of Shengtian, because we have a batch of metal gear to catch up in the short term, and a lot of juvenile demon claws are needed. I hope Mr. can agree that the benefits are definitely higher than those in the mission area of the association. . "

Liao Fan thought for a moment, then said hoarsely: "How much do you need?"

"The more the better, because the amount is large, we have already looked for a few people."


"The time for the order is the end of next year, because we have to put aside the production time, and we can only give it to the husband for six months at most. We will purchase it together. This is a super large space bag, so we will lend it to the husband first.

Liao Fan took it, then turned around and walked to the door, "I will be back in half a year."

It was not until the door was closed that Li Qian asked the middle-aged man, "Brother Liu, how is it, do you see anything?"

The man surnamed Liu shook his head, "Although he is very weak externally, my consciousness can't penetrate his body at all. It is always blocked by an inexplicable suction, so I can't see through."

"Even Brother Liu can't see through?" Li Qian gave a beautiful eye. "He is the most capable of these people. I hope he won't let me down."

"Don't worry, your dad assigns you to manage the subsidiary company and choose the heir. The difficulties are the same, and your brother and them are not having a good time."

Li Qian's face became cold, "They're having a hard time? I finally received this big order. My brother and the others swallowed the material in partnership. This is driving me to death!"

The man surnamed Liu sighed.

After leaving the door, Liao Fan breathed a sigh of relief and was slightly surprised. He felt that his whole body was covered by an unknown sensation just now. Fortunately, he had already moved around and sucked away that power, which was the only way to avoid it. The penetration of power.

"That person should be an alchemist, and also a senior alchemist. Fortunately, you acted calmly, so he didn't see your identity."

Ruan Ling said at the right time.

"Alchemist? No wonder there is such a strong consciousness."

Liao Fan murmured thoughtfully, alchemy is a kind of rune literature, a discipline that is responsible for the decomposition and manufacturing. They refine the runes into arrays, prepare the materials completely, and then project their imaginations on it through their consciousness. You can make things.

Therefore, the consciousness of every alchemist is extremely condensed and terrifying, much more terrifying than the consciousness of a rune warrior. Of course, the converted energy can be replaced with the original force or internal force, but it cannot replace the consciousness and imagination projection. This It is also the reason why the alchemist has been practicing consciousness instead of the original force.

In China’s official professional level, alchemists are divided into five categories: elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, and grandmaster. Each stage is divided into upper, middle, and lower three stages. If it’s true as Ruan Ling said, then the man He is a high-level alchemist, and his consciousness is probably able to crush Liao Fan's brain at once!

"Huh... It's a big company with strong strength. After taking this task, I don't need to look for other tasks during this time." Liao Fan picked up the space bag in his hand and smiled, "This space bag is not bad. I have a lot of space, and he is not afraid that I will run away with it."

The space bag is made of precious demon skin. It is similar to the ordinary small red envelope. The outer appearance is ordinary silver. The alchemist depicts the precious space folding rune, which can fold the super large space into this small Among the bags, the cost is very high and expensive, and this bag is even more of a large version.

"How can such a big company not even be able to hold a bag? I guess it has long been attached with the imprint of that alchemist's consciousness, and I can feel it everywhere."

Ruan Ling murmured, and Liao Fan understood. After the conversation, Liao Fan took a taxi and rushed to the protection area.

Bai Ju passed the gap, and more than five months passed in a blink of an eye.

Beiguo People's Hospital, in the intensive care unit.

A huge transparent glass container contained a liquid gleaming with mysterious golden runes, and a man covered in red fruits was immersed in the liquid.

The man looked gloomy and he was filled with hoses. It was not someone else but Yu Jie!

"Dad, how is my body?"

With a move of his lips, Yu Jie looked at the middle-aged man outside the glass container.

The man hesitated to speak and then stopped, as if in the end he made up his mind, and sighed, "Although the rune soaking liquid can repair your whole body, it will not leave you behind, but the sense of breath is broken and you can't cultivate for a lifetime."

After that, even though Yu Jie had been mentally prepared, he was still stunned, as if he was struck by lightning.

a long time.

"I knew that when I bullied Liao Fan, he should have been killed, so that he would not grow into such a terrifying situation now, and there would be no chance for revenge!"

"Impossible!" The man suddenly yelled, "I beat you to a crippled man, and caused you to soak in the hospital for more than five months. This hatred, Dad will definitely avenge you!"

Yu Jie also looked ruthless, but was quickly replaced by endless pain, "Report? How to report? Liao Fan's combat power has reached the county and city level, where can we find someone who can kill the county and city level powerhouses? people!"

The man's thoughts went crazy, "You can definitely find it! You can't find it in Beiguo City, let's go to the Northeast Special Economic Zone!"

"Special Zone? Dad, those people have very high vision and don't care about your money at all!"

"Don't worry about it! In short, I must repay your hatred!"

... ...

Zone E.


Suddenly, a black giant sword flew in the distance, fast as thunder, and instantly inserted into the body of a thunder-marked tiger in the wild, and it penetrated directly from its spine to its abdomen. When he had time to struggle, he opened his eyes and fell to the ground, apparently being killed by a blow.

Afterwards, a black shadow instantly floated on the hilt of the black sword and lifted the giant sword with one foot. The bloody corpse snorted a few times, and it broke the four claws out of thin air. If a martial arts expert saw it, he would definitely do it. Surprised, it is the invisible sword energy!

This black man is naturally Liao Fan. Five months later, relying on his own strength, he swept a large number of monsters in the E area. There is no other way. He has swallowing heaven and eating earth techniques and the Mo family techniques are far from constant. With the energy of the power, coupled with the speed of the electric light magic technique, and the protection of the force hood, the childhood demon had no threat to him for a long time.

More importantly, his fusion of Gao Jianli’s swordsmanship has approached 9.90%, and his terrifying lethality has already reached the level of county and city level. Coupled with the speed of electric light magic, even if he is strong at the county and city level, he You can also face it calmly.

Of course, if he hadn't had a lot of fighting over the past few months, his swordsmanship would not have been honed to such a high level, and the shading of swallowing heaven and eating the earth had already been carved out by 80 to 90%.

At the same time, he also used this period of time to sell some precious corpses of monsters, earning a good income, and his equipment has already been replaced with an E plus level. After all, the contract with Shengtian only requires sharp claws, and No corpse is needed.

Liao Fan was very satisfied with everything, but his several adventures during this period of time made him disappointed.

In his first journey through "Qin Shi Mingyue", he obtained Gao Jianli's swordsmanship, Mohist's exercises, and stealth's electric light magic skills, which can be said to be quite rewarding.

In the second "Arrow" world, Liao Fan learned Yao Fei's Buddha sound waves and ancient martial arts acupuncture points, and obtained his magical herbs, and also learned Shatung's archery, which is not in vain. Train.

But then, Liao Fan was not so lucky.

For the third time through "School City", Liao Fan was planning to learn a superpower, but the system actually threw him to Africa. It took him a long time to get to know him before he got the ticket to fly to Japan. In the end, it took a lot of money. Kung Fu, got into the college city, and when he was ready to get the favor of Shangjo Touma and others, the time had come.

The fourth time I crossed "Thunderbolt: The Sword Spring and Autumn", this time it was even more cheating, and went directly to the first episode. The bardo world fought against Buddhism. It can be said that the demons danced in a chaotic manner.

According to Ruan Ling's words, each of these BOSS-level powerhouses present at least possesses national-level or even intercontinental-level strength.

Liao Fan, a small shrimp, was directly injured by the ripples of a page of a book and a mysterious man in black. He hid for a month and ate herbs.

In the fifth "Fairy Tail", Liao Fan had been playing soy sauce completely for a month, but he didn't encounter a single character in the plot. In the sixth "Fairy Tail", Liao Fan worshipped into the world meeting and learned the sword with Bu Jingyun. Air out.

The four consecutive blows did not discourage Liao Fan and took risks. It was originally a thrilling and dangerous situation. The system would never let him go to the end. Some difficulties should be expected.

However, Liao Fan was shocked that so far, he has experienced six worlds, but he has seen every world.

This makes him a little skeptical. You must know that these are all movies and animation works before the cataclysm. Although Liao Fan has collected a lot in the past few decades, he has actually not seen many old animations and old movies, six times in a row. He has seen the world of adventure, which is a bit of a coincidence, right