The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 661: He also has a twin brother (25)


The light source of the corridor is not very bright, and due to the effect of drinking, Xue Xue did not notice the other party at first.

It wasn't until she got closer that she realized that someone was standing in front of her house.

It's past nine o'clock at night now.

Almost at the moment when the other party turned around, Xue Xue took a step back at the same time.

Human perception of danger is an instinctive response.

However, in the next second, she stopped abruptly.

"Wei Chinian?"

Xue Xue turned her head and said hesitantly.

The man staring at him, his tall and straight figure drew a long shadow on the ground.

His hair was meticulously combed up, revealing a full forehead and handsome eyebrows, and the bridge of his nose seemed to have been precisely trimmed with a cutting knife, with a perfect arc and height, even if his thin lips were tightly pursed and his face was expressionless, he still looked good. of people can't take their eyes off.

The only thing wrong is the skin tone.

That's unusual white.

There was no blood, like a creature that came out at night. When the fixed line of sight moved again, Xue Xue quickly noticed the blue veins protruding on the man's neck.

She blinked, trying to see more clearly, but as soon as the other party opened her mouth, her thoughts were taken away.

"Why did you come back now?" the man asked. "I... I've been waiting for you for a long time."

As the other party gradually lowered his voice, Xue Xue felt that his heart was also tightening.

The feeling is not unfamiliar, but a little strange.

But Xue Xue had no chance to think deeply, because the man had already walked towards her.

In just a few short steps, there is an inexplicable sense of frustration with extreme pulling.

She subconsciously wanted to leave.

But "Wei Chinian" looked at himself rightly.

Only then did Xue Xue realize that the other party's eyes seemed to be deeper than the previous meetings.

It was a rich, viscous, and turbid color, completely opaque black, with many dark emotions strewn together, like a Pandora's box, scrambling to come out, but being suppressed for no reason.

Xue Xue held her breath unconsciously.

She gripped the purse beside her tightly.

Fortunately, the man stopped a step away.

The two looked at each other in silence.

It is still the other party who speaks first to break the deadlock.

"Why don't you speak?"

he asks.

Just when he smelled a light but unfamiliar breath on the man's body, the other party stretched out his hand and pinched Xue Xue's chin directly.

The movements are not tough or gentle, just enough to keep people immobile.

"Huh?" He leaned over, the heat and moisture from his breath wrapped into a ball of warm and humid air, desperately drilling into Xue Xue's capillary holes, goosebumps, and the twitching feeling of the stomach began to churn, making her faint gagging. "Are you dumb? Baby... uh!"

It is estimated that the man did not expect Xue Xue to suddenly attack.

The bag swung forward without hesitation, and Xue Xue used her milk strength to smash the only weapon in her hand at the opponent.

Even though the man responded very quickly, his face was still scratched by the rivets adorning the corners.

"You are not Wei Chinian."

This time, Xue Xue stared at the man instead.

Not afraid of the other party's suddenly gloomy face, she said clearly, word by word, "You are Yuchiyue."

Here Xue Xue uses affirmative sentences instead of interrogative sentences.

She knew that facing a person like Yu Chiyue, she must not be in a passive state, otherwise she would only be pinched, and she would not even have a chance to run.

Therefore, even if it is not as calm as it looks on the surface, Xue Xue still waits for the other party's next move without changing his face.

On the other end, Yuchiyue, whose identity was revealed, was indifferent, but her gaze towards Xue Xue changed quite subtly.

In fact, he didn't think he could deceive Wei Chinian's woman.

Because Yuchiyue never disdain to imitate Wei Chinian, even if they are twins who are connected by blood, but in Yuchiyue's view, the blood flowing on her body is clean and noble, while Wei Chinian's body is dirty and dirty.

They came to this world one after another from the mother's birth canal in the same year, the same month When someone with a heart came out, there was a great tendency to make waves. At that time, the head of the Yuchi family was also the grandfather of Yuchiyue and Wei Chinian. He invited a so-called expert to give lectures, but in the end he pointed everything at innocent babies.

One is regarded as a continuation of prosperity, while the other is regarded as the evil seed that will bring disaster to Yuchi's family in the future.

As a result, the fate of the brothers went in very different directions.

Not to mention that under her grandfather's brainwashing admonitions and admonitions since childhood, Yuchiyue can be said to regard Wei Chiyue as an ant and look down on it from the bottom of her heart. It was a great gift to have him become a member of the Yuchi family again.

Naturally, it also includes going to die in the near future instead of himself.