The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 679: He also has a twin brother (42)


It was also there that she met a difficult fate in her life.

The two separated and reunited for seven or eight years. When Chen Xueliang finally recognized what kind of person the other was, and saw how ugly and dirty his soul was hidden under the surface, his own life was also disrupted.

"That man is the creditor."

"My ex-boyfriend was originally just an ordinary laborer. At that time, I thought that although he talked like he liked to hit high altitudes, he was honest and treated me very well, so he was so dazzled and took out his savings to support him in starting a business. .”

"In the beginning, it was actually pretty good. The two of us felt that it would be enough to open a store of our own and settle down in a big city."

"Although the business is not easy to do, it is slowly improving, so he plans to buy a shop next to it."

"I think the risk is too high for him to think about it again, but my ex-boyfriend felt that the price offered by the homeowner was favorable enough, so he made up his mind early and even signed the contract behind my back..." Chen Xueliang snorted. "Later, I was cheated."

"This matter is finally settled by me with money, but that money is also the last money my parents called me when I was an adult. If I kept it for myself, at least I would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life."

"The result is good, it all fell on a piece of trash."

Just by hearing Chen Xueliang's tone, Xue Xue knew how much she looked down on her former dating partners, including herself who was dazzled by love before.

"Sister Xueliang..."

"But at that time, I still didn't wake up." Chen Xueliang twitched the corner of his mouth, mocking him even more. "Actually, when you think that you can save the other party and make the other party's prodigal son turn around and turn over a new leaf, you are doomed to be a complete loser."

Xue Xue deeply agrees with this.

"Later, my ex-boyfriend became addicted to gambling."

"He knew I still had money, so he tried to cheat."

"It's not that I haven't noticed, but every time I quarrel with him, he will kneel down in front of me and cry, and even slap himself."

"When I looked at him like that, I thought that this person was with me during the time when I needed company the most."

"Rationality tells me to let go, to stop losses, and to leave before the disaster happens, because this man is hopeless, but emotionally, I am just hesitant and hard to let go."

"did not expect… "

Chen Xueliang didn't know what to think of, and suddenly shivered.

Xue Xue looked at her worriedly.

"I didn't expect...he finally sold me."


"Yes, it's sold." The word seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth. "It literally means, sold."

Xue Xue was startled.

"Probably because I broke up with him very resolutely that time, and when he found out that it was irreparable, he simply stopped doing nothing."

"Originally, I had already rented a house outside, and he said that he wanted to have a meal with me in the end. I was unprepared, so..." Seeing that Xue Xue hesitated to speak, she smiled. "Don't worry, that person didn't succeed in the end, I ran out."

Before Xue Xuesong breathed a sigh of relief, Chen Xueliang continued: "But the matter didn't end like this. I found out later that the man borrowed a lot of money in my name."

"I have tried various methods, but my life was still harassed very badly. In the end, I could only hide and do odd jobs. I finally came here. I was lucky, and I met someone who was willing to help me."

"After these things, I became very defensive towards strange men, even a little scared. Fortunately, the other man..."

Chen Xueliang lost his voice, but Xue Xue suddenly remembered someone.

"Is it the building management?"

She asked, Chen Xueliang was taken aback.

Realizing her abruptness, Xue Xue felt very embarrassed.

"I'm not...", "It's him who is right."

At that time, Hu Xiaoming had told himself a lot of gossip about Chen Xueliang and the building manager. Xue Xue also saw the two of them alone together a few times, but they got along quite naturally and kept a certain distance, unlike others. What intimacy looks like.

I didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret in it.

Seeing that Chen Xueliang had no intention of continuing, Xue Xue also had no intention of delving into it. Just like what she said to Chen Xueliang at the beginning, everyone has the right and freedom to keep secrets.

"So, everything will be fine."

Chen Xueliang looked at her.

Xue Xue's expression was quite peaceful, under the slender willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of eyes were like an autumn lake, clear and clear, cool but warm.

I don't know when, she became different from Chen Xueliang's memory.

It is clearly still the same person, but it seems to be filled with different souls.

Or maybe it was originally Baoyu, but the thick dust on it was brushed off to reveal its original appearance.

Thinking of this, Chen Xueliang smiled.

"You are right."

"everything will get better."

After saying goodbye to Chen Xueliang, Xue Xue set foot on the way home.

As the sun sets in the west, a large piece of burning cloud rolls up orange-red waves, stretching from the bustling city center to the undulating mountain ridgeline in the distance, accompanied by the whistling cold wind blowing past the ears, the whole person seems to be caught in a grotesque cycle, and there is a particularly strange feeling. real feeling.

Xue Xue felt palpitations.

She pressed her hand to her chest.

Even through the fluffy down jacket and cotton-padded winter coat, you can feel the unusual beating speed of your heart.

One after another, it seems to want to break through the shackles of flesh and blood.

Xue Xue closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

When she opened her eyes again, the memory she had browsed was perfectly connected with the busy intersection.

She raised her eyes, and her eyes fell on the big screen that was broadcasting a celebrity's birthday support.

In her previous life, Xue Xia stood here and saw the news of Yu Chiyue's engagement to the daughter of the Lian family.

The past and the present are constantly intertwined, showing scenes in my mind.

The picture is vivid and vivid, as if reappearing from yesterday.