The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 680: He also has a twin brother (43)


In the end, Xue Xue couldn't remember how she got home.

Perhaps stimulated by the environment, she had a splitting headache, lost all color on her face, and her body was on the verge of falling. Even though her consciousness was still clear, her feet seemed to be nailed in place, unable to move.

The world in front of me was split.

Half of me became Xue Xia in my previous life, standing helplessly and dazedly on the street, feeling the pain of suffocation as if the tide flooded my mouth and nose.

At that time, a young couple passing by saw that she was not in the right condition and came up to inquire. Xue Xue refused the other party's kindness and staggered forward.

Then she called a car, and then...

Xue Xue was too lazy to think.

After eating Puna pain, she forced herself to go to the bathroom and took a simple shower. She just blew her hair carelessly before falling on the bed, pulling the quilt over her head.

My head was empty, my temples throbbed and hurt, I tossed and turned for a long time, and finally fell asleep drowsily.

It's just that I'm restless, not even in my dreams.

When it was dawn, Xue Xue resolutely gave up struggling and got up with dark circles under her eyes.

Anyway, there is no need to go to work, and the status is not that important.

Thinking about it, she picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table.

Still no news of Wei Chinian.

It stands to reason that she should get used to it.

However, yesterday's body reaction made Xue Xue have to think more, so after hesitating for a moment, she still chose to call the other party.

"Is it Xue Xue?"


"Give me the phone."

Gao Wenji looked at Wei Chinian with hesitation.

"Give me."

Wei Chinian's tone was not serious, but Gao Wenji knew that this meant that the man had no patience to say it a third time.

He can only hand over his mobile phone.

However, Wei Chinian held it, but did not connect.

Gao Wen was still puzzled at first, but he understood the reason after hearing the sound of the other party's breathing becoming shorter and shorter.

His expression changed, and he said decisively, "I'm going to contact Dr. Shi Wen immediately."

Wei Chinian nodded. An ordinary movement hurt his muscles and bones, peeling the bed and skin.

The phone rang for a long time.

Wei Chinian stuck it to his chest.

With the pulling of the arm, blood oozes from the bandage on the right side of the abdomen again, but to Wei Chinian, this is nothing.

After experiencing the torture of being cut open with a machete and repeatedly doused with salt water, it seemed that no pain could affect Wei Chinian.

Gao Wenji felt the deepest about this.

There is also Wei Chinian's right-hand man who has been secretly cultivated abroad over the years.

The core team composed of several people played a key role in this operation. Without these prior arrangements, Wei Chinian might not be able to survive the rescue, and after being tortured in every possible way, he would be buried in the sea under the identity of Yu Chiyue.

After the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, and the fake Yuchiyue dies, the real Yuchiyue can use the power of Yuchi's family to reap the harvest, and after the dust settles, she will resume her identity, appear in the public eye in a majestic manner, and act as before. Arranged marriage with the Lian family, and then expand the territory.

Every step in the middle is careless, and for Wei Chinian, it will end in pieces.

For a moment, too, he saw the gates of death open before his eyes.

If it wasn't because of concern, obsession, and unwillingness...

The phone stopped.

Wei Chinian returned to reality again.

He knows that the closer the end is, the more he cannot take it lightly.

So even if he returned home like an arrow, he still didn't make any response, just imagined Xue Xue's appearance before leaving, and described it over and over again in his heart, until he heard the sound of hurried footsteps, he restrained all his emotions and recovered his emotions. Color, as if the face is ignorant and insensitive to pain.

Xue Xue was not surprised that Wei Chinian did not answer the phone.

She even breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps, this is what people said.

Although she thought so, Xue Xue's frown was not untied.

She sat down at the table and took out the put away pendant again.

In fact, as early as the first time when Xue Xue saw this pendant, Xue Xue had a vague sense of familiarity. After checking it carefully, she didn't think much about it.

However, when standing at the crossroads where people come and go yesterday, when the memories belonging to Xue Xia's previous life surged up unexpectedly, a clear picture came along with the sound, and it was frozen in the scene where the only daughter of the Lian family was facing the media Qiao Xiaoqian. Close-up on.

The red dress has small bare shoulders, with a graceful and delicate temperament. At first glance, it looks like a child who grew up in love, confident and generous, and radiant, but what really attracted Xue Xue's attention was the pearl necklace on her fair neck. There is also a pendant.

A pendant that looks almost exactly the same as the one I just received at first glance, but looks completely different when I look closely.

Like poor imitations and rare genuines.

The moment he realized this, a bold guess emerged in Xue Xue's mind.

Unbelievable, but reasonable.

After traveling through so many worlds, Xue Xue discovered that the fate of a person is sometimes like a thread strung together by nodes. What should happen cannot be avoided, and what should be encountered cannot be avoided. Many coincidences are actually hidden It has its own definite number, but with the difference in the way and time when the nodes appear, the ending may also be completely different.

This is also the greatest significance of Xue Xue's arrival in each world.

Rewrite the ending so that those who cannot be freed because of too much obsession and regret can get a new life chance.

Let them know that life can be different, with every step you take and every decision you make.

And what Xue Xia couldn't let go of...

Touching the pattern on the pendant, Xue Xue had a plan in mind.