The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 681: He also has a twin brother (44)


During the Chinese New Year, she went to work for ten days in a row.

The Spring Festival is a great day for family reunion, but it will face a lot of troubles in scheduling, but this time, because Xue Xue voluntarily accepted the shift, Chen Yirong's work has less trouble.

"You have worked hard for the past two weeks."

In order to thank her, Chen Yirong also wrapped a big red envelope.

Xue Xue refused, but Chen Yirong persisted.

In the end, I couldn't find a reason and could only accept it with a smile.

Looking at the image of this year's zodiac and the congratulatory words drawn with gold borders on the festive bright red background, Xue Xue sighed: "I haven't received a red envelope for a long time."

Hearing this, Chen Yirong raised his eyes.

Chen Yirong knew little about Xue Xue's background except for the information she filled out when she joined the job. She only had a more in-depth chat during the drink together before, which made her feel even more distressed about this girl who was working hard alone in a foreign land.

Before Chen Yirong, she only thought that Xue Xue knew the world but not the world, she was sensible and considerate, but she didn't expect that her experience was more difficult than she thought.

If Xue Xue knew what Chen Yirong thought of him, he would probably smile.

Actually Xue Xia was not that pitiful.

At least she grew up loved and cared for by her grandma and grandpa.

This is also the reason why Xue Xia was able to keep the pure land in his heart in the end.

"Don't worry." After hesitating for a while, Chen Yirong finally chose to pat Xue Xue on the shoulder. "Work hard, and my sister will send you a big red envelope every year in the future."

Xue Xue, who knew the other party's personality, readily accepted this kindness.

"Okay." She smiled. "I will work hard."

When receiving the news from Wei Chinian, Xue Xue was struggling with a pot of soup that was about to burn.

The viscous foam spreads on the surface and mixes with the oil. It looks like the soup boiled by the wizard in the fantasy movie. Although the color does not look so scary, it makes people feel flustered.

From the last vacation to the present, Xue Xue's new hobby is cooking soup.

Although she is still young, she still finds time to go to the gym, but she doesn't know if it's because she has been suffering from overwork and overthinking in the past few years. She always feels that her health is not very stable, and she is prone to catch a cold when she is on vacation, and her quality of life plummets.

Later, under the suggestion of Chen Xueliang, Xue Xue started to try cooking, and found that cooking soup was very interesting, so he bought a few books on the Internet and came back to learn with videos, and he developed an interest unconsciously.

"Oh, I really can't be greedy, the fire will get out of control..." She turned off the small gas stove while stirring the soup ladle. "It's a pity, when the time comes, we will have to clean up the pot again..."

Seeing the failed dark cooking, Xue Xue could only sigh helplessly.

Since the liquid inside was too hot to handle, she didn't plan to start the fire any more. She planned to use instant noodles and microwave food bought from the supermarket yesterday for dinner today.

Just then, the phone on the table rang.

Xue Xue dried her hands with a paper towel, took a closer look, and almost thought she was dazzled.

The four words shining brightly on the caller ID are the remarks she had just changed to Wei Chinian not long ago.

"Missing person."

When Xue Xue stretched out her hand, she realized that her fingertips were trembling.

In the past ten days, she hardly thought of Wei Chinian.

Dedicated to work, dealing with the endless stream of guests, returning home every day after taking a shower, and even not in the mood to eat at night, just fall asleep...

Facts have proved that diverting attention is the fastest and most direct way to forget about troubles.

However, what should be forgotten was not forgotten, it was just hidden until the black cloth covering it was lifted off unexpectedly, revealing sharp edges.

Only then did I suddenly realize that as time goes by, some memories will not fade, but will only become more vivid.

Xue Xue closed her eyes, held her breath, and picked up the phone at the same time.

There was no sound from the opposite side for a long time.

It wasn't until the heartbeat became louder and louder enough to drown out the frequency and rhythm of her breathing, and echoed in her ears, that she heard the soft words on the other side that contained thousands of clues.

is my own name.

"Xue Xue."

Xue Xue opened her mouth.

She thought she made a sound, but she didn't.

So after a few seconds of silence, Wei Chinian called again suspiciously: "Xue Xue? Are you there?"

"... Mmm." His eyes were hot, and he wanted to cry inexplicably, Xue Xue endured the impulse, and then replied in a low voice: "I am here."

Wei Chinian smiled.

It was a little darker than usual, and Xue Xue's eardrums were numb and itchy.

She unconsciously raised her hand and rubbed her earlobe.

"Long time no see, Xue Xue."

"Hmm." Xue Xue raised her head and glanced at the wall clock on the wall. "haven't seen you for a long time."

Although Wei Chinian's voice was a little softer, he could tell that he was in a good mood, and teasingly said, "Did you miss me?"

"What do you say?"

Xue Xue asked back.

"There must be, like I've been thinking about you."

If he hadn't known about Wei Chinian's situation in Yuchi's house, and had learned about the situation from Gao Wenji, Xue Xue might have thought that the other party had gone to study some love credits during this period of time, or every sentence of love was just right. To poke the softest part of your heart

It makes people throb and heartbeat.

"You..." She changed the subject in a pretentious manner. "When are you coming back?"

Wei Chinian was silent for a while.

"It may take a while." Without waiting for Xue Xue to feel disappointed, the man continued: "But it won't take long, I promise, the matter has been roughly resolved, but there are some places that need to deal with the aftermath, there will be no delay, and it will be soon .”

It is undoubtedly the most reassuring to hear from Wei Chinian himself.

And she has been waiting for so long, and it's not too short of time.

"No rush, come back after you've dealt with everything." Xue Xue paused. "I don't want to live in fear anymore."

Wei Chinian understood that she said this so that he would not have to worry about the future.

This is his lover.

Even if they didn't fight side by side on the front line, they still have full understanding and confidence in each other.

Time has changed a lot, but fortunately, the reunion not only completes the past, but also brings a new beginning.

Wei Chinian knew that this hard-won opportunity was worth cherishing and paying attention to in his lifetime.

"Okay." He promised. "Wait when I get home."