The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 682: He also has a twin brother (45)


After the Awakening of Insects, the first spring thunder sounds, and it is the season of recovery of all things in the year. Xue Xue took the time to clean the house once. Guaibao is a cat that doesn’t shed hair very well. Usually, she only needs to use a vacuum cleaner to keep the house clean, but after digging through the boxes and cabinets to find out the things and reorganize them, she found that the child has left behind in every corner. own footprints. "You are so naughty." Xue Xue picked up the cute baby who rubbed against her lap. "You shouldn't be called Kuaibao, you should be called Smelly Bao." "Meow!" Guaibao howled in protest. Xue Xue stroked its fur helplessly. "I have such a big temper, I can't stand you." Even though he said this, Xue Xue knew that the meaning of Baobao's existence was to him, just like an oil lamp lit by a lost traveler in the dark, which might not be able to guide the direction. But it can calm people down. Fortunately, the hard work has finally come to an end, and everything is going in the right direction. A year ago... Xue Xue shook her head, unwilling to think about it.

"You want to leave?" "Yeah." "Why?" Xue Xue was stunned, and asked in a daze: "Didn't Sister Chen just say that she wanted to promote you to be an assistant shop? Why..." "It's not because of work about it." Chen Xueliang smiled and shook her head. "Really, it's my own career plan." "Huh?" "I'm planning to go back to study. It doesn't seem right to say that. It should be said that I want to study design." Chen Xueliang explained: "My mother Now I am running a jewelry-related business abroad. She learned that I was very interested in this area and suggested that I try it. I didn’t ask for leave for a few days ago? I just went to take the exam.” “Last week’s results Luckily, I got the quota." Chen Xueliang's tone was unabashedly happy, Xue Xue blinked. "Congratulations." "Thank you." Seeing Xue Xue's hesitant expression, Chen Xueliang turned his head and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?" "Nothing." Xue Xue paused. "It's you and your mother..." Although Chen Xueliang didn't finish speaking, she suddenly understood. "I didn't forgive her, but in fact, it's not a matter of forgiveness or not." She shrugged. "When I was young and energetic, I felt hate, and when I thought about it, I only felt uncomfortable, but how should I put it..." "It was only later that I realized that it was pointless to waste time and energy hating her because she felt uncomfortable." " Just like my bastard ex-boyfriend." Xue Xue was startled. "So I let her go, and I also let go of myself." Chen Xueliang smiled suddenly. "Since she wants to make up for me now, why should I not accept it?" She added softly, "I deserve it." This statement sounds free and easy at first, but it has accumulated a lot of disappointment The perception that came later. Xue Xue also felt that this decision was quite correct. After all, the misfortune caused by Chen Xueliang's ex-boyfriend may still trouble her to this day. Changing her life in a different environment is undoubtedly the fastest solution. As for why she insisted on staying in Jingnan before... "When do you expect to leave?" Xue Xue asked. "I've already mentioned it to Sister Chen, and I will officially leave the job next week when I recruit new people." "In such a rush? Are you going to report?" "Well, no, I'm leaving at the end of the month." Chen Xueliang's tone suddenly dropped. "I have an appointment with someone, and I want to attend a wedding." "Wedding?" Xue Xue thought of the post Chen Yirong brought two days ago. "Is it... the building management?" "Yeah." Xue Xue looked at her. The smile on Chen Xueliang's face was still there, but she avoided her gaze uncomfortably. So she understood. Chen Xueliang's departure was not for one reason, but for many reasons. It's just that she chose the most decent way to exit from a story without her own. "Sister Xueliang." Xue Xue called out, and Chen Xueliang looked up and saw her grinning, with dimples on her cheeks, and sincere blessings in her eyes. "Smooth sailing."

On the day Wei Chinian came back, it rained very early. When Xue Xue went out at eight o'clock, seeing that the weather was not right, she hurried back home to get an umbrella. The drizzle was covered with dark clouds. At five o'clock in the afternoon, she clocked out of get off work on time. After dinner with my colleagues at a ramen restaurant in the shopping mall, someone proposed to go for a massage to relax. Xue Xueben wanted to go with him, but the phone rang suddenly. "What's the matter, Xue Xue?" The colleague saw that she was not moving, and asked suspiciously, "Let's go." "Hmm..." Xue Xue unconsciously clenched the phone tightly. "I just suddenly remembered that I have something to do at night, so I won't go with you this time." "Ah? Well, then you should be careful on the way home." "Yes." Xue Xue waved her hand with a smile. "Bye-Bye."

She is walking in the rain with an umbrella. Xue Xue's heart beat faster and faster as he got closer to the house. The feeling of being close to the hometown is timid, and the long wait is about to end, but because the time has really passed too long, it makes people feel quite unreal. Afraid everything was just a dream. A dream that people would rather indulge in forever than wake up. Tilting the handle of the umbrella, letting the needle-like rain hit her body, Xue Xue stopped. She felt that she was too deeply influenced by Xue Xia. The feeling of helplessness like a person who fell into the water sinking little by little, trying to catch the driftwood but watching the driftwood drift farther and farther... never again. Xue Xue thought as he took another step. Life can be different. Although no one knows the final outcome, at least it is worth fighting hard.