The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 683: He also has a twin brother (46)


What should long-lost couples do when they meet

When Xue Xue kissed Wei Chinian, this was the only thought left in her mind.

Although the word reunion after a long absence seems inaccurate and inappropriate to describe the situation between them.


"Hmm... wait, wait..." After finally finding a gap from the man's aggressive attack, Xue Xue supported the opponent's chest with both hands, trying to pull out a safe distance. "Wei Chinian... you... uh... I haven't showered yet, no..."

Although work is to stay in an air-conditioned place and not sweat much, but after a busy day and just returning home from a shopping mall full of people, even if the body's lust has been aroused, Xue Xue's reason still makes him feel resistant.

Wei Chinian probably noticed it too.

He loosened Xue Xue's arms.

Seeing that the man was wavering, Xue Xue seized the opportunity and nimbly backed away from the other man's arms.

Because of this action, her heart instantly became empty, making her secretly scold herself for not living up to expectations.

After finally suppressing the restlessness, when he raised his eyes, he bumped into Wei Chinian's deep pupils again. The extreme blackness exaggerated the feeling like a mirror, so that Xue Xue could clearly see his own reflection as if embedded in it, firmly Same as locking.

She hastily avoided.

"I, I'm going to take a shower first, just wait a moment."

Without waiting for Wei Chinian to react, he ran away in a hurry.

The man who was left in the same place looked at his lover's reaction like a cunning rabbit meeting a wolf, amusedly, until Xue Xue's figure disappeared from sight, and the arc on the corner of his lips was evened out a little bit.

Wei Chinian looked around.

The living room has been rearranged, a few plain pillows are piled up in the corner of the sofa, on the glass coffee table, there is a bouquet of flowers in a vase that Xue Xue just bought two days ago, and there is a stone fish tank in front of it. The red fishtail swayed beautifully.

This is Xue Xue's home, and it is also his home.

Wei Chinian's residence in the urban area was much bigger than here, and the bathroom alone was larger than the living room. However, it was cold and unpopular there, and every time he went back, Wei Chinian only felt like he was in a prison cell.

But at the same time, the cell is relatively safe.

Wei Chinian hibernated in there for several years, and occasionally he really couldn't bear it anymore, so he would go to the secret residence.

But the reason why a secret can be a secret is that it cannot be easily exposed to the sun.

Such days are repeated every day, but they are also facing new dangers and tests every day.

Wei Chinian once thought that he would live like this for the rest of his life.

Even if he is only in his twenties.

Experienced too much, time has lost its meaning.

Sometimes he even thought that he might as well give up everything to Yu Chiyue.

It's just that deep down I still feel reconciled.

The same parents were born one after the other, why did Yu Chiyue have what she didn't have, and what she had could only be ruthlessly deprived? At first, he didn't want to fight, and only wanted to live his own life, but the greedy Yuchi family even stingy with giving this space.

Precisely because of this unwillingness, Wei Chinian did not give up even though there were ambushes on all sides, so Wei Chinian gradually established his own advantages.

It's not that Yu Chiyue doesn't know, but he has always been so self-confident.

In his opinion, Wei Chinian is to him what Sun Wukong is to Tathagata Buddha, no matter how capable he is, he will never be able to overcome his own Five Fingers Mountain.

After all, in Yu Chiyue's eyes, Wei Chinian was not like a living, flesh-and-blood person, but more like a stand-in used to protect her from disasters.

The Yuchi family regards twins as auspicious. Even though the society is progressing and the mind is becoming more open, some secret and ancient traditions that are deeply rooted in the aristocratic family are still deeply rooted in their bones, and Wei Chinian happens to be that victim.

His mother would not accept this and was ruthlessly evicted.

Even after death, he has to become a handle to use against his son.

How unfair, how ridiculous.

Therefore, Wei Chinian will never have any sympathy for the members of Yuchi's family in this life, let alone empathy.

People are always responsible for what they do.

The retribution of Yuchi's family was given by him.

This has become Wei Chinian's belief.

In fact, the man had long since given up extravagant hopes of finding Xue Xia back. He only hoped that when all the dust settled, he could take a look at her from a distance to make sure that everything was fine with her.

It's just that I didn't expect that life went round and round, and the fate that I thought was broken was brought back in an unexpected place.

Then what reason do you not have to take good care of yourself

Wei Chinian thought.

Maybe it's really connected by blood, it turns out that I am as greedy as the members of Yuchi's family.

he thought sarcastically.

But be greedy, be greedy, anyway, I won't let go in this life.

Xue Xue dawdled in the bathroom for most of the day.

Repeatedly immersing himself under the surface of the water, raising his head when he was almost out of breath, repeating the cycle several times, and then he came out of the bath that was about to get cold and started to take a shower.

It took almost an hour for her to take care of it.

Wei Chinian was sitting by the bed.

The man's upper body was naked, and his lower body was changed into a pair of slacks.

Wei Chinian has a good figure, with tall legs and long legs, and a thin layer of muscles that look nice and not exaggerated, so Xue Xue can't help feeling dry mouth and heart pounding every time he sees the other party's naked body.

He is looking at his phone.

Hearing footsteps, Wei Chinian raised his eyes.

Xue Xue found that the man's hair had grown, and the drooping bangs covered the sharp eyebrows, which made the pair of black eyes more attractive, especially when staring at herself.

There is both lingering tenderness and hidden aggression that is difficult to ignore.

Xue Xue felt like a prey, knowing that there was a trap ahead, but she approached willingly.

But when the other party grabbed the wrist and moved forward, the love in Wei Chinian's eyes convinced her...

The best hunters often appear as prey.

Deceive each other and perfect yourself.

Then, sink together.