The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 687: He also has a twin brother (49)


"Xue Xia..."

Wei Chinian murmured suddenly.

Xue Xue snapped her fingers and was attracted by his eyelashes.

Very slender and very dense.

Wei Chinian's eyelids are not deeply creased, but he always looks very focused when staring at people, except for his pair of lacquered and deep black eyes, probably because of these two rows of eyelashes that are delicate and neat like a feather fan.

Xue Xue counted them one by one boringly.

At this moment, Wei Chinian's lips moved again.

His breathing suddenly became rapid, and his voice was very muffled. Xue Xue couldn't hear clearly, so he leaned his ear over.

"Xue Xue..."

Xue Xue was startled, and looked up at Wei Chinian.

At this time, the man's breathing has stabilized again, becoming slow and long again.

The process didn't take long, but for Xue Xue, it seemed to have crossed the other side of the long river of time.

Staring at Wei Chinian for a moment, she suddenly smiled.


Xue Xue finally got up from the bed with difficulty and cooked a bowl of noodles for herself.

The soup base of Jiushan Spare Ribs, with its rich aroma and steaming heat, filled the entire kitchen. Xue Xue, who was already hungry, couldn't help it, and finally opened a bag of potato chips stockpiled during the special price to satisfy his hunger.

After eating a few sips of water, I rolled away.

Xue Xue took out a paper towel to wipe her hands, cracked an egg in and sprinkled some chopped green onion, and finally put the lid on, ready to cook for a minute.



Her nose bumped into the man's shoulder with too much of a turn.


Physiological tears suddenly floated up, Xue Xue stared at Wei Chinian who suddenly appeared while rubbing his nose, and complained: "Why are you so silent?"

Wei Chinian spread his hands, quite helplessly.

"I didn't expect you to turn around at this time. I wanted to surprise you."

"What surprise?" Xue Xue muttered. "It's more or less frightening."

Wei Chinian snorted, seeing that her facial features were all wrinkled together, she looked really painful, and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

Xue Xue glared at him and asked back, "What do you think?"

This time Wei Chinian apologized kindly.

"I'm sorry." He leaned over and gently blew on Xue Xue's nose, just like his mother did for him when he was a child. "Fly away the pain."

Because he didn't expect Wei Chinian's actions, Xue Xue was stunned.

When he reacted, a smile appeared on his face brightly.

"What are you doing?" No matter how hard I tried to suppress it, the curvature of the corners of my lips still couldn't go away. "Children."

Xue Xue said angrily.

"Hungry?" Wei Chinian recognized the address, and looked behind Xue Xue with his head. "Is it going to be mushy if you soak the noodles again?"

"Alas!" Recalling the supper, Xue Xue hurriedly turned around and lifted the lid. "It's all your fault, if you didn't pop up out of nowhere, I wouldn't..."

Scooping the noodles into a bowl with the prepared wooden chopsticks, Xue Xue suddenly thought of Wei Chinian's point, maybe it was because he was as hungry as himself

So she turned her head and asked the other party: "Do you want to eat?"

Seeing the pot that was obviously only for one person, Wei Chinian refused.

"No." He said, "Didn't you open the potato chips? I'll just eat some."

"Okay." After cleaning up the noodles and the meat in the seasoning packet, Xue Xue directly picked up the soup pot and poured it into a bowl. "Hey, no, do you eat potato chips?"

In Xue Xue's memory, Wei Chinian has never liked this kind of snacks.

Because his back was facing him, Xue Xue didn't see the froze expression on the man's face for a moment.

"Eat, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you don't want to eat it." There was nothing unusual in his voice. "And I haven't touched such a smelly thing for a long time."

"Ah?" Xue Xue just turned on the faucet and couldn't hear what Wei Chinian said clearly. "What did you say?"

When she sat down with the hot wine and pork ribs noodles, Wei Chinian smiled and shook his head looking at those curious eyes.


Intuition tells Xue Xue that it is not that simple.

But she had already figured out Wei Chinian's temperament, and knew that if a man didn't intend to say it himself, it would be difficult to pry any useful information from the other party's mouth.

So although it felt strange, Xue Xue had no intention of continuing to inquire.

The most urgent thing is to fill the stomach first.

Thinking about it, she clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and whispered, "Then I'll start."

It's rare to have a serious attitude, but it made Wei Chinian amused all of a sudden.

The time is now three thirty in the morning.

The two sat at opposite ends of the table, one snorting noodles, the other drinking orange juice with potato chips.

The years are quiet, and the unique sense of tranquility at night seems to have formed an enchantment around it, and the speed of time flowing inside has also slowed down unconsciously.

When the feeling of satiety rises with the soup bowl that gradually bottoms out, Xue Xue's eating speed slows down a lot, and at the same time, his mind starts to run like a car with full gas.

It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, maybe now is the best time.

A thought flashed through her, and she put down the spoon.

"I received."

Xue Xue's opening made Wei Chinian, who was pinching potato chips in his hand but hadn't put them into his mouth for a long time, his eyelids drooping and not knowing what he was thinking, froze for a moment.


"That pendant." Xue Xue paused. "Xue... the pendant my mother left me."