The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 690: He also has a twin brother (52)


Fortunately, after working for a long time, I successfully found the pendant.

It turned out that the new waiter didn't know that Miss Lian's family used to lock the pendant in the safe after replacing it, so she misplaced it.

"Thank you." Afterwards, Lian Qiao asked Wei Chinian out for dinner alone to thank him. "Did you waste a lot of time that day?"

"There's nothing to delay." Wei Chinian said politely, "This is what I should do."

"Hmm..." Lian Qiao narrowed her eyes, looking up and down at the man sitting opposite her. "You seem to be different from the person I know."

Hearing this, Wei Chinian just smiled.

This reaction made Forsythia more certain of her guess.

"Aren't you Yuchiyue?"

Wei Chinian neither admitted nor denied, but just shrugged.

In order to ensure the safety of Yu Chiyue, he often plays two roles. As long as necessary, he can be either Wei Chinian or Yu Chiyue. After all, for most people, it is necessary to distinguish between people who look almost identical Twins are quite difficult.

Especially after the first two years, Yuchiyue and Wei Chinian had already been deliberately blurred by Yuchi's family.

Forsythia didn't care if she didn't get a definite answer.

She leaned back, arms crossed.

"Your Yuchi's house is really interesting."

Wei Chinian agrees with this.

Ridiculous enough to be interesting.

"Actually, I don't really care whether you are Wei Chinian or Yuchiyue." Lian Qiao chuckled lightly. "It's like you don't care much about who I am, right? As long as I'm the only child of the Lian family."

Wei Chinian looked at her quietly without showing much emotion.

Seeing this, Lianqiao suddenly had the idea of teasing the other party, so she lowered her arms and instead supported her on the round glass table with her elbows.

But for Wei Chinian, this is not a point worth noting.

He was surprised that he felt that he saw Xue Xia's shadow in the other party just now.

Although only for a moment.

"Actually, I should have a sister."


Wei Chinian snapped back to his senses, only to realize that Lianqiao was staring at him with a half-smile.

She had already stepped back to a safe distance, but the scent of freesia and rose lingered in her nose, and Wei Chinian couldn't help frowning because of the excitement.

"What's your expression?"

"Be careful, if I'm unhappy, I'll go back and ask my dad to cancel the engagement between the two families."

Wei Chinian didn't pay attention to this half-joking and half-serious threat, but asked in a serious to almost serious tone: "Do you have a sister?"

Lianqiao saw Wei Chinian dazed just now, and thought he didn't hear what she said clearly.

But it doesn't really matter if you hear it clearly.

"I guess, but I can't prove it," she said, stirring the ice in the glass. "After all, even if it's true, my dad won't admit it, and neither will Aunt Lin."

It wasn't the first time Wei Chinian had heard Lianqiao mention "Aunt Lin". However, in the past, he didn't think much about it. He just took these two characters as a common combination of surname and title.

But this time, another possibility emerged in the man's mind.

It originated from what Xue Xia had mentioned to him about his mother's name.

"Which forest?"

"Ah? Which forest?"

"Aunt Lin you're talking about... is it Shuangmulin or the one with the word jade?"

"Oh, it's next to the word jade." Lian Qiao thought for a while. "Her surname is not Lin, what is her surname... Chen? Yang? No... Ah! Xue, her surname is Xue, and her name is Lin."

Lian Qiao shook her head and said, "Look at my memory, after calling Aunt Lin for a long time, I almost can't even remember her real name haha."

Hearing Lianqiao's hearty laughter, Wei Chinian felt that reality was sometimes more dramatic than what was portrayed in TV and movies.

Is there really such a coincidence in this world

At first glance, there is no intersection, but there is a connection in an unimaginable form, but the parties don't even know that there is such a relationship between them.

Except Wei Chinian.

"As soon as I left that day, I immediately started investigating."

Xue Xue didn't wait for him to finish, and continued directly: "It turned out that she is really Xue Xia's mother."

Use affirmative sentences instead of interrogative sentences.

Wei Chinian looked at her and gave a low "hmm".

Xue Xue smiled.

"Why are you looking at me with this expression? I'm fine." Xue Xue turned her head slightly to one side, and rested her head on Wei Chinian's shoulder again. "It's just that I didn't expect that the world is sometimes smaller than imagined, and the reality... is even more unbearable."


Xue Xue stretched out her index finger to press against his lips.

"I'm really fine, I don't need comfort." She closed her eyes. "I've seen Forsythia, of course not the face-to-face one, but I noticed that pendant right away."

"Or, I remembered it the moment I got the pendant you gave me."

"I think of where I've seen something similar..."
