The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 691: He also has a twin brother (53)


The story of Xue Lin and Lian Zhengze, Lian Qiao's father, is not that special. There are fairy tale beginnings, but no fairy tale endings. But maybe that's enough for the parties.

Xue Lin moved from the countryside to a big city to study, like a fledgling that has just left the nest and flew into the sky, fledgling but full of curiosity, which will naturally lead to some dangers and difficulties. What's more, this chick has beautiful feathers, smart eyes and a smart head. Even if she wears cheap old clothes, does not have expensive designer bags to fill the scene, and does not change her makeup according to the occasion, Xue Lin still blends in well with the group and shines with her own self-confidence. However, being too ostentatious can easily lead to disaster. Xue Lin, who is purely like a blank sheet of paper in some respects, has no power to resist this. At the critical juncture, Lian Zhengze, like a hero who fell from the sky, saved her life, and the story of the prince and Cinderella also kicked off. But reality is definitely not a fairy tale. When Xue Lin happily told Lian Zhengze the news of her pregnancy, Lian Zhengze told her in "pain" that because the family's financial chain was in trouble, someone was willing to help, but the in-law relationship was needed as a guarantee. Xue Lin only felt that there was a bolt from the blue at the moment, and she didn't notice the man's guilty eyes and avoided her questioning lightly. What Lian Zhengze didn't say was that it was true that there was a problem with the capital chain, but even if there was no such thing, he would still be engaged and married to the daughter of the Zhou family, but it was just a matter of time. Xue Lin's pregnancy was completely unexpected. The Zhou family would not accept that they had a child before they got married. So he tried every means to coax people to kill the child. Xue Lin is not an idiot, after being dazzled by love, she immediately realized that Lian Zhengze was lying to her after she woke up, so Xue Lin, who got the truth out of his mouth by a drunk man, was heartbroken Run home to heal. This bad relationship should have ended here. Whether she wants to give birth to the child or not, a new stage of her life has just begun. But Xue Lin was not reconciled, so she ran away again after giving birth. Back in Jingnan, she became a woman raised outside. The daughter of the Zhou family was in poor health, and she passed away not long after giving birth to Forsythia, but the Zhou family watched closely. Lian Zhengze didn't find a chance to bring Xue Lin into the family until Forsythia was in elementary school. People in the circle tacitly admit it. Even Zhengze hid well, and the Zhou family was not a cheap lamp. The property has been divided and notarized in advance. Even if Xue Lin gave birth to a child, she would not get a dime, and she would face revenge from the Zhou family. Therefore, Lian Qiao never called her mother or mother since she was a child. , Xue Lin has always been just "Aunt Lin", an... aunt who takes care of herself and Lian Zhengze.

"It's so sad." After listening to Wei Chinian's words, after a long silence, Xue Xue only said this. Wei Chinian also agreed. "It's very sad." The sad one is Xue Lin, and the poor one is Xue Xia. But if Xue Lin stays, will the result be better for Xue Xia? This is destined to be a question with no known answer. But in the end Xue Xue asked, "How is she doing?" Wei Chinian and Xue Lin have met several times. On the facial features, but I couldn't recognize it, because... "She won't make herself look bad." Xue Xue and Wei Chinian already had enough tacit understanding, and they could understand each other's meaning as soon as they heard it. So she laughed. "That's very good."

Later, Yu Chiyue couldn't accept the failure, so he was in a dangerous situation. Wei Chinian, who had been fully prepared, caught the evidence and took the opportunity to harvest Yu Chiyue's remaining forces. Yu Chiyang found that the son he brought back was not a docile sheep but a wolf waiting for an opportunity, and he regretted it too late. Xue Xue finally resigned. "Want to be a rich wife?" Chen Yirong joked. Knowing that her words were not malicious, Xue Xue also laughed. "I found a very good niche brand, and I want to get an agent." Chen Yirong suddenly realized. "So I didn't want to be a wife of a rich family, but I wanted to be my own boss." Xue Xuedan smiled and said nothing. "It's good. You are still young. If you have any ideas, you should try more and accumulate experience." Xue Xue also thought so. "Thank you for taking care of me these past few years, Sister Chen." "Oh, why don't you take care of me?" Chen Yirong waved his hand and then patted her on the shoulder. "Do it well, remember to poach me when the time comes!" Xue Xue nodded. "Okay." This is what Chen Yirong said casually. At first, she thought that Xue Xue was just being polite, but she didn't expect that she would actually come to poach her, and the two of them became business partners again. Of course, this is all for later.

Finally, Wei Chinian and Xue Xue went back to Wanghai Town. Wei Chinian put his mother's ashes in the cemetery of Wanghai town together with those of his maternal grandfather and grandmother. "She hopes to stay in a place where she can see the sea and be with her parents." Wei Chinian said, "Now I finally brought her home." Although his tone was calm, Xue Xue could see the twinkle in his eyes tears. "Auntie must be very proud of having a son like you." She said, and after the worship, the two walked around to another part of the cemetery, where Grandma Xue Xia and Grandpa were buried. "Please feel free to hand over Xue Xia to me. I will love her, respect her, respect her and protect her for the rest of my life." Wei Chinian bowed and bowed. Xue Xue watched from the side, neither stopping nor speaking. After Wei Chinian got up, she put a bouquet of delicately packaged flowers on a small unnamed tombstone next to it. This is the tombstone that only Xue Xue knows. Wei Chinian took a look, took Xue Xue's hand, and clasped her fingers tightly. "Everything will be fine." "Yeah." They turned and walked back. "What do you want to eat tonight." "Well... let me think about it..." The sunset glow and the evening breeze are both gentle. As if witnessed by the sea, guarding and forgiving silently.