The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 694: Her teacher (03)


Peng Yunchen is the new teacher at the school.

He is still quite young, and this youth is not only reflected in the handsome face and tall figure comparable to a movie star, but also hidden in those bright and energetic eyes, and manifested in his radiant brows.

Peng Yunchen was assigned to be responsible for the campus inspection during the lunch break.

This is an errand that few people are willing to take on. Previously, the subject teachers and directors of all grades have been on duty together with the guards.

After all, the campus area of Langang High School is the largest in Beijing and Hong Kong. After walking around, the lunch break is almost gone.

Moreover, although Langang High School has a strict school spirit and strict rules and regulations, the students are generally from well-to-do families, and the parents have a reputation.

There have been a few accidents before.

This job makes people avoid it even more.

Peng Yunchen was probably still young, and he didn't feel much after hearing the warnings from his seniors. Instead, he volunteered to take over the task. After all, in his opinion, it was enough to eat after lunch.

Anyway, I am not at a loss.

Other teachers are also happy to have someone take the initiative to take on the responsibility.

Originally, in order to prevent emergencies, Peng Yunchen always went with the guards, but today the other party had a bad stomach and ran to the toilet several times in succession, so he asked people to go back to rest first, and went to work by himself.

Meeting Xue Siyuan was purely accidental.

The rose forest located behind the gymnasium is already a quite secluded corner, and there is no place to hide.

Usually he would just walk away with a glance.

But today I don't know what happened, so I stepped in on a whim.

Then, I met Xue Siyuan who was crying alone.

The fate between people is sometimes really wonderful.

A young teacher and a young girl who is in her prime get married because of a handkerchief.

Xue Siyuan is not the type to speak out what is on his mind, and it is precisely because of this that he puts so much pressure on himself. However, that day, she was as eager as a drowning person to grab the life-saving rope, and Peng Yunchen happened to pass by at that time. The man who decisively threw the rope at her.

Strangeness actually has strange benefits.

At least when she is most vulnerable and hesitant, she can say to the other party without the burden those things that cannot be easily said to those close to her.

Just one sentence: "What's wrong?"

Xue Siyuan looked at Peng Yunchen.

The man has a pair of very deep eyes, pure in color, free of impurities, like deep ancient wells, and clear like autumn lakes. Xue Siyuan stared at them, feeling as if he was immersing his whole body in a cold spring in a trance.

The irritability that lingered all over his body faded unconsciously.

"You can pretend that I don't exist." As if seeing Xue Siyuan's hesitation, Peng Yunchen said softly: "There is no need to feel pressure, and there is no need to feel embarrassed or embarrassed."

"Try to trust me if you want." He paused. "My memory is actually not very good, so after listening to what you said, I will forget everything after I go back to sleep."

This doesn't sound very serious, but Peng Yunchen said it very seriously, making it impossible to tell whether he was joking or not.


"I am stressed."

Everything is difficult at the beginning.

However, once you start, you will find that many difficulties are actually due to imagination rather than reality.

Although there was no logic in speaking intermittently, Xue Siyuan soon discovered that the huge pressure backlogged in his heart eased with each word he uttered.

The most important thing is Peng Yunchen's attitude.

He listened very seriously but never interrupted Xue Siyuan, even if she stayed between sentences for a very long time, seeming to be thinking or letting go.

Peng Yunchen still maintains his concentration so as not to make people feel offended or uncomfortable.

It wasn't until the end of the lunch break that the bell rang past his ears that Xue Siyuan realized how quickly and silently time passed.

"Sorry, I..." She blinked helplessly. "I talked too long and wasted your rest time..."

"It's okay, even if I don't talk to you, I don't have a lunch break." Peng Yunchen got up, and his eyes naturally and unobtrusively swept over Xue Siyuan's name tag pinned on his shirt. "Also, it's good to get to know your students early."


Xue Siyuan, who could hear the meaning in his words, saw Peng Yunchen smile before he turned his head around.

Men look good when they smile.

The pear dimples are shallow, and the canine teeth are exposed.

Xue Siyuan has always been quite insensitive to beauty, and her peers chase after stars, but she never feels that those people are any different from workers in other professions.

This is the first time that she has intuitively felt what "good-looking" is.

The impact was so great that Xue Siyuan's brain went blank.

"It's normal to be stressed."

The smile disappeared, and Peng Yunchen's expression became quite serious.

"There's no need to feel ashamed or guilty about being stressed."

"And there's no need to feel that you have to do it, or that you have to not do it."

"Just do your best in everything. When you get older and look back, you'll find that it's really not a big deal." He paused. "Besides, we can't live on Earth without stress, can we?"

Xue Siyuan was taken aback.

In the next second, Peng Yunchen blinked at her.

"So you don't have to think too much. When you are really sad, just silently say gratitude to the existence of pressure in your heart."