The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 695: Her teacher (04)


Later, Peng Yunchen told Xue Siyuan that this method sounded a bit silly at first and seemed unreliable, but he had actually been using it all the time.

When he was a child, Peng Yunchen was a very nervous child. Because of his good grades, the teacher often called him to speak on stage. Every time, Peng Yunchen felt stiff and stuttered, like a machine that suddenly short-circuited.

Because of this, going to school becomes a very stressful thing.

Peng Yunchen even started to avoid studying because of this, which was absurd for a long time in junior high school.

Knowing his knot, his parents didn't say anything, and they didn't force Peng Yunchen to study, they just gave him a book on his birthday.

The book doesn't have many words, and the words and expressions are quite plain. It describes the story of a man who lost his son as a father, almost lost his wife as a husband, and finally had a change of heart and returned to his hometown to farm.

The protagonist later devotes himself to promoting the so-called Thanksgiving Farming Method.

The whole article revolves around the word "gratitude".

It would be a lie to say that Peng Yunchen had any deep feelings at that time, but he has learned the key mentality inside.

When you encounter something, just say "thank you" silently in your heart.

Again and again, tirelessly.

I don't know if it's useful, but at least it can divert attention and calm down.

Later, Peng Yunchen successfully overcame his psychological barriers, and even won the National Speech Contest on behalf of the school in his freshman year of high school. Before, he would not have even dared to think about it.

Since then, this has become the "secret" Peng Yunchen uses to deal with stress.

The reason why he wanted to be a teacher was not only because his parents wanted his son to be admitted to a job within the establishment, but also because he wanted to help more students face the pressure and difficulties of adolescence.

At the beginning, I was very lucky to have the help of my parents, but not every parent is enlightened and rational. Sometimes, although what the teacher can give is limited, it is more important.

Later, Xue Siyuan also knew what Peng Yunchen said to himself when he met Peng Yunchen for the first time, "get to know your students earlier".

Their math teacher had an unstable pregnancy, and originally wanted to finish the semester before planning, but had to ask for leave early, and Peng Yunchen was the class.

This decision caused quite a stir. After all, no parent would want to change a young teacher with no experience to guide their children who are preparing for the college entrance examination.

But what was unexpected was that there was a school council to protect it. In addition, Peng Yunchen's ability is indeed outstanding, and the class is humorous. Because the age gap with the students is not big, he is well versed in the psychology of young people, and he quickly became one with the students. It also stopped the rumors circulating on campus.

Xue Siyuan's grades improved by leaps and bounds.

Especially science, which has always been her weakness.

In the past, Xue Siyuan was embarrassed to ask the teacher questions, and she had to study hard to understand. But since she took Peng Yunchen's class, she has been very active. If there is something she doesn't understand in class, she will go to the other party to explain it as soon as she has time after class.

Peng Yunchen can always simulate and explain difficult knowledge points with easy-to-understand concepts.

In addition, Xue Siyuan was already smart, and he knew everything.

In the first semester of the third year of high school, she won the second place in the class and the top five in the grade, which surprised Yu Fengnian and Xue Ling.

After the dark clouds covering Xue Siyuan's head dissipated, the bright sun set, illuminating the once dreadful future.

Only one thing went wrong.

It was at the teacher appreciation banquet, a group of students who had just grown up and had a good time, and a teacher who couldn't bear the toast of the students and overestimated his drinking capacity, all of them went off all night.

That night, Xue Siyuan didn't feel any regret when he woke up.

But she knew it was wrong.

Peng Yunchen has someone in his heart.

Thinking of this, Xue Siyuan closed his eyes in pain.

Peng Yunchen has a childhood sweetheart who has broken up but still can't let go.

Even if the other party challenges Peng Yunchen's bottom line again and again, in the end the man will still soften because of her tears.

Thinking of this, Xue Siyuan opened his eyes.

No longer dazed or hesitant, her clear and firm eyes fell on Peng Yunchen. After a long time, her red lips parted slightly, and she said two words.


Xue Siyuan didn't know whether Peng Yunchen had any memory of that night.

She went to other places to study, and broke contact with the man in a grandiose manner.

In the past seven years, only in the sophomore year have I met the other party once because of the high school reunion.

Xue Siyuan would not have wanted to go if it hadn't been for pushing and pushing before, it would be impolite to refuse and he couldn't find a suitable excuse.

During the dinner, she deliberately kept a distance and talked with everyone except Peng Yunchen. She thought she would be able to get over it if she held on, but on the way to the bathroom, she accidentally met a man who came out to smoke.

Xue Siyuan intuitively felt that Peng Yunchen had changed.

A lingering gloom enveloped the man's eyebrows, and the sparks lit up in the mist couldn't be seen clearly, but compared with the crowd just now, it was much clearer.

The stupid thoughts disappeared in a flash, and disappeared in the man's hoarse voice, "How are you doing?"

Xue Siyuan smiled.

"Very good." After a short pause, she asked back, "Where's the teacher?"

This title invisibly opened up the distance between the two, and the ambiguous atmosphere was short-lived.

The spark was extinguished before it was ignited.

Peng Yunchen also laughed.

"I'm fine too."

He said.

Only later did Xue Siyuan realize that what he was telling was the truth and what Peng Yunchen was telling was a lie.