The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 698: Her teacher (07)


When Xue Xue woke up, she was sore all over. As for Peng Yunchen who was lying beside him, his breathing was long, his eyes were closed tightly, and he showed no sign of waking up. Whether or not a man can be hard when he is drunk has always been a controversial issue. Others Xue Xue doesn't know, but Peng Yunchen obviously can. Thinking about it, she stood up, supported her heavy head with her right hand, and carefully looked at her target in this world. Thick eyebrows and straight nose, wide forehead and thin lips. He has a clear and upright appearance but has a pair of peach blossom eyes that are particularly impressive in Xue Siyuan's memory. When he is not smiling, he feels very cold. The fine lines are very cute and amiable. Xue Xue stretched out her hand and touched him lightly. The other party didn't respond. In such a state, I cannot wake up for one or two hours. In the blink of an eye, Xue Xue already had a plan in mind.

"It's strange." "Huh?" "Old Peng asked me privately if I went home with you at the teacher appreciation banquet two days ago." Lao Peng is the nickname given to Peng Yunchen by the students in the class. Although Peng Yunchen protested many times, it was useless. Even the other classes followed suit, and he had no choice but to admit it. Hearing what Gao Jiaqi said, Xue Xue blinked her eyes quickly twice. This was Xue Siyuan's usual reaction when he felt guilty, but Gao Jiaqi, who was chatting with her boyfriend on WeChat, didn't notice it. It was after a few minutes of silence that she belatedly asked, "Why don't you talk?" Xue Xue bit her straw and turned her head. "Say what?" "Okay, you, play dumb for me, right?" "I can't." Xue Xue opened her eyes innocently. "It's just that I don't know why the teacher asked you if you went home with me, maybe..." She paused. "Take care of the students."

This is of course a lie. A lie deliberately fabricated by Xue Xue. In the hotel room that day, because she judged that Peng Yunchen would not wake up immediately, she took a leisurely bath in the bathroom and washed her whole body deliciously before leaving. Although the clothes still had traces and breath from yesterday's chaos, it wasn't a big deal. Xue Xue took care of herself before going home. In her previous life, Xue Siyuan cleaned up all the evidence after waking up before returning home while her parents were away. Since she called yesterday and said she was going to live with a classmate, the two did not suspect her daughter's late night absence. . This can be said to be a mistake, but it is not a premeditated one. But in this life, Xue Xue made a different choice. She also cleaned up the scene, but deliberately left evidence. A pair of ear clips. It was specially prepared by Xue Siyuan, and Peng Yunchen even praised "it looks good". It is impossible for him not to be impressed. In his previous life, regardless of whether Peng Yunchen had no memory of this night or had a vague perception of it, it was unbelievable for him to have a relationship with his just-adult student. Even if Peng Yunchen had doubts in his heart, he would only regard this as an immoral sex dream. This is also an instinctive protection mechanism of human beings. Since you can't ask, simply forget it completely. Both for him and Xue Siyuan are good. However, because of this, they are like two lines that intersect at one point for a short time due to an accident. After being pulled back to the original parallel track, there is no other possibility. Xue Xue will naturally not let such a situation happen again. In fact, she could have stayed. When Peng Yunchen wakes up, the man will not know that this sex originated from Xue Siyuan's momentary greed, he will feel guilty, blame himself, and take the responsibility he should have. But after thinking about it, Xue Xue did not choose this way of handling it. She had to give herself some leeway. Moreover, although Ying An'an and Peng Yunchen have broken up and are entangled with Long Defei, it is not yet the time when Peng Yunchen can let go of the past completely. Then decide what to do about it.

For the next period of time, everything was calm. Because of Xue Ling's busy work, the family rarely had the opportunity to travel except to visit relatives in their hometown during the holidays, but this time Xue Siyuan's college entrance examination results were very good, and the couple discussed taking their daughter to go abroad for two weeks to relax completely. This life also happened as expected. But there was an unexpected episode along the way. Because of the local annual grand celebration, Xue Xue accidentally separated from her parents even though Xue Xue had been paying attention to the surrounding environment in the crowd. But they had already figured out the route before going out, so they just went back to the hotel. Xue Xue was walking on the cobbled road in the urban area. The boulevard, which is usually full of pedestrians and vehicles, was surprisingly empty. Even the businesses on both sides were not open. Because of the rare opportunity, she deliberately slowed down and walked slowly along the sidewalk. , Stop when you encounter a store that you find interesting, and stop in front of the window to admire it. Because of her comfortable mood and relaxed state, Xue Xue didn't pay attention when she passed the alley, so when a figure suddenly rushed out, she was caught off guard.