The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 720: Her teacher (29)


Lao Peng: "I've already returned to the hotel."

Lao Peng: "Go to bed early, or you will be late tomorrow at eight o'clock."

The words in the dialog box were typed, deleted, typed, and finally turned into an emoticon package and sent out.

Peng Yunchen also replied with an emoji.

Looking at the cute puppy whose head was being touched, Xue Xue couldn't help laughing.

Then thinking of what my roommate had just said to me, I forced myself to hold back my voice.

Turning off the screen, groping out of the bed and putting the phone on the desk, she caught a glimpse of the crystal ball next to her laptop out of the corner of her eye.

The sphere is not big, but the workmanship is very delicate. There are finely divided colorful snowflakes floating down in the glass cover, falling on the wooden house and a lifelike deer next to it.

The brown fur deer has black eyes, slender hooves, and a pair of silver antlers hanging from the top. When you pick up the crystal ball and shake it twice, the deer will happily circle around the wooden house and come alive.

This was a gift from Peng Yunchen to himself that day.

Xue Xue likes it very much.

Compared with jewelry, this kind of thing seems to impress people more inadvertently.

After admiring the crystal ball with the light source of the night light, she lay back on the bed again.

Not seeing each other in a day is like three autumns.

But it doesn't matter, Peng Yunchen will be back soon.

With this thought in mind, Xue Xue closed her eyes, and this time, in less than a few minutes, she sent herself to sleep to play chess with Duke Zhou.

In the end, Langang High School won the semi-finals in this mathematics and science competition.

This is already the best result ever.

Peng Yunchen has put a lot of effort into this project, and he is naturally very happy to be rewarded.

The sense of accomplishment gained at work is unique, and Xue Xue can feel the man's good mood through the screen.

"Congratulations! You have worked hard."

"It's nothing to work hard for. It's the students who strive for themselves." Peng Yunchen had just finished taking a shower, and his hair was still a little wet. "I'm just playing a supporting role."

"What's the matter with the support? The students are fighting for their spirits, but it is you who train with them every day to achieve such good results."

"Well, but it's not just me, thanks to the help of other teachers."

"Hello." Xue Xue reached out and tapped the screen. "I'm praising you, can you stop talking about other people all the time?"

Peng Yunchen smiled embarrassedly when he heard this.


The semi-wet black hair is not as neat as usual, it is scattered on the forehead in a mess, covering the man's heroic eyebrows and eyes, plus the two canine teeth that are inadvertently exposed when he smiles, making him look younger than his actual age Also more youthful.

Xue Xue is a little itchy.

This kind of Peng Yunchen looks easy to bully.

In the blink of an eye, many bad ideas took shape in my mind, just waiting for the man to come back and practice it himself.

Peng Yunchen, who didn't know what Xue Xue was thinking, leaned his face to the screen.

He has slight myopia. Except for correcting homework and preparing lessons, he doesn't wear glasses very much at other times, but he often needs to close the distance or squint his eyes if he wants to see people carefully.

"How are you getting ready?"

"How is the preparation for what?"

"Final exam."

"Oh... the final exam..." Xue Xue dragged the ending sound for a long time. "That's it."


"Really, you are my boyfriend, not my teacher or my parents, so why do you care about my exam?" Xue Xue said, "I don't understand the style."

In this regard, Peng Yunchen is confident.

"It's your boyfriend who cares more about your grades." The man paused. "I dare not tell others, but I know that you are a person who has high demands on yourself."

Xue Xue was taken aback.

"You always want to do your best. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, but remember, you don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. Doing your best is enough."

Xue Xue understands these reasons.

But from Peng Yunchen's mouth, the meaning and feeling are completely different.

For a moment, Xue Xue felt that he could fully empathize with Xue Siyuan.

About why she couldn't let go of Peng Yunchen, why she couldn't let go of the man's death, and why she couldn't get closer to her.

Because, this is really a good person.

No matter as a stranger, as a teacher, or even as your boyfriend.

Peng Yunchen is impeccable.

He is like that round of bright moonlight hanging high in the night sky, which can still guide the direction even in the dark.

People unconsciously want to get closer, but are also afraid that the moonlight will turn into a phantom in a blink of an eye.

Facing Xue Xue's silence, Peng Yunchen thought that what he said made her unhappy.

"I'm not preaching." His tone softened, as if coaxing a child. "It's just that the person who really loves you doesn't need you to hand in a perfect score to love you, understand what I mean? I..."

"I know."

Xue Xue blinked her eyes hard twice, trying to force back the sudden burst of tears.

"I want to get perfect marks for myself, not for anyone else."

Under Peng Yunchen's gratified eyes, she said firmly: "It's motivation, not pressure, to make the person I love proud of me."

"This is what the teacher taught me, and I can't forget it."