The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 721: Her teacher (30)


On the morning when Peng Yunchen came back, Xue Xue's eyelids had been twitching since he got up. She told her roommate about it. "Didn't people say that the left eye jumps for money and the right eye jumps for disaster?" "Do you believe this?" "That's not true. I have jumped my eyelids several times since I was a child. There is no wealth or disaster." Listen The roommate muttered, Xue Xue smiled. "But isn't metaphysics called metaphysics because ordinary people are not sure about it?" She tapped the plate with a spoon. "So if I'm not allowed, it doesn't mean that others are also not allowed." "Hmm." Xue Xue nodded in agreement. "That makes sense." "Right." Seeing the approval, the roommate smiled. "But I don't think you need to worry too much. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. It's better not to think about it." "Yes." Xue Xue took a sip of curry rice and put it into her mouth. "You are right."

Peng Yunchen took a photo of Xue Xue before boarding the plane. It was the cloudless sky seen through the terminal building. Unlike the wet and rainy winters in Beijing and Hong Kong, the city where the Mathematical Science Competition is held is located in the southern inland plateau. Due to the high terrain and low latitude, the climate is relatively stable, warm in winter and cool in summer, and the four seasons are not particularly distinct. Lao Peng: "See you later." Xue Xue restrained and only replied "Yes". But he couldn't hide the smile on his face. "What?" The roommate jokingly bumped her with an elbow. "Missing spring?" Xue Xue was quite confident about this. "Isn't it normal to miss spring in winter?" "Don't you miss spring even in winter?" "Six." The roommate gave her a thumbs up directly. "Top Reading Comprehension."

After the last class, the classmate asked Xuexue to have dinner. "I have to finish the report, so I won't go with you." After waving goodbye to everyone, she immediately went back to the dormitory to order takeaway for herself, a sukiyaki with a cup of half sugar milk tea. Today, my roommate went to the volleyball club's group dinner and won't come back. Xue Xue was also happy to be alone, catching up on the final report while having dinner, and at the same time not forgetting to pay attention to whether there is any movement on the phone. "Why haven't you called? Really." Xue Xue knew that Peng Yunchen had to go back to school first, so she didn't pay much attention to it at first, but it was already seven o'clock, and there was no news at all, which made people feel that something was wrong . Obviously they have made an appointment to go out for a midnight snack together, Xue Xue has even printed out the certificate of sleeping out. While she was busy and waiting, time passed at a speed comparable to a slow-moving movie. Until the moment the bell rang, Xue Xue hastily put down her work. "Hello?" Picking up the phone, she complained coquettishly as soon as she opened her mouth. "Why are you calling now?" The other side was silent. Xue Xue immediately sensed something was wrong. "You..." "Is it Xue Siyuan? I'm Xu Xingzhi, Peng Yunchen's friend."

Xue Xue really wanted to get to know Xu Xingzhi. But she never expected it to be in such a situation. After staring quietly at the man lying on the hospital bed through the glass panel for a long time, she closed her eyes and let out a long breath. Then, turn around. "Thank you." Sherlock paused. "In various senses." Xu Xingzhi shook his head upon hearing this. "You're welcome." He shook the coffee in his hand. "Drink it? I just finished smoking and went to the vending machine downstairs to buy it. I won an extra bottle." Xue Xue accepted the other party's kindness. They walked to the family rest area aside and sat down. "Old Peng should be fine. Don't worry too much. He was still conscious before entering the operating room. He just kept telling me not to tell you about it. Just find an excuse to contact you to report his safety." "I didn't If you act according to his wishes, you will definitely be scolded." As the man said, he raised his head and took a sip of his coffee. "It's okay." Xue Xue smiled. "If he scolds you, I'll scold you back." "That's fine haha." After laughing heartily twice, Xu Xingzhi leaned his head back. "I didn't expect this kid to do big things in a silent voice, and he didn't tell me when he got a girlfriend." Before Xue Xue could react, he continued: "But I also guessed that he had a girlfriend, because he got a girlfriend last night." I asked him out for a drink every month, and he said something to me, and he finally let go." "Do you understand how difficult it is? I used to think that he would be tied up by Ying An'an for the rest of his life." Xue Xue was stunned. . But after thinking about it, it didn't seem surprising that the other party and Peng Yunchen had a clear friendship since college. After all, in many cases, the bystanders are often clear, and the authorities are confused. "Ying An'an is not worthy." He finally came to a conclusion. Xue Xue turned his gaze from the aluminum can in his hand to Xu Xingzhi. This is undoubtedly a handsome man. The rough facial features have a different but more distinctive handsomeness from the current aesthetics, and his bulging muscles make him look less like a coffee shop owner and more like a majestic fighter in the boxing ring. "What?" Sensing Xue Xue's gaze, the man turned his body slightly. "Think I'm wrong?" Xue Xue shook her head. "On the contrary." She paused. "I think what you said is too reasonable." "Haha!" Xu Xingzhi smiled and showed his neat white teeth. "You are really interesting, much more interesting than Ying An'an." "Thank you for the compliment." Xue Xue shrugged. "I feel the same way."