The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 722: Her teacher (31)


After Xu Xingzhi left, Xue Xue returned to the ward.

As the other party stated, Peng Yunchen's injury was not serious, and it was the luckiest of misfortunes in the car accident.

But Xue Xue can't rest assured.

Perhaps she thought too much, and always felt that something was not quite right.

Staring at Peng Yunchen in a daze, looking at Xue Xue who was emptying his mind, but he didn't stop, turning around many thoughts, complicated and messy, but in the end they all pointed to a chilling possibility.

If the accident that Peng Yunchen encountered was not an accident, but someone did it deliberately...

Thinking of this, Xue Xue couldn't sit still.

She got up decisively and walked outside with her mobile phone.

Peng Yunchen fell into a fog.

All around is darkness.

He just felt cold, biting and penetrating into his heart and lungs.

At the moment when he was walking on the sidewalk as usual but was hit head-on by a high-speed car, only Xue Xue's face flashed in his mind, accompanied by a strong thought: to see her again.

This is the first time that Peng Yunchen has realized so deeply the position of the other party in his heart.

Afraid of her crying, afraid of her pain, afraid of her getting angry and sad, thinking of her smiling, thinking of her happy, thinking of her happy and carefree.

So, you have to live.

Enduring the physical pain by force, after contacting Xu Xing, he specifically confessed to his friend that he had to hide it from Xue Xue for him.

Although Peng Yunchen didn't have time to introduce the two of them.

But only by being sure of this can he feel at ease.

Peng Yunchen, who avoided the frontal impact by turning sideways in time, felt that he was not serious, but tried very hard to open his eyelids, as if there was an invisible force trying to pull him into a deep sleep.

He fought hard but to no avail.

Until I felt a warmth spread in my palm.

The fingertips were numb, but Peng Yunchen could clearly feel that this was not the residual effect of the anesthetic that had paralyzed his whole body, because he finally woke up.

The first picture that came into view was Xue Xue's face.

Seeing that he opened his eyes, the face that had been particularly listless due to worries and worries suddenly revealed a smile that moved Peng Yunchen's heart.

He opened his mouth to speak, but found that his throat was very dry, and his voice turned into violent coughs.

"Cough, cough cough—"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Xue Xue subconsciously wanted to help him up and pat him on the back, but soon realized that Peng Yunchen didn't even know if he could move casually just after the operation. "Wait, I'll go find the doctor."

Just then the nurse came to measure the blood pressure of the patient in the next bed.

"You take care of him first, Dr. Chen is in the next room, I'll ask him to come over."

"Okay." Xue Xue nodded towards the other party. "Thank you."


When the doctor came to examine Peng Yunchen, Xue Xue, who was standing aside, received a call back.

"Excuse me."

She walked outside the ward and found a secluded corner to pick up the phone.


"About what you just asked me, I have to ask you a question before I can answer." Through the receiver, Lin Zhu's tone felt extraordinarily cold. "Who is Peng Yunchen to you?"

"Boyfriend." Xue Xue said without hesitation: "He is my boyfriend."

The other side was silent.

The light breathing sound was deafening to Xue Xue's ears.

"I see." Lin Zhu finally said this: "Let's meet and talk in two days."

When Xue Xue returned to the ward, the doctor told her that Peng Yunchen was recovering well after the operation, and he could be discharged from the hospital after two or three days of observation without any problems.

Xue Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the doctor's word of mouth.

After pulling up the curtain, she walked to Peng Yunchen's bed and sat down.

"Why are you here?" The man lowered his voice. "I'm not... Xu Xingzhi's snarky one?"

"That's right." Xue Xue stared at him. "But I don't think he did anything wrong."

Xue Xue's sharp tone made Peng Yunchen unable to react for a moment.

He looked confused.

His face was pale, his eyes were dazed, and his good skin was indeed cute, but Xue Xue was not moved at all.

"You still want to hide such a big thing from me, Peng Yunchen, is your head made of paste?"

Peng Yunchen opened his mouth, but found that he didn't know what to say.

"I know your intention is good, you don't want me to worry, right?" Xue Xue continued: "But, Peng Yunchen, tell me who I am?"

She leaned towards the man, her jet-black eyes were astonishingly bright.

"I am your girlfriend, someone who can share with you and share with you!"

Concerned about the patient in the next bed, Xue Xue's decibels were not loud, but because of the pressure of her throat, it sounded a bit like gnashing of teeth.

"Do you understand Peng Yunchen? Between lovers, there should be more than just good things."

Xue Xue paused.

"I don't need a boyfriend who just wants to share good things with me, but doesn't want me to accompany him to face difficulties."

"Even if this kind of starting point is for my own good, this kind of love itself is incomplete."

"Do you understand?"