The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 724: Her teacher (33)


Peng Yunchen didn't like Xu Xingzhi's tone very much.

"You think I'm the kind of person who just plays around?" After a pause, he stabbed. "same as you?"

Xu Xingzhi almost choked on the breath he just mentioned.

Although he does love to play, the premise of his love to play is based on the mutual affection and willingness of both parties.

Although Xu Xingzhi knew that this statement would only make Peng Yunchen scoff.

"Success, you are noble, I am vulgar."

After teasing himself, the car was quiet for a while.

He has to go to the coffee shop to inspect later, this time he is only responsible for sending Peng Yunchen home and packing a nutritious brunch for him by the way.

But Xu Xingzhi has never been a person who can relax.

Especially the mouth.

"That girl, Xue Xue, is quite young, right?"

"Well, freshman."


The car braked suddenly, and the unexpected impact made Peng Yunchen feel like someone stabbed his wound with a knife handle.

"I'm sorry, I was just too surprised." Knowing that he was in the wrong, Xu Xingzhi apologized decisively. "I just didn't expect...Old Peng, you can do it, the old cow eats tender grass, this time it is really enlightened, right?"

Peng Yunchen leaned back.

"Try talking nonsense like that again."

Knowing his personality well, Xu Xingzhi also stopped joking and became serious.

"She's not your student, is she?"

Seeing that Peng Yunchen didn't deny it, Xu Xingzhi knew he was right.

"Are you really good at it?" He glanced at his friend who was resting with his eyes closed, then shook his head and said to himself. "No, I don't think you can handle it. She confessed to you? But according to your personality, you won't agree, and you haven't heard much about this girl before. It's..."

"Don't guess, I won't tell you if I guess right."

"… you are vicious."

Just when Xu Xingzhi thought that this topic would end in Peng Yunchen's indifference, he said abruptly, "It's not the same."

Xu Xingzhi asked in confusion, "Ah?"

"What's different?"

Not getting an answer made the curious man tickle.

"How did you become so secretive after being a teacher for a long time?" He urged, "Tell me what's different."

"... Xue Xue."


"Xue Xue is different."

Although the tone was light and airy, Xu Xingzhi could feel the heavy weight from this phrase.

So he was very sure that the other party had really fallen.

Although I was a little worried that Peng Yunchen would jump from Ying An'an to another fire pit, but he has been in business for so long and he is used to the service industry with all kinds of human nature. Xu Xingzhi thinks that he is accurate in judging people.

He intuitively felt that Xue Xue and Ying An'an were fundamentally different.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that's normal." After laughing heartily twice, Xu Xingzhi patted his friend on the shoulder. "I also think my girlfriend is the best, during the relationship."

Peng Yunchen didn't respond to his slapstick, because only he could understand some things and some feelings.

Turning his head to look out the window at the street scene flying past in front of him, each scene was reflected in his pupils but did not penetrate into Peng Yunchen's eyes.

When you find that you can only accommodate the existence of one person in your vision, the weight of this person in your life is destined to be unbearable.

But he considers himself lucky.

A chance to feel the weight of the unbearable, to finally meet the right person at the right time after saying goodbye to a wrong past.

"Are you here?"


"Wait for me, I just left the school, the professor suddenly stayed with us for half an hour for some reason today."

"Okay." Lin Zhu was silent for a moment. "Not urgent."

After hanging up the phone, Xue Xue couldn't help laughing.

Several times of erroneous fate made her feel that Lin Zhu is actually a very cute girl.

Although in the previous life...

Stopping his thoughts, Xue Xue didn't want to think deeply.

The pedestrian signal lights at the intersection have changed.

She habitually stepped out with her right foot and was about to walk on the zebra crossing. At this moment, someone suddenly called her: "Xue Siyuan."

It was a female voice that was not familiar but definitely not unfamiliar.

Looking back, it was Ying An'an as expected.

But Xue Xue didn't pay attention to her, because the other party is not alone today, and she is still with her...

"Dragon has to fly."

Xue Xue only said this name silently in his heart, without making a sound.

Long Defei is also looking at her at the same time.

The invisible sense of oppression was instantly suppressed, as if being covered by an impenetrable net.

This is probably the power of the so-called hero.

Xue Xue thought about it bitterly, but she didn't show it on the face, she looked away calmly and greeted Ying An'an: "What a coincidence, Sister An'an."

The tone was delicate, but it sounded yin and yang.

Ying Anan, who has always been very thoughtful, was not surprised, and immediately changed his face.