The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 726: Her teacher (35)


Including whether Lin Zhu loves Long Defei or not.

At the same time that Xue Xue's heart changed from a certain fact to a question, she had a strong premonition in her heart that she would get a completely different answer from her previous cognition.

"You tell me... you met Ying An'an and Long... Defei?"

Lin Zhu's performance didn't change much, except that he hesitated a little when saying the man's name, as if he was not used to addressing him directly.

Xue Xue nodded.

"You and Ying An'an should be quite familiar, right?" She continued to probe: "After all, her entanglement with Long Defei, oh no, it's a relationship, and it's been a long time?"

Lin Zhu did not speak.

Time passed quietly to the sound of music.

It was meal time, and the number of people in the restaurant began to increase.

In the increasingly noisy environment, Xue Xue's mood was exceptionally calm.

Even so, when Lin Zhu asked who she was, she still felt a moment of tension.

Fortunately, Xue Xue's on-the-spot reaction has always been very fast.

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Zhu obviously doesn't like to pretend to be stupid.

"The first time I met you was abroad." She stated methodically: "The second time I met you was at a bar, where we exchanged contact information."

"And we didn't see each other until you called me at the hospital."

"I didn't receive your call, but you sent me a message, asking if Long Defei has anything unusual recently, or is he targeting someone, such as a person named Peng Yunchen."

"So I called you back and asked who Peng Yunchen belongs to you."

"You told me he was your boyfriend."

"I didn't think much about it at the time. After all, your tone is quite natural, as if everything is taken for granted."

"Indeed, it's not surprising that you know Ying An'an or even Long Defei. After all, one of them is your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, and the other is your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's partner."

It was rare for Lin Zhu, who had spoken so much, to finally stop, his sharp gaze like a hawk locked Xue Xue firmly like a detector, and did not give her any chance to dodge.

"But I've been ignoring the most important thing before."

"Why do you know about my relationship with Long Defei?"

Facing Lin Zhu's aggressive and sharp analysis, Xue Xue remained silent.

This is an obvious flaw, and it is quite a fluke to be ignored once.

But Xue Xue never rejects being a greedy gambler at certain times, especially when the chips on the table opposite him are already enough to tempt him.

Moreover, she will not be an unprepared gambler.

That's so stupid.

"Is that weird?" She lowered her eyelids. "I graduated from Langang High School, so I haven't told you before?"

"Many of my friends are in the same circle as Long Defei."

So far.

If you don't speak clearly, sometimes it's easier for people to round out the logic themselves.

What's more, Xue Xue didn't lie.

Langang High School has always been the first choice for the rich and powerful in Beijing and Hong Kong. It is normal for Xue Xue, who came out of Langang High School, to have connections and know some news that others do not know. After all, it is not a matter of a day or two for Lin Zhu to be with Long Defei up.

Sure enough, although he didn't say anything, Lin Zhu's expression softened.

Because Xue Xue gave a reasonable answer.

"I see." She apologized decisively. "I misunderstood, sorry."

Xue Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Your doubts are just human nature." She raised her eyes and smiled at Lin Zhu in a friendly manner. "I should have made it clear from the beginning."

If it were changed to Xue Siyuan's memory before actual contact, Xue Xue didn't think what he said would be of any use.

But after actual contact, she found that Lin Zhu and Xue Siyuan's memories were different. She knew that such an extra sentence might make the other party feel guilty, and then break through her psychological defense.

Although Lin Zhu has always concealed these delicate emotional changes very well, as long as the probability exists, it is worth a try.

Moreover, she can also ask her doubts frankly if she speaks out.

"No offense intended, but... there's something I'm curious about."

Compared with beating around the bush and probing, it is easier for people like Lin Zhu to let go of their guards by being generous and frank.

She looked at Xue Xue.

"You tell me."

"It's just... there have always been rumors that you have a crush on Long Defei..."

Xue Xue hesitated, Lin Zhu looked confused.

"What? It's rumored that I have a crush on Long Defei... ah." She suddenly realized. "Say I like Long Defei, right?"

Lin Zhu smiled, full of sarcasm, and easily let Xue Xue get the answer she wanted and expected without words.

"You don't like him." Xue Xue paused, and boldly guessed: "Even... a little hate?"

The word "hate" is spoken lightly like flying catkins, and when the air-conditioning blows, it is mixed with the aroma of food and dissipates in the air, leaving no trace behind.

But Lin Zhu could see her mouth shape clearly.

"Oh." She laughed lowly. "I'm not qualified for that."

Xue Xue frowned, and before she had time to ponder the meaning behind Lin Zhu's tone, she said, "I was born as a dog of the Long family, and died as a ghost of the Long family. How dare I be rebellious?"