The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 727: Her teacher (36) h


It wasn't until Peng Yunchen waved Xue Xue's hand in front of him more than ten times that he came back to his senses.

"Thinking of what?" he asked. "So attentive."

"It's okay." Xue Xue shook his head first, then sighed old-fashionedly. "I just didn't expect the diversity of species in the world to be so complicated."

"… ah?"

Raising her hands high above her head, after a leisurely stretch, Xue Xue leaned her entire back against the leg of the sofa chair.

"I just suddenly felt very lucky. I lived in a normal family with loving parents. Although I encountered some difficulties in the process of studying, it was really nothing in retrospect. Then I was very lucky to meet you."

Xue Xue straightened her upper body suddenly, and leaned towards the man.

"my teacher."

The eyes are slightly narrowed, the exhalation is blue, and the provocative meaning is strong.

While his body froze, Peng Yunchen felt a strong heat flow from the skin burned by Xue Xue's breath all the way to his lower abdomen.

The sexual organs responded immediately.

Xue Xue's hands were also restless.

First, he slid down from the man's handsome face, and scratched his resolute chin provocatively with his slender three fingers, and then came to the protruding Adam's apple on his neck.

The fingertips twirled ambiguously.

Circle after circle.

Peng Yunchen was trembling.

Thin and numb itching surged from his limbs, causing his hands and feet to quickly become sore and limp.

The man blamed it on the fact that he had just finished wielding the knife.

"Don't make trouble..."

"I'm not making trouble." Xue Xue smiled Mimi, but the travel of her fingers did not stop, and she continued to explore the mysteries of the human body. "The teacher's figure is very good. Before pulling the lamp, I could only rely on feeling. Next time, I have to try it in broad daylight..."

"Stop it!"

Hearing that her words became more and more outrageous, Peng Yunchen firmly grasped the little hand that was making trouble on his chest.

Although his facial expression and tone tried his best to appear serious and serious, the increasingly rapid breathing and unusual temperature revealed that his inner restlessness was no less than that of Xue Xue.

A strong stance is nothing more than a bluff.

Xue Xue, who grasped this point, was not afraid at all, and even clasped Peng Yunchen's wrist with his backhand.

"The teacher's heartbeat is so fast." She blinked her eyes and asked earnestly like a good student eager to learn: "Why?"

Peng Yunchen stared at her.

His dark eyes melted into the thick ink, yet clearly showed his own reflection.

Small, like being packed into a black crystal.

Xue Xue's heartbeat also began to uncontrollable.

Noticing something was wrong, she started to retreat, but she didn't expect that Peng Yunchen suddenly pulled the person in front of her with all his strength.


Xue Xue was afraid of pressing on his wound, so she hurriedly put her hands on the ground to prevent herself from pressing directly on Peng Yunchen.

But then the two pose in a strange and... erotic way.

Xue Xue is now a typical example of having a wicked heart but not a guts.

I really like to tease my boyfriend, but when I really annoy him, I turn my face and deny him.

But this time Peng Yunchen didn't intend to spoil her.

"It's not because of my worry-free little ancestor."

He bowed his head, and the strength in his hands became stronger.

In order to maintain balance, Xue Xue could only lean her body against Peng Yunchen's calf, where there were more bones than muscles, which contrasted with the soft chest, making it uncomfortable.

However, what Peng Yunchen said made Xue Xue very useful.

"How can I make people worry?" She said angrily, and simply used the man's knee as a hard pillow. "Obviously you are the more worrying person."

"Oh? Let's talk about it carefully."

Xue Xue didn't want to talk to him.

The years are quiet.

The wind and snow outside the window had nothing to do with the warmth in the house. When the ambiguous atmosphere gradually dissipated, the invisible bond between the two became more profound and stronger, which was incompatible and contradictoryly harmonious with the harsh winter.

In the corner of Peng Yunchen's living room is a portable heater in the shape of a fireplace.

Before he knew it, the dry and warm air made him drowsy.

Xue Xue was in a daze, feeling as if she was still awake and then fell asleep.

Half asleep and half awake, she felt a generous hand on her head, stroking her long hair gently and carefully.

Very comfortable.

Consciousness is like the dusk being chased by the night, disappearing bit by bit. When Xue Xue was about to fall asleep, Xue Xue heard Peng Yunchen's gentle voice.

"It's my luck to meet you."

He said so.

"Although a lifetime may be a long time, I think this is the luckiest thing in my life."

"What's going on recently?"

Xue Xue, who was happily eating melon seeds and watching dramas after the New Year's Eve, spent time at home with relatives, didn't react at all when she heard her mother's question.

"What's the situation?" She turned her head suspiciously. "There's nothing wrong with that."

Yu Fengnian looked at it carefully for a while before confirming that his daughter was not pretending to be stupid but really stupid.