The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 734: Her teacher (43)


Hearing what he said, Xu Xingzhi fell silent.

"They are your parents after all..."

"So I will do my part."

But that's all.

Peng Yunchen used to be very grateful to his parents. When he was tired of studying and shrank into his own safety shell due to too much pressure in junior high school, the two did not give up. They even gave him a book to successfully change his mind and get out of the predicament.

Although they are busy with work and don't have much time to spend with their children, Peng Yunchen can understand, until later he found out that his understanding was no different from a joke.


The moment he learned that his parents still had a home outside, Peng Yunchen actually didn't feel much.

Maybe he vaguely guessed this possibility, but he just didn't want to believe it before the evidence was presented.

But facts are facts and will not change due to exposure sooner or later.

"Mom and Dad are actually divorced, but they didn't tell you, for fear of affecting your college entrance examination."

"Later, I didn't know how to speak."

"It was not our intention to let you know this so suddenly, but... Ah Chen, your father and I are still business partners, and you will also be our most precious son. This point will not change in any way. "

The woman's voice was gentle and her eyes flickered.

Always kept silent, Peng's father, who let his ex-wife speak, spoke at this time.

"Your mother is right. We have notarized the property. It should be yours in the future, and there will be no less."

Hearing this, Peng Yunchen only thought it was funny.

It turns out that family love can be bought with money.

Or just to yourself

It seemed that at this moment, Peng Yunchen understood what kind of people his parents had been with for more than ten years.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Disappointment accumulated to the extreme, leaving only nothingness.

"In that case, I hope you will remember what you said now." Peng Yunchen lowered his eyelids. "Don't forget about it when you get blown by the pillow."

Unexpectedly, he would say such "sharp" words, and the two of them were stunned.

In the eyes of those who know Peng Yunchen, he has always been a gentle and steady person who doesn't need to worry much.

Even more so in the eyes of parents.

Although there was a period of special depression, Peng Yunchen didn't bother them too much, and later adjusted it by himself.

With excellent grades, well-behaved and stable, it can be said that being Peng Yunchen's parents is quite comfortable.

So the two of them took it for granted that Peng Yunchen would respect their decision and continue to be a son who would still be successful even if he was ignored.

The current situation is therefore far beyond their expectations.

Peng Yunchen felt very boring.

Seeing the embarrassing smile on his mother's well-maintained face, and the cracks finally appearing on his father's perennially serious face, there was no disturbance in his heart.

Anyway, I have grown up.

Sometimes I also think that when my parents stated that they wanted me to get a job within the examination system, was it really for my own good? Still don't want to compete with their kids outside

In fact, Peng Yunchen did not choose to take the teacher's editor's test without any struggle as Ying An'an thought. He experienced the battle between heaven and man, questioned and denied it, but in the end he chose to listen to the truest voice in his heart and chose this Work.

Until now, Peng Yunchen only feels lucky.

For him, teaching is a job that reflects value and brings value to others. At the same time, because of this job, he was fortunate to meet Xue Xue.

Six months ago, Peng Yunchen would never have thought that he would associate with the students he taught.

But he does not regret this impulsive and reckless decision at first glance.

There is nothing wrong with following your heart.

It was so then, and it is so now.

"Hey, you're actually right."

Xu Xingzhi sighed suddenly.

"Everyone has their own life." He paused. "Actually, it was my aunt who called me a few days ago, saying that she wanted to come over to see you but was afraid that it would be inconvenient for you, so let me speak first."

Hearing this, Peng Yunchen smiled.

The sarcasm is undisguised.

"She wants to send her daughter to Port Lan."

"… ah?"

"She mentioned to me before that she asked me to take more care of her. I said that there is nothing to take care of. After all, her daughter is a student, and I am just an ordinary teacher who treats everyone equally."

"She was not very happy after hearing this, and felt that I was perfunctory to her."

Unexpectedly, there was such a story behind it, and Xu Xingzhi was quite speechless.

"... OK, then the next time she calls, I'll just find a reason and hang up."

Peng Yunchen was noncommittal.

"However, I would like to advise you to be more careful."

"As you said, you are just an ordinary people's teacher, and fighting wits and courage with those people will not gain any upper hand."

"Yeah." Peng Yunchen stood up and patted his friend on the shoulder. "Thank you, I will remember this kindness."

"What kind words are you talking about?" Xu Xingzhi spat. "In the future, just remember to invite me to sit at the main table when you post invitations for marriage."

"Fuck you." Peng Yunchen scolded with a smile. "Full of nonsense."