The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 740: Her teacher (49)


This seems to be human nature.

When you get something that is hard to get, you will always worry about gains and losses.

Even the experienced Xue Xue could hardly avoid this from happening.

It's not that you can't feel love, but that you can't judge that love comes from the heart, or it's just a perfunctory last resort.

But at this moment, Xue Xue felt it.

That strong, spontaneous emotion.

"Baby orgasms because of me is my reward."

She heard Peng Yunchen say that.

It's rare for a man to say such nasty words. Although he didn't stutter, his ears that were so red as if scalded by boiling water had already betrayed him.

But in order to let Xue Xue understand how real his feelings are, he still tried his best to express them.

It's all worth it.

There is always such a kiss, such a night, that two people who love each other will understand that their hearts are connected.

An ordinary and unusual fish-and-water copulation made people's blood boil, and the memory is still fresh.

It's like drawing a thick and colorful stroke on the eighteen-year-old calendar.

Although the price was that he was so sore that he couldn't get out of bed the next day, and he had to carry him to the bathroom to help him even wash himself.

Peng Yunchen felt nothing, but Xue Xue was very embarrassed.

You know, both Xue Siyuan and she are girls who can independently solve life's big and small things since they were young, and it is particularly embarrassing to be in a state where they can't lift their hands or shoulders.

"Learning to take care of others starts with learning to take care of yourself." He said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Since I was young, my parents didn't spend much time at home, so I had to learn to be self-reliant."

Hearing this, Xue Xue who was swallowing the macaroni noodles offered by the man almost choked.

Peng Yunchen's tone didn't change, but Xue Xue was stunned.

Only then did she realize that Peng Yunchen rarely mentioned his parents.

But in Xue Siyuan's memory, Peng Yunchen once mentioned his past experience in order to explain the impressive first meeting.

About gratitude, about a book given by his parents, which enabled him to successfully overcome his inner demons and continue to improve on the road to school.

But since the two dated, Peng Yunchen talked about his parents very few times.

Even Xue Xue couldn't find any trace of this topic after searching through her memory.

She opened her mouth to ask, but she didn't know how to speak properly.

There is no sense of proportion between lovers, this is the truth that Xue Xue gradually realized after traveling through so many worlds.

No matter how intimate a relationship is, there are limits.

Proper space and distance are sometimes the key to longevity.

As if realizing that the atmosphere had suddenly cooled down, Peng Yunchen explained with a smile: "My parents are divorced."

Xue Xue blinked her eyes.

"Both of them cheated on each other, had other lovers and children, and I was like...a burden, but it was useful, so they didn't really want to get rid of me..."

Caught off guard, half a soft-boiled egg was stuffed into his mouth, and Peng Yunchen's voice disappeared without a trace.

He looked at Xue Xue, and Xue Xue also looked at him.

His expression couldn't be more serious.

"You are not a burden." She said clearly and forcefully, "You are not allowed to say that about yourself!"

As Xue Xue's words fell, Peng Yunchen felt his heart tremble violently, and the heat surged from nowhere warmed his limbs, and at the same time filled the black hole in his heart that was not humane.

In fact, Peng Yunchen always felt that he was very lucky.

His parents said it was irresponsible to be irresponsible, but at any rate it did not shorten his food and clothing.

As for the relationship with Ying An'an, although they became strangers in the end, the two did spend a time of mutual redemption and love.

And when he felt haggard again, Xue Xue appeared.

For this alone, Peng Yunchen was very grateful.

After chewing and swallowing the soft-boiled egg in his mouth, he nodded solemnly.

"Well, you're right."

Xue Xue carefully looked at the man's expression, and heaved a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no problem. At the same time, he half complained and half coquettishly said: "Don't talk about yourself like that in the future, it sounds uncomfortable."

She thought for a while and added another sentence. "If you are a burden, then what am I who likes you? There is no need to belittle yourself. Your parents don't know your goodness is their problem, not yours."

"Don't punish yourself for someone else's mistakes."

After Xue Xue finished speaking, she lowered her eyelids.

It feels very strange to say such words in front of Peng Yunchen.

Her face is hot.

However, she hadn't heard Peng Yunchen's response for a long time. Driven by curiosity, she still secretly glanced at him.

Only then did Peng Yunchen move.

With clear eyebrows and a relaxed posture, even sitting in front of an ordinary table and chair, she still looks elegant.

It was unbearable to watch.

"It's said to be an adult at the age of eighteen, but many people are still children at the age of eighteen."

"And you... have really grown up."

It is no longer the child squatting by the rose forest and crying heartbreakingly, but an adult who can be responsible for his own life and choices.

No longer just needing comfort, but also being a comfort to others.

In Peng Yunchen's view, this is the real growth.

"But even if you grow up, you can still be a child with me." There was a gentle smile on his lips. "You can be whatever you want."

There is no need to cater to expectations, and there is no need to weigh everything, as long as you are happy and comfortable being yourself.