The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 741: Her teacher (50)


Long Defei has encountered a lot of troubles recently.

One of the things that caught him off guard the most was that he didn't expect that his elder brother, Long Detian, who fled abroad in desperation, returned home quietly a month ago.

He didn't even get the report in time.

Realizing that there was a loophole in the safety net he had set up, Long Defei was furious, and decided to check and clean up the interior.

At that time, he exhausted all means to get to the position, but not only the powerful Long family involved in both black and white in Beijing and Hong Kong, but also Long Defei's father's wife Gao Wen was not an easy-going lamp.

The Gao family is a well-known military and political family in the capital, but Gao Wen, who was later regarded as the family's rising star, made a mistake in the process of being promoted to the central government. His opponent seized the opportunity to attack him, and then interrupted his official career for several years.

Long Defei seized this opportunity to take advantage of the situation, and combined with external forces to acquire the Long family in one fell swoop.

In fact, the wave of doubts within the Long family has never stopped regarding this matter, but because Long Defei is good at controlling violence with violence, and loves to settle accounts after autumn, many people are forced to keep silent.

But there are many people who secretly support Long Detian.

Now, Gao Wen's eldest brother has been reused after four years, which means that Long Detian has Olympic aid again.

And back then, Long Defei used tricks to force Gao Wen to die in the fire cave, and forced Long Detian to take his wife and children away to avoid disaster. There was a bloody feud between the two.

It's not that I didn't report, the time has not yet come.

He said he didn't believe in fate and ghosts, but in fact, Long Defei had a deeper fear of cause and effect than ordinary people.

After all, he was still young and already had too many lives and blood on his hands.

Even if he is hard-hearted and used to being cold-blooded and ruthless, as a human being, he must have weaknesses, and Long Defei has always hidden his weaknesses very well.

It used to be like this.

Until he met Ying An'an.

A woman who needs a promise, a lover who needs to tell the world, who Long Defei cares about most in this world, can gain a sense of security from it.

But he couldn't refuse the other party, so he had no choice but to push back the bottom line again and again.

"Have you found it?"

Cong En shook his head.

"A bunch of trash!"

Long Defei smashed out the cup beside him.

Cong En didn't flash.

The sharp porcelain edge scratched his cheek, and a line of blood quickly emerged, which was not abrupt on the tough face that already had an obvious scar, and he himself remained indifferent, still maintaining the same posture.

The man's eyes were wide open, the anger in his heart was still there, but he calmed down a little.

He knew that someone must be behind this matter.

As for who...

With a fixed gaze, Long Defei looked at the woman next to Cong En.

Lin Zhu's posture was similar to Cong En's, but he was not as respectful and serious as him. When Long Defei's gaze turned to him, he even raised his eyes to greet him, without any guilt.

But Long Defei didn't just let her go.

The gaze that seems to be able to penetrate all objects and directly penetrate into the depths of a person's heart is more invisible than tangible, like a mobile scanning machine, intending to strip Lin Zhu naked from the inside out.

Lin Zhu is neither humble nor overbearing, neither dodges nor dodges.

Her equanimity also quickly dissipated the flash of suspicion in Long Defei's heart.

Cong En has also been with Long Defei for many years, so he is naturally aware of his little emotional changes.

Unwillingness flashed through the man's downcast triangular eyes.

"How are you doing then?"

"The old steward's family has been controlled, and we will wait for the other party to contact us."

This is a happy event in these days when things are not going well.

Long Detian's old steward was left by Gao Wen for his son, but the other party was as good at hiding as a loach, and someone was secretly supporting him. At that time, Long Defei had just taken over the Long family and had too many things to deal with and too many troubles to deal with. Solved, after sending people to look for it several times to no avail, he left this figure who had faded out of sight behind him.

But based on the information that has been found so far, Long Detian was able to go back to China without relying on his uncle, and the old steward was also one of the key figures.

Long Defei immediately asked Lin Zhu to arrest him.

It is not easy to find out his whereabouts in the three caves of the cunning rabbit, but it will be different if he shows up on his own initiative.

Lin Zhu can always perfectly complete the tasks assigned by Long Defei, and this time is no different.

Trust is sometimes built up in this way, even though the parties may not be aware of it.

"Keep an eye on it, don't make any mistakes again."


Lin Zhu left first.

Only then did Cong En look up.

"Young Master Long."

Long Defei rolled his eyelids.

"Speak directly if you have something to say." Seeing him hesitate to speak, Long Defei sneered. "You should know what I hate the most, right?"

Temptation and following commit.

Cong En knew that he was in a hurry, but...

"I think Lin Zhu has a problem."

"Oh?" As soon as these words came out, Long Defei's expression immediately became playful. "How to say?"

"I don't have any evidence, but... Young Master Long!"

Long Defei threw the knife he was playing with directly in front of Cong En, and the man who wanted to explain shut up instantly.

It was a warning, and he was careless.

"Suspicion is not a bad thing." Long Defei turned his head, his eyes were cold, his tone was cold, but his expression was gentle. "But things like fighting in the nest will only hurt the friendship for no reason. You can't talk nonsense without evidence. Cong En, you should know this best?"

Cong En naturally understood that he was considered the leader of a small faction in Beijing and Hong Kong back then, but he was stabbed in the back by his brother, not to mention seriously injured and even almost arrested. It was Long Defei who had met once before who rescued him. That's how you get out of jail.

Cong En has a personality that can help his brother, and Long Defei took the risk to help him because he fell in love with him at the beginning.

Facts have also proved that this decision could not be more correct.

Thanks to Cong En, there are many dirty things that don't have to go through my own hands.

However, it seems that their natures are against each other. Since Long Defei was promoted to the position of left and right hands, Cong En and Lin Zhu have always disliked each other.

Long Defei also took this into consideration, even though he never intervened, it was in his best interest to let the two restrain each other.

But this does not mean that in this eventful time, he is still willing to distract himself from such meaningless trivial matters.

"This time I'll pretend you didn't mention it, go down."

Long Defei waved his hand, making it clear that he didn't want to talk more.

Cong En had no choice but to lower his eyelids to hide the dissatisfaction in his eyes.
