The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 745: Her teacher (54)


Ying An'an looked at him, but she didn't seem to be looking at him.

It was a nostalgic and sad look, which didn't touch Peng Yunchen, but made him feel sick.

Looking back now, I used to be as ridiculous as a clown.

Peng Yunchen once refused to admit this, perhaps this is also a kind of unnecessary persistence, after all, he and Ying An'an did go through a period of youth that was very loving and redeeming each other.

Denying Ying An'an is like denying her past self to some extent.

It wasn't until he met Xue Xue, bravely invested in a new relationship, and examined the past and present again, that Peng Yunchen realized that he was a coward through and through.

The moment you realize this is the real relief.

The gentle heartbeat at the moment when she raised her eyes and found that the person who came was Ying An'an proved this well.

"If you don't want to say it, then there's no need to say it." Peng Yunchen snorted, not wanting to explore her thoughts. "I'll take you here, take a taxi..."

"Peng Yunchen." Ying An'an said suddenly: "I don't know what ecstasy soup your little girlfriend gave you, but it's wrong for you to do this. Have you forgotten what you said to me before? You said you want to protect me , take care of me, and will…”

"You also said it was before." Peng Yunchen interrupted her. "The past is the past, not the present, let alone the future."

Ying An'an was taken aback.

"Commitments should never be one-way."

"A one-way promise is nothing but a pleasant self-comfort."

Following these two sentences, the woman's face turned pale.

As night fell, the street lights came on, but Ying An'an, who was standing on the sidewalk, had the illusion of being thrown into the darkness, especially when she met Peng Yunchen's eyes.

The gentle appearance was torn away, revealing the cool inside.

A kind of panic about losing something swept her in an instant, Ying An'an trembled unconsciously, her expression was pitiful, her eyes were confused and innocent.

This appearance is an invincible weapon. It is very lethal to old friends with good thoughts and lovers with love. It can always make her succeed in getting what she wants, or what she doesn't want to give up.

But Peng Yunchen still didn't respond.

Not even a little moved.

Suddenly, a strong sense of shame welled up from the bottom of her heart, dispelling the strong uneasiness that had enveloped her just now.

Ying An'an couldn't accept that she was the weak side in front of Peng Yunchen.

So she ran away.

Fleeing in embarrassment.

Peng Yunchen stood on the spot and watched the other party leave.

The farther and farther back is like the footprints she left in her life, which are getting weaker and weaker.

"I heard that Ying Anan came to see you?"


"Don't play dumb, I'm an informant."

" it Xu Xingzhi who broke his mouth again?" Without even thinking about it, Peng Yunchen knew that this was a good thing done by that bad friend who was afraid of chaos in the world. "You often go to his place recently?"

Hearing this, Xue Xue's eyeballs rolled in circles.

She seemed to smell a hint of vinegar

"Cough." Peng Yunchen also realized that his tone was not right, and cleared his throat in a concealed manner. "I did not mean that."

"Oh?" Xue Xue teased him. "Then what do you mean?"

Peng Yunchen could see Xue Xue's plan this time, he smiled and shook his head while pinching her cheek.



"Hey." Xue Xue patted off the man's evil hand. "It will hurt."

"Really?" Peng Yunchen felt itchy when he recalled the slippery touch left on his fingertips. "Shall I take a look for you again?"

"Don't make trouble..."

Xue Xue blocked the man's outstretched hands with a smile, and at this moment, the mobile phone on the table rang.

The two glanced at the same time.

Xue Xue reacted one step faster than Peng Yunchen, and directly picked up the phone and jumped off the sofa.

"My friend." Xue Xue waved her hand. "You are not allowed to come and eavesdrop when you are whispering."

After finishing speaking, he ran into the room and locked the details to prevent Peng Yunchen from entering.

His movements are as agile as a cunning rabbit.

Peng Yunchen rubbed his chin, somehow felt that Xue Xuefang's performance was a bit deliberate, but on second thought, he felt that it was unnecessary, probably because he was dazzled by turning over the archaeological questions for the exam papers at the beginning of the semester.

"Ying Anan is pregnant."

Even though she was used to Lin Zhu's straightforwardness, Xue Xue was still taken aback.

Then she realized that this was another thing that happened in Xue Siyuan's previous life, but with a different timeline.

"Then should I congratulate her?"

Xue Xue went to the edge of the bed and sat down.

A corner of the soft bed was immediately dented.

"Congratulations or not is not important."

Lin Zhu's answer was stern, and Xue Xue's expressionless face quickly appeared in Xue Xue's mind.

"Ying Anan's mood is very unstable."

"Huh?" She switched hands to hold the phone. "What kind of unstable method?"

"Last Friday, after returning to the villa at 8:00 p.m., Ying An'an locked herself in the room alone, and didn't eat breakfast the next day. Long Defei has been so busy with Long Detian's affairs that he hasn't gone back for several days. The nanny Auntie couldn't coax Ying An'an, so she had no choice but to call Long Defei."

Xue Xue listened quietly, she knew that Lin Zhu hadn't finished speaking.

And at this time last Friday...