The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 749: Her teacher (58)


Peng Yunchen did not dare to respond to such words.

Xue Xue clenched her hands into fists against the man's back, and in front of her was a warm and dry broad chest, exuding a reassuring smell.

Peng Yunchen's physique is not easy to sweat. Except for exercising or being exposed to the sun during the hot summer, he is always clean, which makes Xue Xue very envious.

The soundless silence dragged on for a long time.

Peng Yunchen stretched out his hand tentatively, and hugged Xue Xue back.

He was a little uncertain whether the other party was angry.

As time gets longer and longer, the gradually accumulated details allow Peng Yunchen to have a deeper understanding of what Xue Xue cares about.

He knew that Xue Xue paid more attention to the honesty between the two than the things outside his body.

It is not impossible to have secrets, but what should be shared together cannot be avoided.

But even if he has seen through this point, when faced with danger and possible harm, Peng Yunchen would still choose to cheat rather than take the slightest risk.

He is older than Xue Xue, so he has an obligation to protect him.

In Peng Yunchen's mind, this is the unconditional first rule.

Xue Xue, who got the response, circled the man's arm harder.

This move made Peng Yunchen's suspended heart gradually return to its original place.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, "I made you worry."

Xue Xue shook her head, and when she realized that the man was invisible, she raised her head.

"You don't need to say sorry to me." After a pause, Xue Xue continued: "I hope you can think carefully before doing something that you feel you need to say sorry to me next time."

Peng Yunchen was taken aback.

"I know your starting point is for my own good, but blind protection cannot change the status quo, and may even make me ignore the existence of danger."

"This truth, the teacher should be more clear."

Xue Xue changed her name.

The voice was soft, but it reverberated loudly in Peng Yunchen's chest.

"So let's face it together, shall we?"

"Don't just deal with it alone."

In the end, Xue Xue expressed his intentions.

She looked at Peng Yunchen, her dark eyes were like a bottomless autumn spring, full of vitality hidden inside.

Later, when Peng Yunchen recalled those days, he thought that he would still be suffering, because he had someone who stood side by side with him, so he didn't feel any timidity and fear.

"Do you need my help?"

"No, you're not fit to come out now, are you?"

"Indeed, but I don't need to come forward for this kind of thing." The man shrugged, his tone relaxed. "Catch the source and give a warning."

"Will Long Defei be afraid of warning?"

"He's not afraid, but his wife is."

Hearing this, Peng Yunchen remained silent.

"Why, the old love is over?"

Although he hasn't contacted Peng Yunchen for a long time, the man still knows about the entanglement between Ying An'an and Peng Yunchen.

"Of course not." Peng Yunchen replied quickly and without hesitation. "I just feel that if Ying An'an is used to threaten Long Defei, what's the difference between me and Long Defei?"

In this regard, the man's eyes were fixed, and he made a four-character evaluation.

"Be kind and soft."

"Since he was the one who was unkind to you first, what does it matter if you are unrighteous to him later?"

Of course Peng Yunchen understands this, and he also knows that the man is right, and sometimes he is tired of his own personality, but if the situation permits, Peng Yunchen still hopes to keep the bottom line as much as possible.

It's a kind of stubbornness.

Seeing what he was thinking, the man shook his head and said, "Think about it from another angle, releasing the rumor is only the first step, if Long Defei will make other moves in the future, and there is a high probability of directly hurting your lover, don't you still think so hard?" dawdling?"

Seeing that Peng Yunchen's face changed drastically, the man knew he had listened.

"Don't be unbelieving."

"At that time, I didn't think he would kill my mother." Recalling the past, the other party's eyes were no longer peaceful, and strong hatred burst out. "My mother really didn't treat this illegitimate child well, but she never shorted him for food and clothing. Even after Long Defei became an adult, she said that as long as he was willing to leave the Long family, she would give him a sum of money to spend the rest of his life in peace."

"But Long Defei pretended to agree, but in the end he repented, and even set up a trick to kill my mother."

"She was such a decent person all her life, but she left this world in such an unbearable way..." Long Detian took a heavy breath. "I can't forgive!"

"How could such a big person suddenly disappear?"

"Are you a bunch of idiots? Ah! Trash! Can't talk? Huh? Answer me!"

The sound of metal clashing was deafening.

Five men in black, headed by Cong En, knelt on one knee, their heads were so low that they were almost close to the ground, and their style of writing was as motionless as a sculpture.

The dripping blood made the rusty smell of the abandoned iron factory even more fishy.

"Speak! Are you dumb? Ah!"

Long Defei stared angrily, the veins around his temples protruded, and the muscles all over his body were knotted and bulging, his appearance was terrifying.

He was usually dressed in a straight suit, and looking at a tall and handsome man, he looked like a beast that had torn off the coat of civilization. His aura was so full that everyone present did not dare to take a breath.

Lin Zhu, who was hiding in the dark, lowered his eyelids, and waited for Long Defei to vent his emotions before walking out of the shadows slowly.