The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 752: Her teacher (61)


"Is it too early?"

Hearing Lin Zhu's voice, Xue Xue's heart tightened and her breathing stopped for a moment.

Although it was a bit distorted, she could hear the exhaustion in her voice, which was unprecedented in Xue Xue's memory.

In a way, Lin Zhu is indeed like a robot.

Always in a fully charged state, without any mistakes, it performs every task assigned by Long Defei.

It's no wonder that the man's dependence and trust in her is far deeper than he thought. Cong En could see it, Ying An'an could feel it, but Long Defei, as the person involved, blatantly ignored this, and gave them a chance to take advantage of it. opportunity.

Unknowing dependence and trust is the scariest thing.

"It's getting late." Xue Xue glanced at the pale skyline outside from the small window at the entrance of the corridor. "It's going to be dawn."

"Well... It turns out that it's not too early until dawn."

Almost at the same time as her words fell, the boulder pressing on Xue Xue's heart was also completely shattered.

Although ordinary people may not be able to hear it, Xue Xue knew that Lin Zhu was joking.

People who have never joked before will, and it is self-evident what it means.

"So things..." Straight to the point, her voice was trembling, and she couldn't even hold the phone firmly. "solved?"

Lin Zhu didn't hold back, and simply gave an answer.



Many things are inconvenient to talk over the phone, so Xue Xue asked Lin Zhu to come out to meet.

Lin Zhu agreed.

"But I'm not in Beijing and Hong Kong right now, so I'll contact you when I get back."

"Okay." Xue Xue paused. "Still be careful."

She knew that the solution was quite general, and although Lin Zhu would not have informed her if she was not fully sure, but if the matter really ended so easily, Long Defei might not be in vain.

I'm worried that the other party will abandon their armor and throw their weapons on the surface, but they are actually waiting to catch a turtle in the urn.

After all, in the memory of Xue Siyuan in his previous life, Long Defei was such a ruthless character.

But it is precisely because of this that his weakness is more prominent.

Ying An'an, and their children.

The cruel and ruthless man is a kind of love. This is probably the hero in a love fairy tale. Although his success steps on the blood of others, his downfall cannot make people feel a little bit of pity.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"That's good."

Xue Xue waited for Lin Zhu to hang up the phone.

But Lin Zhu did not move for a long time.

She asked suspiciously, "What's the matter? Is there anything else?"

"Well..." Lin Zhu said hesitantly, "It's like this..."

"Is Ying Anan okay?"


Peng Yunchen didn't ask Xue Xue how he knew about Ying An'an, just as Xue Xue didn't question why he went to meet Ying An'an without telling him.

This is the tacit understanding that the two of them have cultivated through this year of getting along.

You don't need to be honest about everything to understand and trust each other.

"Is she in the hospital now?"

"Well, the doctor said that she was frightened. Although there is nothing wrong with the examination, her mental state is not right. It is best to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days."

"Well, that's it." Xue Xue raised her eyes. "Then are you going to take care of her?"

This sudden question made Peng Yunchen almost choke himself with a sip of water.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Hey, be careful." Xue Xue reluctantly took out a tissue and gave it to him. "The reaction is so big, can't it be a guilty conscience?"

"Misunderstanding, big misunderstanding!" Peng Yunchen explained to himself while wiping his mouth: "He has a husband, so it's not my turn to take care of her, right? Besides, I don't want to take care of her either."

Realizing the ambiguity in the words, Peng Yunchen hurriedly added: "It's just a visit based on the past friendship."

"It turned out to be like this." She expressed her understanding. "Yes, it's normal."

Peng Yunchen's expression was uncomfortable for a moment, but Xue Xue didn't notice.

Actually he lied.

strictly speaking.

Peng Yunchen went to visit Ying An'an not because of his past friendship, but because he acted as the key screw in the whole incident. Although the boat passed without a trace, Long Detian survived unharmed as promised Sending Ying An'an back and taking himself out completely, but this cannot conceal his acquiescence at the beginning, and even provided the crucial information that allowed Long Detian's people to take Ying An'an away smoothly.

It originated from the positioning system that was forgotten to be deleted in the mobile phone software.

For this point, Peng Yunchen felt ashamed.

But this guilt is negligible.

With someone he wanted to protect, he knew he had to stand up bravely.

"I think Ying An'an is a typical person whose heart is higher than the sky and life is thinner than paper. She is suitable for ordinary people. Although she always thinks that she is not an ordinary person, she is actually the kind of ordinary people who are particularly weak against pressure. .”

Xu Xingzhi's words awakened Peng Yunchen.

Although I don't know and don't care what will happen to Long Defei and Ying Anan next, but after this incident, maybe Ying Anan can really grow up and accept the facts.

Long Detian also said that as long as Long Defei never comes back in peace, he will not do anything to his wife and children.

As for how to keep an eye on people, and what method will be used to completely break Long Defei's wings, Peng Yunchen, a common man, cannot guess.

He knew very well that it was not the world he lived in. Unlike Ying An'an, Peng Yunchen was not even interested in spying.