The Aftermath of Having Slept with the Villain

Chapter 753: Her teacher (62) finished


Contented and happy, Peng Yunchen has a different understanding of life after his parents divorced.

It is enough to get the one you love, be safe and healthy, and hold hands happily for a lifetime.

Compared with those beautiful but fragile worlds like bubbles, Peng Yunchen would rather live a simple and down-to-earth life.

What's more, I still have a decent job that I love, and I'm lucky compared to many people who have to make various compromises for their lives.

He never regretted parting ways with Ying An'an back then.

Unsuitable people, even if they are barely together, their feelings will be slowly worn away by various external factors.

And the right person...

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xue Xue said angrily, "I won't be tempted by beauty."

Even though he said that, his heart couldn't stop beating.

Peng Yunchen really has a good appearance, especially those eyes that are as deep as an ancient well and as clear as an autumn lake, when he quietly stares at a person, his affection is deep, like weaving an invisible net to cover Xue Xue .

Can't escape, can't hide.

As the handsome face approached, Xue Xue unconsciously held her breath.

When the distance between the two was only a few centimeters, Peng Yunchen stopped.

Their breaths were intertwined, accompanied by the tangy heat, which made people dizzy from the steam.

The world shrinks, only clear reflections remain in the eyes.

"Thank you." Peng Yunchen cupped her face. "Meeting you is the luckiest thing in my life."

"I didn't expect Lin Zhu to stand by my side."

"I always thought she was Long Defei's dog, my good father, a loyal dog specially raised for his precious son."

"This may sound like an exaggeration." Noticing his frown, Long Detian smiled. "But if you live in the Long family, you will understand how accurate my description is."

Regarding this, Peng Yunchen was noncommittal.

"That's the sharpest knife in Long Defei's hands. He uses it with ease. If Lin Zhu hadn't saved him back then..." Long Detian paused, and didn't continue, but said: "Anyway , I really didn’t expect that Lin Zhu could be successfully instigated.”

"It can only be said that it is terrible for a woman to hate because of love."

Long Detian finally came to such a conclusion.

Peng Yunchen was puzzled.

"Hate out of love?"

"Well, there are rumors in the world." Long Detian shrugged. "Although I think Lin Zhu doesn't know what love and hate are at all, but Long Defei ordered her to move, but maybe she suddenly became enlightened?"

Putting his fingers on his chin, Long Detian said playfully, "I just don't know who enlightened her."

"Your boyfriend knows Long Detian."

Xue Xue blinked and digested the message.


"Aren't you surprised?"

Xue Xue's reaction was quite beyond Lin Zhu's expectation.

"It can't be said that I'm not surprised." Xue Xue considered it carefully: "Isn't there something called... the theory of six degrees of separation? I think it makes sense. The relationship and fate between people is really hard to say."

"Since I can know you, it's not surprising that my boyfriend and Long Detian know each other."

Lin Zhu thought for a while and nodded.



Xue Xue's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and the crescent moon smiled.

But Lin Zhu continued to ask like a curious baby, "Aren't you wondering how they met?"

"Well, it's a bit curious to be curious, but if he doesn't take the initiative to ask, I probably won't ask. I don't think it's very important."

Xue Xue has always remembered what Xue Siyuan said to herself.

In addition to the matter about Peng Yunchen, she also mentioned that she spent too much time and energy dealing with Long Defei in her previous life, so in this life, she hopes that Xue Xue will live a normal, ordinary life.

As Xue Siyuan, let's experience daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

Whether he can achieve a positive result with Peng Yunchen is secondary, as long as he can avoid the tragedy of his previous life, it is enough for Xue Siyuan.

Therefore, although Xue Xue regards Lin Zhu as a friend and cooperates with him, he never crosses that line.

Not to be curious, not to explore, not to go deep into understanding.

Lin Zhu should also be aware of this, and most of the time his words stop at the point.

"Actually, they don't have any special relationship, and there shouldn't be too many intersections in the future." Lin Zhu thought for a while, and said, "This is the end of this matter, as far as you are concerned."

Xue Xue believed in Lin Zhu.

"That's good." She smiled. "Finally, I don't have to worry anymore."

Later, Xue Xue received the news from Lin Zhu that Long Defei and Ying Anan were sent abroad by Long Detian. She didn't ask about the specific follow-up, and neither did Lin Zhu.

These two people were catastrophes for Peng Yunchen, and it is a blessing that they can get through safely now, but for Xue Xue, this is an episode, it cannot be said to be insignificant, but it is not worth wasting time to care about.

But according to the news that Xu Xingzhi inadvertently disclosed once, it is impossible for Long Defei to cause any more disturbances, because Long Detian used many ways to restrict his freedom.

Among them, there are naturally unspeakable things.

As for Ying An'an, Peng Yunchen told Xue Xue later that she ran away.

Begging Long Detian, I would rather go to the street to beg for a living than take care of another man who is not good at behavior, has a volatile temper, and no longer has the glory of the past.

"It's embarrassing."

Xue Xue sighed.

"That's right."

Now Xue Xue would no longer use Ying An'an to test men, and in the past year, the number of times the name was mentioned between the two of them was extremely rare.

"Teacher, do you still remember?" Xue Xue stopped. "This is where we first met."

They came to the rose forest located behind the Langang High School gymnasium.

It has come to the end of the flowering period, but the flowers are still rich in color, and the branches and leaves are luxuriant, covering the wall with colorful colors.

Xue Xue has already graduated from university, submitted his resume, and was successfully admitted by the company where he was an intern in his junior year. He will officially start working next month. Today, Peng Yunchen also formally sent the students under his leadership into a new stage of life.

Regardless of studying or employment, everyone has a different path to go.

And Peng Yunchen and Xue Xue decided early on that they would hold each other's hands together.

"Yeah." Peng Yunchen also stopped. "That day, you were here, crying very sadly."

"Looking back now, I was so stupid back then."

Xue Xue chuckled lightly.

"I don't think so." Peng Yunchen shook his head. "There are different pressures at different stages. Many people just want to escape from the pressure, but you tried hard to solve the problem. I was also deeply impressed by you because of this at that time."

Hearing this, Xue Xue's heart warmed up.

"As expected of a teacher, what you say is different."

She joked, seeing the man's ears turn red as expected.

With a thought, Xue Xue took the initiative to hold Peng Yunchen's hand.

Peng Yunchen's body froze, but then he clenched his backhand even tighter.

The two approached.

Xue Xue's eyes are sparkling, hotter than the morning sun, more dazzling than the stars, to Peng Yunchen, they are like the pearls of the East China Sea, a rare treasure.

" you like me?"

"It's not just like it." Peng Yunchen paused. "is love."

A loud and clear singing sounded from a distance, accompanied by the louder and louder heartbeats, covering up the chirping of insects and birds, covering up redundant noises, and making every word that came out of Peng Yunchen's mouth extraordinarily clear.

The feeling of heartbeat is infinitely magnified at this moment, Xue Xue thinks he will remember it for the rest of his life.

"That's a coincidence." She said with a sweet smile, "I don't just like the teacher."

Letting go, standing on tiptoes, Xue Xue changed his arms around Peng Yunchen's neck.

"It's love."

One lowered his head, the other raised his head, and the lips of the two pressed together, exchanging a kiss without lust but extremely gentle.

In the sun, in the spring and summer breeze.

"Peng Yunchen, I need to teach you a lot for the rest of my life."

Be my teacher and my lover.


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