The Alchemist God

Chapter 106: I haven't seen you enough yet


Watching Zeng Yifan led a group of soldiers from the Shenwei camp to leave, Feng Jixing was relieved and turned around and asked, "Great deacon, are you okay?"

Lei Hong's complexion was so bad that he spit out a mouthful of blood, and the gray hair on the top of his head instantly turned white again.

"Grand Deacon!"

Zhang Wei and others rushed over in a hurry.

Lin Muyu also broke free from the beast-binding lock, supported Leihong's arm, and said, "Grandpa Leihong, are you okay?"

Lei Hong's expression was dim, and he said, "Everyone thinks that the two great sanctuary powerhouses of the empire are me and Qu Chu. I am afraid... the foremost sanctuary powerhouse in the empire is already the same as Zeng Yifan..."

Feng Jixing said: "Is Zeng Yifan really that strong?"


Leihong nodded, but smiled again, and looked at Lin Muyu and said, "Ayu, since your Majesty has forgiven you and Chu Yao's sins, then you can finally establish yourself in the temple and the capital with your true identity."

Lin Muyu nodded: "Yes! Thank you Grandpa Leihong, and thank you, Brother Feng!"

Feng continued to nod and groan, and said, "I'm afraid this may not be a good thing, it's better... I will go to meet your majesty, and ask your majesty to give you the status of an imperial guard, so that you will weigh it if you want to move the Shenhou Mansion, how about it? "

"Can you?" Lin Muyu did not refuse.

Lei Hong shook his head and said, "No, Ayu is a rookie in our temple. How can I give it to the Imperial Forest Army? No, I won't agree to anything."

Feng Jixing couldn't help but smile: "The deacon is really stubborn..."

Not long after, a group of medical officers from the Department of Spirit Medicine came to treat the injured in the temple, but Chu Yao also came. When she saw the seriously injured Lin Muyu, her eyes were red.

"What happened?" She asked while helping Lin Muyu wipe the wound with potion.

Lin Muyu sat on the stone pier of the temple, barking teeth and screaming with pain, while smiling and saying: "Sister Chu Yao, we will no longer have to hide in hiding. The crime has been pardoned by your majesty."

"Oh, really?" Chu Yao smiled happily, but said in a gloomy tone: "Ayu, you've been fighting all the time. Look at you, how many scars are all over your body? Promise me, in the future. Fight less, okay?"

"Well, people will not offend me in the future, and I will not offend others."


On the side, Zhang Wei, who was being healed by another spiritual medicine doctor, looked at the two with an ambiguous expression, and smiled: "Master Lin Muyu is so Yanfu, even if he was injured, there is such a beautiful beautiful doctor who healed him. , And it looks so good."

Chu Yao's beautiful face turned red in an instant, she glared at Zhang Wei, and said, "You are still so proud after such a serious injury, and I don't need to apply the medicine anymore."

Zhang Wei repeatedly begged for mercy: "Don't. If my wound is not applied with medicine, I am afraid it will become inflamed."

"Hmph, so I can teach you to keep talking!" Chu Yao said with a smile.

Zhang Wei was almost impressed immediately, and said, "Master Lin Muyu, if I had such a good sister, then I would definitely marry her as a wife. How can such an alluring sister be cheaper for others!"

Chu Yao blushed even more, "You still talk too much!"

Lin Muyu sat aside and looked at Chu Yao's shy beauty, but he was a little tempted, but he knew that he didn't belong to this world, and maybe he had a little to leave. If he couldn't leave with Chu Yao, why bother her. Where's your heart

It's just that this silly boy probably won't know, the beautiful woman's heart has already been messed up.

I just had a rest this night, and the injuries were too serious, so I could only lie down and practice the Forged Dragon Bone Scroll and Spirit Vessel Technique.

Lying on the bed, looking at the starry sky on the top of the secret room, Lin Muyu opened his eyes wide, the spiritual power of the spiritual pulse technique swayed like ripples. This spiritual pulse technique is indeed very magical, and a blow of the cohesive spiritual power can hit the enemy. It caused a blow to the soul, but it also needed to concentrate. So at the moment Zeng Yifan stepped into the temple, Lin Muyu tried to attack him with the spirit pulse technique. Unfortunately, he failed. Zeng Yifan’s spirit is stronger than him and his domain The same is better than him, and wanting to use the spirit pulse technique to fight against such a strong one needs a stronger cultivation base.

Moreover, today’s World War I also gave Lin Muyu a real sense of the power of the sanctuary. A master of the heavens challenging the sanctuary is tantamount to death, because once the opponent’s domain is opened, the strong of the heavens can hardly move. There is no chance of winning.

But how far is the sanctuary? No one knows.

After Lin Muyu stepped into the first stage of the heaven, he stayed at level 60 and stopped. Cultivation is not that simple. There are bottlenecks everywhere, so that Feng Jixing, Qin Lei and others are stuck in the first heaven. Breakthroughs, such powerhouses abound, and Leihong, Qu Chu and others have also stayed in the first heaven of the sanctuary for more than a decade without entering the territory.

Late at night, Zetian Temple.

A beautiful court lady was sitting gracefully on the white jade bed, with an exquisite drawing board set up on the side. Emperor Qin Jin waved a brush, drawing a brush on the white paper to outline the look and face of the beautiful woman.

Although Qin Jin was a great emperor, he was also called a "sacred hand" by the world. He wrote well in calligraphy and painting. It is said that the emperor once ordered his courtiers to sell his landscape paintings to the people at high prices.

It’s just that the graceful woman on the drawing board seems to be completely different from the court lady in front of her. The stunning beauty between her eyebrows is not comparable to this court lady. This painting is not like her at all, but rather somewhat. The charm of Qin Yin.


The door was gently pushed open, and Qin Yin strode vigorously, came to Qin Jin's back to look at the drawing board, and suddenly laughed: "Father is behind painting mother again..."

Qin Jin was taken aback and couldn't help but smile: "Xiaoyin, why are you still up?"

"If you can't sleep, just come and see the father."

"Hurry up and go to bed, how can the girl's family stay up all night like this?" Qin Jin waved his hand and signaled the maid to go down.

Qin Yin smiled slightly: "Father, do I really look like a mother's queen?"

"Well, it's almost exactly the same."

Qin Jin looked out the window with some fascination, and said, "After she has left, almost everything that Emperor Father has is on you. Come, let Emperor Father comb your hair again, and then go back to sleep. "


Qin Yin sat obediently in front of the bronze mirror, took off the princess laurel crown on her hair, and scattered her long black hair. Qin Jin took the silver comb and looked at her daughter in the bronze mirror. Trembling, he said in a daze: "For so many years, it would be great if I could see her again. I would like to use this world in exchange for another look at her..."

Qin Yin's eyes were red: "Father..."

Qin Jin slowly combed her daughter’s long hair, her face was full of doting, and said, "My Xiaoyin has grown up... When you were very young, I was thinking about how long my father could stay with you. , But Xiaoyin has grown up so soon and is about to marry... There will be another person beside Xiaoyin who will take care of you and love you in place of his father."

Tears filled Qin Yin's eyes. She closed her eyes and let the tears flow freely.

Qin Jin's palm trembled a little, and he said to himself: "Time flies so fast, you grow up so much in a blink of an eye, I don't know what's wrong, Father... Father always feels that he hasn't seen you enough. , You will grow up and get married..."

Qin Yin's fragrant shoulders trembled slightly: "Emperor Father, Emperor Father... Don't say it, I will not marry."

Qin Jin couldn't help laughing: "Don't be stupid, even if you are a princess, you still have to marry, otherwise how can we pass on our Qin bloodline? Father is just a little emotional... Xiaoyin, among the younger generation in the family, you Which one do you like the most?"

Qin Yin was taken aback, wiped her tears, and said, "I am still young and don't want to marry. Father, don't ask me, Xiao Yin won't marry anyone."

"Stupid again, Qin Lei, Qin Yan, and the sons of King Zhennan, if you are interested in someone, your father will give you a marriage. You are also 20 years old. You were married when your mother was 20 years old. Be a queen for me..."

"I just won't marry. I will have a few more years." Qin Yin said with red eyes, "I don't like the few people my father said. I have to stay with my father for a few more years, okay?"

"Silly Xiaoyin..." Qin Jin sighed.

At this moment, the eunuch's voice came from outside: "Your Majesty, the Forbidden Army leads the wind to continue to see you."

"Let him in!"


Soon the door opened, and Feng Jixing was in the dust, knelt down and clasped his fists, saying: "See your Majesty in the end."

Qin Jin smiled slightly: "If the wind commander is meeting so late, it must be something, right?"

Feng Jixing nodded and said, "Your Majesty, half an hour ago, Shen Hou led three thousand Shenweiying iron cavalry to attack the temple."


Qin Jin suddenly trembled, and said, "How is it possible that both the Shenhou Mansion and the Holy Temple are the pillars of the empire. How can they fight? What is the result, the wind command?"

Feng Jixing said: "The fighting had stopped when the final arrived. The two sides died and injured dozens of people, and the reason for the fight was because the god wanted to kill Lin Muyu, so the final would ask your majesty to include Lin Muyu in the Yulinwei."

"Oh?" Qin Jin frowned, "Who is this Lin Muyu who can make Feng command such a recommendation?"

Feng Jixing raised his head and said: "As far as I know, Lin Muyu is a martial arts prodigy once in a thousand years. Such a person should be used by the empire and must not be killed by the gods. Therefore, I hope that his majesty can approve Lin Muyu to join the Yulinwei. !"

On the side, Qin Yin's mouth lightly raised, and said, "Father, did you approve it?"

Qin Jin lost his temper when his daughter said this, and said, "Well, I'll write a manuscript right away, specifically authorizing Lin Muyu to become a member of the Yulinwei. Feng is commander, and you have worked hard."

"The final general, thank your majesty for your kindness!"

As he said, Feng Jixing looked up at Qin Jin again, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Shenhou Mansion's movements are getting bigger and bigger, and even dared to rush into the temple. Should we just tolerate them? The end will feel, If necessary, the 100,000 army guarding the Cangnan province can be transferred back to the imperial capital... and I will eventually be willing to do this in person!"

Qin Jin took a deep breath and said: "Zeng Yifan is the pillar of the empire. At present, more than half of the generals in the major army groups in the empire are the old army of Zeng Yifan. As long as he does not do too much, let him go. Well, after all, if there is a war between North Desert and Nanban, we still need Zeng Yifan to lead the army to fight, right, wind commander?"

"But… "

Feng Jixing frowned.

"It's nothing, the commander of the wind will rest early, and come to give an order tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Turning around and out of Zetian Temple, the starlight fell on Feng Jixing's pure white cloak.

He pressed the handle of the knife, looked up at the sky silently, and then walked alone on the stone path of the main hall, under the starlight, his lonely figure was a bit lonely.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! I734