The Alchemist God

Chapter 1112: Threats


Six days in the broken tripod realm, two months in the 64th realm.

As the sun was scorching the earth at noon, another scorching summer was ushered in the Sixty-Four Regions.

The Star Territory Fortress had already changed its owner at this time. The Territory Fortress was already occupied by the Dragon Alliance more than a month ago. Zheng Xian led the remnants and the defeated generals to escape without a trace. As a result, the Dragon Alliance took advantage of the situation to set up the Territory Fortress. They were captured together. Since then, the number of domain fortresses controlled by the Dragon City has been as many as six, and most of the eleven regions in the south have been swallowed by the Dragon League, and they have an aura of dominance in the south.

On the Yubao city tower of Falling Star Territory, the breeze was blowing, but it was a scorching heat wave.

Lin Muyu stood on the edge of the city wall, watching the bare-chested training servants outside the city and some cultivating powerhouses of the gods. The Falling Star Region has unknowingly become the strategic frontier of the Dragon Alliance, whether it is from the Western Fire Lion Region. Retaliation is still the coveting of the Central Swallowing Domain, and they will all start from here.

"It's so hot..."

Tang Xiaoxi wore a red short skirt with an exquisite and curvy figure that was extremely charming. He shook the painting fan in one hand and said, "Mu Mu, when will Murong Tianxing and the others arrive? We've been waiting like this..."

"Well, is it possible that you still want to greet you?" Lin Muyu chuckled, turned to look at Tang Xiaoxi, and at Qin Yin, who was standing quietly under the eaves of the tower, and said: "Xiaoxi, look at Xiaoyin. Live, you are alone here screaming hot."

The corner of Tang Xiaoxi's mouth lightly raised: "People are practicing the law of flames. The body is originally very hot, not to mention that the weather is too hot, like a melting pot, it's so hot!"

"You can cool down with a calm mind, and learn from Xiaoyin."

"No, you teach me Bixue Hanbing of Star Art, right?"

"Come on, you can't even learn the first appearance of the stars, but also the snow and ice!"

At this moment, Qin Yin, who was standing still, slowly opened her star eyes. The light and power fluttered like snowflakes on her body. He smiled and said, "You two, stop arguing, Xiaoxi, it's better to wait for two days and we will go. Cultivate in the Gods and Demons Cave, where it’s cool and you can escape the heat."

"Okay, okay, Mu Mu will also go with him."

"I have to deal with the merger of the eleven southern regions, and it will take at least two days."

"Okay, wait for you."


At this moment, the energy surging from outside, a figure of "brushing" appeared on the periphery of Yubao, and it was the landlords of the five southern regions who came together. Murong Tianxing, Shen Jun, Jiang Yuyang and others all exist.

Lin Muyu flashed around, shattered and left, appeared on the periphery of Yubao, clasped his fists and smiled: "It's been a long time, all the domain masters!"

Murong Tianxing took a deep look at Lin Muyu, and sensed that Lin Muyu's breath was endless, and there were 87 divine waves. He couldn't help but exclaimed, clasped his fist and said: "It's been a long time, it's only two months, Lin Muyu's The cultivation base has broken through to this level in succession, which is surprising and enviable!"

Lin Muyu chuckled: "It's a fluke, it's all a fluke. Domain owners, please come to Yu Castle. We have already set up a banquet. As soon as you arrive, we will prepare for the banquet immediately!"

"Okay." Shen Jun squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Leader Lin, I heard that the domain master Zhuang Fei in the Fire Lion Region was killed by your own hands?"


Lin Muyu was taken aback for a moment: "No, Lord Shen said this from the hearsay, Zhuang Fei intended to attack Dragon City, but was killed by a friend of mine."

"That friend of Lin Lin is the fairy Zi Yao who wiped out the Spirit Wind Realm and the Desolate Ancient Realm with his own power?"

"Haha, what do you do with these things, let's talk about it slowly at Advanced Domain Castle."


In the Falling Star Territory, the Wanshou Altar has been repaired, and the meeting hall is in the Wanshou Altar Hall. After Lin Muyu gave an order, the servants began to prepare a banquet. The sunset slowly fell, and the evening came, and the weather was still hot. The little-dressed maids kept coming and going, but everyone was a cultivator, and most of them were already lacking interest in the affairs of men and women in the mortal world. People like Murong Tianxing didn't even bother to take a look at the handy maids.

The meat and wine were already prepared. As soon as everyone arrived, they immediately took out a dish from the ice cellar. The aroma of the wine came out, and the drunks such as Fengzhan and Fengzhanhai immediately became interested.

Lin Muyu sits on the host seat, Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi are on the right, Feng Zhanlin, Wan Tulin on the left, followed by Jumang and Zhulong, as for Dijiang and Qiangliang, because their appearance is too scary. So they didn't attend, and they didn't like this kind of occasion, and preferred the kind of free and undisciplined life.

"Come on, domain masters, let's drink this glass together." Lin Muyu held up the glass.

Today is different from the past, Lin Muyu's status is completely different from two months ago, where everyone dared to neglect, one by one raised their wine glasses and drank them.

Jiang Yuyang, the Lord of the Silver River Territory, put down the wine glass, looked at Jumang and Zhulong with torch, and said, "What are these two?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it."

Lin Muyu apologized: "This is Jumang, this is the Candle Dragon, two of the ancient twelve ancestral witches, and my right-hand man."

"Ancient twelve ancestor witches?" Jiang Yuyang trembled and said, "Is it... Chi You's subordinate who fought hard against Huangdi Xuanyuan?"

"It turns out that the domain master also knows us." Zhulong smiled faintly.

Jiang Yuyang hurriedly gave a ceremony, saying: "It turns out that it was two seniors, and the juniors were rude... We in Yinjiang Region were originally descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Although Chi You was defeated, they were both ancestors, and the two ancestral witches were also senior masters. "

Murong Tianxing squinted his eyes and smiled, "How did the two ancestor witches get to know the leader of Lin?"

Ju Mangyan said concisely: "It's not getting acquainted, but Lin Muyu has gained the inheritance of the ancestor god. He is now the new master of our four great ancestors, and the new leader of the Jiuli clan."

"Huh?" Murong Tianxing looked astonished.

At this time, Shen Jun smiled and said, "The two ancestor witches have a long aura and unfathomable strength. Can you let us younger generations see it?"

"Do you want to see?"

Zhulong laughed and said, "Then let you see it!"

As he spoke, the candle dragon suddenly yelled, and bursts of fierce light burst out. The next moment, the originally quiet hall banquet was plunged into chaos, and only a head of python and dragon danced and killed it. Trembling, the ground of the hall was torn apart in a blink of an eye, lightning flashed and thunder in the air, a catastrophe was already in sight.

"Scared?!" Shen Jun and Jiang Yuyang stood up together, as if facing an enemy.

"Candle Dragon, enough is enough." Lin Muyu whispered.

"Yes, boss."

Zhulong smiled slightly. The palm that was originally opened suddenly turned over and fell gently on the table. The illusion just now disappeared in a blink of an eye. I saw Shen Jun and Jiang Yuyang standing in mid-air, pulling out their swords. , Murong Tianxing and the others burst out laughing.

"Master Shen, Master Jiang, you are too nervous." Murong Tianxing said.

"That was... just now?" Jiang Yuyang looked astonished.

"That's just an illusion." The corner of Zhulong's mouth raised: "But if the domain owner likes it, I can make this illusion real."

"That's not necessary, the younger generation has already learned it."

Murong Tianxing clasped his fist and said: "Congratulations to the leader of Lin for obtaining the help of senior experts like Jumang and Zhulong. Intend?"

"That's why I invite you all to come here."

Lin Muyu looked at the people with scorching eyes, and said: "Everyone has already known that I, Lin Muyu, is from the Eastern God Realm. I came here for cultivation at first, but now I have changed my original intentions. I want to use the 64 domains. Everyone’s strength is to increase the strength of the Eastern God Realm and take everyone away from the Sixty-Four Realm to enjoy eternal life, as well as the worship and support of the world’s people."

"Quite alluring." Murong Tianxing smiled lightly.

Shen Jun said slowly: "But the price is that our five domains have to surrender to the Dragon League, right?"

Lin Muyu couldn't help laughing, and shook her index finger: "It's not surrender, it's a covenant of joining the Dragon League. The division is weak, and the unity is strong. The era of the unification of the sixty-four domains is coming. You can choose the Dragon League or swallow the sky. Domain, anyway... There is bound to be a battle between the Dragon League and the Swallowing Domain. This battle cannot be avoided."

Jiang Yuyang said, "Doesn't this make us change our flag?"

Lin Muyu nodded and smiled: "Yes, joining the Dragon League will no longer exist as a single domain. The age of the domain is about to disappear."

Shen Jun squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "So, what about joining the Dragon Alliance, what about not joining?"

Lin Muyu took a deep breath: "It's very simple. The Tuntian Region is also forming an alliance with the rest of the forces, and our Dragon League's plan is to annex the seventeen regions of the Western Region in the next step, namely Jumang, Zhulong, Dijiang, and Qiangliang. The ancestral witches will each lead a force to the west and conquer the forces in the west one by one, but before that... I want to dominate the south. Your five domains are located between the Dragon League and the Heaven-swallowing domain, even if you don’t join the dragon. The alliance will also be destroyed by the Swallowing Domain, so I invite you all to join the Dragon League."

The domain owners of the five domains put down their glasses one by one. Look at me and I look at you. This is indeed a feast for the best.

Murong Tianxing stood up slowly, and said respectfully, "Leader Lin, would you treat us like brothers and sisters?"


"Well, Tianxingyu is willing to join the Dragon League and become a member of the Dragon League."


Lin Muyu turned to the waiter official and said, "For record, there is another Skywalking Domain outside the four major domains of the Dragon League, and the domain master Murong Tianxing."

"Yes, leader!"

"This… "

Shen Jun, Jiang Yuyang and the others looked at each other. Tianxing Domain was the strongest of the five domains. No one thought that Murong Tianxing would join the Dragon League so easily.

After a while, Shen Jun whispered: "Leader Lin, if our four domains are not willing to join the Dragon League, what will you do?"

Lin Muyu smiled: "If I don't take it, the thief will take it. Instead of letting the Swallowing Heaven Domain swallow you up, I should do it myself. If the four domain masters are unwilling to join the Dragon League, then please go back and prepare for the battle immediately and wait for me. Sweep the Dragon Alliance!" For mobile phone users, please visit http://